Page Date 2004-05-18 DD-Software |
MyWbtHelp current version |
udfIsValidCreditCard (CardNumber) |
#DefineFunction udfIsValidCreditCard (CardNumber) ; validates Credit Card, accepts CardNumber as string[16] C=1 T=0 A=0 L=StrLen(CardNumber) While (C<=L) If (L mod 2) T=Int(StrSub(CardNumber,C,1)) If !(C mod 2) T=T+T If (T>9) T=T-9 EndIf EndIf A=A+T C=C+1 Else T=Int(StrSub(CardNumber,C,1)) If (C mod 2) T=T+T If (T>9) T=T-9 EndIf EndIf A=A+T C=C+1 EndIf EndWhile Return (!(A mod 10)) ; if udfIsValidCreditCard("4712070086659474") ; message("Card #%cNumber%","VALID CREDIT CARD") ; Else ; message("Card #%cNumber%","INVALID CREDIT CARD") ; Endif ; appears to work - stan littlefield, ; Sunday, May 13, 2001 01:56 PM ; slightly modified by Detlev Dalitz.20020208 #EndFunction ;--- test --- msgtitle = "Test CreditCard" CardNumber = "5232100430024684" msgtext = StrCat(CardNumber,@crlf,ItemExtract(1+udfIsValidCreditCard(CardNumber),"invalid,valid",",")," number") message(msgtitle,msgtext) CardNumber = "4712070086659474" msgtext = StrCat(CardNumber,@crlf,ItemExtract(1+udfIsValidCreditCard(CardNumber),"invalid,valid",",")," number") message(msgtitle,msgtext) Exit |
udfIsValidRentenVsnr (sVsnr) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ItemLocate("udfisvalidrentenvsnr",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfisvalidrentenvsnr #DefineFunction udfIsValidRentenVsnr (sVsnr) If (StrLen(sVsnr)<>12) Then Return (@FALSE) If !IsNumber(StrSub(sVsnr,1,8)) Then Return (@FALSE) If !IsNumber(StrSub(sVsnr,10,3)) Then Return (@FALSE) For i=1 To 13 n%i% = 0 Next n1 = 2 * StrSub(sVsnr,1,1) n2 = StrSub(sVsnr,2,1) n3 = 2 * StrSub(sVsnr,3,1) n4 = 5 * StrSub(sVsnr,4,1) n5 = 7 * StrSub(sVsnr,5,1) n6 = StrSub(sVsnr,6,1) n7 = 2 * StrSub(sVsnr,7,1) n8 = StrSub(sVsnr,8,1) n9 = 2 * (Char2Num(StrSub(sVsnr,9,1))-64) / 10 n10 = (Char2Num(StrSub(sVsnr,9,1))-64) mod 10 n11 = 2 * StrSub(sVsnr,10,1) n12 = StrSub(sVsnr,11,1) For i=1 To 12 n%i% = (n%i%/10)+(n%i% mod 10) Next For i=1 To 12 n13 = n13 + n%i% Next n13 = n13 mod 10 IsValidRentenVsnr = (StrSub(sVsnr,12,1)==n13) Return (IsValidRentenVsnr) ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; This function "udfIsValidRentenVsnr" returns a boolean value @false..@true resp. 0..1 ; which indicates if the given german social insurance number is valid or not. ; Diese Funktion prueft die Gueltigkeit der Deutschen Rentenversicherungsnummer. ; Vsnr = String[12] = "99999999X999", e.g. "53011254D041" ; ; Detlev Dalitz.20010727 ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :skip_udfisvalidrentenvsnr ;--- test --- sVsnr = "53011254D041" sMsgTitle = "Test Sozialversicherungsnummer" sMsgText = StrCat(sVsnr,@LF,ItemExtract(1+udfIsValidRentenVsnr(sVsnr),"ist falsch.,ist in Ordnung.",",")) Message(sMsgTitle,sMsgText) Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EOF* |
udfRulerScale (iLength, iModeBase, iModeDigit) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ItemLocate("udfrulerscale",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfrulerscale #DefineFunction udfRulerScale (iLength, iModeBase, iModeDigit) If (iLength<=0) Then Return ("") iModeBase = Min(1,Max(0,iModeBase)) iModeDigit = Min(1,Max(0,iModeDigit)) iPMax = 0 iN = iLength While 1 iN = iN/10 If !iN Then Break iPMax = iPMax+1 EndWhile sRuler = StrCat(StrSub(StrFill("0123456789",iLength+1),1+iModeBase,iLength),@CRLF) For iP=1 To iPMax sRow = "" iNMax = iLength/(10**iP) For iN=0 To iNMax iDigit = iN mod 10 If iModeDigit Then sFill = iDigit Else sFill = "_" sFill = StrFill(sFill,(10**iP)-1) sRow = StrCat(sRow,iDigit,sFill) Next sRow = StrSub(sRow,1+iModeBase,iLength) sRuler = StrCat(sRow,@CRLF,sRuler) Next Return (sRuler) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; This udf "udfRulerScale" creates row/s with numbered columns. ; ; For example: udfRulerScale (32, 0, 1) ; 00000000001111111111222222222233 ; 01234567890123456789012345678901 ; ; For example: udfRulerScale (32, 1, 0) ; _________1_________2_________3__ ; 12345678901234567890123456789012 ; ; iLength ........ The length resp. width of the ruler string. ; iModeBase=0 ... Zero based ruler string e.g. "01234" ; iModeBase=1 ... One based ruler string e.g. "12345" ; iModeDigit=0 ... Use Underline character e.g. "_________1_________2" ; iModeDigit=1 ... Use digits to fill the row e.g. "00000000011111111112" ; ; Detlev Dalitz.20020725 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #EndFunction :skip_udfRulerScale ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;--- test --- MsgTitle = "Demo udfRulerScale (iLength)" sTmpFile = FileCreateTemp("TMP") hfa = FileOpen(sTmpFile,"APPEND") MsgText = StrCat("Test1 udfRulerScale (7,1,1)",@LF,udfRulerScale(7,1,1)) FileWrite(hfa,MsgText) Pause(MsgTitle,MsgText) MsgText = StrCat("Test2 udfRulerScale (64,0,0)",@LF,udfRulerScale(64,0,0)) FileWrite(hfa,MsgText) Pause(MsgTitle,MsgText) MsgText = StrCat("Test3 udfRulerScale (64,0,1)",@LF,udfRulerScale(64,0,1)) FileWrite(hfa,MsgText) Pause(MsgTitle,MsgText) MsgText = StrCat("Test4 udfRulerScale (64,1,0)",@LF,udfRulerScale(64,1,0)) FileWrite(hfa,MsgText) Pause(MsgTitle,MsgText) MsgText = StrCat("Test5 udfRulerScale (64,1,1)",@LF,udfRulerScale(64,1,1)) FileWrite(hfa,MsgText) Pause(MsgTitle,MsgText) MsgText = StrCat("Test6 udfRulerScale (132,1,0)",@LF,udfRulerScale(132,1,0)) FileWrite(hfa,MsgText) Pause(MsgTitle,MsgText) MsgText = StrCat("Test7 udfRulerScale (1024,1,0)",@LF,udfRulerScale(1024,1,0)) FileWrite(hfa,MsgText) Pause(MsgTitle,MsgText) FileClose(hfa) If FileExist(sTmpFile) ; Take a look and wait for closing notepad. RunZoomWait("notepad",sTmpFile) FileDelete(sTmpFile) EndIf :CANCEL Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EOF* |
Testing the SELECT SWITCH CASE statement |
;============================================================================================================================================================== ; Testing the SELECT SWITCH CASE statement ; Detlev Dalitz.20010326.20020104 ; hint: do the test in WinBatch Studio ; test result will be appended at end of this script ;============================================================================================================================================================== TheLogo = "*** SELECT / SWITCH decision table ***" Gosub AskCases Gosub AskBreaks Gosub AskContinues Gosub InitResultString Gosub OpenProgressWindow iv = (2 ** (cases + 1)) While (iv > 0) iv = iv - 1 Gosub GenerateTestcase Gosub TheTestModule Gosub AppendTestToResultString EndWhile Gosub CloseProgressWindow Gosub DisplayResultToScreen Gosub AppendTableToThisScript :cancel Exit ;============================================================================================================================================================== ;============================================================================================================================================================== :TheTestModule For i=1 To 7 c%i% = -1 Next s = ItemExtract(1,list,@tab) For i=1 To cases c%i% = ItemExtract(i + 1,list,@tab) p%i% = cases + 1 + i CaseEnd%i% = StrCat("if !isDefined(CaseEnd",i+1,") then goto SelectEnd") ; unusual, just for the test ; CaseEnd%i% = StrCat("if !isDefined(c",i+1,") then goto SelectEnd") ; unusual, just for the test If (ItemLocate(i, BreakList,@tab ) > 0) Then CaseEnd%i% = "BREAK" If (ItemLocate(i, ContinueList,@tab ) > 0) Then CaseEnd%i% = "CONTINUE" Next ; ; Helpfile says: ; The Select statement allows selection among multiple blocks of statements, ; depending on the value of an expression. The expression must evaluate to an ; integer. When a case statement is found, the expression following the case ; statement is evaluated,and if the expression evaluates to the same value as the ; expression following the Select statement, execution of the following statements ; is initiated. ; ; What helpfile says is: ; "if case_expression value is same value as the select_expression". ; But it's a little bit more tricky than documentation says, ; and it's not so obvious in all cases. ; The Select statement knows two special keywords to control the flow: ; "break" and "continue". ; If using _no_ "break" statement in a case statement and if one of the following ; case_expression has the same value as select_expression, then the one ; case_instruction will be executed _and_ furthermore all subsequent cases too, ; without any evaluating of their own case_expressions! ; If using "continue" statement the following case_expression will be evaluated ; and executed only if it has the same value of select_expression. ; Using normal "break" statement works in standard behaviour like a single ; if_then statement. ; So the Select/Switch statement enables total control over complex logical structures. ; To see, in which way your special Select/Switch statement would work, run this script. ; It gives you a decision table by simulating all true/false combinations ; of "opened", "continued" and "breaked" cases. Hope you enjoy it. Select s Case c1 list = ItemReplace("x",p1,list,@tab) %CaseEnd1% Case c2 list = ItemReplace("x",p2,list,@tab) %CaseEnd2% Case c3 list = ItemReplace("x",p3,list,@tab) %CaseEnd3% Case c4 list = ItemReplace("x",p4,list,@tab) %CaseEnd4% Case c5 list = ItemReplace("x",p5,list,@tab) %CaseEnd5% Case c6 list = ItemReplace("x",p6,list,@tab) %CaseEnd6% Case c7 list = ItemReplace("x",p7,list,@tab) %CaseEnd7% :SelectEnd EndSelect Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== ;============================================================================================================================================================== :GenerateTestcase v = cases + 1 list = "" ivt = (2 ** v) - 1 Gosub DisplayProgressWindow If (iv == ivt) item = "1" Else item = "0" EndIf For i=1 To v list = ItemInsert(item,-1,list,@tab) Next If !((iv == 0) || (iv == ivt)) index = v b = iv While (b > 0) item = b mod 2 b = b / 2 list = ItemReplace(item,index,list,@tab) index = index - 1 EndWhile EndIf For i=1 To cases list = ItemInsert("-",-1,list,@tab) Next i Drop(b,i,index,item,ivt,v) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :OpenProgressWindow BoxOpen(TheLogo,"") Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :DisplayProgressWindow ProgressStr=StrCat("Generate Testcase # ",ivt+1,"/",iv+1) BoxText(ProgressStr) Drop(ProgressStr) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :CloseProgressWindow BoxShut() Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :InitResultString ; s = the select value ; b = the break statement ; c = the continue statement ; cn = the value of case n ; an = the action of case n ResultStr = "" ResultStr = ItemInsert(StrCat(TheLogo),-1,ResultStr,@cr) ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@cr) ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@cr) ResultStr = ItemInsert("s",-1,ResultStr,@tab) For i=1 To cases str = StrCat("c",i) ResultStr = ItemInsert(str,-1,ResultStr,@tab) Next i ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@tab) For i=1 To cases str = StrCat("a",i) ResultStr = ItemInsert(str,-1,ResultStr,@tab) Next i ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@cr) ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@tab) For i=1 To cases str = "" If (ItemLocate(i,BreakList,@tab) > 0) Then str = "b" If (ItemLocate(i,ContinueList,@tab) > 0) Then str = "c" ResultStr = ItemInsert(str,-1,ResultStr,@tab) Next i ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@cr) ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@cr) Drop(i,str) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :AppendTestToResultString For i=1 To cases+1 ResultStr = ItemInsert(ItemExtract(i,list,@tab),-1,ResultStr,@tab) Next i ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@tab) For i=cases+2 To (cases+cases+1) ResultStr = ItemInsert(ItemExtract(i,list,@tab),-1,ResultStr,@tab) Next i ResultStr = ItemInsert("",-1,ResultStr,@cr) Drop(i) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :DisplayResultToScreen ResultStr = StrReplace(ResultStr,StrCat(@cr,@tab),@cr) IntControl (63, 50, 100, 900, 900) AskItemlist("Decision Table", ResultStr, @cr, @unsorted, @single) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :AppendTableToThisScript ResultStr = StrCat(@cr,StrFill("-",65),@cr,ResultStr,@cr,TimeYmdHms(),@cr,StrFill("-",65)) ResultStr = StrReplace(ResultStr,@cr,StrCat(@crlf,";",@tab)) ThisScriptPathname = IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0) ; full path and file name of the current WinBatch program. filename = ThisScriptPathname ; or other filename you want handle = FileOpen(filename, "APPEND") FileWrite(handle, ResultStr) FileClose(handle) Drop(handle) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :AskCases CaseChoice = "" For i=2 To 7 CaseChoice = ItemInsert(i,-1,CaseChoice,@tab) Next i cases = "" While (cases == "") IntControl (63, 50, 100, 900, 600) cases = AskItemlist("How many CASE's?",CaseChoice, @tab, @unsorted, @single) EndWhile Drop(i,CaseChoice) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :AskBreaks BreakChoice = "" For i=0 To cases BreakChoice = ItemInsert(i,-1,BreakChoice,@tab) Next i BreakList = "" While (BreakList == "") IntControl (63, 50, 100, 900, 600) BreakList = AskItemlist("Which CASE's with BREAK? (select mutiple cases, select single 0 if no break)", BreakChoice, @tab, @unsorted, @extended) EndWhile Drop(i,BreakChoice) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== :AskContinues ContinueChoice = "" For i=0 To cases ContinueChoice = ItemInsert(i,-1,ContinueChoice,@tab) Next i ContinueList = "" While (ContinueList == "") IntControl (63, 50, 100, 900, 600) ContinueList = AskItemlist("Which CASE's with CONTINUE? (select mutiple cases, select single 0 if no continue)", ContinueChoice, @tab, @unsorted, @extended) EndWhile Drop(i,ContinueChoice) Return ;============================================================================================================================================================== ;============================================================================================================================================================== ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; *** SELECT / SWITCH decision table *** ; ; s c1 c2 c3 a1 a2 a3 ; b b b ; ; 1 1 1 1 x - - ; 1 1 1 0 x - - ; 1 1 0 1 x - - ; 1 1 0 0 x - - ; 1 0 1 1 - x - ; 1 0 1 0 - x - ; 1 0 0 1 - - x ; 1 0 0 0 - - - ; 0 1 1 1 - - - ; 0 1 1 0 - - x ; 0 1 0 1 - x - ; 0 1 0 0 - x - ; 0 0 1 1 x - - ; 0 0 1 0 x - - ; 0 0 0 1 x - - ; 0 0 0 0 x - - ; ; 2002:02:02:12:00:20 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; *** SELECT / SWITCH decision table *** ; ; s c1 c2 c3 a1 a2 a3 ; c c c ; ; 1 1 1 1 x x x ; 1 1 1 0 x x - ; 1 1 0 1 x - x ; 1 1 0 0 x - - ; 1 0 1 1 - x x ; 1 0 1 0 - x - ; 1 0 0 1 - - x ; 1 0 0 0 - - - ; 0 1 1 1 - - - ; 0 1 1 0 - - x ; 0 1 0 1 - x - ; 0 1 0 0 - x x ; 0 0 1 1 x - - ; 0 0 1 0 x - x ; 0 0 0 1 x x - ; 0 0 0 0 x x x ; ; 2002:02:02:12:01:07 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; *** SELECT / SWITCH decision table *** ; ; s c1 c2 c3 a1 a2 a3 ; b c b ; ; 1 1 1 1 x - - ; 1 1 1 0 x - - ; 1 1 0 1 x - - ; 1 1 0 0 x - - ; 1 0 1 1 - x x ; 1 0 1 0 - x - ; 1 0 0 1 - - x ; 1 0 0 0 - - - ; 0 1 1 1 - - - ; 0 1 1 0 - - x ; 0 1 0 1 - x - ; 0 1 0 0 - x x ; 0 0 1 1 x - - ; 0 0 1 0 x - - ; 0 0 0 1 x - - ; 0 0 0 0 x - - ; ; 2002:02:02:12:04:27 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ;============================================================================================================================================================== |
Russell's Binary Clock |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Binary clock ; by Russell ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; may need the udf or the extender ... ; AddExtender("wilx34i.dll") ; If you want to use the extender to perform the base conversions, ; then uncomment the AddExtender statement above and furthermore the lines Bottom ; in the script which call the "xBaseConvert" function with following "StrFixLeft" statement. ; Make sure do comment the lines which call the "udfConvertToBase" function. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If itemlocate("udfconverttobase", IntControl(77,103,0,0,0), @tab) then goto skip_udfconverttobase #DefineFunction udfConvertToBase (num, base, width) ;terminate(vartype(num)<>1,"udfConvertToBase (num, base, width)","num must be integer") ;terminate(vartype(base)<>1,"udfConvertToBase (num, base, width)","base must be integer") ;terminate(vartype(width)<>1,"udfConvertToBase (num, base, width)","width must be integer") ;terminate((base<2)||(base>36),"udfConvertToBase (num, base, width)","base must be in range 2..36") b="" While (num>0) b=strcat(strsub("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",1+(num mod base),1),b) num=int(num/base) EndWhile If (b=="") then b="0" If (width>0) then b=strfixleft(b,"0",width) Return (b) ; Conf: WinBatch ; From: kdmoyers ; Date: Thursday, December 27, 2001 12:50 PM ; Slightly modified by Detlev Dalitz.20020204 #EndFunction :skip_udfconverttobase ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tell WIL not to complain when box is closed IntControl(12, 4, 0, 0, 0) ; Enable Close button IntControl(1008, 1, 0, 0, 0) DKBLUE="0,0,128" BLUE="0,0,255" LTBLUE="128,180,255" LTGRAY="192,192,192" GRAY="150,150,150" DKGRAY="64,64,64" GREEN="0,255,0" RED="255,0,0" BLACK="0,0,0" WHITE="255,255,255" YELLOW="255,255,0" BoxesUp("0,0,100,125",@normal) BoxCaption(1,"Time") BoxNew(2,"0,0,1000,1000",0) BoxColor(2,BLACK,0) BoxDrawRect(2,"0,0,1000,1000",2) BoxDataTag(2,"Time") ; Assign window positions for binary 1 or 0 for hour, minute, second ; Since we'll only see a max value of 59 (111011), we only need 6 positions. sec6 = "800,750,900,900" ;Position of seconds 1 sec5 = "660,750,760,900" ; 2 sec4 = "520,750,620,900" ; 4 sec3 = "380,750,480,900" ; 8 sec2 = "240,750,340,900" ; 16 sec1 = "100,750,200,900" ; 32 min6 = "800,500,900,650" min5 = "660,500,760,650" min4 = "520,500,620,650" min3 = "380,500,480,650" min2 = "240,500,340,650" min1 = "100,500,200,650" hour6 = "800,250,900,400" hour5 = "660,250,760,400" hour4 = "520,250,620,400" hour3 = "380,250,480,400" hour2 = "240,250,340,400" hour1 = "100,250,200,400" ; If you want a 12 hour clock (AM/PM), set clock12 = 1. ; Otherwise, hours are 0 - 23 clock12 = 0 While 1 BoxDataClear(2,"Time") TOD = TimeYmdHms() ; Get the hour from the time of day hours = 0+itemextract(4,TOD,":") If clock12 == 1 If hours > 12 hours = hours - 12 BoxCaption(1,"PM") else BoxCaption(1,"AM") EndIf EndIf binhour = udfConvertToBase(hours,2,6) ; binhour = xBaseConvert(hours,10,2) ; Convert to binary ; binhour = StrFixLeft(binhour,"0",6) ; Pad left so we always have 6 digits (1 = 000001) ; For each binary postion "on", turn on that position in the clock For i=6 to 1 by -1 If StrSub(binhour,i,1) == "1" BoxColor(2,RED,0) ;on else BoxColor(2,BLACK,0) ;off EndIf BoxDrawCircle(2,hour%i%,2) ; Coordinates from above Next minute = 0+itemextract(5,TOD,":") binmin = udfConvertToBase(minute,2,6) ; binmin = xBaseConvert(minute,10,2) ; binmin = StrFixLeft(binmin,"0",6) For i=6 to 1 by -1 If StrSub(binmin,i,1) == "1" BoxColor(2,BLUE,0) else BoxColor(2,BLACK,0) EndIf BoxDrawCircle(2,min%i%,2) Next second = 0+itemextract(6,TOD,":") binsec = udfConvertToBase(second,2,6) ; binsec = xBaseConvert(second,10,2) ; binsec = StrFixLeft(binsec,"0",6) For i=6 to 1 by -1 If StrSub(binsec,i,1) == "1" BoxColor(2,GREEN,0) else BoxColor(2,BLACK,0) EndIf BoxDrawCircle(2,sec%i%,2) Next timedelay(1); lest we hog the CPU EndWhile Exit |
Testing the allowed characters for identifier names |
; Check which characters are allowed ; for building identifier names in WinBatch ; Detlev Dalitz.20010101 ; Test Range is Num2Char(2..255) MagicNumbers = "135,136,158,159,185" ; horrible For cluster=0 to 15 BoxOpen("Processing", "Be patient") list = "" For num=0 to 15 CharNum = (cluster * 16) + num If CharNum==0 then continue If CharNum==1 then continue char = num2char(CharNum) BoxText(StrCat(CharNum,@tab,char)) Skip = @false If ItemLocate(CharNum,MagicNumbers,",") > 0 Skip = (@YES==AskYesNo("Caution", "Skip over next character ?")) EndIf If Skip LastErrMsg = "===> magic character <===" char = "" else Error = 0 SimpleCmd = StrCat(char,"=1") IntControl(73,2,0,0,0) %SimpleCmd% LastErrMsg = IntControl(34,Error,0,0,0) If LastErrMsg == "" then LastErrMsg = "=== good character ===" EndIf item = StrCat(Charnum,@tab,char,@tab,LastErrMsg) list = iteminsert(item,-1,list,num2char(1)) If Error==0 then drop(%char%) Next num BoxShut() IntControl(63, 200, 200, 800, 700) AskItemList("Number Character ErrorMessage", list, num2char(1), @unsorted, @single) Next cluster Exit :WBERRORHANDLER Error=LastError() Return |
How to convert numberstring to number |
; convert numberstring to integer number num = "-999999999" num = 0+num ; gives num=-999999999 num = "999999999" num = 0+num ; gives num=999999999 ; convert numberstring to floating point number num = "-1234567890.1234567890" num = 0.0+num ; gives num=-1234567890.000000 num = "+1234567890.1234567890" num = 0.0+num ; gives num=1234567890.000000 ; Convert a numberstring with trailing minus sign ; to a negative number with leading minus sign ; using WinBatch substitution feature num = "999999999-" If %num%0==%num%-0 then num=-%num%0 ; gives num=-999999999 Exit |
udfKeepPlus (number) |
#DefineFunction udfKeepPlus(number) Return (StrCat(StrFill("+",(number>0)),number)) ; If number is greater than zero then this udf returns number string with leading plus sign. ; Detlev Dalitz.2001:07:26:23:02:18 #EndFunction ; --- test --- number = 221 numberstr = udfKeepPlus(number) Message("Demo udfKeepPlus (number)",StrCat("number=",number,@crlf,"numberstr=",numberstr)) Exit |
udfDIWriteJpg (SourceFile, TargetFile, Quality, ProgressiveFlag, DeleteSourceFlag) |
If (ItemLocate("udfdiwritejpg",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@tab)>0) Then Goto skip_udfdiwritejpg #DefineFunction udfDiWriteJpg (SourceFile, TargetFile, Quality, ProgressiveFlag, DeleteSourceFlag) If !FileExist(SourceFile) Then Return (2) DeleteSourceFlag = Min(@true,Max(@false,DeleteSourceFlag)) ProgressiveFlag = Min(@true,Max(@false,ProgressiveFlag)) Quality = Min(100,Max(0,Quality)) DIjpgTempInputFile = "C:\tmp.bmp" ; not good but dll needs it, 'kludgy' DIjpgDll = StrCat(DirWindows(1),"DIjpg.dll") ; maybe choose your own dll folder path FileCopy(SourceFile,DIjpgTempInputFile,@false) If !FileExist(DIjpgTempInputFile) Then Return (2) result = DllCall(DIjpgDll,long:"DIWriteJpg",lpstr:TargetFile,long:Quality,long:ProgressiveFlag) If (result == 1) FileDelete(DIjpgTempInputFile) If DeleteSourceFlag Then FileDelete(SourceFile) EndIf Return (result) ; ; InputFilename must be "C:\tmp.bmp" ; 'kludgy', but dll needs this filename! ; Quality = 100(best)..0(worst) ; ProgressiveFlag = 0..1 (@false..@true) ; DeleteSouceFlag = 0..1 (@false..@true), if @true then delete sourcefile ; ; DI_FAILURE 0 ; DI_SUCCESS 1 ; DI_ERR_INFILE 2 ; DI_ERR_OUTFILE 3 ; DIjpg.dll is a free dll, part of the Independent JPEG Group's software. ; JVERSION "6b 27-Mar-1998" JCOPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 1998, Thomas G. Lane". ; search on the internet for:,, ; DILIB official site ; ; WinBatch wrapper by Detlev Dalitz.20011111.20020607 #EndFunction :skip_udfdiwritejpg ; --- test --- TempFile = FileCreateTemp("TMP") ; create temp file and use it for creating testfile names FileDelete(TempFile) ; we do not use this tempfile SourceFile = StrCat(TempFile,".bmp") ; build a sourcefilename, append extension ".bmp" TargetFile = StrCat(TempFile,".jpg") ; build a targetfilename, append extension ".jpg" Quality = 65 ; compression level ProgressiveFlag = @true ; progressive mode DeleteSourceFlag = @true ; delete sourcefile after converting Snapshot(0) ; Take snapshot of entire screen size = BinaryClipget(0,8) bb = BinaryAlloc(size) BinaryClipget(bb,8) bb2 = BinaryAlloc(size+14) BinaryPokestr(bb2,0,"BM") BinaryPoke4(bb2,2,size+14) PixelWrapExists = @false ; set this to @true, if created bmp file has pixels wrapped tableloc = BinaryPeek4(bb,0) + 14 + (PixelWrapExists*12) BinaryPoke4(bb2,10,tableloc) BinaryCopy(bb2,14,bb,0,size) BinaryWrite(bb2,SourceFile) BinaryFree(bb2) BinaryFree(bb) result = udfDiWriteJpg (SourceFile, TargetFile, Quality, ProgressiveFlag, DeleteSourceFlag) Display(1,"Demo udfDIWriteJpg Snapshot",StrCat(result,@crlf,"Ready.")) Exit |
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Unicode with ADO stream object |
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Using the ADO stream object to convert from normal text to unicode ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; prepare the testcase ; we use WIL's browser.exe to look into the files browser = StrCat(DirHome(),"browser.exe") ; get temp file name tempfile = FileCreateTemp("TMP") FileDelete(tempfile) ; we do not use this tempfile ; build source filename ansifile = StrCat(tempfile,".ansi.txt") ; build target filename unifile = StrCat(tempfile,".unicode.bin") ; create source file with ansi charset fw = FileOpen(ansifile,"write") FileWrite(fw,"This text appears") FileWrite(fw,"1st converted to unicode charset") FileWrite(fw,"2nd converted back to ansi charset.") FileClose(fw) ; use ADO stream obcekt SA = ObjectOpen("ADODB.Stream") SB = ObjectOpen("ADODB.Stream") SA.Open SB.Open ; Because "unicode" is the default charset ; and input file may have another type of charset, ; we have to tell the stream object what charset is actually used. ; Select a charset name from the list under registry key ; "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset" ; e.g. "iso-8859-1" or "utf-8" or "windows-1252" ; define the current charsets SA.charset = "Windows-1252" SB.charset = "unicode" SA.LoadFromFile (ansifile) SA.Position = 0 ; for sure SA.CopyTo (SB) ; copy ansi stream buffer to unicode stream buffer SB.SaveToFile (unifile,2) ; save unicode stream to file SA.close() SB.close() ObjectClose(SA) ObjectClose(SB) ; take a look into the files Run(browser, ansifile) Run(browser, unifile) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Using the ADO stream object to convert from unicode to normal text. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; build a source filename ; we use the unicode file from testcase above. ; build a target filename backtoansifile = StrCat(tempfile,".backtoansi.txt") ; use ADO stream object SA = ObjectOpen("ADODB.Stream") SB = ObjectOpen("ADODB.Stream") SA.Open SB.Open SA.charset = "unicode" SB.charset = "Windows-1252" SA.LoadFromFile (unifile) SA.Position = 0 SA.CopyTo (SB) SB.SaveToFile (backtoansifile,2) SA.close() SB.close() ObjectClose(SA) ObjectClose(SB) ; take a look into the ansi file Run(browser, backtoansifile) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If (@yes == AskYesNo("TEST: Ansi to Unicode to Ansi ","Delete test files?")) FileDelete(ansifile) FileDelete(unifile) FileDelete(backtoansifile) EndIf Exit ; Detlev Dalitz.20020621 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
udfArrangeDesktopIcons (wparam) |
#DefineFunction udfArrangeDesktopIcons (wparam) AddExtender("wwctl34i.dll") window1 = cWndByWndSpec("Progman","EXPLORER",1,0) window2 = cWndbyid(window1,0) ControlHandle = cWndbyid(window2,1) cSetFocus(ControlHandle) LVM_ARRANGE = 4118 result = cSendMessage(ControlHandle, LVM_ARRANGE, wparam, 0) Return (result) ; with wparam = ; LVA_ALIGNLEFT = 1 ; Aligns items along the left edge of the window. ; LVA_ALIGNTOP = 2 ; Aligns items along the top edge of the window. ; LVA_SNAPTOGRID = 5 ; Snaps all icons to the nearest grid position. ; LVA_DEFAULT = 0 ; Aligns items according to the list-view control's current ; alignment styles (the default value). ; Returns @TRUE if successful, or @FALSE otherwise. ; Detlev Dalitz.20020622 #EndFunction ; --- test --- LVA_ALIGNLEFT = 1 LVA_ALIGNTOP = 2 LVA_DEFAULT = 0 LVA_SNAPTOGRID = 5 ;result = udfArrangeDesktopIcons (LVA_DEFAULT) result = udfArrangeDesktopIcons (LVA_SNAPTOGRID) ;result = udfArrangeDesktopIcons (LVA_ALIGNLEFT) ;result = udfArrangeDesktopIcons (LVA_ALIGNTOP) Exit |
udfGoldenSection (width, height) |
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; udfGoldenWidth (height) ; DD.2002:06:26:11:37:09 ; udfGoldenHeight (width) ; DD.2002:06:26:11:37:09 ; udfGoldenSection (width, height) ; DD.2002:06:26:11:37:09 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DefineFunction udfGoldenWidth (height) Return (@goldenratio * height) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfGoldenHeight (width) Return (width / @goldenratio) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfGoldenSection (width, height) Return (StrCat(@goldenratio*height,@tab,width/@goldenratio)) ; k = 1.61803398874989484820458683436564 ; k = 0.5 * (1 + (5 ** 0.5)) #EndFunction ; --- test --- msgtitle = "Demo udfGoldenSection (width, height)" width = 200 height = 100 goldensection = udfGoldenSection(width,height) goldenwidth = ItemExtract(1,goldensection,@tab) goldenheight = ItemExtract(2,goldensection,@tab) gwidth = udfGoldenWidth(height) gheight = udfGoldenHeight(width) msgtext = StrCat("Raw:",@crlf) msgtext = StrCat(msgtext,"width x height",@tab," = ",width," x ",height,@crlf,@crlf) msgtext = StrCat(msgtext,"Golden Section:",@crlf) msgtext = StrCat(msgtext,"width x height",@tab," = ",goldenwidth," x ",goldenheight,@crlf,@crlf) msgtext = StrCat(msgtext,"width x height",@tab," = ",gwidth," x ",gheight,@crlf) Message(msgtitle,msgtext) Exit |
udfDailyWorkDispatcher |
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; udfDailyWorkDispatcher_1 () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; ; udfDailyWorkDispatcher_2 () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; udfDailyWorkSunday () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; udfDailyWorkMonday () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; udfDailyWorkTuesday () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; udfDailyWorkWednesday () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; udfDailyWorkThursday () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; udfDailyWorkFriday () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ; udfDailyWorkSaturday () ; DD.2002:07:01:23:53:43 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Note: ; ; Instead of udf... (User Defined Function) ; ; #DefineFunction xyz (parameters) ; ; parameters are visible ; ; global variables are hidden ; #EndFunction ; ; ; You can use uds... (User Defined Subroutine) ; ; #DefineSubRoutine xyz (parameters) ; ; parameters are visible ; ; global variables are visible ; #EndSubroutine ; ; ; Or just code the dispatcher routine in main program e.g. using gosub statements ... ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Following two code examples are only two of a variety of solutions ... ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkDispatcher_1 () DayOfWeek = (5 + TimeJulianDay(TimeYmdHms())) mod 7 Goto %DayOfWeek% :0 Message("Sunday Work","do your work now") Return (0) :1 Message("Monday Work","do your work now") Return (1) :2 Message("Tuesday Work","do your work now") Return (2) :3 Message("Wednesday Work","do your work now") Return (3) :4 Message("Thursday Work","do your work now") Return (4) :5 Message("Friday Work","do your work now") Return (5) :6 Message("Saturday Work","do your work now") Return (6) #EndFunction ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkSunday () Message("Sunday Work","do your work now") Return (0) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkMonday () Message("Monday Work","do your work now") Return (1) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkTuesday () Message("Tuesday Work","do your work now") Return (2) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkWednesday () Message("Wednesday Work","do your work now") Return (3) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkThursday () Message("Thursday Work","do your work now") Return (4) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkFriday () Message("Friday Work","do your work now") Return (5) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkSaturday () Message("Saturday Work","do your work now") Return (6) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfDailyWorkDispatcher_2 () Select (5 + TimeJulianDay(TimeYmdHms())) mod 7 Case 0 ; Sunday result = udfDailyWorkSunday () Break Case 1 ; Monday result = udfDailyWorkMonday () Break Case 2 ; Tuesday result = udfDailyWorkTuesday () Break Case 3 ; Wednesday result = udfDailyWorkWednesday () Break Case 4 ; Thursday result = udfDailyWorkThursday () Break Case 5 ; Friday result = udfDailyWorkFriday () Break Case 6 ; Saturday result = udfDailyWorkSaturday () Break EndSelect Return (result) #EndFunction ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; --- test --- result = udfDailyWorkDispatcher_1 () result = udfDailyWorkDispatcher_2 () Exit |
Unicode with 'OpenAsTextStream' from 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' |
; Unicode with 'OpenAsTextStream' from 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' ForReading = 1 ; Open a file for reading only. You can't write to this file. ForWriting = 2 ; Open a file for writing. ForAppending = 8 ; Open a file and write to the end of the file. TristateUseDefault = -2 ; Opens the file using the system default. TristateTrue = -1 ; Opens the file as Unicode. TristateFalse = 0 ; Opens the file as ASCII. ; Create testfile testfile = "d:\temp\test.txt" objFSO = ObjectOpen("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(testfile) objFile.WriteLine("Unicode capabilities of 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'") objFile.WriteLine("This is a testfile.") objFile.Close ObjectClose(objFile) ObjectClose(objFSO) ; Read ascii textfile, write back as unicode. objFSO = ObjectOpen("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFile = objFSO.GetFile(testfile) objStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading,TristateFalse) ; read ascii Buffer = objStream.Readall ObjectClose(objStream) objStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting,TristateTrue) ; write unicode objStream.Write(Buffer) ObjectClose(objStream) ObjectClose(objFile) ObjectClose(objFSO) RunZoomWait(StrCat(DirHome(),"browser.exe"),testfile) ; Read unicode, write back as ascii. objFSO = ObjectOpen("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFile = objFSO.GetFile(testfile) objStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading,TristateTrue) ; read unicode Buffer = objStream.Readall ObjectClose(objStream) objStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting,TristateFalse) ; write ascii objStream.Write(Buffer) ObjectClose(objStream) ObjectClose(objFile) ObjectClose(objFSO) RunZoomWait(StrCat(DirHome(),"browser.exe"),testfile) ; Delete testfile objFSO = ObjectOpen("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFile = objFSO.GetFile(testfile) objFile.Delete ObjectClose(objFile) ObjectClose(objFSO) Exit |
udfIsPrimeNumber (iNumber) |
#DefineFunction udfIsPrimeNumber (iNumber) iLimit = Int(Sqrt(iNumber)) bPrime = @true For i=2 To iLimit bPrime = iNumber mod i If !bPrime Then Break Next Return (bPrime) #EndFunction ; --- test --- BoxOpen("Demo udfIsPrime (iNumber)","") n = 1000 PrimeList = "" For i=1 To n If udfIsPrimeNumber(i) BoxText (StrCat(i,@tab,"prime")) PrimeList = ItemInsert(i,-1,PrimeList,@tab) EndIf Next BoxShut() prime = AskItemlist("PrimeNumbers",PrimeList,@tab,@unsorted,@single) :cancel Exit |
udfSetSystemTimeByTimeServer (sTimeServerAddress, iTimeZoneHoursShift) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ItemLocate("udfsetsystemtimebytimeserver",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetsystemtimebytimeserver #DefineFunction udfSetSystemTimeByTimeServer (sTimeServerAddress, iTimeZoneHoursShift) AddExtender("wwwsk34i.dll") socket = sOpen() If !socket Then Return ("") If !sConnect (socket,sTimeServerAddress,"37") Then Return ("") bit32time = sRecvNum(socket,4) sClose(socket) seconds = (bit32time & 2147483647) - 61505154 + (iTimeZoneHoursShift*3600) ; Adjust number in seconds. If (seconds<=0) Then Return ("") If !IntControl(58,TimeAdd("1970:01:01:00:00:00",StrCat("0:0:0:0:0:",seconds)),0,0,0) Then Return ("") Return (TimeYmdHms()) ; This function "udfSetTimeByTimeServer" tries to connect to an Internet Time Server Service port 37 ; and will set the local computer time accordingly. ; On success the function returns the current system time as a DateTime string. ; On failure it returns an empty string. ; ; Based on article: ; Topic: Getting Time from a Time Server ; Conf: WinBatch ; From: Marty ; Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 12:02 AM ; ; See further details on: ; NIST Time & Frequency Division ( ; View the Network Time Service page: ; All current time servers. NIST Time Protocol (RFC-868). ; ; iTimeServerAddress ..... IP-number or domain name. ; iTimeZoneHoursShift ... Shifted plus/minus hours against Greenwich Meantime UTC; e.g. +2=GermanyWuppertalDaylight. ; cGMT = 61505154 #EndFunction :skip_udfsetsystemtimebytimeserver ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- test --- Display(3,"System Time is", udfSetSystemTimeByTimeServer("",2)) ; Microsoft, Redmond, Washington Display(3,"System Time is", udfSetSystemTimeByTimeServer("",2)) ; Microsoft, Redmond, Washington Display(3,"System Time is", udfSetSystemTimeByTimeServer("",2)) ; Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt 2 Display(3,"System Time is", udfSetSystemTimeByTimeServer("",2)) ; Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt 2 Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
udfFactorNumberToExpr (iNumber) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #DefineFunction udfFactorNumberToExpr (iNumber) If !IsInt(iNumber) Then Return "" iNumber=Abs(iNumber) If iNumber<4 Then Return iNumber s="" n=iNumber d=2 k=0 m=1 While !(n mod d) n=n/d m=m*d k=k+1 EndWhile Switch k Case 0 Break Case 1 s=StrCat(s,d,@CR) Break Case k s=StrCat(s,d,@LF,k,@CR) EndSwitch d=3 While 1 k=0 While !(n mod d) n=n/d m=m*d k=k+1 EndWhile Switch k Case 0 Break Case 1 s=StrCat(s,d,@CR) Break Case k s=StrCat(s,d,@LF,k,@CR) EndSwitch d=d+2 If d*d>iNumber Then Break EndWhile If n==iNumber s=iNumber Else If m<>iNumber d1=iNumber/m s=StrCat(s,d1,@CR) EndIf EndIf z=StrLen(s) If StrSub(s,z,1)==@CR Then s=StrSub(s,1,z-1) s=StrReplace(s,@LF,"**") s=StrReplace(s,@CR," * ") Return s ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; "Factor Number To Algebraic Expression" ; Factor a number and return its prime factors in a string as an algebraic expression. ; For example: udfFactorNumberToExpr (76) returns "2**2 * 19". ; ; Note: We use @LF and @CR as intermediate tokens ; to speed up the algorithm's StrCat operations. ; ; Author ; Delgove Jean-Jacques ; Date : 28 may 2002 ; Purpose : Find prime factor of integer value. ; ; Modified by Detlev Dalitz.20020708 ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- test --- iMax = 2000 sFilename = FileCreateTemp("TMP") hFW = FileOpen(sFilename,"WRITE") Exclusive(@ON) iStart = GetTickCount() For i=1 To iMax FileWrite(hFW,StrCat(i,"=",udfFactorNumberToExpr(i))) Next iStop = GetTickCount() Exclusive(@OFF) FileWrite(hFW,StrCat("Time in seconds = ",(iStop-iStart)/1000.0)) FileClose(hFW) RunWait("notepad",sFilename) FileDelete(sFilename) Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EOF* |
udfPDFGetNumPages (sFilename) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ItemLocate("udfpdfgetnumpages",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfpdfgetnumpages #DefineFunction udfPDFGetNumPages (sFilename) ; On Error GoTo Label :WBERRORHANDLER IntControl(73,1,0,0,0) ; Sets the file sharing mode for file reads. ; 1 ... Allow other open operations for read access. iLastIC39 = IntControl(39,1,0,0,0) ; Define some constants. @01=" " @02=" " @03=" /" @04=" />" @05=" /Type /Pages " @06=" [ " @07=" ] " @08=" << " @09=" >> " @10="" @11="#" @12="#* #*" @13="%%%%EOF" @14="%%PDF" @15="," @16="/" @17="/Count " @18="/Pages " @19="/Parent " @20="/Prev " @21="/Root " @22="[" @23="]" @24="<<" @25=">>" @26="1234567890" @27="n" @28="startxref" @29="trailer" @30="xref" iFileIsUndefined = 0 iFileIsEmpty = -1 iFileIsDamaged = -2 iFileIsNoPdf = -3 ; Check filesize. iNumPages = iFileIsUndefined iFilesize = FileSizeEx(sFilename) If !iFilesize Then iNumPages = iFileIsEmpty If !iFilesize Then Goto ExitUdf iNoPdf = @FALSE iNoEof = @FALSE iNoStartXref = @FALSE iAlternativeSearch = @FALSE ; Define a binary buffer. iChunk = 1024 hBB = BinaryAlloc(iChunk) ; Read backwards into pdf file. iEod = BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,Max(0,iFilesize-iChunk),iChunk) - 1 ; Find EOF marker. iOffset = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iEod,@13,@BACKSCAN,1) ; "[pct][pct]EOF" iNoEof = (iOffset==-1) ; Find startxref section. If iNoEof Then iOffset = iEod iOffsetEnd = iOffset sStartXref = @28 iLenStartXref = 9 iOffset = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iOffset,sStartXref,@BACKSCAN,1) iNoStartXref = (iOffset==-1) iAlternativeSearch = (iNoEof||iNoStartXref) If iAlternativeSearch Then Goto EXITNORMALSEARCH iOffset = iOffset + iLenStartXref ; Jump over last search item. iOffsetStartXref = Int(StrClean(BinaryPeekStr(hBB,iOffset,iOffsetEnd-iOffset),@26,@10,@TRUE,2)) ; Create a list of pointers to the xref tables. sDelimBol = StrCat(@LF,@02) sListXref = @10 iObjFound = @FALSE iOffsetXref = iOffsetStartXref While @TRUE ; Read first line xref. ; Assumption: xref is found within the first 20 byte. BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,iOffsetXref,20) BinaryEodSet(hBB,20) BinaryReplace(hBB,@CR,@LF,@TRUE) sExtract = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,20) sExtract = StrClean(sExtract,sDelimBol,@02,@TRUE,2) iPos = StrIndex(sExtract,sDelimBol,1,@FWDSCAN) ; Xref subsection begins here. iOffsetXref = iOffsetXref + iPos sExtract = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,20) sExtract = ItemExtract(1,sExtract,@LF) sExtract = StrTrim(sExtract) ; If the pdf structure is damaged, then we use the alternative search algorithm. iAlternativeSearch = (sExtract!=@30) If iAlternativeSearch Then Break While @TRUE ; Read xref subsection header. BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,iOffsetXref,20) BinaryEodSet(hBB,20) BinaryReplace(hBB,@CR,@LF,@TRUE) sExtract = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,20) sExtract = StrClean(sExtract,sDelimBol,@02,@TRUE,2) iPos = StrIndex(sExtract,sDelimBol,1,@FWDSCAN) ; Following xref subsection entries begin here. iOffsetXref = iOffsetXref + iPos sExtract = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,20) sExtract = ItemExtract(1,sExtract,@LF) sExtract = StrTrim(sExtract) ; If we reach the trailer section, then we break out. If (sExtract==@29) Then Break ; If there are no two numbers, then we break out. If !StrIndexWild(StrClean(StrClean(sExtract,@26,@02,@TRUE,2),@26,@11,@TRUE,1),@12,1) Then Break ;iSectionStart = ItemExtract(1,sExtract,@02) iSectionCount = ItemExtract(2,sExtract,@02) ; Build our list of pointers. sItemXref = ItemInsert(iOffsetXref,-1,sExtract,@02) sListXref = ItemInsert(sItemXref,-1,sListXref,@15) ; Next subsection begins here. iOffsetXref = iOffsetXref + (iSectionCount * 20) EndWhile ; Read the trailer section. ; Find link to previous xref table, if there is one. iOffset = iOffsetXref sSearch = @20 GoSub ReadChunks If (iOffset==-1) Then Break GoSub GetSearchValue If (iSearchValue==-1) Then Break iOffsetXref = iSearchValue EndWhile If iAlternativeSearch Then Goto EXITNORMALSEARCH ; Count items in the list of pointers. iCountXref = ItemCount(sListXref,@15) ; Now start working. ; Find the trailer section beyond the xref section. iOffset = iOffsetStartXref sSearch = @29 GoSub ReadChunks sSearch = @21 GoSub ReadChunks GoSub GetSearchValue iObjRoot = iSearchValue ; Find offset for object. iObj = iObjRoot GoSub FindOffset iOffsetRoot = iObjOffset ; Read Root object. Find Pages element. iOffset = iOffsetRoot sSearch = @18 GoSub ReadChunks GoSub GetSearchValue iObjPages = iSearchValue ; Find offset for object. iObj = iObjPages GoSub FindOffset iOffsetPages = iObjOffset ; Read Pages object. Find Count element. iOffset = iOffsetPages sSearch = @17 GoSub ReadChunks GoSub GetSearchValue iNumPages = iSearchValue :EXITNORMALSEARCH BinaryFree(hBB) If iAlternativeSearch Then GoSub AlternativeSearch If (iNumPages==iFileIsUndefined) ; Check pdf signature in first 1024 byte. iChunk = 1024 hBB = BinaryAlloc(iChunk) BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,0,iChunk) iNoPdf = (BinaryIndexEx(hBB,0,@14,@FWDSCAN,@TRUE)==-1) ; "[pct]PDF" If iNoPdf Then iNumPages = iFileIsNoPdf Else iNumPages = iFileIsDamaged BinaryFree(hBB) Else If iNoStartXref Then iNumPages = iFileIsDamaged EndIf :ExitUdf IntControl(39,iLastIC39,0,0,0) Return (iNumPages) ;.......................................................................................................................................... :FindOffset iObjOffset = -1 For i=1 To iCountXref sItemXref = ItemExtract(i,sListXref,@15) iSectionStart = Int(ItemExtract(1,sItemXref,@02)) iSectionCount = Int(ItemExtract(2,sItemXref,@02)) If !((iObj < iSectionstart) || (iObj > (iSectionStart + iSectionCount - 1))) iOffsetXref = Int(ItemExtract(3,sItemXref,@02)) iIndex = iObj - iSectionStart iOffset = iOffsetXref + (iIndex * 20) BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,iOffset,18) BinaryEodSet(hBB,18) sExtract = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,18) iInUse = (ItemExtract(3,sExtract,@02)==@27) If !iInUse Then Continue iObjOffset = Int(ItemExtract(1,sExtract,@02)) Break EndIf Next Return ;.......................................................................................................................................... :GetSearchValue BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,iOffset,iChunk) BinaryReplace(hBB,@CR,@02,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@LF,@02,@TRUE) sExtract = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,iChunk) iPos1 = StrIndex(sExtract,sSearch,1,@FWDSCAN) If iPos1 iPos1 = iPos1 + StrLen(sSearch) iPos2 = StrScan(sExtract,@04,iPos1,@FWDSCAN) sExtract = StrSub(sExtract,iPos1,iPos2-iPos1) iSearchValue = Int(sExtract) Else iSearchValue = -1 EndIf Return ;.......................................................................................................................................... :ReadChunks iLenSearch = StrLen(sSearch) While @TRUE BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,iOffset,iChunk) BinaryReplace(hBB,@CR,@02,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@LF,@02,@TRUE) iOffsetEnd1 = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,0,@25,@FWDSCAN,1) If (iOffsetEnd1>-1) BinaryEodSet(hBB,iOffsetEnd1) EndIf iOffsetEnd2 = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,0,sSearch,@FWDSCAN,1) If (iOffsetEnd2>-1) iOffset = iOffset + iOffsetEnd2 Break EndIf If (iOffsetEnd1>-1) iOffset = -1 Break EndIf iOffset = iOffset + iChunk - iLenSearch If (iOffset>iFileSize) Then Break EndWhile Return ;.......................................................................................................................................... :AlternativeSearch ; Prepare data. hBB = BinaryAlloc(iFilesize) BinaryRead(hBB,sFilename) iSize1=BinaryReplace(hBB,@22,@10,@TRUE) iSize2=BinaryReplace(hBB,@23,@10,@TRUE) iSize3=BinaryReplace(hBB,@24,@10,@TRUE) iSize4=BinaryReplace(hBB,@25,@10,@TRUE) iSize5=BinaryReplace(hBB,@16,@10,@TRUE) BinaryFree(hBB) hBB = BinaryAlloc(iFilesize + 2*iSize1 + 2*iSize2 + 2*iSize3 + 2*iSize4 + iSize5) BinaryRead(hBB,sFilename) BinaryReplace(hBB,@CR,@02,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@LF,@02,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@22,@06,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@23,@07,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@24,@08,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@25,@09,@TRUE) BinaryReplace(hBB,@16,@03,@TRUE) While BinaryReplace(hBB,@01,@02,@TRUE) EndWhile ; Search for the Pages object. sSearch = @05 iOffsetR = BinaryEodGet(hBB)-1 iOffsetL = 0 iDirection = 1 While @TRUE iDirection = !iDirection If iDirection iOffset1 = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iOffsetL,sSearch,@FWDSCAN,1) Else iOffset1 = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iOffsetR,sSearch,@BACKSCAN,1) EndIf If (iOffset1==-1) Then Break iOffset2 = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iOffset1,@24,@BACKSCAN,1) If !iDirection Then iOffsetR = iOffset2 iOffset3 = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iOffset1,@25,@FWDSCAN,1) If iDirection Then iOffsetL = iOffset3 iOffset4 = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iOffset2,@19,@FWDSCAN,1) If ((iOffset4<iOffset3)&&(iOffset4>-1)) Then Continue sExtract = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,iOffset2,iOffset3-iOffset2+1) iPos = StrIndex(sExtract,@17,1,@FWDSCAN) If !iPos Then Continue iPos = iPos+7 iEow = StrScan(sExtract,@04,iPos,@FWDSCAN) sExtract = StrSub(sExtract,iPos,iEow-iPos) iNumPages = Int(sExtract) If iNumPages Then Break EndWhile BinaryFree(hBB) Return ;.......................................................................................................................................... :WBERRORHANDLER WbError = LastError() WbTextcode = WbError If WbError==1668||WbError==2669||WbError==3670 ; 1668 ; "Minor user-defined error" ; 2669 ; "Moderate user-defined error" ; 3670 ; "Severe user-defined error" WbError = ItemExtract(1,IntControl(34,-1,0,0,0),":") WbTextcode = -1 EndIf WbErrorString = IntControl(34,WbTextcode,0,0,0) WbErrorDateTime = StrCat(TimeYmdHms(),"|",StrFixLeft(GetTickCount()," ",10)) WbErrorFile = StrCat(DirWindows(0),"WWWBATCH.INI") IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ErrorValue" ,WbError ,WbErrorFile) IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ErrorString" ,WbErrorString ,WbErrorFile) IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ScriptLine" ,WbErrorHandlerLine ,WbErrorFile) IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ScriptOffset" ,WbErrorHandlerOffset ,WbErrorFile) IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"VarAssignment",WbErrorHandlerAssignment,WbErrorFile) IniWritePvt("","","",WbErrorFile) WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorDateTime,@LF,@LF) WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"LastError value:",@LF,WbError,@LF,@LF) WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"LastError string:",@LF,WbErrorString,@LF,@LF) ; Line in script that caused Error. WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"WbErrorHandlerLine:",@LF,WbErrorHandlerLine,@LF,@LF) ; Offset into script of error line, in bytes. WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"WbErrorHandlerOffset:",@LF,WbErrorHandlerOffset,@LF,@LF) ; Variable being assigned on error line, or "" if none. WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"WbErrorHandlerAssignment:",@LF,WbErrorHandlerAssignment,@LF,@LF) If (WbErrorHandlerAssignment>"") Then %WbErrorHandlerAssignment% = "eeek" Message("wbErrorHandler",WbErrorMsgText) Exit ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; This function udfPDFGetNumPages returns the number of pages for a given PDF file. ; Return values: ; n ... The number of pages, greater than zero. ; -1 ... The given file has a size of zero byte or does not exist. ; -2 ... The given file seems to be a pdf file but it is damaged. ; -3 ... The given file seems to be not an Adobe pdf file. ; ; Detlev Dalitz.20021114.20030116.20030117.20030119. ... ; 20030823 Bug Report by Mimmo Montalenti. ; 20030825 Revised version, should handle linearized pdf files too. ; 20030827 New algorithm (xref walker). ; 20030829 Added an alternative search algorithm to handle weird pdf files too. ; 20030830 Some small bugfixes. ; 20030831 Some small refinements. ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction :skip_udfpdfgetnumpages ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- test --- ; Create a simple pdf file with one page. sTempFile = FileCreateTemp("TMP") FileDelete(sTempFile) sTempFolder = FilePath(sTempFile) sFilename = "simple.pdf" sFilename = StrCat(sTempFolder,sFilename) hFW = FileOpen(sFilename,"WRITE") FileWrite(hFW,"%%PDF-1.0") ; One duplicated percent sign. FileWrite(hFW,"1 0 obj") FileWrite(hFW,"<<") FileWrite(hFW,"/Type /Catalog") FileWrite(hFW,"/Pages 3 0 R") FileWrite(hFW,"/Outlines 2 0 R") FileWrite(hFW,">>") FileWrite(hFW,"endobj2 0 obj") FileWrite(hFW,"<<") FileWrite(hFW,"/Type /Outlines") FileWrite(hFW,"/Count 0") FileWrite(hFW,">>") FileWrite(hFW,"endobj") FileWrite(hFW,"3 0 obj") FileWrite(hFW,"<<") FileWrite(hFW,"/Type /Pages ") FileWrite(hFW,"/Count 1 ") FileWrite(hFW,"/Kids [4 0 R]") FileWrite(hFW,">>") FileWrite(hFW,"endobj") FileWrite(hFW,"4 0 obj") FileWrite(hFW,"<<") FileWrite(hFW,"/Type /Page") FileWrite(hFW,"/Parent 3 0 R") FileWrite(hFW,"/Resources << /Font << /F1 7 0 R >> /ProcSet 6 0 R") FileWrite(hFW,">>") FileWrite(hFW,"/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]") FileWrite(hFW,"/Contents 5 0 R") FileWrite(hFW,">>") FileWrite(hFW,"endobj") FileWrite(hFW,"5 0 obj") FileWrite(hFW,"<< /Length 44 >>") FileWrite(hFW,"stream") FileWrite(hFW,"BT") FileWrite(hFW,"/F1 24 Tf") FileWrite(hFW,"100 100 Td (Hello World) Tj") FileWrite(hFW,"ET") FileWrite(hFW,"endstream") FileWrite(hFW,"endobj") FileWrite(hFW,"6 0 obj") FileWrite(hFW,"[/PDF /Text]") FileWrite(hFW,"endobj") FileWrite(hFW,"7 0 obj") FileWrite(hFW,"<<") FileWrite(hFW,"/Type /Font") FileWrite(hFW,"/Subtype /Type1") FileWrite(hFW,"/Name /F1") FileWrite(hFW,"/BaseFont /Helvetica") FileWrite(hFW,"/Encoding /MacRomanEncoding") FileWrite(hFW,">>endobj") FileWrite(hFW,"xref") FileWrite(hFW,"0 8") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000000 65535 f") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000010 00000 n") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000080 00000 n") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000132 00000 n") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000198 00000 n") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000349 00000 n") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000451 00000 n") FileWrite(hFW,"0000000482 00000 n") FileWrite(hFW,"trailer") FileWrite(hFW,"<<") FileWrite(hFW,"/Size 8") FileWrite(hFW,"/Root 1 0 R") FileWrite(hFW,">>") FileWrite(hFW,"startxref") FileWrite(hFW,"597") FileWrite(hFW,"%%%%EOF") ; Two duplicated percent signs. FileClose(hFW) sMsgTitle = "Demo udfPDFGetNumPages (sFilename)" sFilename = "simple.pdf" iPages = udfPDFGetNumPages (sFilename) sMsgText = StrCat("PDF Filename",@TAB,sFilename,@LF,"PDF Pages",@TAB,iPages,@LF) Message(sMsgTitle,sMsgText) ; FileDelete(sFilename) Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;*EOF* |
udfImgClipPut (sFilenameImage) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #DefineFunction udfImgClipPut (sFilenameImage) If !FileExist(sFilenameImage) Then Return (0) AddExtender("WWIMG34I.DLL") ; Load the WIL Pixie Extender. sFilenameTemp = FileCreateTemp("TMP") If (1 <> ImgConvert(sFilenameImage,StrCat("DIB:",sFilenameTemp))) Then Return (0) iBBsize = FileSize(sFilenameTemp) If (0 == iBBSize) Then Return (0) hBB = BinaryAlloc(iBBsize) BinaryRead(hBB,sFilenameTemp) BinaryClipPut(hBB,8) ; 8=CF_DIB BinaryFree(hBB) FileDelete(sFilenameTemp) Return (iBBSize) ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; This user defined function "udfImgClipPut" uses the 'ImgConvert' function of the WinBatch 'Pixie' Extender. ; This function converts an input image file to a DIB formatted temporary file ; and puts the DIB content to Windows Clipboard, ; from where it can be pasted into some graphical application. ; The temporary DIB file is deleted afterwards. ; On success this function returns the DIB size in Byte, on failure it returns 0. ; ; Detlev Dalitz.20020904 ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction ; --- test --- sFilenameImage = StrCat(DirHome(),"WBOwl.bmp") iResult = udfImgClipPut (sFilenameImage) If iResult ;Examine results Run("mspaint","") While !WinExist("~Paint") TimeDelay(2) EndWhile If WinExist("~Paint") WinActivate("~Paint") SendKey("^v") ; Paste Clipboard content to MSPaint. EndIf EndIf Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EOF* |
udfImgFileClipPut (sFilenameImage) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ItemLocate("udfimgfileclipput",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfimgfileclipput #DefineFunction udfImgFileClipPut (sFilenameImage) If 0==FileSizeEx(sFilenameImage) Then Return (0) sFilenameConvertExe = "P:\Program Files\ImageMagick\convert.exe" ; Change the application path to your needs. sFilenameConvertExe = FileNameShort(sFilenameConvertExe) sFilenameImage = FileNameShort(sFilenameImage) sFilenameTemp = FileCreateTemp("TMP") sRunParams = StrCat(sFilenameImage," DIB:",sFilenameTemp) iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF) iResult = RunHideWait(sFilenameConvertExe,sRunParams) ErrorMode(iLastErrorMode) If 0==iResult Then Return (0) iBBsize = FileSize(sFilenameTemp) If 0==iBBSize Then Return (0) hBB = BinaryAlloc(iBBsize) BinaryRead(hBB,sFilenameTemp) BinaryClipPut(hBB,8) ; 8=CF_DIB BinaryFree(hBB) FileDelete(sFilenameTemp) Return (iBBSize) ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; This user defined function "udfImgFileClipPut" uses the external commandline application 'convert.exe', ; which is one of the 'ImageMagick' commandline utilities to create, edit, or convert images. ; The ImageMagick 'convert.exe' recognizes many input image formats and converts to differing output image format. ; This function "udfFileReadImageToClipboard" converts an input image file to a DIB formatted temporary file ; and puts the DIB content to Windows Clipboard, from where it can be pasted into some graphical application. ; The temporary DIB file is deleted afterwards. ; On success this function returns the DIB size in Byte, on failure it returns 0. ; ; Reference: ; ImageMagick is copyrighted by ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization. ; ImageMagick is available for free, may be used to support both open and proprietary applications, ; and may be redistributed without fee. ; ImageMagick is available as ; The official ImageMagick Website page is ; The author is ; ; Detlev Dalitz.20020904 ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction :skip_udfimgfileclipput ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- test --- sFilenameImage = StrCat(DirHome(),"WBOwl.bmp") iResult = udfImgFileClipPut(sFilenameImage) If iResult Run("mspaint","") While !WinExist("~Paint") TimeDelay(2) EndWhile If WinExist("~Paint") WinActivate("~Paint") SendKey("^v") ; Paste Clipboard content to MSPaint. Pause("Demo udfFileReadImageToClipboard (sFilenameImage)","Press OK to continue ...") If WinExist("~Paint") Then WinClose("~Paint") EndIf EndIf Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EOF* |
If-Conditions, Inadequacies and Inadmissibilities |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; If-Conditions, Inadequacies and Inadmissibilities ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a=1 b=2 ; This is syntactical ok. If a==1 If b==2 c=3 EndIf EndIf Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This runs. a=1 b=2 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This runs. a=1 b=2 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 EndIf EndIf Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This runs. a=1 b=2 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 EndIf Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This is a failure. a=1 b=2 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 EndIf EndIf ; <<<<<< 3357: End error: No match found. Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This is a failure. a=1 b=2 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 EndIf ; <<<<<< 3357: End error: No match found. Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This runs. a=1 b=0 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 Else c=9 Else d=9 Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This is a failure. a=1 b=0 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 Else c=9 Else d=9 EndIf ; <<<<<< 3357: End error: No match found. Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This runs. a=1 b=2 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 Else c=9 Else d=9 EndIf Drop(a,b,c,d,e) ; This is a failure. a=1 b=2 If a==1 Then If b==2 Then c=3 Else c=0 ; <<<<<< 3050: No IF to relate to THEN or ELSE is currently valid Else d=0 EndIf EndIf Drop(a,b,c,d,e) Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
udfIIF (condition, truevalue, falsevalue) |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ItemLocate("udfiif",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfiif #DefineSubRoutine udfIIF (condition, truevalue, falsevalue) If condition Then Return (truevalue) Return (falsevalue) #EndSubRoutine :skip_udfiif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- Testcase 1 ; "Answer = eleven" ; "Answer = 70" cProgVer = 11 cProgType = "STANDARD" ; --- Testcase 2 ; "Answer = other" ; "Answer = 99" ;cProgVer = 12 ;cProgType = "PRO" ; --- Testcase 3 ; "Answer = eleven" ; "Answer = 75" ;cProgVer = 11 ;cProgType = "PRO" answer = udfIIF(cProgVer==11,"eleven","other") Message("Demo udfIIF (condition, truevalue, falsevalue)",StrCat("Answer = ",answer)) ; Nested udf's work fine too. answer = udfIIF(cProgVer==11, udfIIF(cProgType=="STANDARD", 70, udfIIF(cProgType=="PRO", 75, 0)), 99) Message("Demo udfIIF (condition, truevalue, falsevalue)",StrCat("Answer = ",answer)) Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EOF* |
udfIsInNumbers (iDigit)
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #DefineFunction udfIsInNumbers (iDigit) Return (!!StrIndex("0123456789",iDigit,1,@FWDSCAN)) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfIsInAlphaNC (sChar) ; Ignorecase. Return (!!StrIndexNC("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",sChar,1,@FWDSCAN)) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfIsInAlphaUC (sChar) ; Uppercase. Return (!!StrIndex("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",sChar,1,@FWDSCAN)) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfIsInAlphaLC (sChar) ; Lowercase. Return (!!StrIndex("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",sChar,1,@FWDSCAN)) #EndFunction Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *EOF* ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If ItemLocate("udfisalpha",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfisalpha #DefineFunction udfIsAlpha (sString) Return ((""!=sString)&&(""==StrClean(StrLower(sString),"esdiltnmarcpohfguwbxkyvjqz","",@TRUE,1))) ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; This function "udfIsAlpha" returns a boolean value, ; which indicates if the given sString contains only alpha characters or not. ; 'Alpha characters' is the char set of [a-zA-Z]. ; ; Detlev Dalitz.20031013 ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction :skip_udfisalpha ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- test --- sString = "123abc" iResult1 = udfIsAlpha(sString) ; ==> 0 = @FALSE. sString = "abcABC" iResult2 = udfIsAlpha(sString) ; ==> 1 = @TRUE. sString = "" iResult3 = udfIsAlpha(sString) ; ==> 0 = @FALSE. Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;*EOF* |
How to prevent a called script from eaten up udf/uds slots |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; How to prevent a called script from eaten up udf/uds slots. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Testcase to check how udf/uds declarations are counted while WinBatch runtime, ; both cases, run once in a script or in a loop by calling a script. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The maximum number of UDFs in a main plus called Winbatch scripts is 100. ; (Changed to 200 in version 2002D or newer). ; Each declaration of an udf/uds, even with the same name, increments the internal counter by 1. ; This design flaw can let scripts run into problems when running code in loops. ; Though the second udf/uds declaration uses the same name like it has been used prior by the first declaration ; the second udf/uds declaration's code definition is completely ignored, ; each declaration with the same name eatens up a slot in the internal udf/uds table. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Detlev Dalitz.20031004 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The WinBatch interpreter processes lines from top to down. ; So let us walk along with the following lines. ; 1. ; At first we look into the internal parameters list of lists (IntControl(77,...)) ; to make sure whatever udf/uds are registrated so far. sUDFList = IntControl(77,103,0,0,0) ; 1. ==> "" iUDFDefined = IntControl(77,090,0,0,0) ; 1. ==> 0 ; Here we define/declare an User Defined Function with the name "udf". ; We use the udf later in the main part of the script. #DefineFunction udf () Return 1 #EndFunction ; After the first declaration the internal parameters list gives the following status. sUDFList = IntControl(77,103,0,0,0) ; 2. ==> "udf@TAB" iUDFDefined = IntControl(77,090,0,0,0) ; 2. ==> 1 ; 2. ; Now we let follow a second declaration/define statement with the same name, ; but we do not want to allow it to be loaded twice, because this would eat up a "udf slot". ; The following declaration is skipped by the Goto statement. If ItemLocate("udf",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udf #DefineFunction udf () Return 2 #EndFunction :skip_udf ;3. ; --- Main --- ; The internal parameters list gives the following status. sUDFList = IntControl(77,103,0,0,0) ; 3. ==> "udf@TAB" iUDFDefined = IntControl(77,090,0,0,0) ; 3. ==> 1 iResult = udf () ; ==> 1 Display(1,iUDFDefined,sUDFList) ; Set the counter for our testcase. If !IsDefined(ii) ii = 1 Else ii = ii + 1 If ii>2 Then Return EndIf ; 4. ; Now let us see how the script and the udf declarations will behave ; when calling it in a loop. Call(IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0),"") ;5. ; At least we see, that jumping over the declaration code by a Goto statement ; will help us to prevent the WinBatch interpreter from registrating and counting ; more than one udf under the same name. ; The "unprotected udf" is registrated each time when it is seen by the interpreter. ; The "protected udf" is skipped each time the script runs. ; The following Message will show three entries at least, all named "udf". ; This is the result count of the "unprotected" declarations. ; The "protected" declarations are not showing up. Message(iUDFDefined,sUDFList) ; ==> Should be '3|"udf@TABudf@TABudf@TAB"' ; While there is no other native implemented method ; to control the loading/unloading of udf/uds ; it will be good programming behaviour (well, it is in fact a "workaround") ; to use such a Goto/Skip construct as shown above. ; This can make secure a script not to run into eaten up slot problems. Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;*EOF* |
How to prevent a script from trashing its Param* variables when calling a second script |
;=========================================================================================================================================== ; How to prevent a script from trashing its Param* variables when calling a second script. ;=========================================================================================================================================== ; This article is based on a posting ; From: snowsnowsnow ; Date: Sunday, October 05, 2003 08:57 PM ; Conf: WinBatch ; Detlev Dalitz.20031006 ;=========================================================================================================================================== ; To demonstrate what is going on, we build a testcase. ; The testcase uses two script files. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The called script. Cut it out and save it to diskfile "CalledScript.wbt". ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ;*BOF* CalledScript.wbt ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; #DefineFunction udfAdd (x, y) ; Return x+y ; #EndFunction ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; ; In case this script is called from another script then return at this point. ; If ((RtStatus()==0) &&(IntControl(77,80,0,0,0)>0)) Then Return (1) ; @RTSTATUS_WBINTERPRETER=0 ; If ((RtStatus()==10)&&(IntControl(77,80,0,0,0)>1)) Then Return (1) ; @RTSTATUS_WBSTUDIODEBUG=10 ; ; ; --- test --- ; a=100 ; b=200 ; c=udfAdd(a,b) ; Message("Sum",StrCat("a + b = c",@LF,a," + ",b," = ",c)) ; Exit ; ; ;*EOF* CalledScript.wbt ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The main caller script "MainScript.wbt". ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;*BOF* ; Simulate the commandline input. ; The main script has received one parameter from commandline input. Param0 = 1 Param1 = "xxx" ; UDF Declaration in main script. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #DefineFunction udfLoadFunctionsFrom2ndScript () ;Return Call("CalledScript.wbt","") ; Call the other script. Change path as needed. Return Call("w:\winbatch\prod\howto\CalledScript.wbt","") ; Call the other script. Change path as needed. ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; This function calls another script without trashing the main script's Param* variables. ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --- Main --- ; Call the 2nd script. udfLoadFunctionsFrom2ndScript() ; Check if Param0 is still defined. iP0 = Param0 ; ==> 1 ; Check if Param1 is still defined. sP1 = Param1 ; ==> "xxx" ; Check if the external declared function is useable. iSum = udfAdd(1,2) ; ==> 3 Exit ;*EOF* MainScript.wbt ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Test result: ; The main script's Param* variables are still alive. ; The user defined function works in the main script as defined in the 2nd script. ; Keep in mind, that, if the 2nd script defines some variables, which should be global to the main script, ; they will not become global to the main script, because they are local to the caller udf. ; By using a caller-UDF the main script knows nothing about the variables in the called script. ; The main script does know only the names of functions and subroutines, which are always global to the main script. ; ; This behaviour can be altered by using a caller-UDS, which allows the 2nd script to make global variables visible to the main script. ; But going this way, the Param* variables in the main script will be damaged. ; In any case, it would be the best way to copy the main script's Param* variables into a set of personal variables, ; and then invoke the 2nd script with a caller-UDF or caller-UDS as it will be appropriate. ; For ii=0 to Param0 ; ParamMain%ii% = Param%ii% ; Next ;=========================================================================================================================================== ;*EOF* |
udfDTAddDays (sDateTime, iDayDiff) |
#DefineFunction udfDTAddDays (sDateTime, iDayDiff) sMonth = ItemExtract(1,sDateTime,"/") sDay = ItemExtract(2,sDateTime,"/") sYear = ItemExtract(3,sDateTime,"/") sYmdHms = StrCat(sYear,":",sMonth,":",sDay) sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",iDayDiff)) sYear = ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":") sMonth = ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":") sDay = ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":") sDateTime = StrCat(sMonth,"/",sDay,"/",sYear) Return (sDateTime) ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; The goal of the code is to take a date entered ; on a form "4/5/03" or "04/05/2003", ; translate it to time code "2003:04:05:00:00:00", ; add 30 days "2003:05:05:00:00:00", ; then translate it back to human readable "05/05/2003". ; ; sDateTime is ordered by "month/day/year". ; sDateTime: "4/5/03" ==> "05/05/2003" ; sDateTime: "04/05/2003" ==> "05/05/2003" ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction ; --- test --- sDateTime11 = "4/5/03" sDateTime12 = udfDTAddDays(sDateTime11,30) ; "05/05/2003" sDateTime21 = "04/05/2003" sDateTime22 = udfDTAddDays(sDateTime21,30) ; "05/05/2003" Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
udfDOSSort (sFilenameIn, sFilenameOut, iDirection, iKeyStart)
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #DefineFunction udfDOSSort (sFilenameIn, sFilenameOut, iDirection, iKeyStart) ; Empty filenames are not allowed. If (sFilenameIn=="") Then Return (@FALSE) If (sFilenameOut=="") Then Return (@FALSE) sFilenameIn = FileNameShort(sFilenameIn) FileClose(FileOpen(sFilenameOut,"WRITE")) sFilenameOut = FileNameShort(sFilenameOut) sDosSortExe = "SORT.EXE" ; Try to find the sort executable on the system path. sDosSortExe = FileLocate(sDosSortExe) If (sDosSortExe=="") ; Try to find the sort executable in WinBatch system folder. sDosSortExe = StrCat(DirHome(),sDosSortExe) sDosSortExe = FileLocate(sDosSortExe) ; If sort executable not found, then return immediately. If (sDosSortExe=="") Then Return (@FALSE) EndIf sDosSortExe = FileNameShort(sDosSortExe) ; Build the command string. sDosCmd = "" sDosCmd = ItemInsert("/c",-1,sDosCmd," ") sDosCmd = ItemInsert(sDosSortExe,-1,sDosCmd," ") If (iDirection==@DESCENDING) Then sDosCmd = ItemInsert("/R",-1,sDosCmd," ") If (iKeyStart>0) Then sDosCmd = ItemInsert(StrCat("/+",iKeyStart),-1,sDosCmd," ") sDosCmd = ItemInsert(StrCat("<",sFilenameIn),-1,sDosCmd," ") sDosCmd = ItemInsert(StrCat(">",sFilenameOut),-1,sDosCmd," ") Return RunWait(Environment("comspec"),sDosCmd) ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; DOS sort command syntax: ; SORT [/R] [/+n] [<] [Laufwerk1:][Pfad1]Dateiname1 [> [Laufwerk2:][Pfad2] Dateiname2] ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #DefineFunction udfDOSBSort (sFilenameIn, sFilenameOut, iDirection, iMatchCase, iKeyStart, iKeySize) ; Empty filenames are not allowed. If (sFilenameIn=="") Then Return (@FALSE) If (sFilenameOut=="") Then Return (@FALSE) sFilenameIn = FileNameShort(sFilenameIn) FileClose(FileOpen(sFilenameOut,"WRITE")) sFilenameOut = FileNameShort(sFilenameOut) sDosSortExe = "BSORT.EXE" ; Try to find the sort executable on the system path. sDosSortExe = FileLocate(sDosSortExe) If (sDosSortExe=="") ; Try to find the sort executable in WinBatch system folder. sDosSortExe = StrCat(DirHome(),sDosSortExe) sDosSortExe = FileLocate(sDosSortExe) ; If sort executable not found, then return immediately. If (sDosSortExe=="") Then Return (@FALSE) EndIf sDosSortExe = FileNameShort(sDosSortExe) ; Build the command string. sDosCmd = "" sDosCmd = ItemInsert("/c",-1,sDosCmd," ") sDosCmd = ItemInsert(sDosSortExe,-1,sDosCmd," ") If (iDirection==@DESCENDING) Then sDosCmd = ItemInsert("/R",-1,sDosCmd," ") If (iMatchCase==@FALSE) Then sDosCmd = ItemInsert("/I",-1,sDosCmd," ") If (iKeyStart>0) Then sDosCmd = ItemInsert(StrCat("/B ",iKeyStart),-1,sDosCmd," ") If (iKeySize>0) Then sDosCmd = ItemInsert(StrCat("/L ",iKeySize),-1,sDosCmd," ") sDosCmd = ItemInsert(StrCat("<",sFilenameIn),-1,sDosCmd," ") sDosCmd = ItemInsert(StrCat(">",sFilenameOut),-1,sDosCmd," ") Return RunWait(Environment("comspec"),sDosCmd) ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; ;.......................................................................................................................................... ; Big Sort. Copyright (c) 1987 by TurboPower Software. Version 5.06 ; ; Usage: BSORT [Options] <InputFile >OutputFile ; ; Options: ; /R Sort in reverse order ; /I Sort ignoring case ; /B n Sort with key starting in column n ; /L n Sort with maximum key length of n characters ;.......................................................................................................................................... #EndFunction ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;--- test --- sFilenameIn = IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0) ; Use this script as test input file. sFilenameIn = FileNameShort(sFilenameIn) sFilenameTemp = FileCreateTemp("TMP") sFilenameOut = StrCat(sFilenameTemp,".txt") FileMove(sFilenameTemp,sFilenameOut,@FALSE) FileDelete(sFilenameOut) iDirection = @DESCENDING iKeyStart = 1 If udfDOSSort(sFilenameIn,sFilenameOut,iDirection,iKeyStart) RunWait(sFilenameOut,"") EndIf FileDelete(sFilenameOut) iDirection = @DESCENDING iMatchCase = @FALSE iKeyStart = 1 iKeySize = 1 If udfDOSBSort(sFilenameIn,sFilenameOut,iDirection,iMatchCase,iKeyStart,iKeySize) RunWait(sFilenameOut,"") EndIf FileDelete(sFilenameOut) Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;*EOF* |
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How to convert color bmp to grayscale bmp image file. |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; How to convert color bmp to grayscale bmp image file. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; We use the WinBatch 'Pixie Extender'. ; The Pixie Extender is a robust tool box that provides functions ; to read and write images in the following formats: ; GIFs, JPEGs, BMPs, and can read some other file formats. ; ; In this test case we create a temporary transfer file ; using the PGM Portable graymap format (gray scale). ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Look at the following example. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AddExtender("WWIMG34I.DLL") ; Load the 'Pixie Extender'. sImageColor = StrCat(DirHome(),"WBOwl.bmp") ; Filename of input color bmp file. sImageGray = StrCat(DirHome(),"WBOwl.gray.bmp") ; Filename of output grayscale bmp file. sTemp = FileCreateTemp("") ; Create temporary helper file. ImgConvert(sImageColor,StrCat("PGM:",sTemp)) ; Convert color bmp file to grayscale pgm file. ImgConvert(sTemp,sImageGray) ; Convert pgm file to bmp file. If FileExist(sTemp) Then FileDelete(sTemp) ; Delete temporary helper file. RunWait(sImageGray,"") ; Take a look to the new file, using default viewer application. If FileExist(sImageGray) Then FileDelete(sImageGray) ; Cleanup this test. Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;*EOF* |
How to split a big text file into smaller files of n lines size each. |
;========================================================================================================================================== ; How to split a big text file into smaller files of n lines size each? Detlev Dalitz.20040331 ;========================================================================================================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:15 AM ; Hi, ; can you help me with following problem? ; I have "big" file with more than 2800000 lines. I need split this file to smaller files with 64000 lines. ; ; Thanks Patrik ; patrikm ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; >How often do you have to do this task? ; Many times - I have database export and I need work with these data in Excel ; ; >Is the file a text file, line delimited by CRLF sequence? ; Lines are delimited with CRLF sequence ; ; >What filesize overall? ; About 400 MB ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; As a test case we use this script as test input file. sFilename = IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0) ; Reality case, e.g. 2800000 lines, 400 MB. ;sFilename = "drive:\folder\bigfile.txt" ; <== Change path to your needs. iFilesize = FileSize(sFilename) Terminate(!iFileSize,"Error",StrCat(sFilename,@LF,"Filesize is zero.")) ; -------------- @P1 = "{1}" @P2 = "{2}" sMsgTitle = "SplitBigFile" sMsgText = "Searching split points ..." BoxOpen(sMsgTitle,sMsgText) sMsgTextMask = StrCat(sMsgText,@LF,sFilename,@LF,iFileSize,"/",@P1) ; --- Pass 1 --- ; We walk through the big file, ; and count the occurances of search literal, ; and calculate where split points are, ; and collect split offsets into an itemlist. ; What do we search? We search for CRLF sequences in the big text file. sSearch = @CRLF iSearchLen = StrLen(sSearch) ; As a test case we create split files with a size of 20 lines each (= 20 CRLF's). iMaxSearch = 20 ; Big text file to split into files of 64000 lines each. ;iMaxSearch = 64000 ; <== Change number to your needs. ; Chunk size can be adjusted to smaller or bigger chunks, ; depends on file size and system ressources. iChunkSize = iFilesize/100 ; <== Change chunk size to your needs. iChunkCount = 1+(iFilesize/iChunkSize) sListSplit = "" iOffsetFile = 0 iCountSearch = 0 hBB = BinaryAlloc(iChunkSize) While iChunkCount iOffsetBB = 0 iResult = BinaryReadEx(hBB,iOffsetBB,sFilename,iOffsetFile,iChunkSize) While (iOffsetBB < iChunkSize) iOffsetBB = BinaryIndexEx(hBB,iOffsetBB,sSearch,@FWDSCAN,@TRUE) If (iOffsetBB < 0) Then Break iOffsetBB = iOffsetBB + iSearchLen iCountSearch = iCountSearch + 1 If !(iCountSearch mod iMaxSearch) iOffsetSplit = iOffsetFile + iOffsetBB sListSplit = ItemInsert(iOffsetSplit,-1,sListSplit,@TAB) BoxText(StrReplace(sMsgTextMask,@P1,iOffsetSplit)) EndIf EndWhile iChunkCount = iChunkCount - 1 iOffsetFile = iOffsetFile + iChunkSize EndWhile If (iOffsetSplit < iFileSize) sListSplit = ItemInsert(iFileSize,-1,sListSplit,@TAB) BoxText(StrReplace(sMsgTextMask,@P1,iFileSize)) EndIf BinaryFree(hBB) ; --- Pass 2 --- ; Create the split files. iCount = ItemCount(sListSplit,@TAB) iCountLen = StrLen(iCount) sMsgText = "Writing split files ..." BoxText(sMsgText) sMsgTextMask = StrCat(sMsgText,@LF,iCount,"/",@P1,@LF,@P2) sFileOutMask = StrCat(sFilename,".part.",iCount,".",@P1,".txt") iSplitBegin = 0 iSplitEnd = 0 For ii=1 To iCount ; For better filename sort we make the counter number fixed length. si = StrFixLeft(ii,"0",iCountLen) ; <== Change format to your needs. ; or leave the counter number as is. ; si = ii iSplitEnd = ItemExtract(ii,sListSplit,@TAB) iBBSize = iSplitEnd - iSplitBegin hBB = BinaryAlloc(iBBSize) iResult = BinaryReadEx(hBB,0,sFilename,iSplitBegin,iBBSize) sFilenameOut = StrReplace(sFileOutMask,@P1,si) BinaryWrite(hBB,sFilenameOut) BinaryFree(hBB) iSplitBegin = iSplitEnd BoxText(StrReplace(StrReplace(sMsgTextMask,@P1,si),@P2,sFilenameOut)) Next BoxShut() ; Look into the folder. Run("explorer.exe",StrCat("/select, ",sFileName,"*.txt")) Exit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;========================================================================================================================================== ;*EOF* |
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