How to use udsArrMap to aggregate amounts?
; How to use udsArrMap to aggregate amounts?
; How to create a report with aggregated amounts per group
; by utilizing the user defined subroutine "udsArrMap".
; Following example demonstrates how to build a condensed list of "sums per item"
; by using WinBatch User Defined Functions and SubRoutines.
; This example uses the WinBatch array features.
; Because arrays resides entirely in the PC's memory,
; the amount of source data should be rational low.
; This example uses following "User Defined Functions" resp. "User Defined SubRoutines":
;    udsArrMap         (__strCallback, __strArrayList, __strArrayListSep)
;    udfArrItemLocate  (arrArray, anyItem)
;    udfArrUnique      (arrArray, intSortMode, intSortDirection)
;    udfArrayFromFile  (strFilename, intBaseMode) ; The Binary Buffer version.
;    ... replaced by WB native function ArrayFileGet.
;    udfIsValidArray   (arrArray)
;    udfFileCreateTemp (strPrefix, strExtension)
;    udfStrQuote       (strString, strLeft, strRight)
; This example uses the "udsArrMap" subroutine extensively.
; The UDS "udsArrMap" calls the following routines,
; which are small and simple UDF resp. UDS:
;    cbExtractUser     (strRow)
;    cbExtractValue    (strRow)
;    cbSumPerUser      (strUser, intValue)
;    cbBuildSumList    (strUser, intValue)
;    cbFileWriteSum    (strUser, intValue)
; Detlev Dalitz.20020822.20090522.20100122.

#DefineFunction udfFileCreateTemp (strPrefix, strExtension)
strFilenameTemp = FileCreateTemp (strPrefix)
strFilename = strFilenameTemp
If strExtension != "" Then strFilename = ItemReplace (strExtension, -1, strFilenameTemp, ".")
blnResult = FileRename (strFilenameTemp, strFilename)
Return strFilename
; This UDF "udfFileCreateTemp" creates a 0-byte file with unique name in the user's temporary folder
; (as specified by the "TMP" or "TEMP" environment variable).
; The prefix string can be set by parameter strPrefix and will be truncated to 3 chars.
; The file extension string can be set by parameter strExtension.
; If strExtension is empty, then the file extension is set to "tmp".
; The WinBatch FileCreateTemp function can create maximal 65535 temporary files
; of the form "hexnumber.tmp" from "1.tmp" to "FFFF.tmp".
; One more attempt will create WB error 1653.
; Detlev Dalitz.20090521.

#DefineFunction udfIsValidArray (arrArray)
Return ArrInfo (arrArray, -1) && !!ArrInfo (arrArray, 0); Is Variable of type array AND has dim>0?
; This Function "udfIsValidArray" returns a boolean value,
; which indicates if the given variable is a valid usable array.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020809.20090522.

#DefineFunction udfArrItemLocate (arrArray, anyItem)
If !ArrInfo (arrArray, -1) Then Return -1 ; No array.
If !ArrInfo (arrArray, 6) Then Return -1 ; No elements.
If ArrInfo (arrArray, 0) > 1 Then Return -1 ; Too much dimensions.
intTop = Max (0, ArrInfo (arrArray, 1) - 1)
intBot = 0
While (intTop - intBot - 1)
   intMid = (intTop + intBot) / 2
   If anyItem > arrArray [intMid] Then intBot = intMid
      Else intTop = intMid
If arrArray [intTop] == anyItem Then Return intTop
If arrArray [intBot] == anyItem Then Return intBot
Return -1
; This UDF "udfArrItemLocate" uses the binary search algorithm
; to locate a given item in a given ascending sorted array.
; The function returns the index number of the found element,
; or returns -1 if the item was not found or the given array does not fit.
; The algorithm needs an ascending sorted array.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020821.20090507.20090522.

#DefineFunction udfStrQuote (strString, strLeft, strRight)
If "" == strLeft
   If "" == strRight
      strQuoteChars = """'`"
      strQuotes = StrClean (strString, strQuoteChars, "", @TRUE, 2)
      If "" == StrClean (strQuoteChars, strQuotes, "", @TRUE, 1)
         strQuoteChar = '"'
         strString = StrReplace (strString, strQuoteChar, StrFill (strQuoteChar, 2))
         strQuotes = StrClean (strQuoteChars, strQuotes, "", @TRUE, 1)
         strQuoteChar = StrSub (strQuotes, 1, 1)
      strLeft = strQuoteChar
      strRight = strQuoteChar
Return strLeft : strString : strRight
; With strLeft = "" and strRight = ""
; the function chooses a winbatch quote delimiter automagically
; and doubles the quotation char in strString if necessary.
; With strLeft = """" and strRight = """"
; the function allows quotation without doubling of quotation char in strString.
; (Note: """" is the same as '"'.)
; With strLeft = "(* " and strRight = " *)"
; the function encloses strString in pairs of pascal comments.
; With strLeft = "/* " and strRight = " */"
; the function encloses strString in pairs of C comments.
; DD.20010722.20020628.20090427.

#DefineSubRoutine udsArrMap (__strCallback, __strArrayList, __strArrayListSep)
If __strArrayListSep == "" Then __strArrayListSep = @TAB
__ = ArrDimension (0)
__intParamLow = 1
__intParamHigh = ItemCount (__strArrayList, __strArrayListSep)
; If no items in list then return dim0 array with no element.
If __intParamHigh < __intParamLow Then Return ArrDimension (0)

For __intParam = __intParamLow To __intParamHigh
   __arrA%__intParam% = ItemExtract (__intParam, __strArrayList, __strArrayListSep)
   ; If the extracted array name is an empty string, then treat it as an empty array.
   If __arrA%__intParam% == "" Then __arrA%__intParam% = "__"
   __arrA = __arrA%__intParam%
   ; If the extracted array name points not to an array then return dim0 array with no element.
   If !ArrInfo (%__arrA%, -1) Then Return ArrDimension (0)
   ; If there is an array with greater than 1 dimension then return dim0 array with no element.
   If ArrInfo (%__arrA%, 0) > 1 Then Return ArrDimension (0)

If __strCallback > ""
   __arrA = __arrA%__intParamLow%
   __intElementCount = ArrInfo (%__arrA%, 1)
   For __intParam = 1 + __intParamLow To __intParamHigh
      __arrA = __arrA%__intParam%
      __intElementCount = Min (__intElementCount, ArrInfo (%__arrA%, 1))
   Drop (_)
   _ = ArrDimension (__intElementCount)
   __intNewLow = 0
   __intNewHigh = __intElementCount - 1

   For __intNew = __intNewLow To __intNewHigh
      __strParamList = ""
      For __intParam = __intParamLow To __intParamHigh
         __arrA = __arrA%__intParam%
         If VarType (%__arrA% [__intNew]) == 2  ; If string, which may contain comma, then enclose in quotes.
            __strParamList = ItemInsert (udfStrQuote (%__arrA% [__intNew], "", ""), -1, __strParamList, ",")
            __strParamList = ItemInsert (%__arrA% [__intNew], -1, __strParamList, ",")
      _ [__intNew] = %__strCallback% (%__strParamList%)
   __intElementCount = 0
   For __intParam = __intParamLow To __intParamHigh
      __arrA = __arrA%__intParam%
      __intElement = ArrInfo (%__arrA%, 1)
      __intElementCount = Max (__intElementCount, __intElement)
      __int%__arrA%High = __intElement - 1
   Drop (_)
   _ = ArrDimension (__intElementCount, __intParamHigh)
   __intNewLow = 0
   __intNewHigh = __intElementCount - 1

   For __intNew = __intNewLow To __intNewHigh
      For __intParam = __intParamLow To __intParamHigh
         __arrA = __arrA%__intParam%
         If __intNew <= __int%__arrA%High
            If VarType (%__arrA% [__intNew])
               _ [__intNew, __intParam - 1] = %__arrA% [__intNew]

DropWild ("__*")

Return _
; Sorry, this code looks so ugly because of the "__" prefixes.
; At this time there is no better way known in WinBatch to get rid of "local" variables defined in a user defined subroutine.
; This UDS subroutine works in two ways:
; 1. The subroutine "udsArrMap" calls a user defined function or subroutine given by parameter 'strCallback'
; and calls the callback routine with a parameterlist built from defined array elements,
; which are extracted from one ore more arrays given by parameter 'strArrayList'.
; The "udsArrMap" subroutine returns a dim1 array containing the results of the callback routine.
; If "udsArrMap" detects an exception to its inner rules, it will return a dim0 array with no element,
; which has to be checked by the caller, for example: "If ArrInfo (arrArray, 0) == 0 Then ...".
; Note: The callback routine will be called as much as the smallest dim1 array contains defined elements.
; 2. If parameter 'strCallback' is an empty string, then the one or more dim1 arrays given by parameter 'strArrayList'
; will be combined into a dim2 array.
; The "udsArrMap" subroutine returns a dim2 array, that has as much number of rows as the largest dim2 array given,
; and the number of 'columns' is defined by the given number of items in the arraylist parameter.
; If arraylist contains an 'empty' item, then an empty column with undefined elements will be inserted.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020809.20020821.20090521.

#DefineFunction udfArrayFromFile (strFilename, intBaseMode) ; The Binary Buffer version.
If strFilename == "" Then Return ArrDimension (0)
intBBSize = FileSize (strFilename)
If !intBBSize Then Return ArrDimension (0)
intBaseMode = !!intBaseMode
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBSize + intBaseMode)
If intBaseMode Then BinaryPokeStr (hdlBB, 0, @LF)     ; Insert a leading empty line.
BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, intBaseMode, strFilename, 0, -1) ; Read the whole file.
BinaryReplace (hdlBB, @CRLF, @LF, @TRUE)              ; Unify EOL.
BinaryReplace (hdlBB, @CR, " ", @TRUE)                ; Replace lonesome CR's with spaces.
intBBEod = BinaryEodGet (hdlBB)
strString = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, 0, intBBEod - (@LF == BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, intBBEod - 1, 1))) ; Omit trailing @LF.
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
arrArray = Arrayize (strString, @LF)
If intBaseMode Then arrArray [0] = ArrInfo (arrArray, 1) - 1 ; If one based array, then poke number of file lines into array element [0].
Return arrArray
; This UDF "udfArrayFromFile" reads a textfile and returns a dim1 array.
; Each array element contains one line of the given input file, with EndOfLine characters stripped off.
; The intBaseMode parameter controls the creation of a zero based or a one based array.
; The array contains n elements (zero based) resp. n+1 elements (one based), with n = Number of file lines.
; After returning from this function the number of file lines read can be retrieved
; by 'LineCount = Array [0]' (one based array)
; or 'LineCount = ArrInfo (Array, 1)' (zero based array).
; If the specified Filename is empty or the FileSize is zero, then this function returns a valid
; dim0 array but with no element. This result has to be checked by the caller for further processing.
; strFilename ..... The File to be read into the array.
; intBaseMode=0 ... Creates a zero based array with n elements.
; intBaseMode=1 ... Creates a one based array with n+1 elements.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020808.20090510.

#DefineFunction udfArrUnique (arrArray, intSortMode, intSortDirection)
If !ArrInfo (arrArray, -1) Then Return ArrDimension (0) ; No array, return dim0 array with no element.
If ArrInfo (arrArray, 0) > 1 Then Return ArrDimension (0) ; Too much dimensions, return dim0 array with no element.
If !ArrInfo (arrArray, 6) Then Return ArrDimension (0) ; No elements, return dim0 array with no element.

strDelimiter = Num2Char (7) ; Surrogate, assuming that ASCII-7 'bell' control character does not occur in array data!

strItemList = ""
intListLow = 1
intListHigh = ArrInfo (arrArray, 1)
intArrLow = 0
intArrHigh = intListHigh - 1

For intElem = intArrLow To intArrHigh
   If !!VarType (arrArray [intElem])
      strItemList = strItemList : strDelimiter : arrArray [intElem]
      strItemList = strItemList : strDelimiter
strItemList = StrSub (strItemList, 2, -1)

strListUnique = ""
For intElem = intListLow To intListHigh
   strItem = ItemExtract (intElem, strItemList, strDelimiter)
   If strItem != "" Then If !ItemLocate (strItem, strListUnique, strDelimiter) Then strListUnique = ItemInsert (strItem, -1, strListUnique, strDelimiter)

Switch intSortMode
   Switch intSortDirection
      strListUnique = ItemSort (strListUnique, strDelimiter)
      strListUnique = ItemSort (strListUnique, strDelimiter)
      intListHigh = ItemCount (strListUnique, strDelimiter) - 1
      For intElem = intListHigh To intListLow By -1
         strListUnique = ItemRemove (intElem, ItemInsert (ItemExtract (intElem, strListUnique, strDelimiter), -1, strListUnique, strDelimiter), strDelimiter)

Return Arrayize (strListUnique, strDelimiter)
; This UDF "udfArrUnique" removes double entries from a given dim1 array and returns a new dim1 array.
; If the input array parameter does not fit to process, then the function returns a dim0 array with no element,
; which must be checked by the caller.
; intSortMode = @UNSORTED .......... Returns the unique array as is.
; intSortMode = @SORTED ............ Returns the unique array sorted.
; intSortDirection = @ASCENDING .... Performs an ascending 'word' sorting (using WinBatch function ItemSort).
; intSortDirection = @DESCENDING ... Performs a descending 'word' sorting (using WinBatch function ItemSort).
; Note:
; This UDF uses the ASCII-7 'bell' control character as a delimiter to build a temporary itemlist.
; Therefore make sure, that your array elements do not contain an ASCII-7 character,
; or define some other 'strange' ASCII character as delimiter.
; Detlev Dalitz.200200820.20090507.20090522.

; The Callback Routines
#DefineFunction cbExtractUser (strRow)
Return ItemExtract (1, strRow, ",")
#DefineFunction cbExtractValue (strRow) ; Additionally convert string type to integer.
Return Int ("0" : ItemExtract (2, strRow, ","))
#DefineSubRoutine cbSumPerUser (strUser, intValue)
intPos = udfArrItemLocate (arrUserUnique, strUser)
If intPos >= 0 Then arrUserSum[intPos] = arrUserSum[intPos] + intValue
#DefineSubRoutine cbBuildSumList (strUser, intValue)
strSumList = ItemInsert (strUser : "," : intValue, -1, strSumList, @LF)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#DefineSubRoutine cbFileWriteSum (strUser, intValue)
FileWrite (hdlFW, strUser : "," : intValue)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Test.

; We have a comma delimited file that contains information about different users,
; such as how many minutes they have been online, etc.
; What we want to do is adding up all online minutes per user (GroupBy).

; Create the input data csv file.
;   user3,14,....more stuff
;   user1,30,....more stuff
;   user2,10,....more stuff
;   user3,17,....more stuff
;   user1,25,....more stuff
;   user3,7,....more stuff
strData = "user3,14,....more stuff" : @CRLF
strData = strData : "user1,30,....more stuff" : @CRLF
strData = strData : "user2,10,....more stuff" : @CRLF
strData = strData : "user3,17,....more stuff" : @CRLF
strData = strData : "user1,25,....more stuff" : @CRLF
strData = strData : "user3,7,....more stuff" : @CRLF
strFilenameIn = udfFileCreateTemp ("WBT", "txt")
intResult = FilePut (strFilenameIn, strData)

; Should become ...
;   user1,55
;   user2,10
;   user3,38
strFilenameOut = udfFileCreateTemp ("WBT", "txt")

; Get the complete file into an array.
;arrData = udfArrayFromFile (strFilenameIn, 0)
arrData = ArrayFileGet (strFilenameIn) ; This line needs WinBatch DLL 4.0gda. First showing up in WB 2003G.
Terminate (!udfIsValidArray (arrData), "Demo aborted.", "Error while loading file into array:" : @LF : strFilenameIn)

; Extract the columns we need.
arrUser = udsArrMap ("cbExtractUser", "arrData", "")
arrValue = udsArrMap ("cbExtractValue", "arrData", "")
Drop (_, arrData)

; Make the group elements unique, and sort ascending.
arrUserUnique = udfArrUnique (arrUser, @SORTED, @ASCENDING)
intUserUniqueLow = 0
intUserUniqueHigh = Max (0, ArrInfo (arrUserUnique, 1) - 1)

; Create an empty array for holding user related sums.
arrUserSum = ArrDimension (ArrInfo (arrUserUnique, 1))
ArrInitialize (arrUserSum, 0)

; Do the calculation.
udsArrMap ("cbSumPerUser", "arrUser,arrValue", ",")
Drop (_, arrUser, arrValue)

; Write the result to diskfile.
hdlFW = FileOpen (strFilenameOut, "WRITE")
udsArrMap ("cbFileWriteSum", "arrUserUnique,arrUserSum", ",")
Drop (_)
FileClose (hdlFW)

; View output file.
hdlWinId = WinItemProcId (RunShell (strFilenameOut, "", "", @ZOOMED, @GETPROCID), 0, 0)
; Ready.

; Just for the demo ...
strSumList = ""
udsArrMap ("cbBuildSumList", "arrUserUnique,arrUserSum", ",")
Drop (_)
Drop (arrUserUnique, arrUserSum)

strMsgTitle = "Demo: Grouped Summing with udsArrMap"
strMsgText = strSumList
IntControl (28, 1, 0, 0, 0)
IntControl (63, 200, 100, 800, 600)
AskItemlist (strMsgTitle, strMsgText, @LF, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)

blnResult = FileDelete (strFilenameIn)
blnResult = FileDelete (strFilenameOut)
If WinExist (hdlWinId) Then WinClose (hdlWinId)
