int udfOctalToDecimal (str|int)
#DefineFunction udfOctalToDecimal (strOctal)
If strOctal != StrClean (strOctal, "01234567", "", @TRUE, 2) Then Return 0
intDec = 0
intLen = StrLen (strOctal)
For intI = 1 To intLen
   intDec = StrSub (strOctal, intI, 1) | (intDec << 3)
Return intDec
; This UDF "udfOctalToDecimal" accepts an octal number string and converts the octal value into decimal value.
; An octal number string from 0 to 17777777777 gives a positive decimal value from 0 to 2147483647.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20080807.

; Test.
DirChange (DirScript ())

strOct1 = ""
intDec1 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct1) ; 0.

strOct2 = "a"
intDec2 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct2) ; 0.

strOct3 = "o3"
intDec3 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct3) ; 0.

strOct4 = "0"
intDec4 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct4) ; 0.

strOct5 = "7"
intDec5 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct5) ; 7.

strOct6 = "335"
intDec6 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct6) ; 221.

strOct7 = "777"
intDec7 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct7) ; 511.

strOct8 = "1000"
intDec8 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct8) ; 512.

strOct9 = "17777777777"
intDec9 = udfOctalToDecimal (strOct9) ; 2147483647.
