If ItemLocate("udfgetclipformatname",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetclipformatname
#DefineFunction udfGetClipFormatName (iFormatID)
IntControl(73,2,0,0,0) ; GoSub WBERRORHANDLER.
sCFName = ""
GoSub CFID_%iFormatID%
; If there is no predefined format found in our list, then we ask the Clipboard for the registered name.
If (sCFName == "")
iBBSize = 256
hBB = BinaryAlloc(iBBSize)
iResult = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"GetClipboardFormatNameA",long:iFormatID,lpbinary:hBB,long:iBBSize)
If (iResult > 0) Then sCFName = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,iResult)
Return (sCFName)
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
Return ; from GoSub
; Detlev Dalitz.20030119
; --- test ---
sFormatList = ""
iCount = 0
iResult = 0
If DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"OpenClipboard",long:DllHwnd(""))
While @TRUE
iResult = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"EnumClipboardFormats",long:iResult)
If (iResult == 0) Then Break
iCount = iCount + 1
sItem = StrCat(iCount,":",@TAB,StrFixLeft(iResult," ",5)," = ",udfGetClipFormatName(iresult))
sFormatList = ItemInsert(sItem,-1,sFormatList,@LF)
iResult = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"CloseClipboard")
IntControl(28,1,0,0,0) ; Select fixed pitch font in listboxes.
AskItemlist("Current Clipboard Formats",sFormatList,@LF,@UNSORTED,@SINGLE)
; If someone wants to know what the current data format type is on the clipboard,
; e.g. Bitmap or Rich Text or whatever else, then this script can help.
; This script shows how to determine all the formats currently available on the clipboard,
; including the customised formats.
; To see custom formats in the list, try copying something from
; Notepad, Word, Write or Internet Explorer before running this script.
; Example (from the Windows Explorer)
; 1: 52900 = DataObject
; 2: 51586 = Shell IDList Array
; 3: 54218 = Preferred DropEffect
; 4: 54154 = Shell Object Offsets
; 5: 15 = CF_HDROP
; 6: 50782 = FileName
; 7: 52918 = Ole Private Data
; Example (from the Internet Explorer)
; 1: 52813 = DataObject
; 2: 1 = CF_TEXT
; 4: 54320 = HTML Format
; 5: 52372 = Rich Text Format
; 6: 52851 = Ole Private Data
; 7: 16 = CF_LOCALE
; 8: 7 = CF_OEMTEXT
; Detlev Dalitz.20030119
udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat (sFormatName)
If ItemLocate("udfgetclipidforcustomformat",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetclipidforcustomformat
#DefineFunction udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat (sFormatName)
iFormatID = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"RegisterClipboardFormatA",lpstr:sFormatName)
If (iFormatID < 49152) Then iFormatID = 0
Return (iFormatID)
; The RegisterClipboardFormat function registers a new clipboard format.
; Registered clipboard formats are identified by values in the range 0xC000 (49152) through 0xFFFF (65535).
; This format can then be used as a valid clipboard format.
; If the function succeeds, the return value identifies the registered clipboard format.
; If the function fails, the return value is zero.
; If a registered format with the specified name already exists,
; a new format is not registered and the return value identifies the existing format.
; This enables more than one application to copy and paste data using the same registered clipboard format.
; Note that the format name comparison is case-insensitive.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030119
; --- test ---
iFormatID1 = udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat ("CF_TEXT") ; ==> 57379
iFormatID2 = udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat ("CF_LOCALE") ; ==> 57432
iFormatID3 = udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat ("Rich Text Format") ; ==> 52096
iFormatID4 = udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat ("xxxxxxxx") ; ==> 57489
iFormatID5 = udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat ("XXXXXXXX") ; ==> 57489
iFormatID6 = udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat ("xxx") ; ==> 57485
If ItemLocate("udfgetclipidforcustomformat",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetclipidforcustomformat
#DefineFunction udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat (sFormatName)
iFormatID = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"RegisterClipboardFormatA",lpstr:sFormatName)
If (iFormatID < 49152) Then iFormatID = 0
Return (iFormatID)
; The RegisterClipboardFormat function registers a new clipboard format.
; Registered clipboard formats are identified by values in the range 0xC000 (49152) through 0xFFFF (65535).
; This format can then be used as a valid clipboard format.
; If the function succeeds, the return value identifies the registered clipboard format.
; If the function fails, the return value is zero.
; If a registered format with the specified name already exists,
; a new format is not registered and the return value identifies the existing format.
; This enables more than one application to copy and paste data using the same registered clipboard format.
; Note that the format name comparison is case-insensitive.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030119
#DefineFunction udfGetClipDataAsString (hWndOwner, iFormatID, sNullChar)
sString = ""
; Open the clipboard for access.
If !!DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"OpenClipboard",long:hWndOwner)
; Check if this data format is available.
If !!DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"IsClipboardFormatAvailable",long:iFormatID)
; Get the memory handle to the data.
hMem = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"GetClipboardData",long:iFormatID)
If !!hMem
; Get the size of this memory block.
iSize = DllCall("KERNEL32.DLL",long:"GlobalSize",long:hMem)
If !!iSize
; Get a pointer to the memory.
iPtr = DllCall("KERNEL32.DLL",long:"GlobalLock",long:hMem)
If !!iPtr
; Allocate a binary buffer to hold the data.
hBB = BinaryAlloc(iSize)
iptrBB = IntControl(42,hBB,0,0,0)
; Copy from the pointer into the binary buffer.
iResult = DllCall("KERNEL32.DLL",long:"RtlMoveMemory",long:iptrBB,long:iPtr,long:iSize)
; Unlock the memory block.
iResult = DllCall("KERNEL32.DLL",long:"GlobalUnlock",long:hMem)
; Now get the data from binary buffer as a string.
If (sNullChar>"") Then BinaryReplace(hBB,"",StrSub(sNullChar,1,1),@TRUE)
sString = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,iSize)
Return (sString)
; This function udfGetClipDataAsString returns the current clipboard data as a string.
; Parameter:
; hWndOwner ... Handle to the window to be associated with the open clipboard.
; If this parameter is NULL, the open clipboard is associated with the current task.
; In general you can apply the WinBatch function DllHwnd("") as current hWndOwner.
; iFormatID ... Specifies the type of format to be retrieved.
; This parameter must not specify any of the predefined clipboard formats.
; sNullChar ... Depending on the current data format the clipboard data may contain binary zeroes.
; The parameter sNullChar controls how to handle those binary zeroes.
; sNullChar specifies a 1-byte character that replaces a NULL byte in the returning string.
; If sNullChar is an empty string, then NULL bytes will not be removed.
; For text/html data the sNullChar can be an empty string as default.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030119
; --- test ---
; The following code will get any information pasted onto the clipboard in HTML Format.
; HTML Format is pasted by Internet Explorer, and gives you an entire HTML document
; based on the selection you have copied to the clipboard.
iFormatID = udfGetClipIDForCustomFormat("HTML Format")
If !!iFormatID
sText = udfGetClipDataAsString(DllHwnd(""),iFormatID,"")
; Take a look with WinBatch browser.
sFilename = FileCreateTemp("TMP")
If Run(StrCat(DirHome(),"browser.exe"),sFilename)
sBrowser = WinGetactive()
; Note: If the file is empty, then you might have forgotten
; to copy some html related data to the clipboard.
If FileExist(sFilename) Then FileDelete(sFilename)
udfGetClipApp ()
If ItemLocate("udfgetclipapp",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetclipapp
#DefineFunction udfGetClipApp ()
; Get handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.
hWnd = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"GetOpenClipboardWindow")
If !hWnd Then Return "" ; Clipboard is not assigned.
; Get the application pathname.
iBBSize = 260 ; MAX_PATH=260
hBB = BinaryAlloc(iBBSize)
iBBSize = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"GetWindowModuleFileNameA",long:hWnd,lpbinary:hBB,long:iBBSize)
sGetWindowModuleFileNameA = FileNameLong(BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,iBBSize))
; Get text from the window title bar.
iBBSize = 1 + DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"GetWindowTextLengthA",long:hWnd) ; Sized one more byte for sure.
hBB = BinaryAlloc(iBBSize)
iBBSize = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"GetWindowTextA",long:hWnd,lpbinary:hBB,long:iBBSize)
sGetWindowTextA = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,0,iBBSize)
sList = hWnd
sList = ItemInsert(sGetWindowModuleFileNameA,-1,sList,@TAB)
sList = ItemInsert(sGetWindowTextA,-1,sList,@TAB)
Return (sList)
; This function "udfGetClipApp" returns a tab delimited list of three items.
; item1 ... Handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.
; Item2 ... The (full path- and file-) name of the module associated with the specified window handle.
; Item3 ... The text of the specified window's title bar.
; If the window does not have a caption, the return value is a null string.
; If there is no application to detect currently using the clipboard,
; then "udfGetClipApp" returns an empty string.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020701
If ItemLocate("udfgetclipapp_2",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetclipapp_2
#DefineFunction udfGetClipApp_2 ()
; Get handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.
hWnd = DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"GetOpenClipboardWindow")
If !hWnd Then Return "" ; Clipboard is not assigned.
AddExtender("WWCTL34I.DLL") ; Control Manager Extender
sGetWindowText = cWndinfo(hWnd,0)
sWinId = cWinIDConvert(hWnd)
sGetWindowModuleFileName = WinExename(sWinId)
sList = hWnd
sList = ItemInsert(sWinId,-1,sList,@TAB)
sList = ItemInsert(sGetWindowModuleFileName,-1,sList,@TAB)
sList = ItemInsert(sGetWindowText,-1,sList,@TAB)
Return (sList)
; This function "udfGetClipApp" returns a tab delimited list of four items.
; Item1 ... The Handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.
; Item2 ... The WinId pseudo handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.
; Item3 ... The (full path and file-) name of the module associated with the specified window handle.
; Item4 ... The text of the specified window's title bar.
; If the window does not have a caption, the return value is a null string.
; If there is no application to detect currently using the clipboard,
; then "udfGetClipApp" returns an empty string.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030711
; --- test ---
sMsgTitle = "Demo udfGetClipApp()"
; Part 1
; We need an application which makes repeatedly use of the clipboard.
sClpBrdTestApp = FileCreateTemp("TMP")
sClpBrdTestApp = StrCat(FilePath(sClpBrdTestApp),"looptest.wbt")
hFW = FileOpen(sClpBrdTestApp,"WRITE")
FileWrite(hFW,';Testloop for udfGetClipbApp()')
FileWrite(hFW,'DllUser32 = StrCat(DirWindows(1),"USER32.DLL")')
FileWrite(hFW,'TitleOld = "Clipboard Test Loop is running ..."')
FileWrite(hFW,'BoxOpen(TitleOld,"Stop it with (@CTRL & @SHIFT)")')
FileWrite(hFW,';Enable Close button')
FileWrite(hFW,'IntControl(1008, 1, 0, 0, 0)')
FileWrite(hFW,';Tell WIL not to complain when box is closed')
FileWrite(hFW,'IntControl(12, 1+4, 0, 0, 0)')
FileWrite(hFW,'While 1')
FileWrite(hFW,' i=i+1')
FileWrite(hFW,' TitleNew = StrCat(i," - The Clipboard is mine. Stop it with (@CTRL & @SHIFT).")')
FileWrite(hFW,' WinTitle(TitleOld,TitleNew)')
FileWrite(hFW,' TitleOld = TitleNew')
FileWrite(hFW,' hWndNewOwner = DllHwnd(TitleNew)')
FileWrite(hFW,' bool = DLLCall(DllUser32,long:"OpenClipboard",long:hWndNewOwner)')
FileWrite(hFW,' bool = DLLCall(DllUser32,long:"EmptyClipboard")')
FileWrite(hFW,' TimeDelay(5)')
FileWrite(hFW,' bool = DLLCall(DllUser32,long:"CloseClipboard")')
FileWrite(hFW,' If IsKeyDown(@CTRL & @SHIFT) then break')
FileWrite(hFW,' If !FileExist("%sClpBrdTestApp%") then break')
FileWrite(hFW,'Message("Clipboard Test Loop","Done.")')
; Part2
While @TRUE
;sList = udfGetClipApp() ; udfGetClipApp with DllCalls.
sList = udfGetClipApp_2() ; udfGetClipApp with Control Manager Extender.
If sList>""
sMsgText = ""
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Handle to the window that currently has the clipboard open.",@LF,ItemExtract(1,sList,@TAB),@LF,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"The window handle converted to WinID.",@LF,ItemExtract(2,sList,@TAB),@LF,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"The application module associated with the specified window handle.",@LF,ItemExtract(3,sList,@TAB),@LF,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"The text of the specified window's title bar.",@LF,ItemExtract(4,sList,@TAB),@LF,@LF)
sMsgText = "Clipboard is currently not used by any application."
udfSetClipEmpty ()
If ItemLocate("udfsetclipempty",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetclipempty
#DefineFunction udfSetClipEmpty ()
If !!DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"OpenClipboard",long:DllHwnd("")) Then Return !!DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"EmptyClipboard") && !!DllCall("USER32.DLL",long:"CloseClipboard")
Return 0
; This function udfSetClipEmpty() returns a boolean value to indicate if the emptying was successful or not.
; The effect of emptying the clipboard by this function udfSetClipEmpty()
; can also easily be realized in WinBatch by applying the one statement ClipPut("").
; Remarks from MS SDK:
; The EmptyClipboard function empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard.
; The function then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the window that currently has the clipboard open.
; Before calling EmptyClipboard, an application must open the clipboard by using the OpenClipboard function.
; If the application specifies a NULL window handle when opening the clipboard,
; EmptyClipboard succeeds but sets the clipboard owner to NULL.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030119
; --- test ---
ClipPut("If you later see this message again, then emptying of the clipboard did not work.")
Message("Demo udfSetClipEmpty() - PRE-EMPTYING",ClipGet())
iBool = udfSetClipEmpty()
Message("Demo udfSetClipEmpty() - POST-EMPTYING",ClipGet())