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Date and Time Functions

DATETIME.WBT   Version 1.19  2003:10:02

User Defined Functions Library for WinBatch.

Includes calculations for German Holidays.
Enthält Berechnungen für deutsche Feiertage.

; udflib.DateTime.wbt
; Date and Time Functions v1.19
; User Defined Functions for WinBatch.
; Detlev Dalitz.20010325.20020201.20020709.20020719.20020722.20020723.20020725.20020804.20021112.20021202...
; ...20030213.20030604.20030620.20030711.20030819.20030820.20030920.20030924.20030925.20031002.

; Overview
; udfSayNoYes (bool)                  ; Returns string "No" or "Yes"
; udfTimeFormatStr (YmdHms,TaggedStr) ; Returns string formatted as defined in TaggedStr
; udfIsValidDate (YmdHms)             ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfIsValidDateTime (YmdHms)         ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfIsLeapYear (YmdHms)              ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfIsJulianLeapYear (YmdHms)        ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfJulianDayOfWeek (YmdHms)         ; Returns number, range=0..6 = Sunday..Saturday
; udfDayOfWeek (YmdHms)               ; Returns number, range=1..7 = Monday..Sunday
; udfDayOfYear (YmdHms)               ; Returns number, range=1..366
; udfWeekOfYear (YmdHms)              ; Returns number, range=0..53
; udfWeekOfMonth (sYmdHms, iMode)     ; Returns number, range=1..6
; udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, iLength)     ; Returns string of at least iLength number of characters. Range iLength=0..n
; udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, iLength)   ; Returns string of at least iLength number of characters. Range iLength=0..n
; udfTimeDMY (YmdHms)                 ; Returns string formatted as ""
; udfTimeDMYShort (YmdHms)            ; Returns string formatted as "ddd"
; udfTimeDMYLong (YmdHms)             ; Returns string formatted as "dddd"
; udfDaysInYear (YmdHms)              ; Returns number, range=365..366
; udfDaysInMonth (YmdHms)             ; Returns number, range=28..31
; udfGetLastDayOfMonth (sYmdHms)      ; Returns datetime string  ; The day item is set to the last day of given month.
; udfGetLastDayOfMonth_2 (sYmdHms)    ; Returns datetime string  ; The day item is set to the last day of given month.
; udfIsLastDayInMonth (YmdHms)        ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfIsFirstDayOfMonth (YmdHms)       ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfIsLastDayOfMonth (YmdHms)        ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfIsNthDayOfMonth (n, YmdHms)      ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
; udfIsWeekDay (YmdHms)               ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)  ; True if day is Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday.
; udfIsWeekendDay (YmdHms)            ; Returns boolean, false or true (0..1)  ; True if day is Saturday,Sunday.
; udfGetCountDowInMonth (sYmdHms, iDayOfWeek)              ; Returns number, range=1..5  ; uses iDayOfWeek = 0..6 = Sunday..Saturday
; udfGetNthDowInMonth (sYmdHms, iOccurrence, iDayOfWeek)   ; Returns datetime string     ; uses iDayOfWeek = 0..6 = Sunday..Saturday
; udfGetWeekDayNext (YmdHms)          ; Returns datetime string
; udfGetWeekDayPrev (YmdHms)          ; Returns datetime string
; udfGetSundayOfWeek (YmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string  ; leaves Hms as is
; udfGetMondayOfWeek (YmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string  ; leaves Hms as is
; udfGetTuesdayOfWeek (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string  ; leaves Hms as is
; udfGetWednesdayOfWeek (YmdHms)      ; Returns datetime string  ; leaves Hms as is
; udfGetThursdayOfWeek (YmdHms)       ; Returns datetime string  ; leaves Hms as is
; udfGetFridayOfWeek (YmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string  ; leaves Hms as is
; udfGetSaturdayOfWeek (YmdHms)       ; Returns datetime string  ; leaves Hms as is
; udfGetYmd (sYmdHms)                 ; Returns the Ymd date part of the specified sYmdhms.
; udfGetHms (sYmdHms)                 ; Returns the Hms time part of the specified sYmdhms.
; udfSetYmd (sYmdHms, sYmd)           ; Sets the Ymd date part of the sYmdHms to the specified sYmd date value.
; udfSetHms (sYmdHms, sHms)           ; Sets the Hms time part of the sYmdHms to the specified sHms time value.
; udfGetYear (sYmdHms)                ; Returns the number of the year of the specified date.
; udfGetMonth (sYmdHms)               ; Returns the number of the month of the specified date.
; udfGetDay (sYmdHms)                 ; Returns the number of the day of the specified date.
; udfGetHour (sYmdHms)                ; Returns the number of the hour of the specified date.
; udfGetMinute (sYmdHms)              ; Returns the number of the minute of the specified date.
; udfGetSecond (sYmdHms)              ; Returns the number of the second of the specified date.
; udfSetYear (sYmdHms, iYear)         ; Sets the year to the specified value.
; udfSetMonth (sYmdHms, iMonth)       ; Sets the month to the specified value.
; udfSetDay (sYmdHms, iDay)           ; Sets the day to the specified value.
; udfSetHour (sYmdHms, iHour)         ; Sets the hour to the specified value.
; udfSetMinute (sYmdHms, iMinute)     ; Sets the minute to the specified value.
; udfSetSecond (sYmdHms, iSecond)     ; Sets the second to the specified value.
; udfSecondsToDhms (iSeconds, iMode)  ; Returns numbers for days, hours, minutes, seconds for a given number of seconds.
; udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp (sYmdHms, iMode) ; Returns string formatted as (1) "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT"  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
;                                       ; Returns string formatted as (2) "Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT" ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
;                                       ; Returns string formatted as (3) "Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994"       ; ANSI C's asctime() format
;                                       ; Returns string formatted as (4) "1994-11-06T08:49:37"            ; ISO 8601 format
;                                       ; Returns string formatted as (5) "19941106T084937"                ; ISO 8601 compacted format
; udfYmdHmsToYwd (sYmdHms, iMode)     ; Returns ISO 8601 notation for the week in a formatted string like "yyyyWwwd".
; udfYwdtoYmdHms (sYwd)               ; Returns the YmdHms datetime string available from ISO 8601 week notation string.
; udfRoundToMinute (sYmdHms, iMode)   ; Returns datetime string.
; udfRoundToHour (sYmdHms, iMode)     ; Returns datetime string.
; udfRoundToDay (sYmdHms, iMode)      ; Returns datetime string.
; udfRoundToMonth (sYmdHms, iMode)    ; Returns datetime string.
; udfRoundToYear (sYmdHms, iMode)     ; Returns datetime string.
; udfRoundToQuarter (sYmdHms, iMode)  ; Returns datetime string.
; udfAgeDifference (sYmdHms1, sYmdHms2, iMode) ; Returns integer number.
; udfYmdHmsToUnixSeconds (YmdHms)     ; Returns number UnixTimeStamp 0..999999999..?
; udfUnixSecondsToYmdHms (Seconds)    ; Returns datetime string
; udfHmsToDecimalHour (Hms)           ; Returns decimal number
; udfDecimalHourToYmdHms (fDecHour)   ; Returns datetime string
; udfYmdHmsToFloat (sYmdHms)          ; Returns floating point number that represents the DateTime.
; udfFloatToYmdHms (fDateTime)        ; Returns datetime string on a given floating point number that represents the DateTime.
; udfStrDateTo3Char (sYmdHms)         ; Returns a three-character string suitable for use as the prefix for a file name.
; udfStrDateTo4Char (sYmdHms)         ; Returns a four-character string suitable for use as the prefix for a file name.
; udfStrDateTo8Char (sYmdHms)         ; Returns a eight-character string suitable for use as a dos file name.
; udfCalendar (YmdHms)                ; Returns a small calendar table.
; udfGetSeason (sYmdHms)              ; Returns a string containing the name of the season for the given date.
; udfGetZodiac (sYmdHms)              ; Returns a string containing the name of the zodiac sign for the given date.
; udfEasterSunday_Gauss (sYmdHms)            ; Returns datetime string.
; udfEasterSunday_Schlyter (sYmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string.
; udfEasterSunday_Lilius_Clavius (sYmdHms)   ; Returns datetime string.
; udfEasterSunday_Passah (sYmdHms)           ; Returns datetime string.
; udfEasterSunday (sYmdHms)                  ; Returns datetime string.
; udfGetTimezoneInfo()                ; Returns a tab delimited list about Daylight saving and Standard time settings.
; udfGD_AscherMittwoch (YmdHms)       ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_PalmSonntag (YmdHms)          ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_KarFreitag (YmdHms)           ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_OsterSonntag (YmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_OsterMontag (YmdHms)          ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_WeisserSonntag (YmdHms)       ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_ChristiHimmelfahrt (YmdHms)   ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_PfingstSonntag (YmdHms)       ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_PfingstMontag (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_Fronleichnam (YmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_MariaeHimmelfahrt (YmdHms)    ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_TagDerEinheit (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_Reformationstag (YmdHms)      ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_HeiligAbend (YmdHms)          ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_ErsterWeihnachten (YmdHms)    ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_ZweiterWeihnachten (YmdHms)   ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_Silvester (YmdHms)            ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_Neujahr (YmdHms)              ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_ErsterAdvent (YmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_ZweiterAdvent (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_DritterAdvent (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_VierterAdvent (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_BussUndBettag (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_HeiligeDreiKoenige (YmdHms)   ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_Allerheiligen (YmdHms)        ; Returns datetime string
; udfGD_TagDerArbeit (YmdHms)         ; Returns datetime string
; udfNameOfGD (YmdHms)                ; Returns string (fast speed)
; udfNameOfGD2 (YmdHms)               ; Returns string (slow speed)
; udfGDHashTable (YmdHms, Mode)       ; Returns string (middle speed)
;                                   ... Returns string Mode=0 => creates hash table
;                                   ... Returns string Mode=1 => Name of German Holiday
;                                   ... Returns string Mode=2 => List of German Holidays

; User Defined Functions for Date and Time Calculations.

#DefineFunction udfSayNoYes (bool) ; returns string "No" or "Yes" ; for test purposes
NoYesArray = Arrayize("Nein,Ja",",")
;NoYesArray = Arrayize("No,Yes",",")
Return (NoYesArray[bool])

#DefineFunction udfIsValidDate (sYmdHms) ; returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
ciYmdLen = 10 ; StrLen("0000:00:00")
sYmd = StrSub(sYmdHms,1,ciYmdLen)
If (StrLen(sYmd)!=ciYmdLen) Then Return (@FALSE)
iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
Return (LastError()==0)
#DefineFunction udfIsValidDateTime (sYmdHms) ; returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
ciYmdHmsLen = 19 ; StrLen("0000:00:00:00:00:00")
If (StrLen(sYmdHms)!=ciYmdHmsLen) Then Return (@FALSE)
iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
Return (LastError()==0)

#DefineFunction udfIsLeapYear (YmdHms) ; returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
Year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
Return ((0==(year mod 4))&&(0!=(year mod 4000))&&((0!=(year mod 100))||(0==(year mod 400))))
#DefineFunction udfIsJulianLeapYear (sYmdHms) ; returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
iYear = ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
Return (TimeJulianDay(StrCat(iYear,":03:01"))-TimeJulianDay(StrCat(iYear,":02:28"))>1)

#DefineFunction udfJulianDayOfWeek (sYmdHms) ; returns number, range 0..6
Return ((TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7) ; Range=0..6 = Sunday..Saturday
#DefineFunction udfDayOfWeek (sYmdHms) ; returns number, range 1..7
iJulianDow = (TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7
Return (iJulianDow+(7*!iJulianDow)) ; Range=1..7 = Monday..Sunday
#DefineFunction udfDayOfYear (sYmdHms) ; returns number, range=1..366
Return (1+TimeDiffDays(sYmdHms,StrCat(ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":"),":01:01:00:00:00")))
#DefineFunction udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms) ; returns number, range 0..53
iJulianNow     = TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)
iJulianJan4    = TimeJulianDay(StrCat(ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":"),":01:04:00:00:00"))
iJulianDowJan4 = (iJulianJan4+5) mod 7 ; Range=0..6 = Sunday..Saturday
iJulianMonday  = 1+iJulianJan4-iJulianDowJan4-(7*!iJulianDowJan4)
iWeek          = (iJulianNow-iJulianMonday)/7
iWeek          = iWeek+(iJulianNow>=iJulianMonday)
Return (iWeek)

;   #DefineFunction udfWeekOfMonth (sYmdHms) ; Returns number, range 1..6.
;   Return (udfWeekOfYear(sYmdHms) - udfWeekOfYear(udfSetDay(sYmdHms,1)) + 1)
;   #EndFunction

#DefineFunction udfWeekOfMonth (sYmdHms, iMode)
iDay = ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")
iDow = (7 + TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms) - iDay - iMode) mod 7
If !iDow Then iDow = 7
iDay = iDay + iDow - 2
Return (1 + (iDay / 7))
; This function udfWeekOfMonth returns the number of the week within the month
; that is given by the first parameter sYmdHms datetime string.
; This function returns a number in range 1..6.
; The second parameter iMode controls whether a week begins with Sunday or Monday.
; iMode = 0 ... Week begins with Sunday.
; iMode = 1 ... Week begins with Monday.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030819

#DefineFunction udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, iLength)   ; Returns string.
sOut = ItemExtract(1+((TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7),"Sonntag,Montag,Dienstag,Mittwoch,Donnerstag,Freitag,Samstag",",")
; sOut = ItemExtract(1+((TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7),"Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday",",")
iLength = Max(0,iLength)
If !!iLength Then sOut = StrFix(sOut," ",iLength)
Return (sOut)
; Returns a string with at least iLength number of characters.
; Use iLength=0 for returning the trimmed length of day name as is.
#DefineFunction udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, iLength) ; Returns string.
sOut = ItemExtract(ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"),"Januar,Februar,März,April,Mai,Juni,Juli,August,September,Oktober,November,Dezember",",")
; sOut = ItemExtract(ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"),"January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December",",")
iLength = Max(0,iLength)
If !!iLength Then sOut = StrFix(sOut," ",iLength)
Return (sOut)
; Returns a string with at least iLength number of characters.
; Use iLength=0 for returning the trimmed length of month name as is.

#DefineFunction udfTimeDMY (YmdHms) ; returns string formatted as ""
DTArray = Arrayize(YmdHms,":")
Return (StrCat(DTArray[2],".",DTArray[1],".",DTArray[0]))
#DefineFunction udfTimeDMYShort (YmdHms) ; returns string formatted as "ddd"
DTArray = Arrayize(YmdHms,":")
Return (StrCat(udfNameOfDay(YmdHms,3)," ",DTArray[2],".",DTArray[1],".",DTArray[0]))
#DefineFunction udfTimeDMYLong (YmdHms) ; returns string formatted as "dddd"
DTArray = Arrayize(YmdHms,":")
Return (StrCat(udfNameOfDay(YmdHms,0)," ",DTArray[2],".",DTArray[1],".",DTArray[0]))

#DefineFunction udfDaysInYear (YmdHms)
Return (udfIsLeapYear(YmdHms) + 365)
; Returns number, range 365..366.
#DefineFunction udfDaysInMonth (sYmdHms)
iDaysInMonth = ItemExtract(ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"),"31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31",",")
If (iDaysInMonth==28) Then iDaysInMonth = iDaysInMonth+udfIsLeapYear(sYmdHms)
Return (iDaysInMonth)
; Returns number, range=28..31.
#DefineFunction udfGetLastDayOfMonth (sYmdHms)
Return (ItemReplace(udfDaysInMonth(sYmdHms),3,sYmdHms,":"))
; Returns YmdHms datetime string.
#DefineFunction udfGetLastDayOfMonth_2 (sYmdHms)
Return (TimeSubtract(ItemReplace(1,3,TimeAdd(sYmdHms,"0:1:0"),":"),"0:0:1"))
; Returns YmdHms datetime string, leaves Hms as is.
; I prefer this version of udfGetLastDayOfMonth.
; LastDayofNextMonth = TimeSubtract(ItemReplace(1,3,TimeAdd(sYmdHms,"0:2:0"),":"),"0:0:1")

#DefineFunction udfIsLastDayInMonth (YmdHms) ; returns boolean, false or true (0..1)
YmdHmsArray = Arrayize(YmdHms,":")
Return (YmdHmsArray[2]==udfDaysInMonth(YmdHms))
If ItemLocate("udfisfirstdayofmonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfisfirstdayofmonth

#DefineFunction udfIsFirstDayOfMonth (sYmdHms)
Return (1==(0+ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")))

If ItemLocate("udfislastdayofmonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfislastdayofmonth

#DefineFunction udfIsLastDayOfMonth (sYmdHms)
Return ((0+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"))!=(0+ItemExtract(2,TimeAdd(sYmdHms,"0:0:1:0:0:0"),":")))

If ItemLocate("udfisnthdayofmonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfisnthdayofmonth

#DefineFunction udfIsNthDayOfMonth (n, sYmdHms)
If ((n<1)||(n>31))
   Return ((0+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"))!=(0+ItemExtract(2,TimeAdd(sYmdHms,"0:0:1:0:0:0"),":")))
   Return (n==(0+ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")))
; to refer to the "last day" of month use any n out of range 1..31, e.g. n=0


If ItemLocate("udfgetcountdowinmonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetcountdowinmonth

#DefineFunction udfGetCountDOWInMonth (sYmdHms, iDayOfWeek)                 ; With iDayOfWeek = 0..6 = Sunday..Saturday.
iDayOfWeek = Min(6,Max(-1,iDayOfWeek))                 ; Limit iDayOfWeek to -1..0..6 days. -1 means current DayofWeek of sYmdHms.
If (iDayOfWeek<0) Then iDayOfWeek = ((TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7)      ; 0..6 = Sunday..Saturday.
iMonth = ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")                                         ; Store iMonth for later check.
sYmdHms = ItemReplace("01",3,sYmdHms,":")                                   ; Set the of month.
iFirstDay = ((TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7)                              ; Sunday=0
sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(7+iDayOfWeek-iFirstDay) mod 7))    ; Add diff. days to the first occurrence.
iCount = 0
While (iMonth==ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"))
   iCount = iCount+1
   sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",7))                              ; Add weeks.
Return (iCount)
; This Function "udfGetCountDowInMonth" returns the number of times
; the specified day of the week occurs in the month containing the date.
; If you pass a iDayOfWeek value of -1, then the function counts the number of times the day
; indicated by the date parameter occurs within its own month.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020720


If ItemLocate("udfgetnthdowinmonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetnthdowinmonth

#DefineFunction udfGetNthDOWInMonth (sYmdHms, iOccurrence, iDayOfWeek)
; With iDayOfWeek = 0..6 ; Sunday..Saturday.
@YM0 = "0:0:0"
@YM7 = "0:0:7"
@YMD = "0:0:D"
@D   = "D"
@58  = ":"
iOccurrence = Min(5,Max(1,iOccurrence))                                             ; Limit to 1..5 weeks.
iDayOfWeek  = Min(6,Max(0,iDayOfWeek))                                              ; Limit to 0..6 days.
iMonth  = ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,@58)                                                ; Save for later check.
sYmdHms = ItemReplace(1,3,sYmdHms,@58)                                              ; Set the of month.
iFirstDay = ((TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7)                                      ; Sunday=0
If ((iOccurrence==1)&&(iDayOfWeek==iFirstDay)) Then Return (TimeAdd(sYmdHms,@YM0))  ; Return if first day of month hits the rule.
sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrReplace(@YMD,@D,(7+iDayOfWeek-iFirstDay) mod 7))       ; Add diff. days to the first occurrence.
If (iOccurrence==1) Then Return (sYmdHms)                                           ; Return if this day hits the rule.
sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrReplace(@YMD,@D,(7*(iOccurrence-1))))                  ; Add diff. weeks to hit the rule.
If (iMonth!=ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,@58)) Then sYmdHms = TimeSubtract(sYmdHms,@YM7)   ; Fallback if necessary and subtract 7 days.
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfGetNthDowInMonth" returns the Nth occurence of the day of the week
; (for example, the second Tuesday) in the specified month.
; If the Nth day cannot be resolved in this month, then the last occurence of day will be returned.
; (for example : the fifth Thursday in July 2002 does not exist (actually it will be calculated to the 01.08.2002),
; so this function returns the last 'good' Thursday 25.07.2002.


If ItemLocate("udfgetweekdaynext",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetweekdaynext

#DefineFunction udfGetWeekDayNext (sYmdHms)
iJulianNow = TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)
While 1
   iJulianNow = iJulianNow+1
   iJulianDowNow = (iJulianNow+5) mod 7
   If (6!=iJulianDowNow) Then If (0!=iJulianDowNow) Then Break ; if not a weekend day then break
Return (TimeJulToYmd(iJulianNow))
; This Function "udfGetWeekDayNext" returns a DateTime string containing the next WeekDay.
; The date whose following weekday (Monday through Friday) is returned.
; Skips over the Weekend if necessary. No check about holidays which are reside on weekdays.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020723

If ItemLocate("udfgetweekdayprev",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetweekdayprev

#DefineFunction udfGetWeekDayPrev (sYmdHms)
iJulianNow = TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)
While 1
   iJulianNow = iJulianNow-1
   iJulianDowNow = (iJulianNow+5) mod 7
   If (6!=iJulianDowNow) Then If (0!=iJulianDowNow) Then Break ; if not a weekend day then break
Return (TimeJulToYmd(iJulianNow))
; This Function "udfGetWeekDayPrev" returns a DateTime string containing the previous WeekDay.
; The date whose previous weekday (Monday through Friday) is returned.
; Skips over the Weekend if necessary. No check about holidays which are reside on weekdays.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020723


#DefineFunction udfGetSundayOfWeek (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string ; leaves Hms untouched
Return (TimeSubtract(YmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)))
#DefineFunction udfGetMondayOfWeek (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string ; leaves Hms untouched
Return (TimeAdd(TimeSubtract(YmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)),"0:0:1"))
#DefineFunction udfGetTuesdayOfWeek (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string ; leaves Hms untouched
Return (TimeAdd(TimeSubtract(YmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)),"0:0:2"))
#DefineFunction udfGetWednesdayOfWeek (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string ; leaves Hms untouched
Return (TimeAdd(TimeSubtract(YmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)),"0:0:3"))
#DefineFunction udfGetThursdayOfWeek (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string ; leaves Hms untouched
Return (TimeAdd(TimeSubtract(YmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)),"0:0:4"))
#DefineFunction udfGetFridayOfWeek (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string ; leaves Hms untouched
Return (TimeAdd(TimeSubtract(YmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)),"0:0:5"))
#DefineFunction udfGetSaturdayOfWeek (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string ; leaves Hms untouched
Return (TimeAdd(TimeSubtract(YmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)),"0:0:6"))

If ItemLocate("udfisweekday",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfisweekday

#DefineFunction udfIsWeekDay (YmdHms)
iJulianDow = ((TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)
If (6==iJulianDow) Then Return (@FALSE)
If (0==iJulianDow) Then Return (@FALSE)
Return (@TRUE)
; "Is Date A Weekday"
; Returns @True if a date is a weekday such as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.

If ItemLocate("udfisweekendday",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfisweekendday

#DefineFunction udfIsWeekendDay (YmdHms)
iJulianDow = ((TimeJulianDay(YmdHms)+5) mod 7)
If (6==iJulianDow) Then Return (@TRUE)
If (0==iJulianDow) Then Return (@TRUE)
Return (@FALSE)
; "Is Date A Weekend Day"
; Returns @True if a date is a weekend day such as Saturday or Sunday.


If ItemLocate("udfgetymd",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetymd

#DefineFunction udfGetYmd (sYmdHms)
Return (StrSub(sYmdHms,1,10))
; This Function "udfGetYmd" returns the Ymd date part of the specified sYmdhms.

If ItemLocate("udfgethms",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgethms

#DefineFunction udfGetHms (sYmdHms)
Return (StrSub(sYmdHms,12,-1))
; This Function "udfGetHms" returns the Hms time part of the specified sYmdhms.
If ItemLocate("udfsetymd",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetymd

If ItemLocate("udfsetymd",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetymd

#DefineFunction udfSetYmd (sYmdHms, sYmd)
sYmdHms = ItemReplace(ItemExtract(1,sYmd,":"),1,sYmdHms,":")
sYmdHms = ItemReplace(ItemExtract(2,sYmd,":")-1,2,sYmdHms,":")
sYmdHms = ItemReplace(ItemExtract(3,sYmd,":")-1,3,sYmdHms,":")
Return (TimeAdd("0000:01:01:00:00:00",sYmdHms)) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfSetYmd" sets the Ymd date part of the sYmdHms to the specified sYmd date value.

If ItemLocate("udfsethms",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsethms

#DefineFunction udfSetHms (sYmdHms, sHms)
sYmdHms = ItemReplace("00",4,sYmdHms,":")
sYmdHms = ItemReplace("00",5,sYmdHms,":")
sYmdHms = ItemReplace("00",6,sYmdHms,":")
Return (TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:0:",sHms))) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfsetHms" sets the Hms time part of the sYmdHms to the specified sHms time value.


If ItemLocate("udfgetyear",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetyear

#DefineFunction udfGetYear (sYmdHms)
Return (ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":"))
; This Function "udfGetYear" returns the number of the year of the specified date.

If ItemLocate("udfgetmonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetmonth

#DefineFunction udfGetMonth (sYmdHms)
Return (ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"))
; This Function "udfGetMonth" returns the number of the month of the specified date.

If ItemLocate("udfgetday",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetday

#DefineFunction udfGetDay (sYmdHms)
Return (ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":"))
; This Function "udfGetDay" returns the number of the day of the specified date.

If ItemLocate("udfgethour",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgethour

#DefineFunction udfGetHour (sYmdHms)
Return (ItemExtract(4,sYmdHms,":"))
; This Function "udfGetHour" returns the number of the hour of the specified date.

If ItemLocate("udfgetminute",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetminute

#DefineFunction udfGetMinute (sYmdHms)
Return (ItemExtract(5,sYmdHms,":"))
; This Function "udfGetMinute" returns the number of the minute of the specified date.

If ItemLocate("udfgetsecond",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetsecond

#DefineFunction udfGetSecond (sYmdHms)
Return (ItemExtract(6,sYmdHms,":"))
; This Function "udfGetSecond" returns the number of the second of the specified date.


If ItemLocate("udfsetyear",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetyear

#DefineFunction udfSetYear (sYmdHms, iYear)
Return (TimeAdd(ItemReplace("0000",1,sYmdHms,":"),StrCat(iYear,":0:0:0:0:0"))) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfSetYear" sets the year to the specified value.

If ItemLocate("udfsetmonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetmonth

#DefineFunction udfSetMonth (sYmdHms, iMonth)
Return (TimeAdd(ItemReplace("01",2,sYmdHms,":"),StrCat("0:",iMonth-1,":0:0:0:0"))) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfSetMonth" sets the month to the specified value.

If ItemLocate("udfsetday",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetday

#DefineFunction udfSetDay (sYmdHms, iDay)
Return (TimeAdd(ItemReplace("01",3,sYmdHms,":"),StrCat("0:0:",iDay-1,":0:0:0"))) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfSetDay" sets the day to the specified value.

If ItemLocate("udfsethour",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsethour

#DefineFunction udfSetHour (sYmdHms, iHour)
Return (TimeAdd(ItemReplace("00",4,sYmdHms,":"),StrCat("0:0:0:",iHour,":0:0"))) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfSetHour" sets the hour to the specified value.

If ItemLocate("udfsetminute",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetminute

#DefineFunction udfSetMinute (sYmdHms, iMinute)
Return (TimeAdd(ItemReplace("00",5,sYmdHms,":"),StrCat("0:0:0:0:",iMinute,":0"))) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfSetMinute" sets the minute to the specified value.

If ItemLocate("udfsetsecond",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsetsecond

#DefineFunction udfSetSecond (sYmdHms, iSecond)
Return (TimeAdd(ItemReplace("00",6,sYmdHms,":"),StrCat("0:0:0:0:0:",iSecond))) ; make valid datetime string
; This Function "udfSetSecond" sets the second to the specified value.


If ItemLocate("udfsecondstodhms",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfsecondstodhms

#DefineFunction udfSecondsToDhms (iSeconds, iMode)
iDays    = iSeconds / 86400
iSeconds = iSeconds mod 86400
iHours   = iSeconds / 3600
iSeconds = iSeconds mod 3600
iMinutes = iSeconds / 60
iSeconds = iSeconds mod 60

If Min(Max(0,iMode),1) Then Return (StrCat(iDays,@TAB,iHours,@TAB,iMinutes,@TAB,iSeconds))

; English Version.
sOut = "!1 Day!5  !2 Hour!6  !3 Minute!7  !4 Second!8"
sOut = StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(sOut,"!5",StrSub("s",iDays!=1,1)),"!6",StrSub("s",iHours!=1,1)),"!7",StrSub("s",iMinutes!=1,1)),"!8",StrSub("s",iSeconds!=1,1))
sOut = StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(sOut,"!1",iDays),"!2",iHours),"!3",iMinutes),"!4",iSeconds)
Return (sOut)

;   ; German Version.
;   sOut = "!1 Tag!5  !2 Stunde!6  !3 Minute!7  !4 Sekunde!8"
;   sOut = StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(sOut,"!5",StrSub("e",iDays!=1,1)),"!6",StrSub("n",iHours!=1,1)),"!7",StrSub("n",iMinutes!=1,1)),"!8",StrSub("n",iSeconds!=1,1))
;   sOut = StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(StrReplace(sOut,"!1",iDays),"!2",iHours),"!3",iMinutes),"!4",iSeconds)
;   Return (sOut)

; This Function "udfSecondsToDhms" accepts an integer number of seconds,
; and returns numbers for days, hours, minutes, seconds calculated accordingly.
; Output string can be modified by parameter iMode.
; iMode=0 ... Returns a formatted textstring, e.g. "1 Day  2 Hours  1 Minute 4 Seconds".
; iMode=1 ... Returns a tab delimited itemlist, e.g. "1@TAB2@TAB1@TAB4".
; Detlev Dalitz.20030110


If ItemLocate("udfymdhmstohttpstamp",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfymdhmstohttpstamp

#DefineFunction udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp (sYmdHms, iMode)
iMode  = Min(5,Max(1,iMode)) ; Force iMode=1..5.
sYear  = ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
sMonth = ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")
sDay   = ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")
sHms   = StrSub(sYmdHms,12,8)
sMName = ItemExtract(sMonth,"Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",",")
sDName = ItemExtract(1+((TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7),"Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday",",")
Select iMode
Case 1
   sHTTPStamp = StrCat(StrSub(sDName,1,3),', ',sDay,' ',sMName,' ',sYear,' ',sHms,' GMT')
Case 2
   sHTTPStamp = StrCat(sDName,', ',sDay,'-',sMName,'-',StrSub(sYear,3,2),' ',sHms,' GMT')
Case 3
   sHTTPStamp = StrCat(StrSub(sDName,1,3),' ',sMName,' ',StrFixLeft(0+sDay,' ',2),' ',sHms,' ',sYear)
Case 4
   sHTTPStamp = StrCat(sYear,'-',sMonth,'-',sDay,'T',sHms)
Case 5
   sHTTPStamp = StrCat(sYear,sMonth,sDay,'T',StrReplace(sHms,":",""))
Return (sHTTPStamp)
; This function udfYmdHmsToHTTP (sYmdHms, iMode) returns a string representation of date/time stamps for HTTP applications.
; iMode=1 : "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT"  ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
; iMode=2 : "Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT" ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
; iMode=3 : "Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994"       ; ANSI C's asctime() format
; iMode=4 : "1994-11-06T08:49:37"            ; ISO 8601 (European Standard EN 28601) (see altered German standard DIN 5008)
; iMode=5 : "19941106T084937"                ; ISO 8601 compacted
; The first format is preferred as an Internet standard and
; represents a fixed-length subset of that defined by RFC 1123 (an update to RFC 822).
; The second format is in common use, but is based on the obsolete RFC 850 date format and lacks a four-digit year.
; HTTP/1.1 clients and servers that parse the date value MUST accept
; all three formats (iMode=1..3) (for compatibility with HTTP/1.0), though they MUST
; only generate the RFC 1123 (iMode=1) format for representing HTTP-date values in header fields.
; All HTTP date/time stamps MUST be represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) without exception.
; For the purposes of HTTP, GMT is exactly equal to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
; This is indicated in the first two formats by the inclusion of "GMT"
; as the three-letter abbreviation for time zone, and MUST be assumed when reading the asctime format.
; HTTP-date is case sensitive and MUST NOT include additional linear white spaces.


If ItemLocate("udfymdhmstoywd",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfymdhmstoywd

#DefineFunction udfYmdHmsToYwd (sYmdHms, iMode)
iJulianNow = TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)
iJulianDowNow = (iJulianNow + 5) mod 7 ; Number of the day. Range=0..6 = Sunday..Saturday.
If !iJulianDowNow Then iJulianDowNow = 7 ; Make the Julian Sunday the last day in a Calendar week.
iJulian = iJulianNow - iJulianDowNow
iJulianMon = iJulian + 1 ; Monday begins the Calendar week.
sYmdHmsMon = TimeJulToYmd(iJulianMon)
sYearMon = ItemExtract(1,sYmdHmsMon,":")
sYwd = sYearMon
sYmdHmsWeek = sYmdHmsMon
iMonth = Int(ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":"))
If ((iMonth==12)||(iMonth==1))
   iDay = Int(ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":"))
   If ((iDay>25)||(iDay<7))
      iJulianSun = iJulian + 7 ; Sunday ends the Calendar week.
      sYmdHmsSun = TimeJulToYmd(iJulianSun)
      sYearSun = ItemExtract(1,sYmdHmsSun,":")
      If (sYearSun>sYearMon)
         iJulianJan4 = TimeJulianDay(StrCat(sYearSun,":01:04:00:00:00"))
         iJulianDowJan4 = (iJulianJan4 + 5) mod 7 ; Number of the day. Range=0..6 = Sunday..Saturday.
         If !iJulianDowJan4 Then iJulianDowJan4 = 7 ; Make the Julian Sunday the last day in a Calendar week.
         If (iJulianDowJan4>3)
            sYwd = sYearSun
            sYmdHmsWeek = sYmdHmsSun
sYwd = StrCat(sYwd,"W",StrFixLeft(udfWeekOfYear(sYmdHmsWeek),"0",2))
If Min(1,Max(0,iMode)) Then sYwd = StrCat(sYwd,iJulianDowNow)
Return (sYwd)
; This Function "udfYmdHmsToYwd" returns ISO 8601 standard notation
; for the given YmdHms datetime string in a formatted string like "yyyyWwwd".
; For example, the first week of the year 1997 lasts from 1996-12-30 to 1997-01-05 and
; can be written in standard notation as "1997W01",
; and "1996:12:31" becomes "1997W012".
; iMode=0 ... Format "yyyyWww"
; iMode=1 ... Format "yyyyWwwd" ; appends the calendarian number of the day of the week, with d=1..7 = Monday..Sunday.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030820

If ItemLocate("udfywdtoymdhms",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfywdtoymdhms

#DefineFunction udfYwdtoYmdHms (sYwd)
iJulianJan4 = TimeJulianDay(StrCat(StrSub(sYwd,1,4),":01:04:00:00:00"))
iJulianDay = (iJulianJan4-((iJulianJan4 + 5) mod 7)) + (7*(StrSub(sYwd,6,2)-1)) + Max(1,StrCat("0",StrSub(sYwd,8,1)))
Return (TimeJulToYmd(iJulianDay))
; This Function "udfYwdToYmdHms" returns the ymdHms DateTime string available from the given Ywd YearWeekDay string.
; Input string sYwd can be formatted as "yyyyWwwd" or "yyyyWww".
; If the day number is ommitted, then this udf returns the Monday of the given week.
; Note: The String sYwd is not checked about valid content.
; The YearWeek string "2001W53" may be logical invalid but will be calculated to "2001:12:31:00:00:00" Monday.
; The YearWeekDay string "2001W537" may be logical invalid but will be calculated to "2002:01:06:00:00:00" Sunday.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020722


If ItemLocate("udfroundtominute",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfroundtominute

#DefineFunction udfRoundToMinute (sYmdHms, iMode)
If !Min(1,Max(0,iMode))
   sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:0:0:",(ItemExtract(6,sYmdHms,":")>29),":0"))
sYmdHms = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms,1,17),"00")
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfRoundToMinute" returns a DateTime string.
; iMode=0 ... Round up or Down.
; iMode=1 ... Truncate to floor minute.

If ItemLocate("udfroundtohour",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfroundtohour

#DefineFunction udfRoundToHour (sYmdHms, iMode)
If !Min(1,Max(0,iMode))
   sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:0:",(ItemExtract(5,sYmdHms,":")>29),":0:0"))
sYmdHms = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms,1,14),"00:00")
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfRoundToHour" returns a DateTime string.
; iMode=0 ... Round up or Down.
; iMode=1 ... Truncate to floor hour.

If ItemLocate("udfroundtoday",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfroundtoday

#DefineFunction udfRoundToDay (sYmdHms, iMode)
If !Min(1,Max(0,iMode))
   sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",(ItemExtract(4,sYmdHms,":")>11),":0:0:0"))
sYmdHms = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms,1,11),"00:00:00")
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfRoundToDay" returns a DateTime string.
; iMode=0 ... Round up or Down.
; iMode=1 ... Truncate to floor day.

If ItemLocate("udfroundtomonth",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfroundtomonth

#DefineFunction udfRoundToMonth (sYmdHms, iMode)
If !Min(1,Max(0,iMode))
   sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:",(ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")>15),":0:0:0:0"))
sYmdHms = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms,1,8),"01:00:00:00")
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfRoundToMonth" returns a DateTime string.
; iMode=0 ... Round up or Down.
; iMode=1 ... Truncate to floor month.

If ItemLocate("udfroundtoyear",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfroundtoyear

#DefineFunction udfRoundToYear (sYmdHms, iMode)
If !Min(1,Max(0,iMode))
   sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat((ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")>6),":0:0:0:0:0"))
sYmdHms = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms,1,5),"01:01:00:00:00")
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfRoundToYear" returns a DateTime string.
; iMode=0 ... Round up or Down.
; iMode=1 ... Truncate to floor year.

If ItemLocate("udfroundtoquarter",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfroundtoquarter

#DefineFunction udfRoundToQuarter (sYmdHms, iMode)
Mode = Min(1,Max(0,iMode))
sYear = ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
Select (ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")/3)
Case 0
   iMonth = 1
   If !Mode Then If (sYmdHms>StrCat(sYear,":02:14:00:00:00")) Then iMonth = 4
Case 1
   iMonth = 4
   If !Mode Then If (sYmdHms>StrCat(sYear,":05:15:00:00:00")) Then iMonth = 7
Case 2
   iMonth = 7
   If !Mode Then If (sYmdHms>StrCat(sYear,":08:15:00:00:00")) Then iMonth = 10
Case 3
   iMonth = 10
   If !Mode Then If (sYmdHms>StrCat(sYear,":11:15:00:00:00")) Then iMonth = 13
sYmdHms = ItemReplace("01",2,sYmdHms,":")
sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:",iMonth-1,":0:0:0:0"))
sYmdHms = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms,1,8),"01:00:00:00")
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfRoundToQuarter" returns a DateTime string.
; iMode=0 ... Round up or Down.
; iMode=1 ... Truncate to floor quarter.


If ItemLocate("udfagedifference",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfagedifference

#DefineFunction udfAgeDifference (sYmdHms1, sYmdHms2, iMode) ; returns integer number
If !Min(1,Max(0,iMode))
   sYmdHms1 = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms1,1,10),":00:00:00")
   sYmdHms2 = StrCat(StrSub(sYmdHms2,1,10),":00:00:00")
If (sYmdHms1>sYmdhms2)
   sYmdHms = TimeDiff(sYmdHms1,sYmdhms2)
   sYmdHms = TimeDiff(sYmdHms2,sYmdhms1)
Return (0+ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":"))
; Returns the difference in years between the two dates sYmdHms1 and sYmdHms2.
; iMode=0 ... The time part of the DateTime is ommitted resp. forced to "00:00:00".
; iMode=1 ... The time part of the DateTime strings is considered within the calculation.
; Detlev Dalitz.20020723


#DefineFunction udfYmdHmsToUnixSeconds (YmdHms) ; returns number UnixTimeStamp
Return (TimeDiffSecs(YmdHms,"1970:01:01:00:00:00"))
#DefineFunction udfUnixSecondsToYmdHms (Seconds) ;  returns datetime string
Return (TimeAdd("1970:01:01:00:00:00",StrCat("0:0:0:0:0:",Seconds)))
; Note: Unix Time cannot go past 68 years from 1970 (2038).

If ItemLocate("udfhmstodecimalhour",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfhmstodecimalhour

#DefineFunction udfHmsToDecimalHour (Hms)
iCount = ItemCount(Hms,":")
If (iCount<3) Then Return (0)
iSeconds = ItemExtract(iCount  ,Hms,":")
iMinutes = ItemExtract(iCount-1,Hms,":")
iHours   = ItemExtract(iCount-2,Hms,":")
Return (iHours + (iMinutes/60.0) + (iSeconds/3600.0))
; This Function "udfHmsToDecimal" converts a Hms string
; into a decimal number of hours, e.g. from "12:56:34" to 12.942778.
; Note: Hms must be a ItemList of at least three Items, e.g. "123:45:34",
; representing "Hours:Minutes:Seconds", otherwise the udf returns zero.
; It is possible to feed a YmdHms datetime string as input parameter.
; Only the last three Items Hours, Minutes, Seconds will be extracted.
; Note: iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds must be evaluated to integer numbers. No special validation here.

If ItemLocate("udfdecimalhourtoymdhms",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfdecimalhourtoymdhms

#DefineFunction udfDecimalHourToYmdHms (fDecHour)
Return (TimeDiff(TimeAdd("1900:01:01",StrCat("0:0:0:0:0:",Int(fDecHour*3600))),"1900:1:1"))
; This Function "udfDecimalHourToYmdHms" converts a decimal number of hours
; into a YmdHms datetime string representing a time range of
; Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds,
; e.g. from  12.942778 to "0000:00:00:12:56:34",
; e.g. from 125.084167 to "0000:00:05:05:05:03".

If ItemLocate("udfymdhmstofloat",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfymdhmstofloat

#DefineFunction udfYmdHmsToFloat (sYmdHms)
sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,"0:0:0:0:0:0") ; make valid datetime string
iSeconds=3600*ihh + 60*imm + iss
Return (fDateTime)
; This Function "udfYmdHmsToFloat" returns a number in float format
; that represents the timepoint given by a YmdHms DateTime string.
; This float number is compatible with the double number that is created by
; the Microsoft Windows system function "SystemTimeToVariantTime".
; It is the default Win32 time/date data format supported by Windows NT and Windows 95.
; Examples:
; "1899:12:29:00:00:00" --> -1.0
; "1899:12:30:00:00:00" --> 0.0
; "1899:12:31:00:00:00" --> 1.0
; "1900:01:01:00:00:00" --> 2.0
; "1900:01:02:00:00:01" --> 3.00001157407407
; "1900:01:03:00:00:02" --> 4.00002314814815
; "2003:06:20:07:20:00" --> 37792.305555555556
; Detlev Dalitz.20030620
; based on request by "Beat, Thursday, June 19, 2003 07:53 AM"
; answered by "Marty, Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:16 PM"

If ItemLocate("udffloattoymdhms",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udffloattoymdhms

#DefineFunction udfFloatToYmdHms (fDateTime)
sYmdHms=TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:0:0:0:",iSeconds)) ; make valid datetime string
Return (sYmdHms)
; This Function "udfFloatToYmdHms" returns a DateTime string
; that represents the Datetime given by a float number.
; The float number has to be compatible with the double number that is created by
; the Microsoft Windows system function "SystemTimeToVariantTime".
; It is the default Win32 time/date data format supported by Windows NT and Windows 95.
; Examples:
; -1.0                --> "1899:12:29:00:00:00"
; 0.0                 --> "1899:12:30:00:00:00"
; 1.0                 --> "1899:12:31:00:00:00"
; 2.0                 --> "1900:01:01:00:00:00"
; 3.00001157407407    --> "1900:01:02:00:00:01"
; 4.00002314814815    --> "1900:01:03:00:00:02"
; 37792.305555555556  --> "2003:06:20:07:19:55" ; should be "2003:06:20:07:20:00"
; There seems to be some WinBatch related number rounding problem on the seconds fraction part.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030620.20031020.


If ItemLocate("udfstrdateto3char",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfstrdateto3char

#DefineFunction udfStrDateTo3Char (sYmdHms)
Return (StrCat(StrSub(ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":"),4,1),Num2Char(64+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")),Num2Char((ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")&31)+48+7*((ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")&31)>9))))
; "Date To Three Character String"
; This Function "udfStrDateTo3Char" converts the date portion of a datetime string into a three-character string.
; The resolution is one day.  The range is one decade.
; This string is suitable for use as the prefix for a file name.
; The return value is composed of:
; 1) the last digit of the year (0..9)
; 2) the month represented by a letter (A..L)
; 3) the day represented by an alphanumeric (1..9, A..V), that is (1..9, 10..31)
; Note: No validation of input sYmdHms here. sYmdHms must contain a valid date.

If ItemLocate("udfstrdateto4char",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfstrdateto4char

#DefineFunction udfStrDateTo4Char (sYmdHms)
Return (StrCat(StrSub(ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":"),4,1),Num2Char(64+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")),ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":")))
; "Date To Four Character String"
; This Function "udfStrDateTo4Char" converts the date portion of a datetime string into a four-character string.
; The resolution is one day.  The range is one decade.
; This string is suitable for use as the prefix for a file name.
; The return value is composed of:
; 1) the last digit of the year (0..9)
; 2) the month represented by a letter (A..L)
; 3) the day (01..31)
; Note: No validation of input sYmdHms here. sYmdHms must contain a valid date.

If ItemLocate("udfstrdateto8char",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfstrdateto8char

#DefineFunction udfStrDateTo8Char (sYmdHms)
Return (StrCat(StrSub(ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":"),4,1),Num2Char(64+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")),ItemExtract(3,sYmdHms,":"),ItemExtract(4,sYmdHms,":"),ItemExtract(5,sYmdHms,":")))
; "Date And Time To Eight Character String"
; This Function "udfStrDateTo8Char" converts a datetime string into an eight-character string
; that can be used as a (DOS short) file name.
; The range is one decade. The resolution is one minute.
; The return value is composed of:
;    1) the last digit of the year (0..9)
;    2) the month represented by a letter (A..L)
;    3) the day (01..31)
;    4) the hour (00..23)
;    5) the minutes (00..59)
; Note: No validation of input sYmdHms here. sYmdHms must contain a valid date.


If ItemLocate("udfcalendar",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfcalendar

#DefineFunction udfCalendar (sYmdHms)

iDayWidthMax  = 3 ; Default=Minimum=3; Maybe enlarge this value to spread the table in horizontal direction.
iDayMax       = 7
iWeekWidthMax = 3
iLineMax      = (iDayMax*iDayWidthMax)+iWeekWidthMax+StrLen(@CRLF)
iRowMax       = 8
iCalSizeMax   = iLineMax*iRowMax
iOffsCrLf     = iLineMax-2
iOffsYear     = (iDayMax*iDayWidthMax)-1
iOffsMonth    = 0
iOffsWeek     = 1+iOffsYear+iLineMax+iLineMax
iOffsDayNames = iLineMax
iOffsDayTab   = iOffsDayNames+iLineMax

sMonthNameList = "Januar,Februar,März,April,Mai,Juni,Juli,August,September,Oktober,November,Dezember"
sDayNameList = "Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So"
;sMonthNameList = "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December"
;sDayNameList = "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su"

iYear  = 0+ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
iMonth = 0+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")
sMonthName = ItemExtract(iMonth,sMonthNameList,",")

hbbCal = BinaryAlloc(iCalSizeMax)
BinaryReplace(hbbCal,""," ",@TRUE)

While (iOffsCrLf<iCalSizeMax)
   iOffsCrLf = iOffsCrLf+iLineMax

For iCol=1 To iDayMax
   iOffsDayNames = iOffsDayNames+iDayWidthMax


sYmdHms = ItemReplace("01",3,sYmdHms,":")
iDow01   = (TimeJulianDay(sYmdHms)+5) mod 7 ; with 0..6 = Sunday..Saturday
If !iDow01 Then iDow01 = 7
sMonday  = TimeAdd(TimeSubtract(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:",iDow01)),"0:0:1")

sYmdHms = sMonday
iOffsRow = iOffsDayTab
iOffsCol = iOffsRow
iDay = 0
sWeek = ""
While 1
   For iCol=1 To iDayMax
      iMonthWork = 0+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")
      If (iMonth==iMonthWork)
         iDay = iDay+1
         BinaryPokeStr(hbbCal,iOffsCol,StrFixLeft(iDay," ",2))

         If (sWeek=="")
            sWeek = StrCat("W",StrFixLeft(udfWeekOfYear(sYmdHms),"0",2))
      iOffsCol = iOffsCol + iDayWidthMax
      sYmdHms = TimeAdd(sYmdHms,StrCat("0:0:1"))

   iYearWork = 0+ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
   If (iYear<iYearWork) Then Break
   iMonthWork = 0+ItemExtract(2,sYmdHms,":")
   If (iMonth<iMonthWork) Then Break

   iOffsRow = iOffsRow+iLineMax
   iOffsCol = iOffsRow
   iOffsWeek = iOffsWeek+iLineMax
   sWeek = ""

sCal = BinaryPeekStr(hbbCal,0,iCalSizeMax)

Return (sCal)
; This Function "udfCalendar" returns a small calender table for the given year and month.
;   +------------------------+
;   |Januar              2003|
;   |Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So    |
;   |       1  2  3  4  5 W01|
;   | 6  7  8  9 10 11 12 W02|
;   |13 14 15 16 17 18 19 W03|
;   |20 21 22 23 24 25 26 W04|
;   |27 28 29 30 31       W05|
;   |                        |
;   +------------------------+
; Detlev Dalitz.20020721


If ItemLocate("udfgetseason",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetseason

#DefineFunction udfGetSeason (sYmdHms)
sDateList   = "03:21,06:22,09:23,12:22"
sSeasonList = "Winter,Frühling,Sommer,Herbst"
;sSeasonList = "Winter,Spring,Summer,Fall"
iSeasonMax = 4
sYmdHms = StrSub(sYmdHms,6,-1)
iSeason = !(sYmdHms<StrCat(ItemExtract(iSeasonMax,sDateList,","),":00:00:00"))
If !iSeason
   For iSeason=1 To iSeasonMax
      If (sYmdHms<StrCat(ItemExtract(iSeason,sDateList,","),":00:00:00")) Then Break
Return (ItemExtract(iSeason,sSeasonList,","))
; "Date To Season Name"
; This Function "udfGetSeason" returns the name of the Season for the given date.

If ItemLocate("udfgetzodiac",IntControl(77,103,0,0,0),@TAB) Then Goto skip_udfgetzodiac

#DefineFunction udfGetZodiac (sYmdHms)
sDateList   = "01:21,02:20,03:21,04:21,05:22,06:22,07:24,08:24,09:24,10:24,11:23,12:22"
sZodiacList = "Steinbock,Wassermann,Fische,Widder,Stier,Zwillinge,Krebs,Löwe,Jungfrau,Waage,Skorpion,Schütze"
;sZodiacList = "Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces,Aries,Taurus,Gemeni,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius"
iZodiacMax = 12
sYmdHms = StrSub(sYmdHms,6,-1)
iZodiac = !(sYmdHms<StrCat(ItemExtract(iZodiacMax,sDateList,","),":00:00:00"))
If !iZodiac
   For iZodiac=1 To iZodiacMax
      If (sYmdHms<StrCat(ItemExtract(iZodiac,sDateList,","),":00:00:00")) Then Break
Return (ItemExtract(iZodiac,sZodiacList,","))
; "Date To Zodiac Name"
; This Function "udfGetZodiac" returns the name of the Zodiac sign for the given date.


#DefineFunction udfEasterSunday_Gauss (sYmdHms) ; Returns DateTime string.
iYear = +ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
If (iYear<1900) Then Return ""
If (iYear>2099) Then Return ""
a = iYear mod 19
b = iYear mod 4
c = iYear mod 7
d = (19*a + 24) mod 30
e = (2*b + 4*c + 6*d + 5) mod 7
iDay = d + e + 22 ; = 22.03.yyyy + d + e
iMonth = 3
If (iDay<1)||(iDay>31)
   iMonth = 4
   iDay = d + e - 9  ; April.
   If (iDay==26) Then Day = 19
   If (iDay==25)
      If (d==28)
         If (e==6)
            If (a>10) Then iDay = 18
Return (TimeAdd(StrCat(iYear,":",iMonth,":",iDay),"0:0:0")) ; Return normalized valid datetime string.
; Algorithm by Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 - 1855)   (* valid years = 1900..2099 *)

#DefineFunction udfEasterSunday_Schlyter (sYmdHms) ; Returns DateTime string.
iYear = +ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
a = iYear mod 19
b = iYear / 100
c = iYear mod 100
d = b / 4
e = b mod 4
f = (b + 8) / 25
g = (b - f + 1) / 3
h = (19*a + b - d - g + 15) mod 30
i = c / 4
k = c mod 4
l = (32 + 2*e + 2*i - h - k) mod 7
m = (a + 11*h + 22*l) / 451
n = (h + l - 7*m + 22) - 1
;n = (h + l - 7*m + 22) - 1
Return (TimeAdd(StrCat(iYear,":3:1"),StrCat("0:0:",n))) ; Return normalized valid datetime string.
; Dieser Algorithmus basiert nicht auf der Berechnung von Gauss und
; kommt ohne Ausnahmen aus (lt. Paul Schlyter).
; Werte ueber 31 bezeichnen den Tag im April-31,
; Werte darunter bezeichnen den Tag im Maerz.
; Note: Is Year>2568 invalid?

#DefineFunction udfEasterSunday_Lilius_Clavius (sYmdHms) ; Returns DateTime string.
iYear = +ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
iGoldenNo = (iYear mod 19) + 1
iCentury = (iYear / 100) + 1
iLeapCent = (3 * iCentury / 4) - 12
iLunarCorr = ((8 * iCentury + 5) / 25) - 5
iSun = (5 * iYear / 4) - iLeapCent - 10
iEpact = Abs(11 * iGoldenNo + 20 + iLunarCorr - iLeapCent) mod 30
If (((iEpact == 25) && (iGoldenNo > 11)) || (iEpact == 24)) Then  iEpact = iEpact + 1
iFullMoon = 44 - iEpact
If (iFullMoon < 21) Then iFullMoon = iFullMoon + 30
iDay = iFullMoon + 7 - ((iSun + iFullMoon) mod 7)
If (iDay > 31)
   iDay = iDay - 31
   iMonth = 4
   iMonth = 3
Return (TimeAdd(StrCat(iYear,":",iMonth,":",iDay),"0:0:0")) ; Return normalized valid datetime string.
; Find Easter Sunday for a Given Year.
; Algorithm by Lilius & Clavius (16th Century)
; Donald Knuth - Art of Computer Programming 1.3.2 ex 14 (2nd set)
; Note: Is Year>2568 invalid?

#DefineFunction udfEasterSunday_Passah (sYmdHms) ; Returns DateTime string.
aPassah = Arrayize("04:14,04:03,03:23,04:11,03:31,04:18,04:08,03:28,04:16,04:05,03:25,04:13,04:02,03:22,04:10,03:30,04:17,04:07,03:27",",")
iYear = ItemExtract(1,sYmdHms,":")
sYmd = StrCat(iYear,":",aPassah[iYear mod 19])
Return (TimeAdd(sYmd,StrCat("0:0:",7-((TimeJulianDay(sYmd)+5) mod 7)))) ; Return normalized valid datetime string.

; Dispatcher for testing.
#DefineFunction udfEasterSunday (YmdHms) ; Returns DateTime string.
;   Return (udfEasterSunday_Gauss(YmdHms))
;   Return (udfEasterSunday_Schlyter(YmdHms))
;   Return (udfEasterSunday_Lilius_Clavius(YmdHms))
Return (udfEasterSunday_Passah(YmdHms))

#DefineFunction udfGetTimezoneInfo()
@0 = ""
@58 = ":"
@000 = "0:0:0"
sResult = @0
sStandardDate = @0
iStandardBias = @0
sStandardName = @0
sDaylightDate = @0
iDaylightBias = @0
sDaylightName = @0
iCurrentBias  = @0
iYearNow = ItemExtract(1,TimeYmdHms(),@58)
hBB = BinaryAlloc(172) ; Buffer for TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure.
iResult = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"Kernel32.dll"),long:"GetTimeZoneInformation",lpbinary:hBB)
sResult = StrCat(iResult,StrFill(@TAB,7))
Switch iResult
   iCurrentBias = BinaryPeek4(hBB,0)
   iMonth = BinaryPeek2(hBB,70)
   If (iMonth>0)
      iWeekDay    = BinaryPeek2(hBB,72)
      iOccurrence = BinaryPeek2(hBB,74)
      iHour       = BinaryPeek2(hBB,76)
      sStandardDate = TimeAdd(ItemReplace(iHour,4,udfGetNthDOWInMonth(StrCat(iYearNow,@58,iMonth,@58,1),iOccurrence,iWeekDay),@58),@000)
      iStandardBias = BinaryPeek4(hBB,84)
   iMonth = BinaryPeek2(hBB,154)
   If (iMonth>0)
      iWeekDay    = BinaryPeek2(hBB,156)
      iOccurrence = BinaryPeek2(hBB,158)
      iHour       = BinaryPeek2(hBB,160)
      sDaylightDate = TimeAdd(ItemReplace(iHour,4,udfGetNthDOWInMonth(StrCat(iYearNow,@58,iMonth,@58,1),iOccurrence,iWeekDay),@58),@000)
      iDaylightBias = BinaryPeek4(hBB,168)
   BinaryConvert(hBB,3,0,0,0) ; Ugly but works.
   sStandardName = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,2,32)
   sDaylightName = BinaryPeekStr(hBB,44,32)
   sResult = StrCat(iResult,@TAB,iCurrentBias,@TAB,sStandardDate,@TAB,iStandardBias,@TAB,sStandardName,@TAB,sDaylightDate,@TAB,iDaylightBias,@TAB,sDaylightName)
Return (sResult)
;   This function returns a tab delimited list of 8 items,
;   containing information about Standard and Daylight TimeZone settings.
;   1.
;   Status of the TIME_ZONE_ID.
;      e.g. "2"
;      TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN  = 0 ...
;         The system cannot determine the current time zone.
;         Windows NT/2000/XP:
;         This value is returned if daylight saving time is not used in the current time zone, because there are no transition dates.
;         The system is operating in the range covered by the StandardDate member of the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure.
;         Windows 95/98/Me:
;         This value is returned if daylight saving time is not used in the current time zone, because there are no transition dates.
;         The system is operating in the range covered by the DaylightDate member of the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure.
;   2.
;   Current bias for local time translation on this computer, in minutes.
;   The bias is the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time.
;   All translations between UTC and local time are based on the following formula:
;   UTC = local time + bias
;      e.g. (GMT-10:00) Hawaii ==>iCurrentBias=600
;   3.
;   StandardDate
;      A YmdHms datetime string.
;      e.g. "2003:10:26:03:00:00"
;   4.
;   StandardBias
;      Bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during standard time.
;      This member is ignored if a value for the StandardDate member is not supplied.
;      This value is added to the value of the Bias member to form the bias used during standard time.
;      In most time zones, the value of this member is zero.
;   5.
;   StandardName
;      A string associated with standard time on this operating system.
;      For example, this member could contain "EST" to indicate Eastern Standard Time.
;      This string is not used by the operating system, it has only descriptive information.
;      e.g. "(MEZ) Mitteleuropäische Zeit"
;   6.
;   DaylightDate
;      a YmdHms datetime string.
;      e.g. "2003:03:30:02:00:00"
;   7.
;   DaylightBias
;      Bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during daylight saving time.
;      This member is ignored if a value for the DaylightDate member is not supplied.
;      This value is added to the value of the Bias member to form the bias used during daylight saving time.
;      In most time zones, the value of this member is - 60.
;   8.
;   DaylightName
;      A string associated with daylight saving time on this operating system.
;      For example, this member could contain "PDT" to indicate Pacific Daylight Time.
;      This string is not used by the operating system, it has only descriptive information.
;      e.g. "(MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit"
; Detlev Dalitz.20030920

; User Defined Functions for the calculation of German Holidays.
#DefineFunction udfGD_AscherMittwoch (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
Aschermittwoch = TimeSubtract(EasterSunday,"0:0:40:0:0:0")
While (udfJulianDayOfWeek(Aschermittwoch)!=3)
   Aschermittwoch = TimeSubtract(Aschermittwoch,"0:0:1:0:0:0")
Return (Aschermittwoch)
#DefineFunction udfGD_PalmSonntag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
Palmsonntag = TimeSubtract(EasterSunday,"0:0:7:0:0:0")
Return (Palmsonntag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_KarFreitag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
Karfreitag = TimeSubtract(EasterSunday,"0:0:2:0:0:0")
Return (Karfreitag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_OsterSonntag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
Return (udfEasterSunday(YmdHms))
#DefineFunction udfGD_OsterMontag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
Ostermontag = TimeAdd(EasterSunday,"0:0:1:0:0:0")
Return (Ostermontag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_WeisserSonntag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
WeisserSonntag = TimeAdd(EasterSunday,"0:0:7:0:0:0")
Return (WeisserSonntag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_ChristiHimmelfahrt (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
ChristiHimmelfahrt = TimeAdd(EasterSunday,"0:0:39:0:0:0")
Return (ChristiHimmelfahrt)
#DefineFunction udfGD_PfingstSonntag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
PfingstSonntag = TimeAdd(EasterSunday,"0:0:49:0:0:0")
Return (PfingstSonntag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_PfingstMontag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
PfingstMontag = TimeAdd(EasterSunday,"0:0:50:0:0:0")
Return (PfingstMontag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_Fronleichnam (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
EasterSunday = udfEasterSunday(YmdHms)
Fronleichnam = TimeAdd(EasterSunday,"0:0:60:0:0:0")
Return (Fronleichnam)
#DefineFunction udfGD_MariaeHimmelfahrt (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
MariaeHimmelfahrt = StrCat(Year,":08:15:00:00:00")
Return (MariaeHimmelfahrt)
#DefineFunction udfGD_TagDerEinheit (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
TagDerEinheit = StrCat(Year,":10:03:00:00:00")
Return (TagDerEinheit)
#DefineFunction udfGD_Reformationstag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
Reformationstag = StrCat(Year,":10:31:00:00:00")
Return (Reformationstag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_HeiligAbend (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
HeiligAbend = StrCat(Year,":12:24:00:00:00")
Return (HeiligAbend)
#DefineFunction udfGD_ErsterWeihnachten (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
ErsterWeihnachtstag = StrCat(Year,":12:25:00:00:00")
Return (ErsterWeihnachtstag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_ZweiterWeihnachten (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
ZweiterWeihnachtstag = StrCat(Year,":12:26:00:00:00")
Return (ZweiterWeihnachtstag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_Silvester (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
Silvester = StrCat(Year,":12:31:00:00:00")
Return (Silvester)
#DefineFunction udfGD_Neujahr (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
Neujahr = StrCat(Year,":01:01:00:00:00")
Return (Neujahr)
#DefineFunction udfGD_ErsterAdvent (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
ErsterAdvent = StrCat(Year,":12:24:00:00:00")
While (udfJulianDayOfWeek(ErsterAdvent)!=0)
   ErsterAdvent = TimeSubtract(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:1:0:0:0")
ErsterAdvent = TimeSubtract(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:21:0:0:0")
Return (ErsterAdvent)
#DefineFunction udfGD_ZweiterAdvent (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
ErsterAdvent = udfGD_ErsterAdvent(YmdHms)
ZweiterAdvent = TimeAdd(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:7:0:0:0")
Return (ZweiterAdvent)
#DefineFunction udfGD_DritterAdvent (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
ErsterAdvent = udfGD_ErsterAdvent(YmdHms)
DritterAdvent = TimeAdd(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:14:0:0:0")
Return (DritterAdvent)
#DefineFunction udfGD_VierterAdvent (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
ErsterAdvent = udfGD_ErsterAdvent(YmdHms)
VierterAdvent = TimeAdd(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:21:0:0:0")
Return (VierterAdvent)
#DefineFunction udfGD_BussUndBettag (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
BussUndBettag = udfGD_ErsterAdvent(YmdHms)
While (udfJulianDayOfWeek(BussUndBettag)!=3)
   BussUndBettag = TimeSubtract(BussUndBettag,"0:0:1:0:0:0")
BussUndBettag = TimeSubtract(BussUndBettag,"0:0:7:0:0:0")
Return (BussUndBettag)
#DefineFunction udfGD_HeiligeDreiKoenige (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
HeiligeDreiKoenige = StrCat(Year,":01:06:00:00:00")
Return (HeiligeDreiKoenige)
#DefineFunction udfGD_Allerheiligen (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
Allerheiligen = StrCat(Year,":11:01:00:00:00")
Return (Allerheiligen)
#DefineFunction udfGD_TagDerArbeit (YmdHms) ; returns datetime string
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
TagDerArbeit = StrCat(Year,":05:01:00:00:00")
Return (TagDerArbeit)
#DefineFunction udfNameOfGD (YmdHms) ; returns string (fast speed)
;Feste Feiertage
mmdd = StrSub(YmdHms,6,5)
NamesFix = "(Silvester),Zweiter Weihnachtstag,Erster Weihnachtstag,Heiligabend,Allerheiligen,(Reformationstag),Tag der Deutschen Einheit,(Mariä Himmelfahrt),Tag der Arbeit,(Heilige Drei Könige),Neujahr"
DaysFix  = "12:31,12:26,12:25,12:24,11:01,10:31,10:03,08:15,05:01,01:06,01:01"
d = ItemLocate(mmdd,DaysFix,",")
If (d>0) Then Return (ItemExtract(d,NamesFix,","))

ErsterAdvent  = udfGD_ErsterAdvent(YmdHms)
If (YmdHms==ErsterAdvent ) Then Return ("Erster Advent")
ZweiterAdvent = TimeAdd(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:7")
If (YmdHms==ZweiterAdvent) Then Return ("Zweiter Advent")
DritterAdvent = TimeAdd(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:14")
If (YmdHms==DritterAdvent) Then Return ("Dritter Advent")
VierterAdvent = TimeAdd(ErsterAdvent,"0:0:21")
If (YmdHms==VierterAdvent) Then Return ("Vierter Advent")

;Bewegliche Feiertage
d = TimeDiffDays(YmdHms,udfEasterSunday(YmdHms))
If (d==-7) Then Return ("(Palmsonntag)")
If (d==-2) Then Return ("Karfreitag")
If (d== 0) Then Return ("Ostersonntag")
If (d== 1) Then Return ("Ostermontag")
If (d== 7) Then Return ("(Weißer Sonntag)")
If (d==39) Then Return ("Christi Himmelfahrt")
If (d==49) Then Return ("Pfingstsonntag")
If (d==50) Then Return ("Pfingstmontag")
If (d==60) Then Return ("(Fronleichnam)")

Aschermittwoch = udfGD_AscherMittwoch(YmdHms)
If (YmdHms==Aschermittwoch) Then Return ("(Aschermittwoch)")
BussUndBettag = udfGD_BussUndBettag(YmdHms)
If (YmdHms==BussUndBettag) Then Return ("(Buß- und Bettag)")

Return ("")
#DefineFunction udfNameOfGD2 (YmdHms) ; returns string (slow speed)
If (YmdHms==udfGD_Silvester         (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Silvester)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_ZweiterWeihnachten(YmdHms)) Then Return ("Zweiter Weihnachtstag")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_ErsterWeihnachten (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Erster Weihnachtstag")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_HeiligAbend       (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Heiligabend")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_Allerheiligen     (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Allerheiligen")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_BussUndBettag     (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Buß- und Bettag)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_VierterAdvent     (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Vierter Advent")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_DritterAdvent     (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Dritter Advent")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_ZweiterAdvent     (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Zweiter Advent")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_ErsterAdvent      (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Erster Advent")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_Reformationstag   (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Reformationstag)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_TagDerEinheit     (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Tag der Deutschen Einheit")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_MariaeHimmelfahrt (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Mariä Himmelfahrt)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_Fronleichnam      (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Fronleichnam)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_PfingstMontag     (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Pfingstmontag")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_PfingstSonntag    (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Pfingstsonntag")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_ChristiHimmelfahrt(YmdHms)) Then Return ("Christi Himmelfahrt")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_TagDerArbeit      (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Tag der Arbeit")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_WeisserSonntag    (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Weisser Sonntag)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_OsterMontag       (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Ostermontag")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_OsterSonntag      (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Ostersonntag")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_KarFreitag        (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Karfreitag")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_PalmSonntag       (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Palmsonntag)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_AscherMittwoch    (YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Aschermittwoch)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_HeiligeDreiKoenige(YmdHms)) Then Return ("(Heilige Drei Könige)")
If (YmdHms==udfGD_Neujahr           (YmdHms)) Then Return ("Neujahr")
Return ("")
#DefineFunction udfGDHashTable (YmdHms, Mode) ; (middle speed)
; (Mode=0="", Mode=1=Name of German Holiday, Mode=2=List of German Holidays)
year = ItemExtract(1,YmdHms,":")
FirstJan = StrCat(year,":01:01:00:00:00")
day_count = udfDaysInYear(year)-1

GoSub SetHashTableParameters

retval = ""
Switch Mode
Case 0 ; Create Hash Table
   GoSub OpenWriteHashTable
Case 1 ; Retrieve Name of GD from hash table
   If !(udfIsValidDateTime(YmdHms)) Then Break
   If !(FileExist(hash_filepathname)) Then Break
   GoSub OpenReadHashTable
   day_date = TimeAdd(YmdHms,"0:0:0:0:0:0") ; make valid datetime string
   GoSub RetrieveNameOfGD
Case 2 ; Make List Of GD Names from hash table
   If !(udfIsValidDateTime(YmdHms)) Then Break
   If !(FileExist(hash_filepathname)) Then Break ; caller have to create hashtable ...
   GoSub OpenReadHashTable
   GoSub MakeListOfGDNames
Return (retval)

tempfile = FileCreateTemp("TMP")
FileDelete(tempfile) ; we only need the folderpath
tempfolder = FilePath(tempfile)
hash_filepathname = StrCat(tempfolder,"HASH",year,".BIN")
hash_entries         = 26 ; number of German Holidays
hash_offset_day_date = 0
hash_size_day_date   = 19 ; StrLen("0000:00:00:00:00:00")
hash_offset_day_name = hash_offset_day_date + hash_size_day_date
hash_size_day_name   = 30
hash_recsize  =  hash_size_day_date + hash_size_day_name
hash_entries   = Int(hash_entries * 1.5) ; reserve some more hash space
hash_tablesize = hash_entries * hash_recsize

:OpenWriteHashTable ; overwrites existing file without permission!
hash_bb = BinaryAlloc(hash_tablesize)
For day=0 To day_count
   day_date = TimeAdd(FirstJan,StrCat("0:0:",day))
   day_name = udfNameOfGD(day_date)
   If (day_name>"")
      hash_offset = BinaryHashRec(hash_bb, hash_recsize, hash_offset_day_date, hash_size_day_date, day_date)
      BinaryPokeStr(hash_bb, hash_offset + hash_offset_day_name, day_name)
Next day
; if (!FileExist(hash_filepathname)) then BinaryWrite(hash_bb,hash_filepathname)

hash_tablesize = FileSize(hash_filepathname)
hash_bb = BinaryAlloc(hash_tablesize)

LastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
hash_offset = BinaryHashRec(hash_bb, hash_recsize, hash_offset_day_date, hash_size_day_date, day_date)
If (LastError()==0)
   retval = BinaryPeekStr(hash_bb, hash_offset + hash_offset_day_name, hash_size_day_name)
   If (retval=="") Then BinaryPoke(hash_bb,hash_offset,0) ; housekeeping the hashtable
   retval = ""

itemlist = ""
For day=0 To day_count
   day_date = TimeAdd(FirstJan,StrCat("0:0:",day))
   GoSub RetrieveNameOfGD
   If (retval>"")
      newitempos = ItemCount(itemlist,@LF) + 1
      newitem = StrCat(udfTimeDMY(day_date)," ",retval)
      itemlist = ItemInsert(newitem, newitempos, itemlist, @LF)
Next day
retval = itemlist


; User Defined Function for string formatting. Uses Date and Time functions.
#DefineFunction udfTimeFormatStr (YmdHms, TaggedStr); returns string formatted as defined in TaggedStr
IntControl(73,2,0,0,0) ; Install ErrorHandler for sure.
DTArray = Arrayize(YmdHms,":")
bb = BinaryAlloc(StrLen(TaggedStr)*3) ; reserve working space
structure = BinaryTagInit(bb,"{{","}}")
While @TRUE
   structure = BinaryTagFind(structure)
   If (structure=="") Then Break
   keyword = BinaryTagExtr(structure, 1)
   Value = "???"   ; keyword not found error value
   If (keyword>"") Then GoSub %keyword%
   structure = BinaryTagRepl(structure,Value)
FormattedStr = BinaryPeekStr(bb,0,BinaryEodGet(bb))
Return (FormattedStr)

;--- the labels are the keywords are the labels -----------------------------------------

:YYYY   ; Year (fix 4 Digits)
Value = DTArray[0]

:YY     ; Year (fix 2 Digits)
Value = StrSub(DTArray[0],3,2)

:Y      ; Year (var 1..2 Digits)
Value = 0+StrSub(DTArray[0],3,2)

:MM     ; Month (fix 2 Digits)
Value = DTArray[1]

:M      ; Month (var 1..2 Digits)
Value = 0+DTArray[1]
; Value = DTArray[1]
; If (StrSub(DTArray[1],1,1)=="0") then Value = StrSub(DTArray[1],2,1)

:DD     ; Day (fix 2 Digits)
Value = DTArray[2]

:D      ; Day (var 1..2 Digits)
Value = 0+DTArray[2]
; Value = DTArray[2]
; If (StrSub(DTArray[2],1,1)=="0") then Value = StrSub(DTArray[2],2,1)

:THHMMSS ; Time (fix 8 Digits)
Value = StrCat(DTArray[3],":",DTArray[4],":",DTArray[5])

:THHMM   ; Time (fix 5 Digits)
Value = StrCat(DTArray[3],":",DTArray[4])

:THH    ; TimeHours (fix 2 Digits)
Value = DTArray[3]

:TH     ; TimeHours (var 1..2 Digits)
Value = 0+DTArray[3]
; Value = DTArray[3]
; If (StrSub(DTArray[3],1,1)=="0") then Value = StrSub(DTArray[3],2,1)

:TMM    ; TimeMinutes (fix 2 Digits)
Value = DTArray[4]

:TM     ; TimeMinutes (var 1..2 Digits)
Value = 0+DTArray[4]
; Value = DTArray[4]
; If (StrSub(DTArray[4],1,1)=="0") then Value = StrSub(DTArray[4],2,1)

:TSS    ; TimeSeconds (fix 2 Digits)
Value = DTArray[5]

:TS     ; TimeSeconds (var 1..2 Digits)
Value = 0+DTArray[5]
; Value = DTArray[5]
; If (StrSub(DTArray[5],1,1)=="0") then Value = StrSub(DTArray[5],2,1)

:MMMM   ; NameOfMonth Long
Value = udfNameOfMonth(YmdHms,0)

:MMM2   ; NameOfMonth Short2 (fix 2 Byte)
Value = udfNameOfMonth(YmdHms,2)

:MMM3   ; NameOfMonth Short3 (fix 3 Byte)
Value = udfNameOfMonth(YmdHms,3)

:DDDD   ; NameOfDay Long
Value = udfNameOfDay(YmdHms,0)

:DDD2   ; NameOfDay Short2 (fix 2 Byte)
Value = udfNameOfDay(YmdHms,2)

:DDD3   ; NameOfDay Short3 (fix 3 Byte)
Value = udfNameOfDay(YmdHms,3)

:WWY    ; WeekOfYear Long (fix 2 Digits)
Value = StrFixLeft(udfWeekOfYear(YmdHms),"0",2)

:WY     ; WeekOfYear Short (var 1..2 Digits)
Value = udfWeekOfYear(YmdHms)

:DDY    ; DayOfYear Long (fix 3 Digits)
Value = StrFixLeft(udfDayOfYear(YmdHms),"0",3)

:DY     ; DayOfYear (var 1..3 Digits)
Value = udfDayOfYear(YmdHms)

:DW     ; DayOfWeek (fix 1 Digit)
Value = udfDayOfWeek(YmdHms)

wberror = LastError()
wberrmsg = ""
wberrmsg = StrCat(wberrmsg,"LastError Value = ",wberror,@LF)
If !wberror Then wberror = -1
wberrmsg = StrCat(wberrmsg,"LastError String = ",IntControl(34,wberror,0,0,0),@LF)
; line in script that caused Error
wberrmsg = StrCat(wberrmsg,"wberrorhandlerline = ",wberrorhandlerline,@LF)
; offset into script of error line, in bytes
wberrmsg = StrCat(wberrmsg,"wberrorhandleroffset = ",wberrorhandleroffset,@LF)
; variable being assigned on error line, or "" if none
wberrmsg = StrCat(wberrmsg,"wberrorhandlerassignment = ",wberrorhandlerassignment,@LF)
; examples:
; TaggedStr="Today is {{DDDD}}, {{DD}}. {{MMMM}} {{YYYY}}, Week #{{WY}}, Day #{{DY}}"
; TaggedStr="Year/Week/Day: {{YYYY}}/{{WWY}}/{{DDY}}"
; Y       ; Year               (var 1..2 Digits)
; YY      ; Year               (fix 2 Digits)
; YYYY    ; Year               (fix 4 Digits)
; M       ; Month              (var 1..2 Digits)
; MM      ; Month              (fix 2 Digits)
; MMM2    ; NameOfMonth Short2 (fix 2 Chars)
; MMM3    ; NameOfMonth Short3 (fix 3 Chars)
; MMMM    ; NameOfMonth Long   (var 3..9 Chars)
; D       ; Day                (var 1..2 Digits)
; DD      ; Day                (fix 2 Digits)
; DDD2    ; NameOfDay Short2   (fix 2 Chars)
; DDD3    ; NameOfDay Short3   (fix 3 Chars)
; DDDD    ; NameOfDay Long     (var 6..9 Chars)
; THHMMSS ; TimeHMS            (fix 8 Digits)
; THHMM   ; TimeHM             (fix 5 Digits)
; THH     ; TimeHours          (fix 2 Digits)
; TH      ; TimeHours          (var 1..2 Digits)
; TMM     ; TimeMinutes        (fix 2 Digits)
; TM      ; TimeMinutes        (var 1..2 Digits)
; TSS     ; TimeSeconds        (fix 2 Digits)
; TS      ; TimeSeconds        (var 1..2 Digits)
; WWY     ; WeekOfYear Long    (fix 2 Digits)
; WY      ; WeekOfYear Short   (var 1..2 Digits)
; DDY     ; DayOfYear Long     (fix 3 Digits)
; DY      ; DayOfYear          (var 1..3 Digits)
; DW      ; DayOfWeek          (fix 1 Digit)
; --- alternative keywords ---
; NOD2    ; NameOfDay Short2   (fix 2 Chars)
; NOD3    ; NameOfDay Short3   (fix 3 Chars)
; NODL    ; NameOfDay Long     (var 6..9 Chars)
; NOM2    ; NameOfMonth Short2 (fix 2 Chars)
; NOM3    ; NameOfMonth Short3 (fix 3 Chars)
; NOML    ; NameOfMonth Long   (var 3..9 Chars)
; HHMMSS  ; TimeHMS            (fix 8 Digits)
; HHMM    ; TimeHM             (fix 5 Digits)
; HH      ; TimeHours          (fix 2 Digits)
; H       ; TimeHours          (var 1..2 Digits)
; MMI     ; TimeMinutes        (fix 2 Digits)
; MI      ; TimeMinutes        (var 1..2 Digits)
; SS      ; TimeSeconds        (fix 2 Digits)
; S       ; TimeSeconds        (var 1..2 Digits)
; WOYL    ; WeekOfYear Long    (fix 2 Digits)
; WOY2    ; WeekOfYear Long    (fix 2 Digits)
; WOY     ; WeekOfYear Short   (var 1..2 Digits)
; DOYL    ; DayOfYear Long     (fix 3 Digits)
; DOY3    ; DayOfYear Long     (fix 3 Digits)
; DOY     ; DayOfYear          (var 1..3 Digits)
; DOW     ; DayOfWeek          (fix 1 Digit)

; --- test main ---------------------------------------------
;If (IntControl(77,80,0,0,0)>0) Then Return

GoSub Test_DateTime_Functions_1
GoSub Test_DateTime_Functions_2
GoSub Test_DateTime_Functions_3
GoSub Test_DateTime_Functions_4
GoSub Test_FormatString
GoSub Test_GermanDays

;just for testing
;list = IntControl(77, 103, 0, 0, 0)
;AskItemList("UDF's defined", list, @tab, @unsorted, @single)
;IntControl (78, 0, 0, 0, 0)
;list = IntControl(77, 103, 0, 0, 0)
;AskItemList("UDF's defined", list, @tab, @unsorted, @single)

Message("DateTime Functions"," Test done.")

TaggedStr = ""
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Heute ist {{DDD2}} {{D}} {{M}} {{Y}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Heute ist {{DDD3}} {{D}} {{M}} {{YY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Heute ist {{DDDD}}, {{DD}}.{{MM}}.{{YYYY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Heute ist {{DDD2}}., {{D}}. {{MMM3}}. {{YYYY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Heute ist {{DDDD}}, der {{D}}. {{MMMM}} {{YYYY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Jetzt ist es {{TH}} Uhr, {{TM}} Minuten und {{TS}} Sekunden.",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Jetzt ist es {{THH}} Uhr, {{TMM}} Minuten und {{TSS}} Sekunden.",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Jetzt ist es {{THHMM}} Uhr.",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Jetzt ist es {{THHMMSS}} Uhr.",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Kalenderwoche {{WY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Kalenderwoche {{YYYY}}W{{WWY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Kalenderwoche {{YYYY}}W{{WWY}}{{DW}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Tag des Jahres {{DY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Tag des Jahres {{DDY}}/{{YYYY}}",@CRLF)
TaggedStr = StrCat(TaggedStr,"Today is {{DDDD}}, {{DD}}. {{MMMM}} {{YYYY}}, Week {{WY}}, Day {{DY}}",@CRLF)

now = TimeYmdHms()
OutStr = udfTimeFormatStr(now,TaggedStr)
OutStr= StrReplace(OutStr,@CRLF,@TAB)
AskItemlist("Test: TimeFormatString", OutStr, @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)
Return ; from Test_FormatString

testdate = "2001:13:01"
testdatetime = "2001:12:01:00:00:60"
now = TimeYmdHms()
OutStr = ""
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "Testdate                                    = ", testdate, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfIsValidDate, gültig?                     = ", udfSayNoYes(udfIsValidDate(testdate)), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "Testdatetime                                = ", testdatetime, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfIsValidDate, gültig?                     = ", udfSayNoYes(udfIsValidDate(testdatetime)), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfIsValidDateTime, gültig?                 = ", udfSayNoYes(udfIsValidDateTime(testdatetime)), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "Now                                         = ", now, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfIsValidDateTime, gültig?                 = ", udfSayNoYes(udfIsValidDateTime(now)), @CRLF,@CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToUnixSeconds                      = ", udfYmdHmsToUnixSeconds(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfUnixSecondsToYmdHms                      = ", udfUnixSecondsToYmdHms(udfYmdHmsToUnixSeconds(now)), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfDayOfYear, Tag im Jahr                   = ", udfDayOfYear(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfJulianDayOfWeek, Wochentag Nummer        = ", udfJulianDayOfWeek(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfDayOfWeek, Wochentag Nummer              = ", udfDayOfWeek(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfNameOfDay, Wochentag Name, 2 chars       = ", udfNameOfDay(now,2), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfNameOfDay, Wochentag Name, lang          = ", udfNameOfDay(now,0), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfWeekOfYear, Kalenderwoche Nummer         = ", udfWeekOfYear(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfWeekOfYear, Next week, 7 days added      = ", udfWeekOfYear(TimeAdd(Now,"0:0:7")), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfNameOfMonth, Monat Name, 3 chars         = ", udfNameOfMonth(now,3), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfNameOfMonth, Monat Name, lang            = ", udfNameOfMonth(now,0), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfDaysInMonth, Tage im Monat               = ", udfDaysInMonth(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfIsLastDayInMonth, Letzter Tag im Monat?  = ", udfSayNoYes(udfIsLastDayInMonth(now)), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfDaysInYear, Tage im Jahr                 = ", udfDaysInYear(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfIsJulianLeapYear, Schaltjahr?            = ", udfSayNoYes(udfIsJulianLeapYear(now)), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfIsLeapYear, Schaltjahr?                  = ", udfSayNoYes(udfIsLeapYear(now)), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Gauss            = "           , udfEasterSunday_Gauss(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Schlyter         = "           , udfEasterSunday_Schlyter(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Lilius_Clavius   = "           , udfEasterSunday_Lilius_Clavius(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Passah           = "           , udfEasterSunday_Passah(now), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Gauss            = "           , udfEasterSunday_Gauss(udfSetYear(now,1+udfGetYear(now))), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Schlyter         = "           , udfEasterSunday_Schlyter(udfSetYear(now,1+udfGetYear(now))), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Lilius_Clavius   = "           , udfEasterSunday_Lilius_Clavius(udfSetYear(now,1+udfGetYear(now))), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfEasterSunday_Passah           = "           , udfEasterSunday_Passah(udfSetYear(now,1+udfGetYear(now))), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfTimeDMY,           = "           , udfTimeDMY(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfTimeDMYShort, ddd  = "           , udfTimeDMYShort(now), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfTimeDMYLong, dddd  = "           , udfTimeDMYLong(now), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp (%now%, 1)  = "           , udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp(now,1), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp (%now%, 2)  = "           , udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp(now,2), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp (%now%, 3)  = "           , udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp(now,3), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp (%now%, 4)  = "           , udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp(now,4), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp (%now%, 5)  = "           , udfYmdHmsToHTTPStamp(now,5), @CRLF, @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToYwd (%now%, 0)      = "             , udfYmdHmsToYwd(now,0), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYmdHmsToYwd (%now%, 1)      = "             , udfYmdHmsToYwd(now,1), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, "udfYwdToYmdHms (""2002W492"")  = "             , udfYwdtoYmdHms("2002W492"), @CRLF)
OutStr = StrReplace(OutStr,@CRLF,@TAB)
AskItemlist("Test: Datum und Zeit Funktionen", OutStr, @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)
Return ; from Test_DateTime_Functions_1

now1 = TimeYmdHms()
now2 = "2001:12:31:01:00:00"
now3 = "2004:02:28:01:00:00"
now4 = "2004:02:29:01:00:00"

msgtitle = "Demo udfIsLastDayOfMonth (datetimestr)"
For i=1 To 4
   msgtext  = ""
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,"Now is ",now%i%,@LF,@LF)
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,"Is now the last day of month?",@LF)
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,udfSayNoYes(udfIsLastDayOfMonth(now%i%)))

now1 = TimeYmdHms()
now2 = "2001:01:01:01:00:00"
now3 = "2001:01:02:01:00:00"

msgtitle = "Demo udfIsFirstDayOfMonth (datetimestr)"
For i=1 To 3
   msgtext  = ""
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,"Now is ",now%i%,@LF,@LF)
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,"Is now the first day of month?",@LF)
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,udfSayNoYes(udfIsFirstDayOfMonth(now%i%)))

now1 = TimeYmdHms()
now2 = "2001:01:15:01:00:00"
now3 = "2004:02:29:01:00:00"
day1 = 1
day2 = 15
day3 = 32 ; "last day" of month

msgtitle = "Demo udfIsNthDayOfMonth (datetimestr, n)"
For i=1 To 3
   msgtext  = ""
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,"Now is ",now%i%,@LF,@LF)
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,"Is now the ",day%i%,". day of month?",@LF)
   msgtext  = StrCat(msgtext,udfSayNoYes(udfIsNthDayOfMonth(day%i%,now%i%)))


Return ; from Test_DateTime_Functions_2

Today     = TimeYmdHms()
Sunday    = udfGetSundayOfWeek    (Today)
Monday    = udfGetMondayOfWeek    (Today)
Tuesday   = udfGetTuesdayOfWeek   (Today)
Wednesday = udfGetWednesdayOfWeek (Today)
Thursday  = udfGetThursdayOfWeek  (Today)
Friday    = udfGetFridayOfWeek    (Today)
Saturday  = udfGetSaturdayOfWeek  (Today)

sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfGet...dayOfWeek (YmdHms)"
sMsgText = ""
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Today"    ,@TAB,@TAB," = ",Today    ,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,@LF,"This Week:",@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Sunday"   ,@TAB,@TAB," = ",Sunday   ,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Monday"   ,@TAB,@TAB," = ",Monday   ,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Tuesday"  ,@TAB,@TAB," = ",Tuesday  ,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Wednesday"     ,@TAB," = ",Wednesday,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Thursday" ,@TAB,@TAB," = ",Thursday ,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Friday"   ,@TAB,@TAB," = ",Friday   ,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,"Saturday" ,@TAB,@TAB," = ",Saturday ,@LF)


Return ; from Test_DateTime_Functions_3

Today1 = TimeYmdHms()
Today2 = "2002:07:20" ; Saturday
Today3 = "2002:07:21" ; Sunday
Today4 = "2002:07:22" ; Monday

bIsWeekDay1 = udfIsWeekDay(Today1)
bIsWeekDay2 = udfIsWeekDay(Today2)
bIsWeekDay3 = udfIsWeekDay(Today3)
bIsWeekDay4 = udfIsWeekDay(Today4)

bIsWeekendDay1 = udfIsWeekendDay(Today1)
bIsWeekendDay2 = udfIsWeekendDay(Today2)
bIsWeekendDay3 = udfIsWeekendDay(Today3)
bIsWeekendDay4 = udfIsWeekendDay(Today4)


DecHour1 = udfHmsToDecimalHour(TimeYmdHms())  ; a decimal number e.g. 10.901667
DecHour2 = udfHmsToDecimalHour("12:56:34")    ; 12.942778
DecHour3 = udfHmsToDecimalHour("123:123:123") ; 125.084167
DecHour4 = udfHmsToDecimalHour("56:34")       ; 0

YmdHms1 = udfDecimalHourToYmdHms(125.084167)  ; "0000:00:05:05:05:03"
YmdHms2 = udfDecimalHourToYmdHms(72)          ; "0000:00:03:00:00:00"
YmdHms3 = udfDecimalHourToYmdHms(4.7550)      ; "0000:00:00:04:45:18"
YmdHms4 = udfDecimalHourToYmdHms(12.942778)   ; "0000:00:00:12:56:34"


fDateTime1 = udfYmdHmsToFloat("1899:12:29:12:00:00") ; --> -0.5
fDateTime2 = udfYmdHmsToFloat("1899:12:30:00:00:00") ; --> 0.0
fDateTime3 = udfYmdHmsToFloat("1899:12:31:00:00:00") ; --> 1.0
fDateTime4 = udfYmdHmsToFloat("1900:01:01:00:00:00") ; --> 2.0
fDateTime5 = udfYmdHmsToFloat("1900:01:02:00:00:01") ; --> 3.00001157407407
fDateTime6 = udfYmdHmsToFloat("1900:01:03:00:00:02") ; --> 4.00002314814815
fDateTime7 = udfYmdHmsToFloat(TimeYmdHms())


sYmdHms1 = udfFloatToYmdHms(-0.5)               ; --> "1899:12:29:12:00:00"
sYmdHms2 = udfFloatToYmdHms(0.0)                ; --> "1899:12:30:00:00:00"
sYmdHms3 = udfFloatToYmdHms(1.0)                ; --> "1899:12:31:00:00:00"
sYmdHms4 = udfFloatToYmdHms(2.0)                ; --> "1900:01:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms5 = udfFloatToYmdHms(3.00001157407407)   ; --> "1900:01:02:00:00:01"
sYmdHms6 = udfFloatToYmdHms(4.00002314814815)   ; --> "1900:01:03:00:00:02"
sYmdHms7 = udfFloatToYmdHms(37792.305555555556) ; --> "2003:06:20:07:19:55"


iCount1 = udfGetCountDOWInMonth(TimeYmdHms(),-1) ;
iCount2 = udfGetCountDOWInMonth("2002:07:31:00:00:00",1) ; There are 5 Mondays in July 2002.


sYmdHms1 = udfGetNthDOWInMonth("2002:07:05",1,1)  ; 1st Monday in Month July 2002
sYmdHms2 = udfGetNthDOWInMonth("2002:07:05",4,1)  ; 4th Monday in Month July 2002
sYmdHms3 = udfGetNthDOWInMonth("2002:07:05",10,1) ; 5th Monday in Month July 2002
sYmdHms4 = udfGetNthDOWInMonth("2002:07:05",0,1)  ; 1st Monday in Month July 2002
sYmdHms5 = udfGetNthDOWInMonth("2002:07:05",5,0)  ; 5th Sunday in Month July 2002
sYmdHms6 = udfGetNthDOWInMonth(TimeYmdHms(),3,3)  ; 3rd Wednesday in current Month


sYmdHms1 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:01:01")  ; Last day is "2000:01:31"
sYmdHms2 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:02:01")  ; Last day is "2000:02:29"
sYmdHms3 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:03:01")  ; Last day is "2000:03:31"
sYmdHms4 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:04:01")  ; Last day is "2000:04:30"


sYmdHms1 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:01:01:12:12:12")  ; Last day is "2000:01:31:12:12:12"
sYmdHms2 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:02:01:12:12:12")  ; Last day is "2000:02:29:12:12:12"
sYmdHms3 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:03:01:12:12:12")  ; Last day is "2000:03:31:12:12:12"
sYmdHms4 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth("2000:04:01:12:12:12")  ; Last day is "2000:04:30:12:12:12"


; I would prefer this udfGetLastDayOfMonth_2.
sYmdHms1 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth_2("2000:12:24")  ; Last day is "2000:12:31"
sYmdHms2 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth_2("2000:02:24")  ; Last day is "2000:02:29"
sYmdHms3 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth_2("2000:03:24")  ; Last day is "2000:03:31"
sYmdHms4 = udfGetLastDayOfMonth_2("2000:04:24")  ; Last day is "2000:04:30"


sString1 = udfStrDateTo3Char(TimeYmdHms()) ; e.g. "2GJ"
sString2 = udfStrDateTo3Char("1999:02:13") ; "9BD"
sString3 = udfStrDateTo3Char("1999:02:14") ; "9BE"
sString4 = udfStrDateTo3Char("2004:05:30") ; "4EU"
sString5 = udfStrDateTo3Char("1994:05:30") ; "4EU"


sString1 = udfStrDateTo4Char(TimeYmdHms()) ; e.g. "2G19"
sString2 = udfStrDateTo4Char("1999:02:13") ; "9B13"
sString3 = udfStrDateTo4Char("1999:02:14") ; "9B14"
sString4 = udfStrDateTo4Char("2004:05:30") ; "4E30"
sString5 = udfStrDateTo4Char("1994:05:30") ; "4E30"


sString1 = udfStrDateTo8Char(TimeYmdHms()) ; e.g. "2G192341"
sString2 = udfStrDateTo8Char("1999:02:13:13:09:00") ; "9B131309"
sString3 = udfStrDateTo8Char("1999:02:14:13:10:00") ; "9B131310"
sString4 = udfStrDateTo8Char("2004:05:30:09:30:00") ; "4E300930"
sString5 = udfStrDateTo8Char("1994:05:30:09:30:00") ; "4E300930"


iYear    = udfGetYear   (TimeYmdHms())
iMonth   = udfGetMonth  (TimeYmdHms())
iDay     = udfGetDay    (TimeYmdHms())
iHour    = udfGetHour   (TimeYmdHms())
iMinute  = udfGetMinute (TimeYmdHms())
iSecond  = udfGetSecond (TimeYmdHms())

sYmdHms1 = udfSetYear   (TimeYmdHms(),2004)
sYmdHms2 = udfSetMonth  (TimeYmdHms(),10)
sYmdHms3 = udfSetDay    (TimeYmdHms(),5)
sYmdHms4 = udfSetHour   (TimeYmdHms(),7)
sYmdHms5 = udfSetMinute (TimeYmdHms(),15)
sYmdHms6 = udfSetSecond (TimeYmdHms(),180)


iSeconds = 93664
iMode = 0
sText = udfSecondsToDhms(iSeconds,iMode) ; ==> "1 Day  2 Hours  1 Minute  4 Seconds"
iMode = 1
sText = udfSecondsToDhms(iSeconds,iMode) ; ==> "1@TAB2@TAB1@TAB4"

iSeconds = 3664
iMode = 0
sText = udfSecondsToDhms(iSeconds,iMode) ; ==> "0 Days  1 Hour  1 Minute  4 Seconds"
iMode = 1
sText = udfSecondsToDhms(iSeconds,iMode) ; ==> "0@TAB1@TAB1@TAB4"

iSeconds = 936640
iMode = 0
sText = udfSecondsToDhms(iSeconds,iMode) ; ==> "10 Days  20 Hours  10 Minutes  40 Seconds"
iMode = 1
sText = udfSecondsToDhms(iSeconds,iMode) ; ==> "10@TAB20@TAB10@TAB40"


sYmd = udfGetYmd(TimeYmdHms())
sHms = udfGetHms(TimeYmdHms())

sYmdHms1 = udfSetYmd (TimeYmdHms(), "2004:10:05")  ; Set the date part.
sYmdHms1 = udfSetYmd (TimeYmdHms(), "2004:18:37")  ; Set the date part to "2005:07:07"

sYmdHms2 = udfSetHms (TimeYmdHms(), "11:55:00")    ; Set the time part.
sYmdHms3 = udfSetHms (TimeYmdHms(), "48:120:1800") ; Set the date and time part to (2 days + 2 hours + 30 minutes) into the future.


sYmdHms = "1975:12:29:00:00:00" ; Monday
woy1 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 53

sYmdHms = "1975:12:31:00:00:00" ; Wednesday
woy2 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 53

sYmdHms = "1976:01:01:00:00:00" ; Thursday
woy3 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 1

sYmdHms = "1976:01:02:00:00:00" ; Friday
woy3 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 1

sYmdHms = "1977:01:02:00:00:00" ; Sunday
woy4 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 0

sYmdHms = "1977:01:03:00:00:00" ; Monday
woy5 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 1

sYmdHms = "2002:01:01:00:00:00" ; Tuesday
woy6 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 1

sYmdHms = "2002:01:07:00:00:00" ; Monday
woy7 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 2

sYmdHms = "2002:06:30:00:00:00" ; Sunday
woy8 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 26

sYmdHms = "2002:07:01:00:00:00" ; Monday
woy9 = udfWeekOfYear (sYmdHms)  ; woy = 27



sYmdHms1 = "2003:07:31:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth1 = udfWeekOfYear(sYmdHms1) - udfWeekOfYear(udfSetDay(sYmdHms1,1)) + 1 ; ==> 5

sYmdHms2 = "2003:07:1:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth2 = udfWeekOfYear(sYmdHms2) - udfWeekOfYear(udfSetDay(sYmdHms2,1)) + 1 ; ==> 1

sYmdHms3 = TimeYmdHms()
iWeekOfMonth3 = udfWeekOfYear(sYmdHms3) - udfWeekOfYear(udfSetDay(sYmdHms3,1)) + 1



iWeekOfMonth01 = udfWeekOfMonth(TimeYmdHms(),0)
iWeekOfMonth02 = udfWeekOfMonth(TimeYmdHms(),1)

sYmdHms1 = "2002:12:29:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth1 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms1,1) ; ==> 5

sYmdHms2 = "2002:12:30:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth2 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms2,1) ; ==> 6

sYmdHms3 = "2003:01:05:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth3 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms3,1) ; ==> 1

sYmdHms4 = "2003:01:06:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth4 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms4,1) ; ==> 2

sYmdHms5 = "2003:01:07:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth5 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms5,1) ; ==> 2

sYmdHms6 = "2003:08:01:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth6 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms6,1) ; ==> 1

sYmdHms7 = "2003:08:17:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth7 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms7,1) ; ==> 3

sYmdHms8 = "2003:08:18:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth8 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms8,1) ; ==> 4

sYmdHms9 = "2003:08:25:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth9 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms9,1) ; ==> 5

sYmdHms10 = "2004:05:01:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth10 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms10,1) ; ==> 1

sYmdHms11 = "2004:05:02:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth11 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms11,1) ; ==> 1

sYmdHms12 = "2004:05:03:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth12 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms12,1) ; ==> 2

sYmdHms13 = "2004:05:30:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth13 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms13,1) ; ==> 5

sYmdHms14 = "2004:05:31:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth14 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms14,1) ; ==> 6

sYmdHms15 = "2004:02:29:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth15 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms15,1) ; ==> 5

sYmdHms16 = "2013:08:19:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth16 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms16,1) ; ==> 4

sYmdHms17 = "2013:12:30:00:00:00"
iWeekOfMonth17 = udfWeekOfMonth(sYmdHms17,1) ; ==> 6


sCal = udfCalendar(TimeYmdHms())
AskItemlist("Demo  udfCalender (sYmdHms)", StrReplace(sCal,@CRLF,@TAB),@TAB,@UNSORTED,@SINGLE)

sCal = ""
For iMonth=1 To 12
   sCal = StrCat(sCal,udfCalendar("2003:%iMonth%:01"))
AskItemlist("Demo  udfCalender (sYmdHms)", StrReplace(sCal,@CRLF,@TAB),@TAB,@UNSORTED,@SINGLE)

sYwd1 = udfYmdHmsToYwd(TimeYmdHms(),0)  ; e.g. "2002W30"
sYwd2 = udfYmdHmsToYwd(TimeYmdHms(),1)  ; e.g. "2002W301"

sYwd3 = udfYmdHmsToYwd("1995:12:31",1)  ; "1995W527"
sYwd4 = udfYmdHmsToYwd("1996:01:01",1)  ; "1996W011"
sYwd5 = udfYmdHmsToYwd("1996:12:29",1)  ; "1996W527"
sYwd6 = udfYmdHmsToYwd("1996:12:30",1)  ; "1997W011"
sYwd7 = udfYmdHmsToYwd("1996:12:31",1)  ; "1997W012"
sYwd8 = udfYmdHmsToYwd("1997:01:01",1)  ; "1997W013"

sYmdHms1 = udfYwdtoYmdHms("2002W303")  ; "2002:07:24:00:00:00" Wednesday
sYmdHms2 = udfYwdtoYmdHms("2002W30")   ; "2002:07:22:00:00:00" Monday
sYmdHms3 = udfYwdtoYmdHms("2002W01")   ; "2001:12:31:00:00:00" Monday
sYmdHms4 = udfYwdtoYmdHms("2002W011")  ; "2001:12:31:00:00:00" Monday
sYmdHms5 = udfYwdtoYmdHms("2002W012")  ; "2002:01:01:00:00:00" Tuesday
sYmdHms6 = udfYwdtoYmdHms("2001W53")   ; "2001:12:31:00:00:00" Monday  ; Note: Week "2001W53" is invalid, is actually "2002W01".
sYmdHms6 = udfYwdtoYmdHms("2001W537")  ; "2002:01:06:00:00:00" Sunday  ; Note: Week "2001W53" is invalid, is actually "2002W01".

sYmdHms11 = udfRoundToMinute("2002:07:22:19:29:20",0)  ; "2002:07:22:19:29:00"
sYmdHms12 = udfRoundToMinute("2002:07:22:19:29:40",0)  ; "2002:07:22:19:30:00"
sYmdHms13 = udfRoundToMinute("2002:07:22:19:29:40",1)  ; "2002:07:22:19:29:00"

sYmdHms21 = udfRoundToHour("2002:07:22:19:29:20",0)    ; "2002:07:22:19:00:00"
sYmdHms22 = udfRoundToHour("2002:07:22:19:30:10",0)    ; "2002:07:22:20:00:00"
sYmdHms23 = udfRoundToHour("2002:07:22:19:31:40",1)    ; "2002:07:22:19:00:00"

sYmdHms31 = udfRoundToDay("2002:07:22:11:29:20",0)     ; "2002:07:22:00:00:00"
sYmdHms32 = udfRoundToDay("2002:07:22:19:30:10",0)     ; "2002:07:23:00:00:00"
sYmdHms33 = udfRoundToDay("2002:07:22:19:31:40",1)     ; "2002:07:22:00:00:00"

sYmdHms41 = udfRoundToMonth("2002:12:22:11:29:20",0)   ; "2003:01:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms42 = udfRoundToMonth("2002:07:12:19:30:10",0)   ; "2002:07:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms43 = udfRoundToMonth("2002:07:22:19:31:40",1)   ; "2002:07:01:00:00:00"

sYmdHms51 = udfRoundToYear("2002:12:22:11:29:20",0)    ; "2003:01:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms52 = udfRoundToYear("2002:05:12:19:30:10",0)    ; "2002:01:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms53 = udfRoundToYear("2002:07:22:19:31:40",1)    ; "2002:01:01:00:00:00"

sYmdHms61 = udfRoundToQuarter("2002:02:22:19:29:20",0) ; "2002:04:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms62 = udfRoundToQuarter("2002:02:12:19:29:20",0) ; "2002:01:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms63 = udfRoundToQuarter("2002:02:22:19:29:20",1) ; "2002:01:01:00:00:00"

sYmdHms71 = udfRoundToQuarter("2002:11:22:19:29:20",0) ; "2003:01:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms72 = udfRoundToQuarter("2002:11:12:19:29:20",0) ; "2002:10:01:00:00:00"
sYmdHms73 = udfRoundToQuarter("2002:11:22:19:29:20",1) ; "2002:10:01:00:00:00"


sYmdHms11 = udfGetWeekDayNext(TimeYmdHms())
sYmdHms12 = udfGetWeekDayNext("2002:10:25:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:28:00:00:00"
sYmdHms13 = udfGetWeekDayNext("2002:10:26:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:28:00:00:00"
sYmdHms14 = udfGetWeekDayNext("2002:10:27:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:28:00:00:00"
sYmdHms15 = udfGetWeekDayNext("2002:10:28:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:29:00:00:00"

sYmdHms21 = udfGetWeekDayPrev(TimeYmdHms())
sYmdHms22 = udfGetWeekDayPrev("2002:10:25:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:24:00:00:00"
sYmdHms23 = udfGetWeekDayPrev("2002:10:26:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:25:00:00:00"
sYmdHms24 = udfGetWeekDayPrev("2002:10:27:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:25:00:00:00"
sYmdHms25 = udfGetWeekDayPrev("2002:10:28:00:00:00")  ; "2002:10:25:00:00:00"

For i=1990 To 2004
   bLeap%i%Julian  = udfIsJulianLeapYear(%i%)
   bLeap%i%Boolean = udfIsLeapYear(%i%)

sYmdHms = "2002:10:27"
iDow1 = udfJulianDayOfWeek (sYmdHms) ; 0
iDow2 = udfDayOfWeek (sYmdHms)       ; 7

iAge1 = udfAgeDifference("1990:01:01", "2006:01:01", 0) ; 16
iAge2 = udfAgeDifference("1990:01:01", "2006:01:05", 0) ; 16
iAge3 = udfAgeDifference("1990:01:09", "2006:01:05", 0) ; 15
iAge4 = udfAgeDifference("1990:01:01:09:00:00", "2006:01:01:05:00:00", 0) ; 16
iAge5 = udfAgeDifference("1990:01:01:09:00:00", "2006:01:01:05:00:00", 1) ; 15

sYmdHms = TimeYmdHms()
sString11 = udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, 0)    ; "Dienstag"
sString12 = udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, 1)    ; "D"
sString13 = udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, 2)    ; "Di"
sString14 = udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, 3)    ; "Die"
sString15 = udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, 7)    ; "Diensta"
sString16 = udfNameOfDay (sYmdHms, 10)   ; "Dienstag  "

sYmdHms = TimeYmdHms()
sString21 = udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, 0)  ; "Juli"
sString22 = udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, 1)  ; "J"
sString23 = udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, 2)  ; "Ju"
sString24 = udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, 3)  ; "Jul"
sString25 = udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, 7)  ; "Juli   "
sString26 = udfNameOfMonth (sYmdHms, 10) ; "Juli      "

sYmdHms   = "2001:12:30:00:00:00"
sZodiac1  = udfGetZodiac(sYmdHms) ; "Capricorn"    "Steinbock"
sYmdHms   = "2002:01:10:00:00:00"
sZodiac2  = udfGetZodiac(sYmdHms) ; "Capricorn"    "Steinbock"
sYmdHms   = "2002:02:10:00:00:00"
sZodiac3  = udfGetZodiac(sYmdHms) ; "Aquarius"     "Wassermann"
sYmdHms   = "2002:03:21:00:00:00"
sZodiac4  = udfGetZodiac(sYmdHms) ; "Aries"        "Widder"
sYmdHms   = "2002:12:21:00:00:00"
sZodiac5  = udfGetZodiac(sYmdHms) ; "Sagittarius"  "Schütze"
sYmdHms   = "2002:12:22:00:00:00"
sZodiac6  = udfGetZodiac(sYmdHms) ; "Capricorn"    "Steinbock"


sYmdHms   = "2001:12:30:00:00:00"
sSeason1  = udfGetSeason(sYmdHms) ; "Winter"    "Winter"
sYmdHms   = "2002:03:20:00:00:00"
sSeason2  = udfGetSeason(sYmdHms) ; "Winter"    "Winter"
sYmdHms   = "2002:03:21:00:00:00"
sSeason3  = udfGetSeason(sYmdHms) ; "Frühling"  "Spring"
sYmdHms   = "2002:06:22:00:00:00"
sSeason4  = udfGetSeason(sYmdHms) ; "Sommer"    "Summer"
sYmdHms   = "2002:09:24:00:00:00"
sSeason5  = udfGetSeason(sYmdHms) ; "Herbst"    "Fall"
sYmdHms   = "2002:12:22:00:00:00"
sSeason6  = udfGetSeason(sYmdHms) ; "Winter"    "Winter"


sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfGetTimezoneInfo()"

sTimezoneInfo = udfGetTimezoneInfo()

iStatus       = ItemExtract(1,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
iCurrentBias  = ItemExtract(2,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
sStandardName = ItemExtract(5,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
sStandardDate = ItemExtract(3,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
iStandardBias = ItemExtract(4,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
sDaylightName = ItemExtract(8,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
sDaylightDate = ItemExtract(6,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
iDaylightBias = ItemExtract(7,sTimezoneInfo,@TAB)
sStatus = ItemExtract(2+iStatus,"Invalid,Unknown,Standard,Daylight saving",",")

TzInfoCaption=`Timezone Information`
TzInfo010=`003,117,170,052,GROUPBOX,DEFAULT,"Daylight",DEFAULT,33,DEFAULT,"MS Sans Serif|5632|40|34","0|128|128","240|236|192"`
TzInfo011=`003,061,170,052,GROUPBOX,DEFAULT,"Standard",DEFAULT,32,DEFAULT,"MS Sans Serif|5632|40|34","0|128|128","240|236|192"`
TzInfo013=`073,175,036,012,PUSHBUTTON,DEFAULT,"OK",1,1,32,"MS Sans Serif|5632|70|34","0|128|128","240|236|192"`
TzInfo014=`007,141,060,012,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"Begin of Daylight Time",DEFAULT,27,0,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT`
TzInfo015=`007,085,060,012,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"Begin of Standard Time",DEFAULT,24,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT`
TzInfo016=`007,041,060,016,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"Bias for local time translation",DEFAULT,22,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT`
TzInfo017=`007,155,060,012,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"Daylight Bias",DEFAULT,28,0,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT`
TzInfo019=`003,005,170,016,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"Timezone Information",DEFAULT,20,0,"Verdana|13824|70|34","0|128|128",DEFAULT`


Return ; from Test_DateTime_Functions_4

;create hash table
tempfile = FileCreateTemp("TMP")
FileDelete(tempfile) ; we only need the folderpath
tempfolder = FilePath(tempfile)
hash_filepathname = StrCat(tempfolder,"HASH",ItemExtract(1,TimeYmdHms(),":"),".BIN")
If !FileExist(hash_filepathname) Then udfGDHashTable(TimeYmdHms(),0)

;retrieve German Holiday name
Heiligabend = "2001:12:24" ; not valid datetime string
;Heiligabend = "2001:12:24:00:00:00" ; valid datetime string
Pause("Read HashTable: Heiligabend", StrCat(udfTimeDMY(Heiligabend)," ",udfGDHashTable(Heiligabend,1)))

now = TimeYmdHms()
Aschermittwoch = udfGD_AscherMittwoch(now)
Pause("Read HashTable: Aschermittwoch", StrCat(udfTimeDMY(Aschermittwoch)," ",udfGDHashTable(Aschermittwoch,1)))


;list GD names, from hash table
Start   = TimeYmdHms()
OutStr  = udfGDHashTable(Start,2)
Stop    = TimeYmdHms()
Seconds = TimeDiffSecs(Stop,Start)
OutStr  = StrCat(OutStr,@LF,@LF,"All values read from hash table: ",Seconds," s",@LF)
Pause("Test1: Deutsche Feiertage", OutStr)


;list German Holidays names, calculated
Start  = TimeYmdHms()
now    = TimeYmdHms()
OutStr = ""
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Neujahr(now)),           " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_Neujahr(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_HeiligeDreiKoenige(now))," ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_HeiligeDreiKoenige(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_AscherMittwoch(now)),    " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_AscherMittwoch(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_PalmSonntag(now)),       " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_PalmSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_KarFreitag(now)),        " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_KarFreitag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_OsterSonntag(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_OsterSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_OsterMontag(now)),       " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_OsterMontag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_WeisserSonntag(now)),    " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_WeisserSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_TagDerArbeit(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_TagDerArbeit(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ChristiHimmelfahrt(now))," ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_ChristiHimmelfahrt(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_PfingstSonntag(now)),    " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_PfingstSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_PfingstMontag(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_PfingstMontag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Fronleichnam(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_Fronleichnam(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_MariaeHimmelfahrt(now)), " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_MariaeHimmelfahrt(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_TagDerEinheit(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_TagDerEinheit(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Reformationstag(now)),   " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_Reformationstag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Allerheiligen(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_Allerheiligen(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_BussUndBettag(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_BussUndBettag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ErsterAdvent(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_ErsterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ZweiterAdvent(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_ZweiterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_DritterAdvent(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_DritterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_VierterAdvent(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_VierterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_HeiligAbend(now)),       " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_HeiligAbend(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ErsterWeihnachten(now)), " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_ErsterWeihnachten(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ZweiterWeihnachten(now))," ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_ZweiterWeihnachten(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Silvester(now)),         " ",udfNameOfGD(udfGD_Silvester(now)), @LF, @LF)
Stop    = TimeYmdHms()
Seconds = TimeDiffSecs(Stop,Start)
OutStr  = StrCat(OutStr, "All values calculated: ",Seconds," s",@LF)
Pause("Test2: Deutsche Feiertage", OutStr)


;list German Holidays names, fully calculated
Start  = TimeYmdHms()
now    = TimeYmdHms()
OutStr = ""
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Neujahr(now)),           " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_Neujahr(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_HeiligeDreiKoenige(now))," ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_HeiligeDreiKoenige(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_AscherMittwoch(now)),    " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_AscherMittwoch(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_PalmSonntag(now)),       " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_PalmSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_KarFreitag(now)),        " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_KarFreitag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_OsterSonntag(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_OsterSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_OsterMontag(now)),       " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_OsterMontag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_WeisserSonntag(now)),    " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_WeisserSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_TagDerArbeit(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_TagDerArbeit(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ChristiHimmelfahrt(now))," ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_ChristiHimmelfahrt(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_PfingstSonntag(now)),    " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_PfingstSonntag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_PfingstMontag(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_PfingstMontag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Fronleichnam(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_Fronleichnam(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_MariaeHimmelfahrt(now)), " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_MariaeHimmelfahrt(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_TagDerEinheit(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_TagDerEinheit(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Reformationstag(now)),   " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_Reformationstag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Allerheiligen(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_Allerheiligen(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_BussUndBettag(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_BussUndBettag(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ErsterAdvent(now)),      " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_ErsterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ZweiterAdvent(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_ZweiterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_DritterAdvent(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_DritterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_VierterAdvent(now)),     " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_VierterAdvent(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_HeiligAbend(now)),       " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_HeiligAbend(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ErsterWeihnachten(now)), " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_ErsterWeihnachten(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_ZweiterWeihnachten(now))," ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_ZweiterWeihnachten(now)), @LF)
OutStr = StrCat(OutStr, udfTimeDMY(udfGD_Silvester(now)),         " ",udfNameOfGD2(udfGD_Silvester(now)), @LF, @LF)
Stop    = TimeYmdHms()
Seconds = TimeDiffSecs(Stop,Start)
OutStr  = StrCat(OutStr, "All values calculated: ",Seconds," s",@LF)
Pause("Test3: Deutsche Feiertage", OutStr)
Return ; from Test_GermanDays

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