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REGEXP.WBT  v1.06  20030917

The following WinBatch 'User Defined Functions' make use of the
Visual Basic Scripting Edition OLE object 'VBScript.RegExp'
to support Regular Expressions in WinBatch scripts.

; udflib.RegExp.wbt  v1.06  20030917                                                                                   (c)20020708.Detlev Dalitz
; A regular expression is a pattern of text that consists of ordinary characters
; (for example, letters a through z) and special characters, known as metacharacters.
; The pattern describes one or more strings to match when searching a body of text.
; The regular expression serves as a template for matching a character pattern to the string being searched.
;   This WinBatch library file contains two sections of 'user defined functions'
;   to provide regular expression search facilities in WinBatch.
;   -  'high level' routines,
;   -  'low  level' routines.
;   The 'high level' routines hide the VB RegExp object.
;   The properties of the RegExp object must be set by udf parameter list.
;   These functions are the worker functions and will fit for RegExp tasks in general.
;   The 'low level' routines allow handling of the RegExp object at object interface level.
;   The 'low level' udfs are mostly simple wrappers (with some overhead in relation to 'pure' object use).
;   The 'low level' functions were build mainly for generalizing the RegExp udf interface.

; 'High Level' Routines     (VB Regular Expression object encapsulated)
; udfRegExpTest             (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase)
; udfRegExpMatch            (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch, bMultiLine, sMatchPropSep, sMatchItemSep)
; udfRegExpReplace          (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, sReplaceString, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)
; udfRegExpGetMatchCount    (sMatchList, sMatchItemSep)
; udfRegExpGetMatch         (iMatch, sMatchList, sMatchItemSep)
; udfRegExpGetMatchValue    (sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
; udfRegExpGetMatchIndex    (sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
; udfRegExpGetMatchLength   (sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
; udfRegExpGetSubMatchCount (sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
; udfRegExpGetSubMatchValue (iSub, sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
; udfRegExpCheckPattern     (sRegExpPattern)

#DefineFunction udfRegExpCheckPattern (sRegExpPattern)
sRegExpPattern = StrReplace(sRegExpPattern,"\(","")
sRegExpPattern = StrReplace(sRegExpPattern,"\)","")
sRegExpPattern = StrClean(sRegExpPattern,"()","",@TRUE,2)
iCount = StrLen(sRegExpPattern)
If (iCount mod 2) Then Return (-1)                  ; Error on matching brackets.
Return (iCount/2)
; If opening and closing round brackets do not match (odd count),
; then this udf returns -1 to indicate that there is an error
; on the SubMatching structure in the RegExpPattern.
; Otherwise this udf returns the number of SubMatching parenthesis pairs "()".

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetSubMatchCount (sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)
Return (ItemCount(sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)-3)
; This udf returns the number of SubMatch items per given MatchItem.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetSubMatchValue (iSub, sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
If (sMatchPropSep == "") Then sMatchPropSep  = "|"
Return (ItemExtract(3 + iSub,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep))

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetMatchCount (sMatchList, sMatchItemSep)
If (sMatchItemSep == "") Then sMatchItemSep = @TAB
Return (ItemCount(sMatchList,sMatchItemSep))

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetMatch (iMatch, sMatchList, sMatchItemSep)
If (sMatchItemSep == "") Then sMatchItemSep = @TAB
Return (ItemExtract(iMatch,sMatchList,sMatchItemSep))

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetMatchValue (sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
If (sMatchPropSep == "") Then sMatchPropSep  = "|"
Return (ItemExtract(1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep))

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetMatchIndex (sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
If (sMatchPropSep == "") Then sMatchPropSep  = "|"
Return (ItemExtract(2,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep))

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetMatchLength (sMatchItem, sMatchPropSep)
If (sMatchPropSep == "") Then sMatchPropSep  = "|"
Return (ItemExtract(3,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep))

#DefineFunction udfRegExpTest (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase)
bResult = @FALSE

iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
objRegExp = ObjectOpen("VBScript.RegExp")           ; Creates a regular expression object for use by WinBatch.
iResult = LastError()
If iResult Then Goto LABELRETURN                    ; Object is not loadable.

objRegExp.Pattern    = sRegExpPattern               ; Set pattern.
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = bIgnoreCase                  ; Set case insensitivity. Default is @FALSE.

iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
bResult = !!objRegExp.Test(sSearchString)           ; vbTrue -1 True ; vbFalse 0 False
iResult = LastError()
If iResult  Then Goto LABELOBJECTCLOSE              ; Maybe a pattern definition error.
If !bResult Then Goto LABELOBJECTCLOSE              ; There is no match.


Return (bResult)
; This udf returns a boolean value depending on the check
; If the SearchString does have at least one match by RegExpPattern.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpReplace (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, sReplaceString, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)
sString = ""

iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
objRegExp = ObjectOpen("VBScript.RegExp")           ; Creates a regular expression object for use by WinBatch.
iResult = LastError()
If iResult Then Goto LABELRETURN                    ; Object is not loadable.

objRegExp.Pattern    = sRegExpPattern               ; Set pattern.
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = bIgnoreCase                  ; Set case insensitivity. Default is @FALSE.
objRegExp.Global     = bGlobalSearch                ; Set global applicability. Default is @FALSE.

iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
bResult = !!objRegExp.Test(sSearchString)           ; vbTrue -1 True ; vbFalse 0 False
iResult = LastError()
If iResult  Then Goto LABELOBJECTCLOSE              ; Maybe a pattern definition error.
If !bResult Then Goto LABELOBJECTCLOSE              ; There is no one match.

sString = objRegExp.Replace(sSearchString,sReplaceString) ; Make the replacement.


Return (sString)
; Returns an empty string if there was an error on loading the VB Regular Expression OLE object.
; Returns an empty string if there was an error on the sRegExpPattern Test.
; If RegExpPattern does match, then this udf returns a copy of SearchString
; with the text of RegExpPattern replaced with ReplaceString.
; If no match is found, a copy of SearchString is returned unchanged.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpMatch (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch, bMultiLine, sMatchPropSep, sMatchItemSep)
sMatchList = ""

iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
objRegExp = ObjectOpen("VBScript.RegExp")           ; Creates a regular expression object for use by WinBatch.
iResult = LastError()
If iResult Then Goto LABELRETURN                    ; Object is not loadable.

objRegExp.Pattern    = sRegExpPattern               ; Set pattern.
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = bIgnoreCase                  ; Set case insensitivity. Default is @FALSE.
objRegExp.Global     = bGlobalSearch                ; Set global applicability. Default is @FALSE.
objRegExp.MultiLine  = bMultiLine                   ; Set MultiLine facility. Default is @FALSE.

iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
bResult = !!objRegExp.Test(sSearchString)           ; vbTrue -1 True ; vbFalse 0 False
iResult = LastError()
If iResult  Then Goto LABELOBJECTCLOSE              ; Maybe a pattern definition error.
If !bResult Then Goto LABELOBJECTCLOSE              ; There is no one match.

iSubMatchCount = udfRegExpCheckPattern (sRegExpPattern)
If (iSubMatchCount < 0)  Then Goto LABELOBJECTCLOSE ; Maybe a SubMatch definition error.

If (sMatchPropSep == "") Then sMatchPropSep = "|"   ; Set separator between MatchItem properties
If (sMatchItemSep == "") Then sMatchItemSep = @TAB  ; Set separator between MatchItems

objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(sSearchString)       ; Executes the search. Returns a handle to a Matches collection.

sMatchList = ""
hEnum = ObjectCollectionOpen(objMatches)            ; Returns an enumeration handle.
While @TRUE
   sMatchItem = ""
   objMatch = ObjectCollectionNext(hEnum)           ; Returns a handle to one object which contains a match.
   If !objMatch Then Break

   ; Collect properties and build the MatchItem.
   sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objMatch.Value          ,-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)
   sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objMatch.FirstIndex + 1 ,-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep) ; Force one based index.
   sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objMatch.Length         ,-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)

   ; Collect the SubMatches.
   objSubMatches = objMatch.SubMatches
   iSubMatchCountMax = objSubMatches.count - 1
   For iSubMatch=0 To iSubMatchCountMax
      sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objSubMatches.Item(iSubMatch),-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)

   ; Build the MatchList from MatchItems.
   sMatchList = ItemInsert(sMatchItem,-1,sMatchList,sMatchItemSep)




Return (sMatchList)
; Returns an empty string if there was an error on loading the VB Regular Expression OLE object.
; Returns an empty string if there was no match on the search with Regular Expression pattern.
; If RegExpPattern does match, then this udf returns a tab delimited "MatchList" of one or more "MatchItems".
; A MatchItem is a structure of at least three properties: MatchValue, MatchIndex, MatchLength.
; Additionally there are appended SubMatchItems, when captured by the regular expression.
; A MatchItem for itself is a delimited list too, with pipe symbol "|" as default separator.
; Example:
; sSearchString  = "myabCthis is the second myabcthing"
; sRegExpPattern = "(a.*?c)"
; bIgnoreCase    = @true
; bGlobalSearch  = @true
; sMatchList = udfRegExp (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch, "", "")
; Resulting MatchList contains two MatchItems, each with one SubMatch:
; sMatchList = "abC|3|3|abC@TABabc|27|3|abc"
; If bGlobalSearch is @FALSE Then the resulting MatchList contains only the first MatchItem.
; Note:
; Collection Enumeration is zero based indexed.
; WIL String variables are indexed at 1.
; This udf is based on an article in WinBatch forum by Author "Jim Stiles 20020628".
; Detlev Dalitz.20020703

; 'Low Level' Routines      (VB Regular Expression object must be opened and closed manually.)
; udfRegExpOpen             ()                                                           ; Returns handle to RegExp object.
; udfRegExpClose            (hRegExp)
; udfRegExpGetPattern       (hRegExp)                                                    ; Returns pattern string.
; udfRegExpGetIgnoreCase    (hRegExp)                                                    ; Returns boolean value.
; udfRegExpGetGlobal        (hRegExp)                                                    ; Returns boolean value.
; udfRegExpGetMultiLine     (hRegExp)                                                    ; Returns boolean value.
; udfRegExpSetPattern       (hRegExp, sPattern)
; udfRegExpSetIgnoreCase    (hRegExp, bIgnoreCase)
; udfRegExpSetGlobal        (hRegExp, bGlobalSearch)
; udfRegExpSetMultiLine     (hRegExp, bMultiLine)
; udfRegExpTestString       (hRegExp, sSearchString)                                     ; Returns boolean value.
; udfRegExpMatchString      (hRegExp, sSearchString, sMatchPropSep, sMatchItemSep)       ; Returns MatchList like udfRegExpMatch.
; udfRegExpReplaceString    (hRegExp, sSearchString, sReplaceString)                     ; Returns replaced string.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpOpen ()
iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
objRegExp = ObjectOpen("VBScript.RegExp") ; Creates a regular expression object for use by WinBatch.
iResult = LastError()
Return (objRegExp)
; This udf returns a handle to a RegExp object.
; On error it returns 0.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpClose (hRegExp)
Return (ObjectClose(hRegExp))

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetPattern (hRegExp)
Return (hRegExp.Pattern)
; This udf returns the current pattern setting on a given object handle.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetIgnoreCase (hRegExp)
Return (!!hRegExp.IgnoreCase)                       ; vbTrue = -1 ; vbFalse = 0
; This udf returns the current bIgnoreCase setting on a given object handle.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetGlobal (hRegExp)
Return (!!hRegExp.Global)                           ; vbTrue = -1 ; vbFalse = 0
; This udf returns the current Global setting on a given object handle.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpGetMultiline (hRegExp)
Return (!!hRegExp.MultiLine)                        ; vbTrue = -1 ; vbFalse = 0
; This udf returns the current bMultiLine setting on a given object handle.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpSetPattern (hRegExp, sPattern)
hRegExp.Pattern = sPattern

#DefineFunction udfRegExpSetIgnoreCase (hRegExp, bValue)
hRegExp.IgnoreCase = bValue

#DefineFunction udfRegExpSetGlobal (hRegExp, bValue)
hRegExp.Global = bValue

#DefineFunction udfRegExpSetMultiline (hRegExp, bValue)
hRegExp.MultiLine = bValue

#DefineFunction udfRegExpTestString (hRegExp, sSearchString)
iLastErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
bResult = !!hRegExp.Test(sSearchString)             ; vbTrue -1 True ; vbFalse 0 False
iResult = LastError()
If iResult  Then Return (@FALSE)                    ; Maybe a pattern definition error.
If !bResult Then Return (@FALSE)                    ; There is no match.
Return (bResult)
; This udf returns a boolean value depending on the check
; if the sSearchString does have at least one match by previously defined sRegExpPattern.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpReplaceString (hRegExp, sSearchString, sReplaceString)
Return (hRegExp.Replace(sSearchString,sReplaceString))
; If previously defined RegExpPattern does match, then this udf returns a copy of SearchString
; with the text of RegExpPattern replaced with ReplaceString.
; If no match is found, a copy of sSearchString is returned unchanged.

#DefineFunction udfRegExpMatchString (hRegExp, sSearchString, sMatchPropSep, sMatchItemSep)
sMatchList = ""

iSubMatchCount = udfRegExpCheckPattern (sRegExpPattern)
If (iSubMatchCount < 0)  Then Return ("")           ; Maybe a SubMatch definition error.

If (sMatchPropSep == "") Then sMatchPropSep = "|"   ; Set separator between MatchItem properties.
If (sMatchItemSep == "") Then sMatchItemSep = @TAB  ; Set separator between MatchItems.

objMatches = hRegExp.Execute(sSearchString)         ; Executes the search. Returns a handle to a Matches collection.

sMatchList = ""
hEnum = ObjectCollectionOpen(objMatches)            ; Returns an enumeration handle.
While @TRUE
   sMatchItem = ""
   objMatch = ObjectCollectionNext(hEnum)           ; Returns a handle to one object which contains a match.
   If !objMatch Then Break

   ; Collect properties and build the MatchItem.
   sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objMatch.Value          ,-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)
   sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objMatch.FirstIndex + 1 ,-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep) ; Force one based index.
   sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objMatch.Length         ,-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)

   ; Collect the SubMatches.
   objSubMatches = objMatch.SubMatches
   iSubMatchCountMax = objSubMatches.count - 1
   For iSubMatch=0 To iSubMatchCountMax
      sMatchItem = ItemInsert(objSubMatches.Item(iSubMatch),-1,sMatchItem,sMatchPropSep)

   ; Build the MatchList from MatchItems.
   sMatchList = ItemInsert(sMatchItem,-1,sMatchList,sMatchItemSep)



Return (sMatchList)

; --- test ---

; Check if e-mail address format is ok or not.

sSearchString  = ""
sRegExpPattern = "([\w\-]+)@([\w\-]+)\.([\w\-]+)"
bIgnoreCase    = @TRUE ; Default is @FALSE.

iMatched = udfRegExpTest (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase)

sNoYes   = ItemExtract(1+iMatched,"no,yes",",")
sMsgText = StrCat("SearchString matches RegExpPattern =" ,@TAB,sNoYes,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("IgnoreCase ="   ,@TAB,bIgnoreCase   ,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("RegExpPattern =",@TAB,sRegExpPattern,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("SearchString =" ,@TAB,sSearchString ,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)

sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfRegExpTest (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase)"
IntControl (63,150,200,850,700)

; This script uses a regular expression pattern
; to find all the matches for a given pattern
; and returns the matches in a WIL list variable.
; It is an example that shows how the Visual Basic Regular Expression
; capability can be used from WinBatch.
; Original script by Author: "Jim Stiles 20020628".

; String with several possible matches for the expression pattern.
; sSearchString = "myabCthis is the second myabcthing"
; Match from the first a to and including the next c.
; To exclude the c, try [^c]* in place of .*? .
; To select the string from the first a to the first c, use the ?.
; Without the ?, the expression would select a string from the first a to the final, and third, c.

sSearchString  = "myabCthis is the second myabcthing"
sRegExpPattern = "(a.*?c)"

bIgnoreCase    = @TRUE  ; Default is @FALSE.
bGlobalSearch  = @TRUE  ; Default is @FALSE.
bMultiLine     = @FALSE ; Default is @FALSE.

sMatchPropSep = "|"
sMatchListSep = @TAB

sMatchList = udfRegExpMatch (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch, bMultiLine, sMatchPropSep, sMatchListSep)

iCount = udfRegExpGetMatchCount (sMatchList, sMatchListSep)
sMsgText  = ""
For i=1 To iCount
   sMatch  = udfRegExpGetMatch (i, sMatchList, sMatchListSep)
   sValue  = udfRegExpGetMatchValue  (sMatch, sMatchPropSep)
   iIndex  = udfRegExpGetMatchIndex  (sMatch, sMatchPropSep)
   iLength = udfRegExpGetMatchLength (sMatch, sMatchPropSep)

   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,"Value =" ,@TAB,sValue ,@TAB)
   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,"Index =" ,@TAB,iIndex ,@TAB)
   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,"Length =",@TAB,iLength,@TAB)
   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("GlobalSearch =" ,@TAB,bGlobalSearch ,@LF,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("IgnoreCase ="   ,@TAB,bIgnoreCase   ,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("MultiLine ="    ,@TAB,bMultiLine    ,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("RegExpPattern =",@TAB,sRegExpPattern,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat("SearchString =" ,@TAB,sSearchString ,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)

sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfRegExpFind (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch, sMatchPropSep, sMatchItemSep)"
IntControl (63,150,200,850,700)

; Check e-mail address and separate it into three parts.

sSearchString  = "Please send mail to Thanks!"
sRegExpPattern = "([\w\-]+)@([\w\-]+)\.([\w\-]+)"
;sRegExpPattern = "([\w])+" ; Test it!

;bIgnoreCase    = @FALSE
;bGlobalSearch  = @FALSE
;bMultiLine     = @FALSE

bIgnoreCase    = @TRUE
bGlobalSearch  = @TRUE
bMultiLine     = @FALSE

sMatchPropSep = "|"
sMatchListSep = @TAB

sMatchList  = udfRegExpMatch (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch, bMultiLine, sMatchPropSep, sMatchListSep)
iMatchCount = udfRegExpGetMatchCount (sMatchList, sMatchListSep)

sMsgText  = ""

For iMatch=1 To iMatchCount
   sMatch  = udfRegExpGetMatch (iMatch, sMatchList, sMatchListSep)
   sValue  = udfRegExpGetMatchValue  (sMatch, sMatchPropSep)
   iIndex  = udfRegExpGetMatchIndex  (sMatch, sMatchPropSep)
   iLength = udfRegExpGetMatchLength (sMatch, sMatchPropSep)

   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,'Value'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',sValue ,'"',@TAB)
   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,'Index'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',iIndex ,'"',@TAB)
   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,'Length' ,@TAB,' = ','"',iLength,'"',@TAB)
   sMsgText  = StrCat(sMsgText,@LF)

   iSubCount = udfRegExpGetSubMatchCount (sMatch, sMatchPropSep)
   For iSub=1 To iSubCount
      sSubMatch = udfRegExpGetSubMatchValue (iSub, sMatch, sMatchPropSep)
      sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'SubMatch',iSub,@TAB,' = ','"',sSubMatch,'"',@LF)

sMsgText = StrCat('GlobalSearch' ,@TAB,' = ','"',bGlobalSearch ,'"',@LF,@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat('IgnoreCase'   ,@TAB,' = ','"',bIgnoreCase   ,'"',@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat('RegExpPattern',@TAB,' = ','"',sRegExpPattern,'"',@LF,sMsgText,@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat('SearchString' ,@TAB,' = ','"',sSearchString ,'"',@LF,sMsgText,@LF)

sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfRegExp (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch, sMatchPropSep, sMatchItemSep)"
IntControl (63,150,200,850,700)

; Replace one word with another word.

sSearchString  = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
sRegExpPattern = "fox"
sReplaceString = "cat"

bIgnoreCase    = @TRUE
bGlobalSearch  = @FALSE

sReplacedString = udfRegExpReplace (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, sReplaceString, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)

sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfRegExpReplace (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)"
sMsgText = ""
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'SearchString'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',sSearchString  ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'RegExpPattern' ,@TAB,' = ','"',sRegExpPattern ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'ReplaceString' ,@TAB,' = ','"',sReplaceString ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'IgnoreCase'    ,@TAB,' = ','"',bIgnoreCase    ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'GlobalSearch'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',bGlobalSearch  ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'ReplacedString',@TAB,' = ','"',sReplacedString,'"',@LF)
IntControl (63,150,200,850,700)

; In addition, the Replace method can replace subexpressions in the pattern.
; The following script swaps each pair of words in the original string

sSearchString  = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
sRegExpPattern = "(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)" ; Swap pairs of words.
sReplaceString = "$3$2$1"

bIgnoreCase    = @TRUE
bGlobalSearch  = @TRUE

sReplacedString = udfRegExpReplace (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, sReplaceString, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)

sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfRegExpReplace (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)"
sMsgText = ""
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'SearchString'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',sSearchString  ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'RegExpPattern' ,@TAB,' = ','"',sRegExpPattern ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'ReplaceString' ,@TAB,' = ','"',sReplaceString ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'IgnoreCase'    ,@TAB,' = ','"',bIgnoreCase    ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'GlobalSearch'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',bGlobalSearch  ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'ReplacedString',@TAB,' = ','"',sReplacedString,'"',@LF)
IntControl (63,150,200,850,700)

; Set and query RegExp properties.

objRegExp = udfRegExpOpen ()

If (objRegExp <> 0)

   udfRegExpSetPattern(objRegExp,"( *)next( *)")
   udfRegExpSetIgnoreCase(objRegExp, @TRUE)
   udfRegExpSetGlobal(objRegExp, @FALSE)
   udfRegExpSetMultiline(objRegExp, @TRUE)

   sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfRegExpGetPattern ()"
   sMsgText = ""
   sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'RegExpPattern' ,@TAB,' = ','"',udfRegExpGetPattern(objRegExp)   ,'"',@LF)
   sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'IgnoreCase'    ,@TAB,' = ','"',udfRegExpGetIgnoreCase(objRegExp),'"',@LF)
   sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'GlobalSearch'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',udfRegExpGetGlobal(objRegExp)    ,'"',@LF)
   sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'MultiLine'     ,@TAB,' = ','"',udfRegExpGetMultiline(objRegExp) ,'"',@LF)
   IntControl (63,150,200,850,700)

   udfRegExpClose (objRegExp)

; Replace control character.

sSearchString  = StrCat("Control",@CR,"characters",@LF,"can also be indicated",@CR,@LF,"by RegExp pattern.",@CRLF)
sRegExpPattern = "(\cM\cJ)|(\cJ)|(\cM)" ; @cr@lf or @lf or @cr
sReplaceString = "<BR>"

bIgnoreCase    = @TRUE
bGlobalSearch  = @TRUE

sReplacedString = udfRegExpReplace (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, sReplaceString, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)

sMsgTitle = "Demo  udfRegExpReplace (sSearchString, sRegExpPattern, bIgnoreCase, bGlobalSearch)"
sMsgText = ""
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'SearchString'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',sSearchString  ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'RegExpPattern' ,@TAB,' = ','"',sRegExpPattern ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'ReplaceString' ,@TAB,' = ','"',sReplaceString ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'IgnoreCase'    ,@TAB,' = ','"',bIgnoreCase    ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'GlobalSearch'  ,@TAB,' = ','"',bGlobalSearch  ,'"',@LF)
sMsgText = StrCat(sMsgText,'ReplacedString',@TAB,' = ','"',sReplacedString,'"',@LF)
IntControl (63,150,200,850,700)


; Requirements
; This WIL User Defined Function library is based on the OLE object "VBScript.RegExp".
; It requires "Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition Version 5.0/5.5"
; implemented by Host Application  "Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0/5.5".
; The SubMatch collection requires "Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition Version 5.5"
; The MultiLine property  requires "Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition Version 5.5"
; Some Replace Properties require  "Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5" or "Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition"
; Original documentation adapted from the Microsoft Platform SDK, May 2002 Edition.

; Here are some examples of regular expression you might encounter
; Match a blank line.
; "^\s*$"
; Validate an ID number consisting of 2 digits, a hyphen, and another 5 digits.
; "\d{2}-\d{5}"
; Validate an email address in the format "".
; "([\w\-]+)@([\w\-]+)\.([\w\-]+)"
; Match "industry" or "industries" (non-capturing match).
; "industr(?:y|ies)"
; Match "Windows" in "Windows 2000" but not "Windows" in "Windows 3.1"
; (non-capturing match, positive lookahead).
; "Windows (?=95|98|NT|2000)"
; Match "Windows" in "Windows 3.1" but does not match "Windows" in "Windows 2000"
; (non-capturing match, negative lookahead).
; "Windows (?!95|98|NT|2000)"
; Match the copyright symbol (©).
; "\u00A9"

; Additional notes from the MS SDK, Visual Basic Scripting Edition
; ObjectRegExp.Pattern [= "searchstring"]
; The "Pattern Property" sets or returns the regular expression pattern being searched for.
; Optional searchstring is a regular string expression being searched for.
; May include any of the regular expression characters defined in the table in the "Settings" section.
; ObjectRegExp.IgnoreCase [= True | False ]
; The "IgnoreCase Property" sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates
; if a pattern search is case-sensitive or not.
; The value of the IgnoreCase property is False if the search is case-sensitive,
; True if it is not. Default is False.
; ObjectRegExp.Global [= True | False ]
; The "Global Property" sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates
; if a pattern should match all occurrences in an entire search string or just the first one.
; The object argument is always a RegExp object.
; The value of the Global property is True if the search applies to the entire string,
; False if it does not. Default is False.
; ObjectRegExp.MultiLine [= True | False ]
; ???
; If MultiLine is false,
; "^" matches the position at the beginning of a string, and
; "$" matches the position at the end of a string.
; If multline is true,
; "^" matches the position at the beginning of a string as well as the position following a "\n" or "\r",
; and  "$" matches the position at the end of a string and the position preceding "\n" or "\r".
; Default is False.
; ObjectRegExp.Execute (string)
; ???
; ObjectRegExp.Test (string)
; The "Test Method" executes a regular expression search against a specified string
; and returns a Boolean value that indicates if a pattern match was found.
; The actual pattern for the regular expression search is set using the Pattern property of the RegExp object.
; The RegExp.Global property has no effect on the Test method.
; The Test method returns True if a pattern match is found; False if no match is found.
; ObjectRegExp.Replace (string1, string2)
; The Replace Method replaces text found in a regular expression search.
; String1 is the text string in which the text replacement is to occur.
; String2 is the replacement text string.
; The actual pattern for the text being replaced is set using the Pattern property of the RegExp object.
; The Replace method returns a copy of string1 with the text of RegExp.Pattern replaced with string2.
; If no match is found, a copy of string1 is returned unchanged.
; In addition, the Replace method can replace subexpressions in the pattern.
; e.g. ObjectRegExp.Replace("(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)", "$3$2$1")) swaps pairs of words.
; For further details see "Replace Properties" section.

; Settings
; Special characters and sequences are used in writing patterns for regular expressions.
; The following table describes and gives an example of the characters and sequences that can be used.
;   Character    Description
;   \            Marks the next character as a special character, a literal, a backreference, or an octal escape.
;                   For example, "n" matches the character "n".
;                   "\n" matches a newline character.
;                   The sequence "\\" matches "\" and "\(" matches "(".
;   ^            Matches the position at the beginning of the input string.
;                   If the RegExp object's MultiLine property is set,
;                   ^ also matches the position following "\n" or "\r".
;   $            Matches the position at the end of the input string.
;                   If the RegExp object's MultiLine property is set,
;                   $ also matches the position preceding "\n" or "\r".
;   *            Matches the preceding character zero or more times.
;                   For example, "zo*" matches either "z" or "zoo".
;                   * is equivalent to "{0,}".
;   +            Matches the preceding character one or more times.
;                   For example, "zo+" matches "zoo" but not "z".
;                   + is equivalent to "{1,}".
;   ?            Matches the preceding character zero or one time.
;                   For example, "a?ve?" matches the "ve" in "never".
;                   For example, "do(es)?" matches the "do" in "do" or "does".
;                   ? is equivalent to "{0,1}"
;                   When this character immediately follows any of the other quantifiers
;                   (*, +, ?, {n}, {n,}, {n,m}), the matching pattern is non-greedy.
;                   A non-greedy pattern matches as little of the searched string as possible,
;                   whereas the default greedy pattern matches as much of the searched string as possible.
;                   For example, in the string "oooo", 'o+?' matches a single "o", while 'o+' matches all 'o's.
;   .            Matches any single character except a newline character "\n".
;                   To match any character including the "\n", use a pattern such as "[\s\S]".
;   (pattern)    Matches pattern and remembers the match.
;                   The matched substring can be retrieved from the resulting Matches collection, using Item [0]...[n].
;                   To match parentheses characters ( ), use "\(" or "\)".
;   (?:pattern)  Matches pattern but does not capture the match,
;                   that is, it is a non-capturing match that is not stored for possible later use.
;                   This is useful for combining parts of a pattern with the "or" character (|).
;                   For example, 'industr(?:y|ies) is a more economical expression than 'industry|industries'.
;   (?=pattern)  Positive lookahead matches the search string at any point where a string matching pattern begins.
;                   This is a non-capturing match, that is, the match is not captured for possible later use.
;                   For example 'Windows (?=95|98|NT|2000)' matches "Windows" in "Windows 2000"
;                   but not "Windows" in "Windows 3.1".
;                   Lookaheads do not consume characters, that is, after a match occurs,
;                   the search for the next match begins immediately following the last match,
;                   not after the characters that comprised the lookahead.
;   (?!pattern)  Negative lookahead matches the search string at any point where a string not matching pattern begins.
;                   This is a non-capturing match, that is, the match is not captured for possible later use.
;                   For example 'Windows (?!95|98|NT|2000)' matches "Windows" in "Windows 3.1"
;                   but does not match "Windows" in "Windows 2000".
;                   Lookaheads do not consume characters, that is, after a match occurs,
;                   the search for the next match begins immediately following the last match,
;                   not after the characters that comprised the lookahead.
;   x|y          Matches either x or y. For example, 'z|food' matches "z" or "food". '(z|f)ood' matches "zood" or "food".
;   {n}          n is a nonnegative integer.
;                   Matches exactly n times.
;                   For example, "o{2}" does not match the "o" in "Bob," but matches the first two o's in "foooood".
;   {n,}         n is a nonnegative integer.
;                   Matches at least n times.
;                   For example, "o{2,}" does not match the "o" in "Bob" and matches all the o's in "foooood."
;                   "o{1,}" is equivalent to "o+".
;                   "o{0,}" is equivalent to "o*".
;   {n,m}        m and n are nonnegative integers, where n <= m.
;                   Matches at least n and at most m times.
;                   For example, "o{1,3}" matches the first three o's in "fooooood".
;                   "o{0,1}" is equivalent to "o?".
;                   Note that you cannot put a space between the comma and the numbers.
;   [xyz]        A character set. Matches any one of the enclosed characters.
;                   For example, "[abc]" matches the "a" in "plain".
;   [^xyz]       A negative character set. Matches any character not enclosed.
;                   For example, "[^abc]" matches the "p" in "plain".
;   [a-z]        A range of characters. Matches any character in the specified range.
;                   For example, "[a-z]" matches any lowercase alphabetic character in the range "a" through "z".
;   [^m-z]       A negative range characters. Matches any character not in the specified range.
;                   For example, "[m-z]" matches any character not in the range "m" through "z".
;   \b           Matches a word boundary, that is, the position between a word and a space.
;                   For example, "er\b" matches the "er" in "never" but not the "er" in "verb".
;   \B           Matches a non-word boundary. "ea*r\B" matches the "ear" in "never early".
;   \d           Matches a digit character. Equivalent to "[0-9]".
;   \D           Matches a non-digit character. Equivalent to "[^0-9]".
;   \f           Matches a form-feed character. Equivalent to "\x0c" and "\cL".
;   \n           Matches a newline character. Equivalent to "\x0a" and "\cJ".
;   \r           Matches a carriage return character. Equivalent to "\x0d" and "\cM".
;   \s           Matches any white space including space, tab, form-feed, etc. Equivalent to "[ \f\n\r\t\v]".
;   \S           Matches any nonwhite space character. Equivalent to "[^ \f\n\r\t\v]".
;   \t           Matches a tab character. Equivalent to "\x09" and "\cI".
;   \v           Matches a vertical tab character. Equivalent to "\x0b" and "\cK".
;   \w           Matches any word character including underscore. Equivalent to "[A-Za-z0-9_]".
;   \W           Matches any non-word character. Equivalent to "[^A-Za-z0-9_]".
;   \num         Matches num, where num is a positive integer. A reference back to remembered matches.
;                   For example, "(.)\1" matches two consecutive identical characters.
;                   If \num is preceded by at least num captured subexpressions, num is a backreference.
;                   Otherwise, num is an octal escape value if num is an octal digit (0-7).
;   \n           Matches n, where n is an octal escape value. Octal escape values must be 1, 2, or 3 digits long.
;                   For example, "\11" and "\011" both match a tab character.
;                   "\0011" is the equivalent of "\001" & "1". Octal escape values must not exceed 256.
;                   If they do, only the first two digits comprise the expression.
;                   Allows ASCII codes to be used in regular expressions.
;   \nm          Identifies either an octal escape value or a backreference.
;                   If \nm is preceded by at least nm captured subexpressions, nm is a backreference.
;                   If \nm is preceded by at least n captures, n is a backreference followed by literal m.
;                   If neither of the preceding conditions exist,
;                   \nm matches octal escape value nm when n and m are octal digits (0-7).
;   \nml         Matches octal escape value nml when n is an octal digit (0-3) and m and l are octal digits (0-7).
;   \xn          Matches n, where n is a hexadecimal escape value.
;                   Hexadecimal escape values must be exactly two digits long.
;                   For example, "\x41" matches "A". "\x041" is equivalent to "\x04" & "1".
;                   Allows ASCII codes to be used in regular expressions.
;   \cx          Matches the control character indicated by x.
;                   For example, \cM matches a Control-M or carriage return character.
;                   The value of x must be in the range of A-Z or a-z.
;                   If not, c is assumed to be a literal 'c' character.
;   \un          Matches n, where n is a Unicode character expressed as four hexadecimal digits.
;                   For example, \u00A9 matches the copyright symbol (©).

; Replace Properties
;   $1...$9      $1...$9 properties
;                   Returns the nine most-recently memorized portions found during pattern matching. Read-only.
;                   The value of the $1...$9 properties is modified whenever a successful parenthesized match is made.
;                   Any number of parenthesized substrings may be specified in a regular expression pattern,
;                   but only the nine most recent can be stored.
;   $_           input Property
;                   Returns the string against which a regular expression search was performed. Read-only.
;                   The value of input property is modified any time the searched string is changed.
;   $&           lastMatch Property
;                   Returns the last matched characters from any regular expression search. Read-only.
;                   The initial value of the lastMatch property is an empty string.
;                   The value of the lastMatch property changes whenever a successful match is made.
;   $+           lastParen Property
;                   Returns the last parenthesized submatch from any regular expression search, if any. Read-only.
;                   The initial value of the lastParen property is an empty string.
;                   The value of the lastParen property changes whenever a successful match is made.
;   $`           leftContext Property
;                   Returns the characters from the beginning of a searched string
;                   up to the position before the beginning of the last match. Read-only.
;                   The initial value of the leftContext property is an empty string.
;                   The value of the leftContext property changes whenever a successful match is made.
;   $'           rightContext Property
;                   Returns the characters from the position following the last match to the end of the searched string. Read-only.
;                   The initial value of the rightContext property is an empty string.
;                   The value of the rightContext property changes whenever a successful match is made.

; Control Characters Table
;  Decimal     Binary  Hex   Ascii   Key
;        0   00000000   00   NUL
;        1   00000001   01   SOH     ^A
;        2   00000010   02   STX     ^B
;        3   00000011   03   ETX     ^C
;        4   00000100   04   EOT     ^D
;        5   00000101   05   ENQ     ^E
;        6   00000110   06   ACK     ^F
;        7   00000111   07   BEL     ^G
;        8   00001000   08   BS      ^H
;        9   00001001   09   HT      ^I
;       10   00001010   0A   LF      ^J
;       11   00001011   0B   VT      ^K
;       12   00001100   0C   FF      ^L
;       13   00001101   0D   CR      ^M
;       14   00001110   0E   SO      ^N
;       15   00001111   0F   SI      ^O
;       16   00010000   10   DLE     ^P
;       17   00010001   11   DC1     ^Q
;       18   00010010   12   DC2     ^R
;       19   00010011   13   DC3     ^S
;       20   00010100   14   DC4     ^T
;       21   00010101   15   NAK     ^U
;       22   00010110   16   SYN     ^V
;       23   00010111   17   ETB     ^W
;       24   00011000   18   CAN     ^X
;       25   00011001   19   EM      ^Y
;       26   00011010   1A   SUB     ^Z
;       27   00011011   1B   ESC     ^[
;       28   00011100   1C   FS      ^\
;       29   00011101   1D   GS      ^]
;       30   00011110   1E   RS      ^^
;       31   00011111   1F   US      ^_

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