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udflib.Console.wbt Version 1.02 2002:03:03
- A selection of the MS SDK console functions wrapped into WinBatch User Defined Functions. - Almost all functions which works with Win 98. |
Console.Tour.2 Console.Tour.3 Console.Tour.4 Console.Tour.5 Console.Tour.6 |
;================================================================================================================================ ; udflib.console.wbt ; DOS console functions for use with WinBatch 2001 and Windows 98 ; Detlev Dalitz.20020216.20020220 ;================================================================================================================================ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; udfConAllocConsole () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConFreeConsole () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetConsoleTitle (str) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetConsoleTitle () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConIsConsoleFullScreen () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConToggleConsoleState () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetConsoleMode (hConsoleHandle, mode) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetConsoleMode (hConsoleHandle) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConConsoleExists () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetHandleStdIn () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetHandleStdOut () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetHandleStdErr () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfCloseHandle (handle) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetStdHandle (StdHandle, HandleToSetAsStd) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetHandleStdIn (HandleToSetAsStd) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetHandleStdOut (HandleToSetAsStd) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetHandleStdErr (HandleToSetAsStd) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConIsInputHandle (handle) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConCreateScreenBuffer (DesiredAccess, ShareMode) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hOutput) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetScreenBufferInfo_ (handle, request) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (handle, request) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetScreenBufferSize (hOutput, colx, rowy) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetMaxWindowSize (handle, mode) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConScrollScreenBuffer (hOutput, stlx, stly, sbrx, sbry, ctlx, ctly, ... ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetWindowInfo (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, bAbs) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConFillScreenBuffer (hOutput, char, attr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetCursorInfo (hOutput) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetCursorInfo (hOutput, infostr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetCursorPos (hOutput, colx, rowy) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfWriteFile (hOutput, str) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfReadFile (hInput) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConWriteConsole (hOutput, str) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConReadConsole (hInput) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConFlushInputBuffer (hInput) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConSetTextAttribute (hOutput, attr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfBinaryAllocCharAttrBuf (tlx, tly, brx, bry) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfBinaryAllocAttrBuf (len) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConReadOutputRegion (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, bbCharAttr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConWriteOutputRegion (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, bbCharAttr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConReadOutputChar (hOutput, colx, rowy, len) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConReadOutputAttr (hOutput, colx, rowy, len, bbAttr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConFillOutputChar (hOutput, colx, rowy, len, char) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConFillOutputAttr (hOutput, colx, rowy, len, attr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConWriteCharStr (hOutput, colx, rowy, str) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConWriteAttr (hOutput, colx, rowy, bbattr) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:31 ; udfConGetInputCP () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConGetOutputCP () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConSetInputCP (CodePageID) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConSetOutputCP (CodePageID) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConGetNumberMouseButtons () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConGetNumberInputEvents (hInput) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConWriteConsoleInput (hInput, bbEvent) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConReadConsoleInput (hInput, bbEvent) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConPeekConsoleInput (hInput, bbEvent) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConGetConsoleWindow () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConGetDisplayMode () ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConSetCtrlHandler (HandlerRoutine, Add) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConRandomFillWindow (hOutput) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConSaveRegionToFile (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, filename) ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ; udfConLoadRegionFromFile (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, char, attr, ... ; 2002:02:20:16:53:32 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;DefineConstant ColorAttributes FOREGROUND_BLACK = 0 FOREGROUND_BLUE = 1 FOREGROUND_GREEN = 2 FOREGROUND_CYAN = 3 ; FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE FOREGROUND_RED = 4 FOREGROUND_MAGENTA = 5 ; FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_BLUE FOREGROUND_BROWN = 6 ; FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN FOREGROUND_LTGRAY = 7 ; FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = 8 BACKGROUND_BLACK = 0 BACKGROUND_BLUE = 16 BACKGROUND_GREEN = 32 BACKGROUND_CYAN = 48 ; BACKGROUND_GREEN|BACKGROUND_BLUE BACKGROUND_RED = 64 BACKGROUND_MAGENTA = 80 ; BACKGROUND_RED|BACKGROUND_BLUE BACKGROUND_BROWN = 96 ; BACKGROUND_RED|BACKGROUND_GREEN|BACKGROUND_BLUE BACKGROUND_LTGRAY = 112 ; BACKGROUND_RED|BACKGROUND_GREEN|BACKGROUND_BLUE BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = 128 ;DefineConstant WinState CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN = 1 CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE = 2 ;DefineConstant ScreenBuffer CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER = 1 ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT = 1 ENABLE_LINE_INPUT = 2 ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = 4 ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT = 8 ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT = 16 ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT = 1 ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT = 2 GENERIC_WRITE = 1073741824 ; 2**30 GENERIC_READ = 2147483648 ; 2**31 FILE_SHARE_READ = 1 FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2 FILE_SHARE_DELETE = 4 ;DefineConstant Handle STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10 STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11 STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 ; ; ----- CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- CONSOLE ALLOC FREE TITLE TOGGLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; #DefineFunction udfConAllocConsole () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"AllocConsole") If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Allocates a new console for the calling process. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConFreeConsole () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"FreeConsole") If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Detaches the calling process from its console. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetConsoleTitle (str) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleTitleA",lpstr:str) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Sets the title bar string for the current console window. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetConsoleTitle () bbsize = 255 bb = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleTitleA",lpbinary:bb,long:bbsize) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,bbsize) result = BinaryPeekStr(bb,0,bbsize) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Retrieves the title bar string for the current console window. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConIsConsoleFullScreen () title = udfConGetConsoleTitle () Return (WinIsDos(title) && (WinState(title)==@ICON)) ; maybe a hack ... returns @true if console session is in fullscreen mode #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConToggleConsoleState () title = udfConGetConsoleTitle () Return(IntControl(22,DllHwnd(title),273,57359,0)) ; WM_COMMAND = 273 ; &H111 ; MAGIC_CONSOLE_TOGGLE = 57359 ; 0xE00F ; toggles between fullscreen and window mode, only Win98 ; Thanks to Nikolay N. Repin (Nick N. Repin), 1998 ; Thanks to 1999 Ashot Oganesyan K, SmartLine, Inc ;,, #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetConsoleMode (hConsoleHandle, mode) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleMode",long:hConsoleHandle,long:mode) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Sets the input mode of a console's input buffer or the output mode of a console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetConsoleMode (hConsoleHandle) bb = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleMode",long:hConsoleHandle,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,4) result=BinaryPeek4(bb,0) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Input handle ; default=23 ; ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT = 1 ; ENABLE_LINE_INPUT = 2 ; ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = 4 ; ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT = 8 ; default=off ; ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT = 16 ; ; Output handle ; default=3 ; ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT = 1 ; ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT = 2 ; ; Retrieves the current input mode of a console's input buffer or the current output mode of a console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConConsoleExists () oldmode=ErrorMode(@OFF) LastError() handle=FileOpen("conout$","write") ErrorMode(oldmode) result=(LastError()<>1077) If result Then FileClose(handle) Return (result) ; returns 0..1 resp. @false..@true #EndFunction ; ; ----- CONSOLE ALLOC FREE TITLE TOGGLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- GET SET STDHANDLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; #DefineFunction udfConGetHandleStdIn () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetStdHandle",long:-10) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10 ; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 ; Retrieves a handle for the standard input. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetHandleStdOut () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetStdHandle",long:-11) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11 ; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 ; Retrieves a handle for the standard output. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetHandleStdErr () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetStdHandle",long:-12) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12 ; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 ; Retrieves a handle for the standard error device. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfCloseHandle (handle) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"CloseHandle",long:handle) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetStdHandle (StdHandle, HandleToSetAsStd) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetStdHandle",long:StdHandle,long:HandleToSetAsStd) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; BOOL SetStdHandle( ; DWORD nStdHandle, // input, output, or error device ; HANDLE hHandle // handle ; Sets the handle for the standard input, standard output, or standard error device. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetHandleStdIn (HandleToSetAsStd) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetStdHandle",long:-10,long:HandleToSetAsStd) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Sets the handle for the standard input. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetHandleStdOut (HandleToSetAsStd) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetStdHandle",long:-11,long:HandleToSetAsStd) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Sets the handle for the standard output. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetHandleStdErr (HandleToSetAsStd) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetStdHandle",long:-12,long:HandleToSetAsStd) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Sets the handle for the standard error device. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConIsInputHandle (handle) bb = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents",long:handle,lpbinary:bb) BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Is this kind of tricky magic question ok? ; returns 0..1 resp. @false..@true #EndFunction ; ; ----- GET SET STDHANDLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- SCREENBUFFER METRICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; #DefineFunction udfConCreateScreenBuffer (DesiredAccess, ShareMode) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"CreateConsoleScreenBuffer",long:DesiredAccess,long:ShareMode,lpnull,long:1,lpnull) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; dwDesiredAccess; ; GENERIC_WRITE = 1073741824 ; 2**30 ; GENERIC_READ = 2147483648 ; 2**31 ; dwShareMode ; FILE_SHARE_READ = 1 ; FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2 ; FILE_SHARE_DELETE = 4 ; lpSecurityAttributes = lpnull; ; dwFlags ; CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER = 1 ; lpScreenBufferData = lpnull ; INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 ; ; Creates a console screen buffer. Returns a handle. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hOutput) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer",long:hOutput) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Sets the specified screen buffer to be the currently displayed console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetScreenBufferInfo_ (handle, request) bb = BinaryAlloc(22) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo",long:handle,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,22) result = "" Select mode Case 0 Case 1 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,0),-1,result,@TAB) ; Screenbuffer Size X Continue Case 0 Case 2 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,2),-1,result,@TAB) ; Screenbuffer Size Y Continue Case 0 Case 3 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,4),-1,result,@TAB) ; Cursor Pos X Continue Case 0 Case 4 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,6),-1,result,@TAB) ; Cursor Pos Y Continue Case 0 Case 5 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,8),-1,result,@TAB) ; Char Attr Continue Case 0 Case 6 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,10),-1,result,@TAB) ; Win top left Pos X Continue Case 0 Case 7 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,12),-1,result,@TAB) ; Win top left Pos Y Continue Case 0 Case 8 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,14),-1,result,@TAB) ; Win bottom right Pos X Continue Case 0 Case 9 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,16),-1,result,@TAB) ; Win bottom right Pos Y Continue Case 0 Case 10 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,18),-1,result,@TAB) ; Console Window Max Size X Continue Case 0 Case 11 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,20),-1,result,@TAB) ; Console Window Max Size Y Break Case mode result = 0 Break EndSelect EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; dwSize ; COORD structure that contains the size, in character columns and rows, of the screen buffer. ; dwCursorPosition ; COORD structure that contains the column and row coordinates of the cursor in the screen buffer. ; wAttributes ; Attributes of the characters written to a screen buffer by the WriteFile and WriteConsole functions, ; or echoed to a screen buffer by the ReadFile and ReadConsole functions. ; For more information, see Character Attributes. ; srWindow ; SMALL_RECT structure that contains the screen buffer coordinates of the display window. ; Left X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. ; Top Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. ; Right X-coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle. ; Bottom Y-coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle. ; dwMaximumWindowSize ; COORD structure that contains the maximum size of the console window, ; given the current screen buffer size and font and the screen size. ; ; Retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (handle, request) bb = BinaryAlloc(22) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo",long:handle,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,22) Select request Case 1 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,0) ; Screenbuffer Size X Break Case 2 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,2) ; Screenbuffer Size Y Break Case 3 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,4) ; Cursor Pos X Break Case 4 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,6) ; Cursor Pos Y Break Case 5 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,8) ; Char Attr Break Case 6 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,10) ; Win top left Pos X Break Case 7 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,12) ; Win top left Pos Y Break Case 8 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,14) ; Win bottom right Pos X Break Case 9 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,16) ; Win bottom right Pos Y Break Case 10 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,18) ; Console Window Max Size X Break Case 11 result = BinaryPeek2(bb,20) ; Console Window Max Size Y Break Case 0 result = "" For i=0 To 10 result = ItemInsert(BinaryPeek2(bb,i+i),-1,result,@TAB) Next Break Case request result = 0 Break EndSelect EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; dwSize ; COORD structure that contains the size, in character columns and rows, of the screen buffer. ; dwCursorPosition ; COORD structure that contains the column and row coordinates of the cursor in the screen buffer. ; wAttributes ; Attributes of the characters written to a screen buffer by the WriteFile and WriteConsole functions, ; or echoed to a screen buffer by the ReadFile and ReadConsole functions. ; For more information, see Character Attributes. ; srWindow ; SMALL_RECT structure that contains the screen buffer coordinates of the display window. ; Left X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. ; Top Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. ; Right X-coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle. ; Bottom Y-coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle. ; dwMaximumWindowSize ; COORD structure that contains the maximum size of the console window, ; given the current screen buffer size and font and the screen size. ; ; Retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetScreenBufferSize (hOutput, colx, rowy) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleScreenBufferSize",long:hOutput,long:(colx+(rowy<<16))) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Changes the size of the specified console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetMaxWindowSize (handle, mode) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetLargestConsoleWindowSize",long:handle) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else Select mode Case 1 result = result&65535 ; colx Break Case 2 result = result>>16 ; rowy Break Case 0 result = StrCat(result&65535," ",result>>16) Break Case mode result = 0 Break EndSelect EndIf Return (result) ; mode=0 returns string e.g. "125 55" ; mode=1 returns columns x ; mode=2 returns rows y ; Retrieves the size of the largest possible console window. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConScrollScreenBuffer (hOutput, stlx, stly, sbrx, sbry, ctlx, ctly, cbrx, cbry, dcolx, drowy, char, attr) bbscroll = BinaryAlloc(8) BinaryPoke2(bbscroll,0,stlx) BinaryPoke2(bbscroll,2,stly) BinaryPoke2(bbscroll,4,sbrx) BinaryPoke2(bbscroll,6,sbry) bbclip = BinaryAlloc(8) BinaryPoke2(bbclip,0,ctlx) BinaryPoke2(bbclip,2,ctly) BinaryPoke2(bbclip,4,cbrx) BinaryPoke2(bbclip,6,cbry) bbfill = BinaryAlloc(4) BinaryPoke2(bbfill,0,Char2Num(char)) BinaryPoke2(bbfill,2,attr) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bbscroll,lpbinary:bbclip,long:(dcolx+(drowy<<16)),lpbinary:bbfill) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbscroll) BinaryFree(bbclip) BinaryFree(bbfill) Return (result) ; ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA( ; hConsoleOutput : Win32.Winnt.HANDLE; ; lpScrollRectangle : ac_SMALL_RECT_t; ; lpClipRectangle : ac_SMALL_RECT_t; ; dwDestinationOrigin: COORD; ; lpFill : ac_CHAR_INFO_t) ; Moves a block of data in a screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetWindowInfo (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, bAbs) bAbs = Min(1,Max(0,bAbs)) bb = BinaryAlloc(8) BinaryPoke2(bb,0,tlx) BinaryPoke2(bb,2,tly) BinaryPoke2(bb,4,brx) BinaryPoke2(bb,6,bry) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleWindowInfo",long:hOutput,long:bAbs,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; hConsoleOutput Handle to a console screen buffer. The handle must have GENERIC_WRITE access. ; bAbsolute Specifies how the coordinates in the structure pointed to by the lpConsoleWindow parameter are used. ; If bAbsolute is TRUE, the coordinates specify the new upper-left and lower-right corners of the window. ; If it is FALSE, the coordinates are offsets to the current window-corner coordinates. ; lpConsoleWindow Pointer to a SMALL_RECT structure that contains values that determine ; the new upper-left and lower-right corners of the window. ; ; Sets the current size and position of a console screen buffer's window. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConFillScreenBuffer (hOutput, char, attr) bb = BinaryAlloc(22) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,22) len = BinaryPeek2(bb,0) * BinaryPeek2(bb,2) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"FillConsoleOutputAttribute",long:hOutput,long:attr,long:len,long:0,lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"FillConsoleOutputCharacterA",long:hOutput,long:Char2Num(char),long:len,long:0,lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() EndIf EndIf EndIf BinaryFree(bbcount) BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Fills the entire screenbuffer with character and attribute, does a "cls" or "clearscreen". #EndFunction ; ; ----- SCREENBUFFER METRICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- CURSOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; #DefineFunction udfConGetCursorInfo (hOutput) bb = BinaryAlloc(5) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleCursorInfo",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,5) result=StrCat(BinaryPeek4(bb,0)," ",BinaryPeek(bb,4)) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; dwSize Percentage of the character cell that is filled by the cursor, value is between 1 and 100. ; The cursor appearance varies, ranging from completely filling the cell down to a horizontal line at the bottom of the cell. ; bVisible Visibility of the cursor. If the cursor is visible, this member is TRUE. ; This udf returns a string of two integer numbers, e.g. "12 1" ; dwSize 1..100 ; bVisible 0..1 ; ; Retrieves information about the size and visibility of the cursor for the specified console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetCursorInfo (hOutput, infostr) If (ParseData(infostr)<>2) Then Return (0) bb = BinaryAlloc(5) BinaryPoke4(bb,0,Min(100,Max(1,param1))) ; percentage 1..100 (should be 1..99, because 100 is weird empty cell) BinaryPoke(bb,4,Min(1,Max(0,param2))) ; 0..1 resp @false..@true result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleCursorInfo",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; dwSize Percentage of the character cell that is filled by the cursor, value range is 1..100. ; The cursor appearance varies, ranging from completely filling the cell down to a horizontal line at the bottom of the cell. ; bVisible Visibility of the cursor. If the cursor is visible, this member is TRUE. ; infostr is a string e.g. "50,1" or "50|1", composed of "integer,delimiter,integer". ; If bVisible was set to false, then the dwSize is somewhat undefined (don't know for sure what happens there) ; therefore it needs always setting of both values at one time. ; ; Sets the size and visibility of the cursor for the specified console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetCursorPos (hOutput, colx, rowy) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleCursorPosition",long:hOutput,long:(colx+(rowy<<16))) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; colx = 0..maxx ; rowy = 0..maxy ; Sets the cursor position in the specified console screen buffer. #EndFunction ; ; ----- CURSOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ----- WRITEFILE READFILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; #DefineFunction udfWriteFile (hOutput, str) bbsize = StrLen(str) bb = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) BinaryPokeStr(bb,0,str) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"WriteFile",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bb,long:bbsize,lpbinary:bbcount,lpnull) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; note: we do not use content of bbcount for anything in this implementation #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfReadFile (hInput) bbsize = 4096 ; buffer is sized for file read, not for keyboard input bb = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ReadFile",long:hInput,lpbinary:bb,long:bbsize,lpbinary:bbcount,lpnull) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,bbsize) result = BinaryPeekStr(bb,0,bbsize) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; note: we do not use content of bbcount for anything in this implementation #EndFunction ; ; ; ----- WRITEFILE READFILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ----- CONSOLE WRITE READ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; #DefineFunction udfConWriteConsole (hOutput, str) bbsize = StrLen(str) bb = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) BinaryPokeStr(bb,0,str) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"WriteConsoleA",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bb,long:bbsize,lpbinary:bbcount,lpnull) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Writes a character string to a console screen buffer beginning at the current cursor location. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConReadConsole (hInput) bbsize = 255 ; keyboard input buffer bb = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ReadConsoleA",long:hInput,lpbinary:bb,long:bbsize,lpbinary:bbcount,lpnull) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,bbsize) result=BinaryPeekStr(bb,0,bbsize) EndIf BinaryFree(bbcount) BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Reads character input from the console input buffer and removes it from the buffer. #EndFunction ; ; ----- CONSOLE WRITE READ FLUSH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ----- WRITE READ LOW LEVEL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; #DefineFunction udfConFlushInputBuffer (hInput) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"FlushConsoleInputBuffer",long:hInput) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Flushes the console input buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetTextAttribute (hOutput, attr) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleTextAttribute",long:hOutput,long:attr) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Sets the foreground (text) and background color attributes of characters written to the screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfBinaryAllocCharAttrBuf (tlx, tly, brx, bry) bbsize = ((brx-tlx+1)*(bry-tly+1))<<2 bb = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) BinaryEodSet(bb,bbsize) Return (bb) ; Returns a handle to a binary buffer, utilized for combined storage of character and attribut, 4 byte per cell. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfBinaryAllocAttrBuf (len) bbsize = len<<1 bb = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) BinaryEodSet(bb,bbsize) Return (bb) ; Returns a handle to a binary buffer, utilized for attribute storage, 2 byte per cell. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConReadOutputRegion (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, bbCharAttr) bbregion = BinaryAlloc(8) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,0,tlx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,2,tly) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,4,brx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,6,bry) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ReadConsoleOutputA",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bbCharAttr,long:(brx-tlx+1)+((bry-tly+1)<<16),long:0,lpbinary:bbregion) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbregion) Return (result) ; ReadConsoleOutputA( ; hConsoleOutput: HANDLE; ; lpBuffer : PCHAR_INFO; ; dwBufferSize : COORD; ; dwBufferCoord : COORD; = 0; tlx, top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is colx=0, rowy=0 ; lpReadRegion : PSMALL_RECT) ; Reads character and color attribute data from a rectangular block of character cells in a console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConWriteOutputRegion (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, bbCharAttr) bbregion = BinaryAlloc(8) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,0,tlx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,2,tly) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,4,brx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,6,bry) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"WriteConsoleOutputA",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bbCharAttr,long:(brx-tlx+1)+((bry-tly+1)<<16),long:0,lpbinary:bbregion) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbregion) Return (result) ; WriteConsoleOutputA( ; hConsoleOutput: HANDLE; ; lpBuffer : PCHAR_INFO; ; dwBufferSize : COORD; ; dwBufferCoord : COORD; = 0; tlx, top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is colx=0, rowy=0 ; lpWriteRegion : PSMALL_RECT) ; Writes character and color attribute data to a specified rectangular block of character cells in a console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConReadOutputChar (hOutput, colx, rowy, len) bb = BinaryAlloc(len) BinaryEodSet(bb,len) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bb,long:len,long:(colx+(rowy<<16)),lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else result=BinaryPeekStr(bb,0,len) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; BOOL ReadConsoleOutputCharacter( ; HANDLE hConsoleOutput, // handle to screen buffer ; LPTSTR lpCharacter, // character buffer ; DWORD nLength, // number of cells to read ; COORD dwReadCoord, // coordinates of first cell ; LPDWORD lpNumberOfCharsRead // number of cells read ; Copies a number of characters from consecutive cells of a console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConReadOutputAttr (hOutput, colx, rowy, len, bbAttr) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ReadConsoleOutputAttribute",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bbAttr,long:len,long:(colx+(rowy<<16)),lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; BOOL ReadConsoleOutputCharacter( ; HANDLE hConsoleOutput, // handle to screen buffer ; LPTSTR lpAttribute, // attribute buffer ; DWORD nLength, // number of cells to read ; COORD dwReadCoord, // coordinates of first cell ; LPDWORD lpNumberOfAttrsRead // number of cells read ; Copies a specified number of foreground and background color attributes from consecutive cells of a console screen buffer ; into a prepared binary buffer "bbAttr". #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConFillOutputChar (hOutput, colx, rowy, len, char) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"FillConsoleOutputCharacterA",long:hOutput,long:Char2Num(char),long:len,long:(colx+(rowy<<16)),lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; Writes a character to the screen buffer a specified number of times. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConFillOutputAttr (hOutput, colx, rowy, len, attr) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"FillConsoleOutputAttribute",long:hOutput,long:attr,long:len,long:(colx+(rowy<<16)),lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; FillConsoleOutputAttribute( ; hStdout, // screen buffer handle ; wColor, // color to fill with ; 80*50, // number of cells to fill ; coord, // first cell to write to ; &cWritten); // actual number written ; Sets the text and background color attributes for a specified number of character cells. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConWriteCharStr (hOutput, colx, rowy, str) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA",long:hOutput,lpstr:str,long:StrLen(str),long:(colx+(rowy<<16)),lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; Copies a number of characters to consecutive cells of a console screen buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConWriteAttr (hOutput, colx, rowy, bbattr) len = BinaryEodGet(bbattr)/2 ; 2 byte per Attribute, see udfBinaryAllocAttrBuf (len) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"WriteConsoleOutputAttribute",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bbattr,long:len,long:(colx+(rowy<<16)),lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; Copies a number of foreground and background color attributes to consecutive cells of a console screen buffer ; from a prepared binary buffer "bbAttr". #EndFunction ; ; ----- WRITE READ LOW LEVEL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- CODEPAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; #DefineFunction udfConGetInputCP () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleCP") If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Retrieves the input code page used by the console associated with the calling process. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetOutputCP () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleOutputCP") If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Retrieves the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetInputCP (CodePageID) ;result = DLLCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleCP",long:wCodePageID) ;if (result==0) then result=DllLastError() ;Return (result) ; Windows 95/98/Me: Unsupported. ; wCodePageID ; Specifies the identifier of the code page to set. ; The identifiers of the code pages available on the local computer are stored in the registry under the following key. ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage ; Windows NT/2000/XP: This function uses either Unicode characters or 8-bit characters from the console's current code page. ; The console's code page defaults initially to the system's OEM code page. ; To change the console's code page, use the SetConsoleCP or SetConsoleOutputCP functions, ; or use the chcp or mode con cp select= commands. ; ; Sets the input code page used by the console associated with the calling process. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSetOutputCP (CodePageID) ;result = DLLCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleOutputCP",long:wCodePageID) ;if (result==0) then result = DllLastError() ;Return (result) ; Windows 95/98/Me: Unsupported. ; ; Sets the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process. #EndFunction ; ; ----- CODEPAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- MOUSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; #DefineFunction udfConGetNumberMouseButtons () bb = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons",lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,4) result=BinaryPeek4(bb,0) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Retrieves the number of buttons on the mouse used by the current console. #EndFunction ; ; ----- MOUSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ----- EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; #DefineFunction udfConGetNumberInputEvents (hInput) bb = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents",long:hInput,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,4) result=BinaryPeek4(bb,0) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; Retrieves the number of unread input records in the console's input buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConWriteConsoleInput (hInput, bbEvent) bbsize = BinaryEodGet(bbEvent) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"WriteConsoleInputA",long:hInput,lpbinary:bbEvent,long:bbsize,lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; WriteConsoleInputA( ; hConsoleInput : Win32.Winnt.HANDLE; ; lpBuffer : ac_INPUT_RECORD_t; ; nLength : Win32.DWORD; ; lpNumberOfEventsWritten: Win32.LPDWORD) ; Writes data directly to the console input buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConReadConsoleInput (hInput, bbEvent) bbsize = BinaryEodGet(bbEvent) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ReadConsoleInputA",long:hInput,lpbinary:bbEvent,long:bbsize,lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bbcount,4) result=BinaryPeek4(bbcount,0) EndIf BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; ReadConsoleInputA( ; hConsoleInput : Win32.Winnt.HANDLE; ; lpBuffer : PINPUT_RECORD; ; nLength : Win32.DWORD; ; lpNumberOfEventsRead: Win32.LPDWORD) ; Reads data from a console input buffer and removes it from the buffer. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConPeekConsoleInput (hInput, bbEvent) bbsize = BinaryEodGet(bbEvent) bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"PeekConsoleInputA",long:hInput,lpbinary:bbEvent,long:bbsize,lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bbcount,4) result=BinaryPeek4(bbcount,0) EndIf BinaryFree(bbcount) Return (result) ; PeekConsoleInputA( ; hConsoleInput : Win32.Winnt.HANDLE; ; lpBuffer : PINPUT_RECORD; ; nLength : Win32.DWORD; ; lpNumberOfEventsRead: Win32.LPDWORD) ; Reads data from the specified console input buffer without removing it from the buffer. #EndFunction ; ; ----- EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ----- NOT WIN 98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; #DefineFunction udfConGetConsoleWindow () result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleWindow") If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() Return (result) ; Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows 2000 and later. ; Windows 95/98/Me: Unsupported ; Retrieves the window handle used by the console associated with the calling process. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConGetDisplayMode () bb = BinaryAlloc(4) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleDisplayMode",lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,4) result=BinaryPeek4(bb,0) EndIf BinaryFree(bb) Return (result) ; CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN = 1 ; CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE = 2 ; Windows 95/98/Me: Unsupported ; Retrieves the display mode of the current console. #EndFunction ;#DefineFunction udfConSetCtrlHandler (HandlerRoutine, Add) ;bb = BinaryAlloc(4) ;result = DLLCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"SetConsoleCtrlHandler",lpbinary:HandlerRoutine, long:Add) ;If (result==0) ; result=DllLastError() ;else ; BinaryEodSet(bb,4) ; result=BinaryPeek4(bb,0) ;EndIf ;BinaryFree(bb) ;Return (result) ;; Adds or removes an application-defined HandlerRoutine from the list of handler functions for the calling process. ;#EndFunction ; ; ; ----- NOT WIN 98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MSDN Home > MSDN Library > DLLs, Processes, and Threads > Character-Mode Applications > Console Reference ; Platform SDK: DLLs, Processes, and Threads ; Platform SDK Release: November 2001 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Console Functions ; The following functions are used to access a console. ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Function Description ; # AllocConsole Allocates a new console for the calling process. ; AttachConsole Attaches the calling process to the console of the specified process. ; # CreateConsoleScreenBuffer Creates a console screen buffer. ; # FillConsoleOutputAttribute Sets the text and background color attributes for a specified number of character cells. ; # FillConsoleOutputCharacter Writes a character to the screen buffer a specified number of times. ; # FlushConsoleInputBuffer Flushes the console input buffer. ; # FreeConsole Detaches the calling process from its console. ; GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent Sends a specified signal to a console process group that shares the console associated with the calling process. ; # GetConsoleCP Retrieves the input code page used by the console associated with the calling process. ; # GetConsoleCursorInfo Retrieves information about the size and visibility of the cursor for the specified console screen buffer. ; - GetConsoleDisplayMode Retrieves the display mode of the current console. ; - GetConsoleFontSize Retrieves the size of the font used by the specified console screen buffer. ; # GetConsoleMode Retrieves the current input mode of a console's input buffer or the current output mode of a console screen buffer. ; # GetConsoleOutputCP Retrieves the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process. ; - GetConsoleProcessList Retrieves a list of the processes attached to the current console. ; # GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo Retrieves information about the specified console screen buffer. ; - GetConsoleSelectionInfo Retrieves information about the current console selection. ; # GetConsoleTitle Retrieves the title bar string for the current console window. ; - GetConsoleWindow Retrieves the window handle used by the console associated with the calling process. ; - GetCurrentConsoleFont Retrieves information about the current console font. ; # GetLargestConsoleWindowSize Retrieves the size of the largest possible console window. ; # GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents Retrieves the number of unread input records in the console's input buffer. ; # GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons Retrieves the number of buttons on the mouse used by the current console. ; # GetStdHandle Retrieves a handle for the standard input, standard output, or standard error device. ; # PeekConsoleInput Reads data from the specified console input buffer without removing it from the buffer. ; # ReadConsole Reads character input from the console input buffer and removes it from the buffer. ; # ReadConsoleInput Reads data from a console input buffer and removes it from the buffer. ; # ReadConsoleOutput Reads character and color attribute data from a rectangular block of character cells in a console screen buffer. ; # ReadConsoleOutputAttribute Copies a specified number of foreground and background color attributes from consecutive cells of a console screen buffer. ; # ReadConsoleOutputCharacter Copies a number of characters from consecutive cells of a console screen buffer. ; # ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer Moves a block of data in a screen buffer. ; # SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer Sets the specified screen buffer to be the currently displayed console screen buffer. ; - SetConsoleCP Sets the input code page used by the console associated with the calling process. ; SetConsoleCtrlHandler Adds or removes an application-defined HandlerRoutine from the list of handler functions for the calling process. ; HandlerRoutine An application-defined function used with the SetConsoleCtrlHandler function. ; # SetConsoleCursorInfo Sets the size and visibility of the cursor for the specified console screen buffer. ; # SetConsoleCursorPosition Sets the cursor position in the specified console screen buffer. ; # SetConsoleMode Sets the input mode of a console's input buffer or the output mode of a console screen buffer. ; - SetConsoleOutputCP Sets the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process. ; # SetConsoleScreenBufferSize Changes the size of the specified console screen buffer. ; # SetConsoleTextAttribute Sets the foreground (text) and background color attributes of characters written to the screen buffer. ; # SetConsoleTitle Sets the title bar string for the current console window. ; # SetConsoleWindowInfo Sets the current size and position of a console screen buffer's window. ; SetStdHandle Sets the handle for the standard input, standard output, or standard error device. ; # WriteConsole Writes a character string to a console screen buffer beginning at the current cursor location. ; # WriteConsoleInput Writes data directly to the console input buffer. ; # WriteConsoleOutput Writes character and color attribute data to a specified rectangular block of character cells in a console screen buffer. ; # WriteConsoleOutputAttribute Copies a number of foreground and background color attributes to consecutive cells of a console screen buffer. ; # WriteConsoleOutputCharacter Copies a number of characters to consecutive cells of a console screen buffer. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; # implemented, supported in Win98 ; - not implemented, unsupported in Win98 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Remarks ; ; A console consists of an input buffer and one or more screen buffers. ; The mode of a console buffer determines how the console behaves during input or output (I/O) operations. ; One set of flag constants is used with input handles, and another set is used with screen buffer (output) handles. ; Setting the output modes of one screen buffer does not affect the output modes of other screen buffers. ; ; The ENABLE_LINE_INPUT and ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT modes only affect processes ; that use ReadFile or ReadConsole to read from the console's input buffer. ; Similarly, the ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT mode primarily affects ReadFile and ReadConsole users, ; except that it also determines whether CTRL+C input is reported in the input buffer ; (to be read by the ReadConsoleInput function) or is passed to a function defined by the application. ; ; The ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT and ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT modes determine whether user interactions ; involving window resizing and mouse actions are reported in the input buffer or discarded. ; These events can be read by ReadConsoleInput, but they are always filtered by ReadFile and ReadConsole. ; ; The ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT and ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT modes only affect processes ; using ReadFile or ReadConsole and WriteFile or WriteConsole. ; ; To change a console's I/O modes, call SetConsoleMode function. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; GetConsoleMode ; ; If the hConsoleHandle parameter is an input handle, the mode can be a combination of the following values. ; When a console is created, all input modes except ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT are enabled by default. ; ; ENABLE_LINE_INPUT ; The ReadFile or ReadConsole function returns only when a carriage return character is read. ; If this mode is disabled, the functions return when one or more characters are available. ; ; ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT ; Characters read by the ReadFile or ReadConsole function are written to the active screen buffer as they are read. ; This mode can be used only if the ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is also enabled. ; ; ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ; CTRL+C is processed by the system and is not placed in the input buffer. ; If the input buffer is being read by ReadFile or ReadConsole, ; other control keys are processed by the system and are not returned in the ReadFile or ReadConsole buffer. ; If the ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is also enabled, backspace, carriage return, and linefeed characters are handled by the system. ; ; ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT ; User interactions that change the size of the console screen buffer are reported in the console's input buffer. ; Information about these events can be read from the input buffer by applications using the ReadConsoleInput function, ; but not by those using ReadFile or ReadConsole. ; ; ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT ; If the mouse pointer is within the borders of the console window and the window has the keyboard focus, ; mouse events generated by mouse movement and button presses are placed in the input buffer. ; These events are discarded by ReadFile or ReadConsole, even when this mode is enabled. ; ; ; If the hConsoleHandle parameter is a screen buffer handle, the mode can be a combination of the following values. ; When a screen buffer is created, both output modes are enabled by default. ; ; ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT ; Characters written by the WriteFile or WriteConsole function or echoed by the ReadFile or ReadConsole function ; are parsed for ASCII control sequences, and the correct action is performed. ; Backspace, tab, bell, carriage return, and linefeed characters are processed. ; ; ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT ; When writing with WriteFile or WriteConsole or echoing with ReadFile or ReadConsole, ; the cursor moves to the beginning of the next row when it reaches the end of the current row. ; This causes the rows displayed in the console window to scroll up automatically ; when the cursor advances beyond the last row in the window. ; It also causes the contents of the screen buffer to scroll up (discarding the top row of the screen buffer) ; when the cursor advances beyond the last row in the screen buffer. ; If this mode is disabled, the last character in the row is overwritten with any subsequent characters. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; SetConsoleWindowInfo ; ; The function fails if the specified window rectangle extends beyond the boundaries of the screen buffer. ; This means that the Top and Left members of the lpConsoleWindow rectangle ; (or the calculated top and left coordinates, if bAbsolute is FALSE) cannot be less than zero. ; Similarly, the Bottom and Right members (or the calculated bottom and right coordinates) ; cannot be greater than (screen buffer height - 1) and (screen buffer width - 1), respectively. ; The function also fails if the Right member (or calculated right coordinate) ; is less than or equal to the Left member (or calculated left coordinate) ; or if the Bottom member (or calculated bottom coordinate) is less than or equal ; to the Top member (or calculated top coordinate). ; ; For consoles with more than one screen buffer, changing the window location for one screen buffer ; does not affect the window locations of the other screen buffers. ; ; To determine the current size and position of a screen buffer's window, use the GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo function. ; This function also returns the maximum size of the window, ; given the current screen buffer size, the current font size, and the screen size. ; The GetLargestConsoleWindowSize function returns the maximum window size given the current font and screen sizes, ; but it does not consider the size of the screen buffer. ; ; SetConsoleWindowInfo can be used to scroll the contents of the screen buffer ; by shifting the position of the window rectangle without changing its size. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; SetStdHandle ; ; The standard handles of a process may have been redirected by a call to SetStdHandle, ; in which case GetStdHandle will return the redirected handle. ; If the standard handles have been redirected, you can specify the CONIN$ value in a call ; to the CreateFile function to get a handle to a console's input buffer. ; Similarly, you can specify the CONOUT$ value to get a handle to the console's active screen buffer. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; GetStdHandle ; ; Handles returned by GetStdHandle can be used by applications that need to read from or write to the console. ; When a console is created, the standard input handle is a handle to the console's input buffer, ; and the standard output and standard error handles are handles of the console's active screen buffer. ; These handles can be used by the ReadFile and WriteFile functions, ; or by any of the console functions that access the console input buffer or a screen buffer ; (for example, the ReadConsoleInput, WriteConsole, or GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo functions). ; ; All handles returned by this function have GENERIC_READ and GENERIC_WRITE access ; unless the function has been used to set a standard handle to be some handle with a lesser access. ; ; The standard handles of a process may be redirected by a call to SetStdHandle, ; in which case GetStdHandle returns the redirected handle. ; If the standard handles have been redirected, you can specify the CONIN$ value ; in a call to the CreateFile function to get a handle to a console's input buffer. ; Similarly, you can specify the CONOUT$ value to get a handle to a console's active screen buffer. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; WriteConsole ; ; WriteConsole writes characters to a console screen buffer. ; It behaves like the WriteFile function, except it can write in either Unicode or ANSI mode. ; To create an application that maintains a single set of sources compatible with both modes, ; use WriteConsole rather than WriteFile. ; Although WriteConsole can be used only with a console screen buffer handle, ; WriteFile can be used with other handles (such as files or pipes). ; WriteConsole fails if used with a standard handle that has been redirected to be something other than a console handle. ; ; Although an application can use WriteConsole in ANSI mode to write ANSI characters, ; consoles do not support ANSI escape sequences. ; However, some functions provide equivalent functionality: ; for example, SetCursorPos, SetConsoleTextAttribute, and GetConsoleCursorInfo. ; ; WriteConsole writes characters to the screen buffer at the current cursor position. ; The cursor position advances as characters are written. ; The SetConsoleCursorPosition function sets the current cursor position. ; ; Characters are written using the foreground and background color attributes associated with the screen buffer. ; The SetConsoleTextAttribute function changes these colors. ; To determine the current color attributes and the current cursor position, use GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo. ; ; All of the input modes that affect the behavior of WriteFile have the same effect on WriteConsole. ; To retrieve and set the output modes of a console screen buffer, use the GetConsoleMode and SetConsoleMode functions. ; ; Windows NT/2000/XP: ; This function uses either Unicode characters or ANSI characters from the console's current code page. ; The console's code page defaults initially to the system's OEM code page. ; To change the console's code page, use the SetConsoleCP or SetConsoleOutputCP functions, ; or use the chcp or mode con cp select= commands. ; ; Windows 95/98/Me: ; WriteConsoleW is supported by the Microsoft Layer for Unicode. ; To use this, you must add certain files to your application, ; as outlined in Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; SetStdHandle ; ; The standard handles of a process may have been redirected by a call to SetStdHandle, ; in which case GetStdHandle will return the redirected handle. ; If the standard handles have been redirected, ; you can specify the CONIN$ value in a call to the CreateFile function ; to get a handle to a console's input buffer. ; Similarly, you can specify the CONOUT$ value to get a handle to the console's active screen buffer. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Gotta say "Thanks" to: ; JRC ; kdmoyers -Kirby ; ... and to the ultimative documentation by Microsoft ; ... and the google machine too. ; Detlev Dalitz.20020215 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Platform SDK Release: November 2001 ; © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DefineFunction udfConRandomFillWindow (hOutput) bb = BinaryAlloc(22) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bb) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else BinaryEodSet(bb,22) tlx = BinaryPeek2(bb,10) ; Win top left Pos X tly = BinaryPeek2(bb,12) ; Win top left Pos Y brx = BinaryPeek2(bb,14) ; Win bottom right Pos X bry = BinaryPeek2(bb,16) ; Win bottom right Pos Y xmax = 1+brx-tlx ymax = 1+bry-tly bbrsize = xmax * ymax bbrmax = bbrsize-1 bbcount = BinaryAlloc(4) kernel32dll = StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL") AttrBack = Random(15) CharGroup = Random(8) clist = "" For i=0 To bbrmax clist = ItemInsert(((i mod xmax)+((i/xmax)<<16)),-1,clist,@TAB) Next While 1 Select CharGroup Case 0 charstr = " " Break Case 1 charstr = "+" Break Case 2 charstr = "*" Break Case 3 charstr = "!" Break Case 4 charstr = "#" Break Case 5 charstr = Num2Char(48+Random(9)) Break Case 6 charstr = Num2Char(199+Random(8)) Break Case 7 charstr = Num2Char(191+Random(7)) Break Case 8 charstr = Num2Char(33+Random(14)) Break EndSelect ir = 1+Random(bbrmax) cell = ItemExtract(ir,clist,@TAB) clist = ItemRemove(ir,clist,@TAB) bbrmax = bbrmax-1 If (charstr==" ") attrstr = StrCat(Num2Char(AttrBack<<4),Num2Char(0)) Else AttrFore = Random(15) AttrFore = AttrFore+(AttrFore==AttrBack) attrstr = StrCat(Num2Char(AttrFore|(AttrBack<<4)),Num2Char(0)) EndIf result = DllCall(kernel32dll,long:"WriteConsoleOutputAttribute",long:hOutput,lpstr:attrstr,long:1,long:cell,lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Break EndIf result = DllCall(kernel32dll,long:"WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA",long:hOutput,lpstr:charstr,long:1,long:cell,lpbinary:bbcount) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Break EndIf If (bbrmax<0) Then Break ; If IsKeyDown(@shift) then break ; in console mode this gives not @true with shift key pressed !?!?!? ; If IsKeyDown(@ctrl) then break ; in console mode this gives @true without any key pressed !?!?!? ; todo ==> we have to make a separate console "getkey" function, may be peek it directly from the input buffer EndWhile EndIf BinaryFree(bb) BinaryFree(bbcount) TimeDelay(1) Return (result) ; Fills the entire screenbuffer with random character and random attribute, does a colored "cls" or "clearscreen". #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConSaveRegionToFile (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, filename) bbsize = ((brx-tlx+1)*(bry-tly+1))<<2 bbCharAttr = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) BinaryEodSet(bbCharAttr,bbsize) bbregion = BinaryAlloc(8) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,0,tlx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,2,tly) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,4,brx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,6,bry) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"ReadConsoleOutputA",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bbCharAttr,long:(brx-tlx+1)+((bry-tly+1)<<16),long:0,lpbinary:bbregion) If (result==0) result=DllLastError() Else result=BinaryWrite(bbCharAttr,filename) EndIf BinaryFree(bbregion) BinaryFree(bbCharAttr) Return (result) ; ReadConsoleOutputA( ; hConsoleOutput: HANDLE; ; lpBuffer : PCHAR_INFO; ; dwBufferSize : COORD; ; dwBufferCoord : COORD; = 0; tlx, top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is colx=0, rowy=0 ; lpReadRegion : PSMALL_RECT) ; Reads character and color attribute data from a rectangular block of character cells in a console screen buffer ; and writes it out to diskfile. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConLoadRegionFromFile (hOutput, tlx, tly, brx, bry, char, attr, filename) fsize = FileSizeEx(filename) If (fsize==0) Then Return (0) rsize = ((brx-tlx+1)*(bry-tly+1))<<2 bbsize = Max(fsize,rsize) bbCharAttr = BinaryAlloc(bbsize) BinaryRead(bbCharAttr,filename) i=fsize While (i<bbsize) BinaryPokeStr(bbCharAttr,i,char) BinaryPoke(bbCharAttr,i+2,attr) i=i+4 EndWhile bbregion = BinaryAlloc(8) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,0,tlx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,2,tly) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,4,brx) BinaryPoke2(bbregion,6,bry) result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"KERNEL32.DLL"),long:"WriteConsoleOutputA",long:hOutput,lpbinary:bbCharAttr,long:(brx-tlx+1)+((bry-tly+1)<<16),long:0,lpbinary:bbregion) If (result==0) Then result=DllLastError() BinaryFree(bbregion) BinaryFree(bbCharAttr) Return (result) ; WriteConsoleOutputA( ; hConsoleOutput: HANDLE; ; lpBuffer : PCHAR_INFO; ; dwBufferSize : COORD; ; dwBufferCoord : COORD; = 0; tlx, top left destination cell of the temporary buffer is colx=0, rowy=0 ; lpWriteRegion : PSMALL_RECT) ; Writes character and color attribute data to a specified rectangular block of character cells in a console screen buffer. ; If size of data to reload is smaller than the region wanted, it must be padded with char and attr. #EndFunction #DefineFunction udfConClrScreen (hOutput) attr = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hOutput, 5) udfConFillScreenBuffer (hOutput, " ", attr) #EndFunction ;========================================================================================================================================== ;*EOF*
; --- test --- ; Console tour number 1 ; Allocate console, toggle screenmode, write to console and read from keyboard Call("W:\WINBATCH\2001\WinBatch Test\udflib.console.wbt","") ; set wberrorhandler IntControl(73, 1, 0, 0, 0) result = udfConAllocConsole () Terminate(result==0,"udfConAllocConsole","could not allocate console") title = udfConGetConsoleTitle () Message("Console is allocated. Get Original Console Title",title) title = StrCat("My Console Output Test ",TimeYmdHms()) result = udfConSetConsoleTitle (title) title = udfConGetConsoleTitle () Message("This is My Console Title",title) hStdOut = udfConGetHandleStdOut () Terminate(hStdOut==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdOut","cannot get handle") hStdIn = udfConGetHandleStdIn () Terminate(hStdIn==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdIn","cannot get handle") WinActivate(title) TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "This is Console Tour 1.%@crlf%") Terminate(result==0,"udfConWriteConsole","could not write to console") TimeDelay(3) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Window should be in Fullscreen mode.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(3) ; toggle screen mode If udfConIsConsoleFullScreen () result = udfConToggleConsoleState () EndIf state = ItemExtract(1+udfConIsConsoleFullScreen(),"Window,Fullscreen",",") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "The Window is in %state% mode.%@crlf%") If !udfConIsConsoleFullScreen () If (WinState(title)==@normal) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Now You can try to resize the console window with the mouse ...%@crlf%") TimeDelay(10) EndIf EndIf result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... still 5 seconds left ...%@crlf%") TimeDelay(5) ; toggle screen mode If !udfConIsConsoleFullScreen () result = udfConToggleConsoleState () EndIf state = ItemExtract(1+udfConIsConsoleFullScreen(),"Window,Fullscreen",",") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "The Window is in %state% mode.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(5) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Type in a line and press Enter to quit:",@crlf)) inputstr = udfConReadConsole (hStdIn) Terminate(result==0,"udfConReadConsole","could not read from console") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("OK. No more input please.",@crlf)) TimeDelay(3) ; toggle WinState result = udfConToggleConsoleState () TimeDelay(3) Message("Your last console input was ...",inputstr) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... see you later consolerator ...") TimeDelay(3) :cancel :wberrorhandler If IsDefined(hStdIn) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdIn) If IsDefined(hStdOut) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdOut) result = udfConFreeConsole () Exit
; --- test --- ; Console tour number 2 ; Allocate console, toggle cursor, set cursor Call("W:\WINBATCH\2001\WinBatch Test\udflib.console.wbt","") ; set wberrorhandler IntControl(73, 1, 0, 0, 0) result = udfConAllocConsole () If (result==0) Then Terminate(@yes!=AskYesNo("udfConAllocConsole","Unable to allocate console.%@crlf%Try to use existing console?"),"","") title = StrCat("My Console Output Test ",TimeYmdHms()) result = udfConSetConsoleTitle (title) hStdOut = udfConGetHandleStdOut () Terminate(hStdOut==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdOut","cannot get handle") hStdIn = udfConGetHandleStdIn () Terminate(hStdIn==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdIn","cannot get handle") WinActivate(title) TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "This is Console Tour 2.%@crlf%") Terminate(result==0,"udfConWriteConsole","could not write to console") TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Window should be in Fullscreen mode.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(3) cursorinfo = udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) reports: "',cursorinfo,'"',@crlf)) TimeDelay(3) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%We will make some cursor tests:%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Cursor should be visible, do you see the cursor blinking?%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Please type in 'yes' or 'no' and press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('Your answer was: "',inputstr,'"',@crlf)) TimeDelay(3) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, "12 0") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Cursor should be invisible, do you see the cursor blinking?%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Please type in 'yes' or 'no' and press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('Your answer was: "',inputstr,'"',@crlf)) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, "12 1") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) TimeDelay(3) cursorinfo = "50 1" result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConSetCursorInfo ("',cursorinfo,'")',@crlf)) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, cursorinfo) cursorinfo = udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) reports: "',cursorinfo,'"',@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Cursor should be visible, about half cell block. Press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) cursorinfo = "44 0" result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConSetCursorInfo ("',cursorinfo,'")',@crlf)) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, cursorinfo) cursorinfo = udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) reports: "',cursorinfo,'"',@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Cursor should be invisible. Press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) cursorinfo = "66 1" result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConSetCursorInfo ("',cursorinfo,'")',@crlf)) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, cursorinfo) cursorinfo = udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) reports: "',cursorinfo,'"',@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Cursor should be visible. Press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) cursorinfo = "99 1" result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConSetCursorInfo ("',cursorinfo,'")',@crlf)) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, cursorinfo) cursorinfo = udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) reports: "',cursorinfo,'"',@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Cursor should be visible, full cell block. Press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) cursorinfo = "100 1" result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConSetCursorInfo ("',cursorinfo,'")',@crlf)) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, cursorinfo) cursorinfo = udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) reports: "',cursorinfo,'"',@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) cursorinfo = "12 1" result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConSetCursorInfo ("',cursorinfo,'")',@crlf)) result = udfConSetCursorInfo (hStdOut, cursorinfo) cursorinfo = udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('udfConGetCursorInfo (hStdOut) reports: "',cursorinfo,'"',@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Cursor should be visible, sized as normal cursor. Press [Enter]: ") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) For i=1 To 24 result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) Next For i=0 To 7 result = udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 10*i, i) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "We can write text at specific position") TimeDelay(1) Next result = udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 0, 24) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... see you later consolerator ...") TimeDelay(3) :cancel :wberrorhandler If IsDefined(hStdIn) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdIn) If IsDefined(hStdOut) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdOut) result = udfConFreeConsole () Terminate(result==0,"udfConFreeConsole","unable to free console") Exit
; --- test --- ; Console tour number 3 ; Allocate console, create another screenbuffer, toggle buffers Call("W:\WINBATCH\2001\WinBatch Test\udflib.console.wbt","") ; set wberrorhandler IntControl(73, 1, 0, 0, 0) result = udfConAllocConsole () If (result==0) Then Terminate(@yes!=AskYesNo("udfConAllocConsole","Unable to allocate console.%@crlf%Try to use existing console?"),"","") title = StrCat("My Console Output Test ",TimeYmdHms()) result = udfConSetConsoleTitle (title) hStdOut = udfConGetHandleStdOut () Terminate(hStdOut==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdOut","cannot get handle") hStdIn = udfConGetHandleStdIn () Terminate(hStdIn==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdIn","cannot get handle") WinActivate(title) TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "This is Console Tour 3.%@crlf%") Terminate(result==0,"udfConWriteConsole","could not write to console") TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Window should be in Fullscreen mode.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(3) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%We can have more than one screen to write to or read from.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "This is screen one.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) info0 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 0) info1 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 1) info2 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 2) info3 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 3) info4 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 4) info5 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 5) info6 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 6) info7 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 7) info8 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 8) info9 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 9) info10 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 10) info11 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 11) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "The metrics are:%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "All screenbuffer values in a tab list:%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat(info0,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Screenbuffer Size X : ",info1,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Screenbuffer Size Y : ",info2,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Cursor Position X : ",info3,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Cursor Position Y : ",info4,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Character Attribut : ",info5,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Win top left Pos X : ",info6,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Win top left Pos Y : ",info7,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Win bottom right Pos X : ",info8,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Win bottom right Pos Y : ",info9,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Console Win Max Size X : ",info10,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Console Win Max Size Y : ",info11,@crlf)) info12 = udfConGetMaxWindowSize (hStdOut, 1) info13 = udfConGetMaxWindowSize (hStdOut, 2) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Largest Console Window Size X : ",info12,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Largest Console Window Size Y : ",info13,@crlf)) info14 = udfConGetInputCP () info15 = udfConGetOutputCP () result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Codepage Input : ",info14,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat("Codepage Output : ",info15,@crlf)) DropWild("info*") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Press [Enter] ...") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "We create another screenbuffer ...%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... and activate it ...%@crlf%") TimeDelay(3) GENERIC_WRITE = 1073741824 ; 2**30 GENERIC_READ = 2147483648 ; 2**31 FILE_SHARE_READ = 1 FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2 DesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ hOutTwo = udfConCreateScreenBuffer (DesiredAccess, ShareMode) Terminate(hOutTwo==-1,"udfConCreateScreenBuffer","cannot get handle") result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hOutTwo) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "We use the new handle to write to screen two.%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "We can also read from keyboard using the known StdIn handle.%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "Type something, input will be echoed to this screen, and press [Enter] ...%@crlf%") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "That's great!%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, StrCat(StrUpper(inputstr),@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "%@crlf%Switching to screen one ...%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "Press [Enter] ...") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hStdOut) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%Switching to screen two ...%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Press [Enter] ...") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hOutTwo) TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "The metrics are:%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "All screenbuffer values in a tab list:%@crlf%") info0 = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hOutTwo, 0) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, StrCat(info0,@crlf)) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "Press [Enter] ...") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hStdOut) result = udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 0, 24) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... see you later consolerator ...") TimeDelay(3) Message("Console Tour 3","Done.") :cancel :wberrorhandler If IsDefined(hStdIn) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdIn) If IsDefined(hStdOut) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdOut) If IsDefined(hOutTwo) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hOutTwo) result = udfConFreeConsole () Terminate(result==0,"udfConFreeConsole","unable to free console") Exit
; --- test --- ; Console tour number 4 ; Allocate console, read from screen Call("W:\WINBATCH\2001\WinBatch Test\udflib.console.wbt","") ; set wberrorhandler IntControl(73, 1, 0, 0, 0) result = udfConAllocConsole () If (result==0) Then Terminate(@yes!=AskYesNo("udfConAllocConsole","Unable to allocate console.%@crlf%Try to use existing console?"),"","") title = StrCat("My Console Output Test ",TimeYmdHms()) result = udfConSetConsoleTitle (title) hStdOut = udfConGetHandleStdOut () Terminate(hStdOut==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdOut","cannot get handle") hStdIn = udfConGetHandleStdIn () Terminate(hStdIn==-1,"udfConGetHandleStdIn","cannot get handle") WinActivate(title) TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "This is Console Tour 4.%@crlf%") Terminate(result==0,"udfConWriteConsole","could not write to console") TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Window should be in Fullscreen mode.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%We can read characters from the screen.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%Reading floating 24 bytes from line 1, starting at column 10:%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) bbattr = udfBinaryAllocAttrBuf (24) ; allocate a buffer to store the attributes result = udfConReadOutputAttr (hStdOut, 10, 1, 24, bbattr) ; but we do not use it in this demo BinaryFree(bbattr) ; therefore free the attributte buffer charstr = udfConReadOutputChar (hStdOut, 10, 1, 24) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('"',charstr,'"',@crlf)) TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%Reading floating 300 bytes from row 0, starting at column 0:%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) str = udfConReadOutputChar (hStdOut, 0, 0, 300) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, StrCat('"',str,'"',@crlf,@crlf)) TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Press [Enter] ...") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%Reading region rectangle from col=5 row=1 to col=40 row=5 :%@crlf%") bbchar = udfBinaryAllocCharAttrBuf(5, 1, 40, 5) ; allocate temporary buffer for multiple use result = udfConReadOutputRegion (hStdOut, 5, 1, 40, 5, bbchar) TimeDelay(3) attr = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut, 5) BinaryReplace(bbchar,Num2Char(attr),Num2Char(attr<<4),@false) ; shift color to make region visible result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%We will create a new screenbuffer and paste the copied region into it.%@crlf%") TimeDelay(1) GENERIC_WRITE = 1073741824 ; 2**30 GENERIC_READ = 2147483648 ; 2**31 FILE_SHARE_READ = 1 FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2 DesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ hOutTwo = udfConCreateScreenBuffer (DesiredAccess, ShareMode) Terminate(hOutTwo==-1,"udfConCreateScreenBuffer","cannot get handle") result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hOutTwo) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "%@crlf%Pasting rectangle to another place on screen two:%@crlf%") result = udfConWriteOutputRegion (hOutTwo, 15, 6, 50, 10, bbchar) BinaryFree(bbchar) ; if we do not use the buffer anymore, then we can free it TimeDelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOutTwo, "Press [Enter] ...") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = StrClean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hStdOut) result = udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 0, 24) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... see you later consolerator ...") TimeDelay(3) Message("Console Tour 4","Done.") :cancel :wberrorhandler If IsDefined(hStdIn) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdIn) If IsDefined(hStdOut) Then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdOut) result = udfConFreeConsole () Terminate(result==0,"udfConFreeConsole","unable to free console") Exit
; --- test --- ; Console tour number 5 ; Allocate console, and so on ... read events from inputstream call("W:\WINBATCH\2001\WinBatch Test\udflib.console.wbt","") ; set wberrorhandler intcontrol(73, 1, 0, 0, 0) result = udfConAllocConsole () if (result==0) then terminate(@yes!=askyesno("udfConAllocConsole","Unable to allocate console.%@crlf%Try to use existing console?"),"","") title = strcat("My Console Output Test ",timeymdhms()) result = udfConSetConsoleTitle (title) hStdOut = udfConGetHandleStdOut () terminate(hStdOut==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,"udfConGetHandleStdOut","cannot get handle") hStdIn = udfConGetHandleStdIn () terminate(hStdIn==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,"udfConGetHandleStdIn","cannot get handle") winactivate(title) timedelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "This is Console Tour 5.%@crlf%") terminate(result==0,"udfConWriteConsole","could not write to console") ; toggle screen mode if !udfConIsConsoleFullScreen () result = udfConToggleConsoleState () endif timedelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Window should be in Fullscreen mode.%@crlf%") timedelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%We will try to write some colors to the screen.%@crlf%") timedelay(2) ; store the color attribute from this screen Out1_Attr_old = udfConGetScreenBufferInfo (hStdOut,5) ; define new attribute Out2_Attr = FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_BLUE ; set this screen attribute to new color result = udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, Out2_Attr) ; do not use it, but inherit the attribute to new screen ; udfConCreateScreenBuffer does a "clearscreen" with the "old" text attribute. hOut2 = udfConCreateScreenBuffer (GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ) terminate(hOut2==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,"udfConCreateScreenBuffer","cannot get handle") ; write to screen2 result = udfConSetCursorPos (hOut2, 18, 12) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOut2, "Oh sorry, this is a blue screen message ...") result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hOut2) timedelay(2) result = udfConSetCursorInfo(hOut2,"12 0") result = udfConSetCursorPos (hOut2, 22, 14) result = udfConWriteConsole (hOut2, "... have some time to meditate ...") result = udfConRandomFillWindow (hOut2) timedelay(2) result = udfConFillScreenBuffer (hOut2, " ", 32) result = udfConFillOutputAttr (hOut2, 30, 10, 20, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_RED) result = udfConFillOutputAttr (hOut2, 30, 11, 20, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_RED) result = udfConFillOutputAttr (hOut2, 30, 12, 20, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_RED) result = udfConFillOutputAttr (hOut2, 30, 13, 20, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_RED) result = udfConFillOutputAttr (hOut2, 30, 14, 20, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_RED) result = udfConWriteCharStr (hOut2, 35, 12, "GAME OVER") timedelay(5) for i=255 to 0 by -1 result = udfConFillScreenBuffer (hOut2, num2char(i), i) ;TimeDelay(.01) yields(1000) next timedelay(2) result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hStdOut) ; set std screen attribute to old color result = udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, Out1_Attr_old) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Back to ScreenBuffer 1, black and white.") result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, @crlf) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Press [Enter] ...") result = udfConFlushInputBuffer (hStdIn) inputstr = strclean(udfConReadConsole(hStdIn),@crlf,"",0,1) result = udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hStdOut) result = udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 0, 24) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... see you later consolerator ...") timedelay(3) message("Console Tour 5","Done.") :cancel :wberrorhandler if isdefined(hStdIn) then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdIn) if isdefined(hStdOut) then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdOut) result = udfConFreeConsole () terminate(result==0,"udfConFreeConsole","unable to free console") exit
; --- test --- ; Console tour number 6 ; DOS console shell call("W:\WINBATCH\2001\WinBatch Test\udflib.console.wbt","") ; set wberrorhandler intcontrol(73, 1, 0, 0, 0) if !udfConConsoleExists () result = udfConAllocConsole () if (result==0) then terminate(@yes!=askyesno("udfConAllocConsole","Unable to allocate console.%@crlf%Try to use existing console?"),"","") timedelay(1) endif title = strcat("My Console Output Test ",timeymdhms()) result = udfConSetConsoleTitle (title) hStdOut = udfConGetHandleStdOut () terminate(hStdOut==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,"udfConGetHandleStdOut","cannot get handle") hStdIn = udfConGetHandleStdIn () terminate(hStdIn==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,"udfConGetHandleStdIn","cannot get handle") winactivate(title) timedelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "This is Console Tour 6.%@crlf%") terminate(result==0,"udfConWriteConsole","could not write to console") ; toggle screen mode if udfConIsConsoleFullScreen () result = udfConToggleConsoleState () endif timedelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "Console screen should be in window mode now.%@crlf%") timedelay(1) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "%@crlf%We will let you do some DOS operations like ""dir"".%@crlf%") timedelay(2) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "We launch and give you a prompt.%@crlf%") prompt = "WinBatch DOS-Shell (leave it with ""exit""+[Enter])%@crlf%WB>" environset("PROMPT",prompt) run(environment("comspec"),"/e:2048") udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"If you are here now, ...%@crlf%") timedelay(2) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"after your mighty fight against the old dos dragon ...%@crlf%") timedelay(2) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"in the black and white dos dungeon ...%@crlf%") timedelay(4) udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, FOREGROUND_CYAN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_MAGENTA|BACKGROUND_INTENSITY) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"... you have really won!%@crlf%") timedelay(1) udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"... some new insights ???%@crlf%") timedelay(2) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"%@crlf%Press [Enter] to continue ...") udfConReadConsole (hStdIn) hOut2 = udfConCreateScreenBuffer (GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ) terminate(hOut2==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,"udfConCreateScreenBuffer","cannot get handle") udfConFillScreenBuffer (hStdOut, " ", FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 0, 0) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"Now we are going into a WinBatch loop.%@crlf%") udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,"To leave the loop use the command 'wow'.%@crlf%") prompt = "WinBatch command loop (leave it with ""wow""+[Enter])%@crlf%WOW>" cmdstr="" while 1 udfConFillScreenBuffer (hStdOut, " ", FOREGROUND_LTGRAY) udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 0, 0) udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hStdOut) udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, FOREGROUND_CYAN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_BLUE) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, strfix(strcat("Last cmd: ",cmdstr)," ",320)) udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_RED) udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut,prompt) udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, FOREGROUND_LTGRAY) cmdstr = udfConReadConsole (hStdIn) cmdstr = strtrim(cmdstr) cmdstr = strlower(cmdstr) cmdstr = strclean(cmdstr,@crlf,"",0,1) if (cmdstr=="wow") then break if (strsub(cmdstr,1,4)=="copy") ThisWnd=wingetactive() display(3,"OH, BOY","'%cmdstr%' ERROR%@crlf%Sorry, '%cmdstr%' is not allowed today ...%@crlf%") winactivate(ThisWnd) continue endif if (strsub(cmdstr,1,4)=="move") ThisWnd=wingetactive() display(3,"OH, GIRL","'%cmdstr%' ERROR%@crlf%Sorry, '%cmdstr%' is not allowed tonight ...%@crlf%") winactivate(ThisWnd) continue endif udfConSetActiveScreenBuffer (hOut2) run(environment("comspec"),strcat("/e:2048 /c ",cmdstr)) udfConWriteConsole (hOut2,"Press [Enter] to continue ...") udfConReadConsole (hStdIn) endwhile udfConSetTextAttribute (hStdOut, FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY|BACKGROUND_BLUE) result = udfConSetCursorPos (hStdOut, 0, 24) result = udfConWriteConsole (hStdOut, "... see you later consolerator ...") timedelay(3) message("Console Tour 6","Done.") :cancel :wberrorhandler if isdefined(hStdIn) then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdIn) if isdefined(hStdOut) then result = udfCloseHandle (hStdOut) result = udfConFreeConsole () terminate(result==0,"udfConFreeConsole","unable to free console") exit
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