str udfStrTranslateV1 (str, str, str, str)
str udfStrTranslateV2 (str, str, str, str)
str udfStrTranslateV3 (str, str, str, str)
str udfStrTranslateV4 (str, str, str, str)
#DefineFunction udfStrTranslateV1 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad) ; speed performance = low = 100 pct.
If strTableOut == "" Then If strTableIn == "" Then Return StrUpper (strString)
If strPad == "" Then strPad = " "
hdlBBTable = BinaryAlloc (256)
For intI = 0 To 255
   BinaryPoke (hdlBBTable, intI, intI)
intLenString = StrLen (strString)
intLenIn = StrLen (strTableIn)
strTableOut = StrFix (strTableOut, strPad, intLenIn)
intLenOut = StrLen (strTableOut)
For intI = 1 To intLenIn
   BinaryPoke (hdlBBTable, Char2Num (StrSub (strTableIn, intI, 1)), Char2Num (StrSub (strTableOut, intI, 1)))
strOut = ""
For intI = 1 To intLenString
   strOut = strOut : Num2Char (BinaryPeek (hdlBBTable, Char2Num (StrSub (strString, intI, 1))))
BinaryFree (hdlBBTable)
Return strOut
; Detlev Dalitz.20020219.

#DefineFunction udfStrTranslateV2 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad) ; speed performance = middle = 92..96 pct.
If strTableOut == "" Then If strTableIn == "" Then Return StrUpper (strString)
If strPad == "" Then strPad = " "
hdlBBTable = BinaryAlloc (256)
For intI = 0 To 255
   BinaryPoke (hdlBBTable, intI, intI)
intLenString = StrLen (strString)
intLenIn = StrLen (strTableIn)
strTableOut = StrFix (strTableOut, strPad, intLenIn)
intLenOut = StrLen (strTableOut)
hdlBBString = BinaryAlloc (intLenString)
hdlBBOut = BinaryAlloc (intLenOut)
hdlBBIn = BinaryAlloc (intLenIn)
BinaryPokeStr (hdlBBString, 0, strString)
BinaryPokeStr (hdlBBOut, 0, strTableOut)
BinaryPokeStr (hdlBBIn, 0, strTableIn)
intlen = intLenIn - 1
For intI = 0 To intlen
   BinaryCopy (hdlBBTable, BinaryPeek (hdlBBIn, intI), hdlBBOut, intI, 1)
BinaryXlate (hdlBBString, hdlBBTable, 0)
strOut = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBBString, 0, intLenString)
BinaryFree (hdlBBTable)
BinaryFree (hdlBBString)
BinaryFree (hdlBBOut)
BinaryFree (hdlBBIn)
Return strOut
; Detlev Dalitz.20020219.

#DefineFunction udfStrTranslateV3 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)
If strTableOut == "" Then If strTableIn == "" Then Return StrUpper (strString)
If strPad == "" Then strPad = " "
arrArray = ArrDimension (256)
For intI = 0 To 255
   arrArray [intI] = intI
intLenString = StrLen (strString)
intLenIn = StrLen (strTableIn)
strTableOut = StrFix (strTableOut, strPad, intLenIn)
intLenOut = StrLen (strTableOut)
For intI = 1 To intLenIn
   arrArray [Char2Num (StrSub (strTableIn, intI, 1))] = Char2Num (StrSub (strTableOut, intI, 1))
strOut = ""
For intI = 1 To intLenString
   strOut = strOut : Num2Char (arrArray [Char2Num (StrSub (strString, intI, 1))])
Return strOut
; Detlev Dalitz.20020219.

#DefineFunction udfStrTranslateV4 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)
If strTableOut == "" Then If strTableIn == "" Then Return StrUpper (strString)
If strPad == "" Then strPad = " "
arrT = ArrDimension (256)
For intI = 0 To 255
   arrT [intI] = intI
arrS = ArrayFromStr (strString)
arrI = ArrayFromStr (strTableIn)
arrO = ArrayFromStr (StrFix (strTableOut, strPad, ArrInfo (arrI, 1)))
intLast = ArrInfo (arrI, 1) - 1
For intI = 0 To intLast
   arrT [Char2Num (arrI[intI])] = Char2Num (arrO[intI])
intLast = ArrInfo (arrS, 1) - 1
For intI = 0 To intLast
   arrS[intI] = Num2Char (arrT [Char2Num (arrS[intI])])
Return ArrayToStr (arrS)
; Detlev Dalitz.20100202.

; Test.

GoSub TestFunctionVariants
GoSub Test_ROT13
GoSub Test_Remove_Accents
GoSub Test_FormatNumberString
GoSub Test_Lowcase
GoSub Soundex0
GoSub Soundex1
GoSub Performancetest

; GoSub's
For intDemo = 1 To 4
   strMsgTitle = "Demo udfStrTranslateV" : intDemo : " (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)"

   strMsgText = ""
   strTestItem = 'udfStrTranslateV' : intDemo : ' ("abczyx", "", "", "")'
   strMsgText = strMsgText : `%strTestItem%` : @TAB : ' = ' : %strTestItem% : " (""ABCZYX"")" : @LF ; ABCZYX

   strTestItem = 'udfStrTranslateV' : intDemo : ' ("abzyx!", "1234?", "abcd!","")'
   strMsgText = strMsgText : `%strTestItem%` : @TAB : ' = ' : %strTestItem% : " (""12zyx?"")" : @LF ; 12zyx?

   strTestItem = 'udfStrTranslateV' : intDemo : ' ("5678/12/34", "mmddyyyy:", "12345678/", "")'
   strMsgText = strMsgText : `%strTestItem%` : @TAB : ' = ' : %strTestItem% : " (""yyyy:mm:dd"")" : @LF ; yyyy:mm:dd

   strTestItem = 'udfStrTranslateV' : intDemo : ' ("1.22.333.4",  "-", ".0123456789", "?")'
   strMsgText = strMsgText : `%strTestItem%` : @TAB : ' = ' : %strTestItem% : " (""?-??-???-?"")" : @LF ; ?-??-???-?

   strTestItem = 'udfStrTranslateV' : intDemo : '  ("", "-0123456789", ".", "?")'
   strMsgText = strMsgText : `%strTestItem%` : @TAB : ' = ' : %strTestItem% : " (""1-2-3-4"")" : @LF ; 1-2-3-4

   Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

strMsgTitle = "Demo udfStrTranslate (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)  Performance Test"

; strTestItem = '("abcdefg", "", "", "")'
strTestItem = '("5678/12/34", "12345678/", "mmddyyyy:", "")'

intTestLoop = 20

intTestMin = 1
intTestMax = 4
For intT = intTestMin To intTestMax
   Display (1, strMsgTitle, "Running Test " : intT : ", please wait ...")
   Exclusive (@ON)
   intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
   For intL = 1 To intTestLoop
      strResult = udfStrTranslateV%intT% %strTestItem%
   intTicksStop = GetTickCount ()
   Exclusive (@OFF)
   intTicks%intT% = intTicksStop - intTicksStart

intTicksMax = 0
For intT = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intTicksMax = Max (intTicksMax, intTicks%intT%)
For intT = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intPct%intT% = 100 * intTicks%intT% / intTicksMax
strMsgText = ""
For intT = intTestMin To intTestMax
   strMsgText = strMsgText : "Test " : intT : @TAB : "Ticks = " : @TAB : intTicks%intT% : @TAB : intPct%intT% : " %%" : @LF
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
ClipPut (strMsgText)
;   Test 1   Ticks =    516   100 %
;   Test 2   Ticks =    390    75 %
;   Test 3   Ticks =    297    57 %
;   Test 4   Ticks =    250    48 %  <==  The winner.

; As an alternative to the function "udfStrROT13 (strString)".
strString = "{[# ABC -- WinBatch rotates *You* -- XYZ !]}"
strTableIn = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
strTableOut = "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM"
strPad = ""

strROT13 = udfStrTranslateV4 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad) ; "# NOP -- JvaOngpu ebgngrf *Lbh* -- KLM !"
strROTROT13 = udfStrTranslateV4 (strROT13, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad) ; "# ABC -- WinBatch rotates *You* -- XYZ !"

strMsgText = strString : @LF : strROT13 : @LF : strROTROT13
strMsgTitle = "Demo udfStrTranslate (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)"
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

strString = "Šêñòr Žž Øçÿ íßt ÑËÜ."
strTableIn = "ŠŒŽšœžŸ¥µÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ"
strTableOut = "SOZsozYYuAAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUYsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyy"
strPad = ""

strTrans = udfStrTranslateV4 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad) ; "Senor Zz Ocy ist NEU."

strMsgText = strString : @LF : strTrans
strMsgTitle = "Demo udfStrTranslate (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)"
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

; As an alternative to the not-yet-existing php function "stritr".
strString = "aAb" ; ==> "xxy"
strTableIn = "ABCabc"
strTableOut = "xyzxyz"
strPad = ""

strTrans = udfStrTranslateV4 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad) ; "xyz"

strMsgText = strString : @LF : strTrans
strMsgTitle = "Demo udfStrTranslate (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)"
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

strString = "(abc) defg-hijk"
strTableIn = "abcdefghijk"
strTableOut = "12345678901" ; ==> "(123) 4567-8901"
strPad = ""

strTrans = udfStrTranslateV4 (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)

strMsgText = strString : @LF : strTrans
strMsgTitle = "Demo udfStrTranslate (strString, strTableOut, strTableIn, strPad)"
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

; Soundex und SoundexEx with udfStrTranslate()
strName = "Ashcraft"   ; "A261".
strName = "Spears"     ; "S162".
strName = "Superzicke" ; "S162".
strName = "Knight"     ; "K523".
strName = "Herman"     ; "H650".
strName = "psychology" ; "P242".
strName = "Schmit"     ; "S253".
strName = "Kristen"    ; "K623".
strName = "Gutierrez"  ; "G362".
strName = "Tymczak"    ; "T522".
strName = "Dalitz"     ; "D432".

intMode = 0  ;  0 = Normal, 1 = Extended Soundex.
strTabout0 = "00000000111122222222334556"
strTabout1 = "00000000121234435355667889"
strSoundex = StrClean (strName, strTabin, "", @FALSE, 2)
strSoundex = StrUpper (strSoundex)
strSoundex1 = StrSub (strSoundex, 1, 1)
strSoundex = udfStrTranslateV4 (strSoundex, strTabout%intMode%, strTabin, "")
strSoundex = StrSub (strSoundex, 2, -1)
strSoundex = strSoundex1 : strSoundex
strSoundex = StrReplace (strSoundex, "0", "")
intI = 2
While intI < StrLen (strSoundex)
   strChar = StrSub (strSoundex, intI, 1)
   strSoundex = StrReplace (strSoundex, strChar : strChar, strChar)
   intI = intI + 1
strSoundex = StrFix (strSoundex, "0", 4 + intMode)
Message (strName, strSoundex)

; Soundex und SoundexEx with udfStrTranslate()
strName = "Ashcraft"    ; "A3926".
strName = "Spears"      ; "S1930".
strName = "Superzicke"  ; "S1953".
strName = "Knight"      ; "K8460".
strName = "Herman"      ; "H9800".
strName = "psychology"  ; "P3740".
strName = "Schmit"      ; "S3860".
strName = "Kristen"     ; "K9368".
strName = "Gutierrez"   ; "G6950".
strName = "Tymczak"     ; "T8353".
strName = "Dalitz "     ; "D7650".

intMode = 1  ;  0 = Normal, 1 = Extended Soundex.
strTabout0 = "00000000111122222222334556"
strTabout1 = "00000000121234435355667889"
strSoundex = StrClean (strName, strTabin, "", @FALSE, 2)
strSoundex = StrUpper (strSoundex)
strSoundex1 = StrSub (strSoundex, 1, 1)
strSoundex = udfStrTranslateV4 (strSoundex, strTabout%intMode%, strTabin, "")
strSoundex = StrSub (strSoundex, 2, -1)
strSoundex = strSoundex1 : strSoundex
strSoundex = StrReplace (strSoundex, "0", "")
intI = 2
While intI < StrLen (strSoundex)
   strChar = StrSub (strSoundex, intI, 1)
   strSoundex = StrReplace (strSoundex, strChar : strChar, strChar)
   intI = intI + 1
strSoundex = StrFix (strSoundex, "0", 4 + intMode)
Message (strName, strSoundex)