str udfStrLeft (str, int, str)
#DefineFunction udfStrLeft (strString, intLength, strPadString)
If strPadString == "" Then strPadString = " "
Return StrFix (StrSub (strString, 1, intLength), strPadString, intLength)
; This UDF "udfStrLeft" returns the leftmost length characters of string.
; If string has less than length characters, the result will be padded on the right side
; with the pad string, which defaults to a blank.
; Detlev Dalitz.20030312

; Test.

strResult1 = udfStrLeft ("abcd"        , 10, "-#") ; "abcd-#-#-#"
strResult2 = udfStrLeft ("abcd"        ,  6, "*" ) ; "abcd**"
strResult3 = udfStrLeft ("testabcdefgh",  4, "*" ) ; "test"
strResult4 = udfStrLeft ("testabcdefgh",  4, ""  ) ; "test"
strResult5 = udfStrLeft ("testabcdefgh", 15, ""  ) ; "testabcdefgh   "
