str udfPathCompact (str, int, int)
#DefineFunction udfPathCompact (strPath, intWidth, intMode)
intLen = StrLen (strPath)
If intLen <= intWidth Then Return strPath
strDelims = "/\"
intDelimLeft = StrScan (strPath, strDelims, 4, @FWDSCAN)
intFill = intWidth - intDelimLeft - 3
intDelimRight = intLen
intDelimRightLast = intDelimRight
intPos = 0
While @TRUE
   intDelimRight = StrScan (strPath, strDelims, intDelimRight - 1, @BACKSCAN)
   If (intLen - intDelimRight) >= intFill Then Break
   intPos = intPos + 1
   intDelimRightLast = intDelimRight
If intPos > 0
   strTilde = ""
   intDelimRight = intDelimRightLast
   strTilde = "~"
   intDelimLeft = intDelimLeft - 1 - intLen + intDelimRight + intFill - 1
If intDelimLeft < 3
   intDelimLeft = 0
   intFill = 3
   intFill = intWidth - intDelimLeft - intLen + intDelimRight - 1 - StrLen (strTilde)
Switch intMode
Case 0
   intFill = 3
Case 1
Case 2
   If intFill > 3
      intPos = intFill - 3
      intFill = 3
      While @TRUE
         intDelimLeft = intDelimLeft + 1
         intPos = intPos - 1
         If intPos < 1 Then Break
         intDelimRight = intDelimRight - 1
         intPos = intPos - 1
         If intPos < 1 Then Break
strLeft = StrSub (strPath, 1, intDelimLeft)
strRight = StrSub (strPath, intDelimRight, -1)
Return StrCat (strLeft, strTilde, StrFill (".", intFill), strRight)
; This UDF "udfPathCompact" removes characters from a given path string
; to make the remaining path string fragment fit into a given width.
; The removed part of the text will be replaced by an ellipsis "..." (here: three point characters) resp. by a series of points.
; intMode = 0
; Returns a shortened pathname inserted with three points (ellipsis)
; Example: ("c:\program files\navigator\programs\bookmark.htm", 45) ==> "c:\program files\...\programs\bookmark.htm"
; intMode = 1
; Returns a shortened pathname inserted with repeated points (no ellipsis)
; Example: ("c:\program files\navigator\programs\bookmark.htm", 45) ==> "c:\program files\......\programs\bookmark.htm"
; intMode = 2
; Returns a shortened pathname inserted with three points (ellipsis) between foldername fragments
; Example: ("c:\program files\navigator\programs\bookmark.htm", 45) ==> "c:\program files\na...r\programs\bookmark.htm"
; Detlev Dalitz.20020222.20020524.20020627.20071125.20080404.

; Test.

msgtitle = "Demo udfPathCompact (strPath, intWidth, intMode)"

LongStr = "Z:\Any Folder\Any Folder\Any Folder\Any File.any"
intWidth = 36
intMode = 0
ShortStr = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, intMode)
msgtext = StrCat (longstr, @CRLF, ShortStr)
Pause (msgtitle, msgtext)

intWidth = 30
intMode = 0
ShortStr = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, intMode)
msgtext = StrCat (longstr, @CRLF, ShortStr)
Pause (msgtitle, msgtext)

LongStr = "C:\Program Files\Navigator\Programs\Bookmark.htm"
iintLen = StrLen (LongStr)
For i = iintLen To 1 By -1
   intWidth = i
   ShortStr0 = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, 0)
   ShortStr1 = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, 1)
   ShortStr2 = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, 2)
   ShortLen0 = StrLen (ShortStr0)
   ShortLen1 = StrLen (ShortStr1)
   ShortLen2 = StrLen (ShortStr2)
   msgtext = ""
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, intWidth, @TAB, longstr, @CRLF)
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, ShortLen0, @TAB, ShortStr0, @CRLF)
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, ShortLen1, @TAB, ShortStr1, @CRLF)
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, ShortLen2, @TAB, ShortStr2, @CRLF)
   Pause (msgtitle, msgtext)


LongStr = "This is a long string to test if it can be shorten."
iintLen = StrLen (LongStr)
For i = iintLen To 1 By -1
   intWidth = i
   ShortStr0 = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, 0)
   ShortStr1 = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, 1)
   ShortStr2 = udfPathCompact (LongStr, intWidth, 2)
   ShortLen0 = StrLen (ShortStr0)
   ShortLen1 = StrLen (ShortStr1)
   ShortLen2 = StrLen (ShortStr2)
   msgtext = ""
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, intWidth, @TAB, longstr, @CRLF)
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, ShortLen0, @TAB, ShortStr0, @CRLF)
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, ShortLen1, @TAB, ShortStr1, @CRLF)
   msgtext = StrCat (msgtext, ShortLen2, @TAB, ShortStr2, @CRLF)
   Pause (msgtitle, msgtext)
