str udfGetMondayOfWeek (str)
str udfGetTuesdayOfWeek (str)
str udfGetWednesdayOfWeek (str)
str udfGetThursdayOfWeek (str)
str udfGetFridayOfWeek (str)
str udfGetSaturdayOfWeek (str)
str udfGetSundayOfWeek (str, int)
#DefineFunction udfGetMondayOfWeek (strYmdHms)
Return TimeAdd (TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7), "0:0:1")
; The function returns a datetime string of the calculated day, leaves Hms untouched.

#DefineFunction udfGetTuesdayOfWeek (strYmdHms)
Return TimeAdd (TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7), "0:0:2")
; The function returns a datetime string of the calculated day, leaves Hms untouched.

#DefineFunction udfGetWednesdayOfWeek (strYmdHms)
Return TimeAdd (TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7), "0:0:3")
; The function returns a datetime string of the calculated day, leaves Hms untouched.

#DefineFunction udfGetThursdayOfWeek (strYmdHms)
Return TimeAdd (TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7), "0:0:4")
; The function returns a datetime string of the calculated day, leaves Hms untouched.

#DefineFunction udfGetFridayOfWeek (strYmdHms)
Return TimeAdd (TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7), "0:0:5")
; The function returns a datetime string of the calculated day, leaves Hms untouched.

#DefineFunction udfGetSaturdayOfWeek (strYmdHms)
Return TimeAdd (TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7), "0:0:6")
; The function returns a datetime string of the calculated day, leaves Hms untouched.

#DefineFunction udfGetSundayOfWeek (strYmdHms, intMode)
If !intMode Then Return TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7)
Return TimeAdd (TimeSubtract (strYmdHms, "0:0:" : (TimeJulianDay (strYmdHms) + 5) mod 7), "0:0:7")
; This user defined function "udfGetSundayOfWeek" determines the sunday of the week which contains the given date.
; intMode = 0 ... Sunday is the first day of the week (american usage).
; intMode = 1 ... Sunday is the last day of the week (ISO 8601).
; The function returns a datetime string of the calculated day, leaves Hms untouched.

; Test.

strToday     = TimeYmdHms ()                        ; e. g. "2009:07:27:08:10:23".
strSunday0   = udfGetSundayOfWeek    (strToday, 0)  ; e. g. "2009:07:26:08:10:23".
strMonday    = udfGetMondayOfWeek    (strToday)     ; e. g. "2009:07:27:08:10:23".
strTuesday   = udfGetTuesdayOfWeek   (strToday)     ; e. g. "2009:07:28:08:10:23".
strWednesday = udfGetWednesdayOfWeek (strToday)     ; e. g. "2009:07:29:08:10:23".
strThursday  = udfGetThursdayOfWeek  (strToday)     ; e. g. "2009:07:30:08:10:23".
strFriday    = udfGetFridayOfWeek    (strToday)     ; e. g. "2009:07:31:08:10:23".
strSaturday  = udfGetSaturdayOfWeek  (strToday)     ; e. g. "2009:08:01:08:10:23".
strSunday1   = udfGetSundayOfWeek    (strToday, 1)  ; e. g. "2009:08:02:08:10:23".
