int udfFileGetLineCount (str)
; Test for verifying a rule how lines in textfiles are counted.

#DefineFunction udfFileGetLineCount (strFilename)
intBBSize = FileSizeEx (strFilename)
If !intBBSize Then Return 0
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBSize)
intHigh = BinaryRead (hdlBB, strFilename) - 1
intHigh = intHigh - (26 == BinaryPeek (hdlBB, intHigh))
If intHigh < 0 Then Return 0
While 13 == BinaryPeek (hdlBB, intHigh)
   intHigh = intHigh - 1
   If intHigh < 0 Then Return 0
intLineCount = BinaryStrCnt (hdlBB, 0, intHigh, @LF) + (10 != BinaryPeek (hdlBB, intHigh))
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return intLineCount
; This UDF "udfFileGetLineCount" returns the number of lines counted in a textfile.
; The function takes only @LF characters into account.
; All @CR characters are ommitted.
; The function provides the same number of lines as counted by the WinBatch FileRead function.
; EOF = Num2Char (26)
; @LF = Num2Char (10)
; @CR = Num2Char (13)
; Detlev Dalitz.20020820.20090428.

AddExtender ("WWWSK44i.DLL") ; We use one extender function to make control chars human readable.

strMsgTitle = "Demo: LineCount and EOL Delimiters"
strMsgText = ""

strFilenameTemp = FileCreateTemp ("TMP")
sFolderTemp = FilePath (strFilenameTemp)
FileDelete (strFilenameTemp)

intTestLines = 18

strTestLine1  = "How many lines?"                                         ; 1

strTestLine2  = @CR                                                       ; 0
strTestLine3  = @LF                                                       ; 1
strTestLine4  = @CRLF                                                     ; 1
strTestLine5  = Num2Char (26)                                             ; 0

strTestLine6  = StrCat ("How many lines?", @CR)                           ; 1
strTestLine7  = StrCat ("How many lines?", @LF)                           ; 1
strTestLine8  = StrCat ("How many lines?", @CRLF)                         ; 1
strTestLine9  = StrCat ("How many lines?", Num2Char (26))                 ; 1

strTestLine10 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @CR, @CR)                      ; 1
strTestLine11 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @CR, @CR, Num2Char (26))       ; 1

strTestLine12 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @LF, "test")                   ; 2
strTestLine13 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @LF, @LF)                      ; 2
strTestLine14 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @LF, @LF, @CR)                 ; 2
strTestLine15 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @LF, @LF, "test")              ; 3
strTestLine16 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @LF, @LF, Num2Char (26))       ; 2

strTestLine17 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @CRLF, @CRLF)                  ; 2
strTestLine18 = StrCat ("How many lines?", @CRLF, @CRLF, Num2Char (26))   ; 2

IntControl (53, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; For the test: No line terminator for FileWrite.
For intTest = 1 To intTestLines
   strFilenameTest = StrCat (sFolderTemp, "Test.", intTest, ".txt")
   hdlFW = FileOpen (strFilenameTest, "WRITE")
   FileWrite (hdlFW, strTestLine%intTest%)
   hdlFW = FileClose (hdlFW)

strMsgText = StrCat (strMsgText, "FileRead", @LF)

; Using the standard FileRead function.
For intTest = 1 To intTestLines
   strFilenameTest = StrCat (sFolderTemp, "Test.", intTest, ".txt")
   intFileSize%intTest% = FileSize (strFilenameTest)

   IntControl (65, 4096 * 256, 0, 0, 0) ; Enlarge fileread buffer for speedy access. ; Added DD.20030128
   hdlFR = FileOpen (strFilenameTest, "READ")
   intLineCount%intTest% = 0
   While @TRUE
      If "*EOF*" == FileRead (hdlFR) Then Break
      intLineCount%intTest% = 1 + intLineCount%intTest%
   hdlFR = FileClose (hdlFR)

   strTestLine = urlEncode (strTestLine%intTest%)
   strTestLine = StrFix (strTestLine, " ", 40)
   strMsgText = StrCat (strMsgText, strTestLine, "FileSize", intTest, "=", intFileSize%intTest%, @TAB, "LineCount", intTest, "=", intLineCount%intTest%, @LF)

strMsgText = StrCat (strMsgText, @LF, "udfFileGetLineCount", @LF)

; Using UDF udfFileGetLineCount.
For intTest = 1 To intTestLines
   strFilenameTest = StrCat (sFolderTemp, "Test.", intTest, ".txt")
   intFileSize%intTest% = FileSize (strFilenameTest)

   intLineCount%intTest% = udfFileGetLineCount (strFilenameTest)

   strTestLine = urlEncode (strTestLine%intTest%)
   strTestLine = StrFix (strTestLine, " ", 40)
   strMsgText = StrCat (strMsgText, strTestLine, "FileSize", intTest, "=", intFileSize%intTest%, @TAB, "LineCount", intTest, "=", intLineCount%intTest%, @LF)

For intTest = 1 To intTestLines
   strFilenameTest = StrCat (sFolderTemp, "Test.", intTest, ".txt")
   FileDelete (strFilenameTest)

; Display results.
IntControl (28, 1, 0, 0, 0)
IntControl (63, 200, 035, 800, 955)
AskItemlist (strMsgTitle, strMsgText, @LF, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)

; If the WinBatch function 'FileRead' can be seen as a standard method
; for linecounting and for the decision what is a line and what is not a line,
; then the following rule might be the general rule:
; 1. EOF character is ommitted and not counted.
; 2. All @CR characters are ommitted and not counted.
; 3. LineCount is the sum of all @LF characters in the file.
; 4. An uncomplete line at end of the file counts as a line and increments LineCount by 1.