str udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (str)
#DefineFunction udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strExpSz)
intBBSize = DllCall ("KERNEL32.DLL", long:"ExpandEnvironmentStringsA", lpstr:strExpSz, long:0, long:0)
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBSize)
BinaryEodSet (hdlBB, intBBSize)
intResult = DllCall ("KERNEL32.DLL", long:"ExpandEnvironmentStringsA", lpstr:strExpSz, lpbinary:hdlBB, long:intBBSize)
strExpSz = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, 0, intResult)
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return strExpSz
; Detlev Dalitz.20090529.

; Test.
strMsgTitle = "Demo: udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strExpSz)"

; Set environment variable with length of one byte more than Environment() can handle.
blnResult = EnvironSet ("Z", StrFill ("Z", 1280 + 1))
strExpSz = "%%Z%%"
strResult = udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strExpSz)

intLen = StrLen (strResult)
strMsgText = "ExpandSz variable = " : strExpSz : @LF : "Content = " : strResult : @LF : "Length = " : intLen
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

blnResult = EnvironSet ("Z", "A=B==C===D")
strExpSz = "%%Z%%"
strResult = udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strExpSz)
; strResult ==> 'A=B==C===D'

intLen = StrLen (strResult)
strMsgText = "ExpandSz variable = " : strExpSz : @LF : "Content = " : strResult : @LF : "Length = " : intLen
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

strExpSz = 'My %%%%UserName%%%% is "%%USERNAME%%" and my %%%%AppData%%%% folder is "%%ApPdAtA%%".'
strResult = udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strExpSz)
; strResult ==> 'My %DD% is "DD" and my %X:\DD\ApplicationData% folder is "X:\DD\ApplicationData".'

strMsgText = StrCat (strExpSz, @LF, @LF, strResult)
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

; See result of Test3, did we expected this result?
; If we want to save our percent signs, then we have to do do some pre/postprocessing.
strExpSz = 'My %%%%UserName%%%% is "%%USERNAME%%" and my %%%%AppData%%%% folder is "%%ApPdAtA%%".'
strTemp1 = StrReplace (strExpSz, "%%%%", "$$")
strTemp2 = udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strTemp1)
strResult = StrReplace (strTemp2, "$$", "%%")
; strResult ==> 'My %UserName% is "DD" and my %AppData% folder is "X:\DD\ApplicationData".'

strMsgText = StrCat (strExpSz, @LF, @LF, strTemp1, @LF, @LF, strTemp2, @LF, @LF, strResult)
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)


#DefineFunction udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strExpSz)
objWshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
strExpSz = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strExpSz)
objWshShell = 0
Return strExpSz
; Detlev Dalitz.20090529.

; Test.

strMsgTitle = "Demo: udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (strExpSz) using WScript.Shell object."

strExpSz = 'My %%%%UserName%%%% is "%%USERNAME%%" and my %%%%AppData%%%% folder is "%%ApPdAtA%%".'
strResult = StrReplace (udfExpandEnvironmentStrings (StrReplace (strExpSz, "%%%%", "$$")), "$$", "%%")
; strResult ==> 'My %UserName% is "DD" and my %AppData% folder is "X:\DD\ApplicationData".'

strMsgText = StrCat (strExpSz, @LF, @LF, strResult)
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
