How to sort a dim-2 array?
; How to sort a dim-2 array.
; Detlev Dalitz.20040326.20090519.
;   The following described method may also be usable for multi-dimensional arrays.
;   Example array:
;   Data Array
;   +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   | Array |  Col 0      |  Col 1     |  Col 2  |
;   | Index | (Firstname) | (Lastname) |  (Age)  |
;   +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   |   0   |  Micky      |  Mouse     |    33   |
;   |   1   |  Daisy      |  Duck      |    17   |
;   |   2   |  Carlo      |  Cat       |    22   |
;   |   3   |  Lupo       |  Dog       |    11   |
;   |   4   |  Dagobert   |  Duck      |    66   |
;   +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   This array has 5 rows and 3 columns, overall 15 elements.
;   We want to sort it on each column separately (Firstname, Lastname, Age)
;   and on a combination of two columns (Lastname + Firstname).
;   WinBatch has _no_ built in support for sorting arrays at the time when this script was written.
;   But there exist several attempts by the WinBatch community to do so.
;   Indeed, those approaches in WinBatch native script code are focused on one-dimensional arrays.
;   Today there are known two WinBatch extenders, built by Alan Kreutzer and Detlev Dalitz,
;   supporting array functions, which can work with multi-dimensional arrays and can sort them.
;   Here I describe a practical way to sort a dim-2 array using WinBatch native script code.
;   To sort a multi-dim array we need a helper array.
;   This helper array, better say pointer array, does not need to have more than one column.
;   This one column is initialized with integer numbers representing the corresponding row index numbers.
;   The number of rows in the pointer array is the same as in the multi-dim data array.
;   Each cell in the pointer array points to the corresponding row in the dim-2 data array.
;   Pointer Array                     Data Array
;   +-------+-----------+             +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   | Array |  Col 0    |             | Array |  Col 0      |  Col 1     |  Col 2  |
;   | Index | (DataRow) |             | Index | (Firstname) | (Lastname) |  (Age)  |
;   +-------+-----------+             +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   |   0   |      0    |    ==>      |   0   |  Micky      |  Mouse     |    33   |
;   |   1   |      1    |    ==>      |   1   |  Daisy      |  Duck      |    17   |
;   |   2   |      2    |    ==>      |   2   |  Carlo      |  Cat       |    22   |
;   |   3   |      3    |    ==>      |   3   |  Lupo       |  Dog       |    11   |
;   |   4   |      4    |    ==>      |   4   |  Dagobert   |  Duck      |    66   |
;   +-------+-----------+             +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   To sort the column 'Lastname' we have to create a relation between two elements
;   that become true for all elements when the data array has been sorted.
;   In other words, for ascending sorting we use the relation:
;   'second element must be greater than first element'
;   i. e. 'Array [i + 1] > Array [i]'.
;   Same situation from another point of view:
;   We have to swap elements if the first element is greater than the second element.
;   This is the sort relation that we use in the array sort routine, code looks like:
;   'If (arrData [arrPointer [intI], intSortCol] > arrData [arrPointer [intK], intSortCol]) Then swap (...)'.
;   So we only have to compare elements from the column 'Lastname' and have to re-order
;   the 'DataRow' elements in the pointer array accordingly.
;   Pointer Array                     Data Array
;   +-------+-----------+             +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   | Array |  Col 0    |             | Array |  Col 0      |  Col 1     |  Col 2  |
;   | Index | (DataRow) |             | Index | (Firstname) | (Lastname) |  (Age)  |
;   +-------+-----------+             +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   |   0   |      2    |  ===\       |   0   |  Micky      |  Mouse     |    33   |
;   |   1   |      3    |      \      |   1   |  Daisy      |  Duck      |    17   |
;   |   2   |      1    |       \==>  |   2   |  Carlo      |  Cat       |    22   |
;   |   3   |      4    |  ===\       |   3   |  Lupo       |  Dog       |    11   |
;   |   4   |      0    |      \===>  |   4   |  Dagobert   |  Duck      |    66   |
;   +-------+-----------+             +-------+-------------+------------+---------+
;   Now, after an ascending sort on Col 2 'Lastname', the elements of Pointer Array point
;   to the rows from Data Array.
;   In general we have access to the value of an array cell by directly addressing the
;   cell using integer numbers, referencing the row and column where the cell is located.
;   This direct addressing method of array cells is common known standard.
;   Example:
;   The cell in Row 2 Column 0 has the value 'Carlo'.
;   x = Data [2, 0] ; ==> x = 'Carlo'
;   For our purposes we have to implement an indirect addressing method
;   by using the pointer array as an interface to the multi-dim array.
;   In the first unsorted situation the above example looks like:
;   x = Data [Pointer [2], 0] ; ==> x = 'Carlo'
;   This will be calculated as:
;   x = Data [2, 0] ; ==> x = 'Carlo'
;   Because array cell Pointer [2] has the value '2', it addresses row 2 in data array.
;   After sorting the data array by Column 1 (Lastname) the pointer array cell Pointer [2]
;   has got the value '1'.
;   x = Data [Pointer [2], 0] ; ==> x = 'Daisy'
;   This will be calculated as:
;   x = Data [1, 0] ; ==> x = 'Daisy'
;   Because array cell Pointer [2] has the value '1', it addresses row 1 in data array.
;   Following example code uses the Shell-Metzner sort algorithm,
;   because it is easy to read and easy to understand.
;   This sorting algorithm is efficient for sorting small and medium sized arrays (100..1000 elements).

GoSub Script1

GoSub Script2


; How to sort a 2-dim array
; Detlev Dalitz.20040326.
; Define arrays.
intMaxRows = 5
intMaxCols = 3
arrData = ArrDimension (intMaxRows, intMaxCols)
arrPointer = ArrDimension (intMaxRows)
; Populate array arrData.
arrData [0, 0] = "Micky"
arrData [0, 1] = "Mouse"
arrData [0, 2] = 33
arrData [1, 0] = "Dagobert"
arrData [1, 1] = "Duck"
arrData [1, 2] = 66
arrData [2, 0] = "Carlo"
arrData [2, 1] = "Cat"
arrData [2, 2] = 22
arrData [3, 0] = "Lupo"
arrData [3, 1] = "Dog"
arrData [3, 2] = 11
arrData [4, 0] = "Daisy"
arrData [4, 1] = "Duck"
arrData [4, 2] = 17
; Hint: See moving the location of 'Dagobert Duck'.
; Display array unsorted.
strMsgText = "Array not sorted"
GoSub PointerInit
GoSub ArrayDisplay
; Do the sort on Column1 (Lastname).
strMsgText = "Array sorted on Column1 (Lastname)"
intSortCol = 1
strSortRelation = `arrData [arrPointer [intI], intSortCol] > arrData [arrPointer [intK], intSortCol]`
GoSub PointerInit
GoSub ArraySortShellMetzner
GoSub ArrayDisplay
; Do the sort on Column2 (Age).
strMsgText = "Array sorted on Column2 (Age)"
intSortCol = 2
strSortRelation = `arrData [arrPointer [intI], intSortCol] > arrData [arrPointer [intK], intSortCol]`
GoSub PointerInit
GoSub ArraySortShellMetzner
GoSub ArrayDisplay
; Do the sort on Column2 (Age) descending.
strMsgText = "Array sorted on Column2 (Age) descending"
intSortCol = 2
strSortRelation = `arrData [arrPointer [intI], intSortCol] < arrData [arrPointer [intK], intSortCol]`
GoSub PointerInit
GoSub ArraySortShellMetzner
GoSub ArrayDisplay
; Do the sort on Column1 + Column0 (Lastname + Firstname).
strMsgText = "Array sorted on Column1 + Column0 (Lastname + Firstname)"
strSortRelation = `StrCat (arrData [arrPointer [intI], 1], arrData [arrPointer [intI], 0]) > StrCat (arrData [arrPointer [intK], 1], arrData [arrPointer [intK], 0])`
GoSub PointerInit
GoSub ArraySortShellMetzner
GoSub ArrayDisplay
Return ; from GoSub Script1.

; Script1 GoSub's
; Populate array arrPointer.
intHigh = ArrInfo (arrPointer, 1) - 1
For intI = 0 To intHigh
   arrPointer [intI] = intI
Drop (intHigh, intI)
; Shell-Metzner sort algorithm.
intHigh = ArrInfo (arrData, 1) - 1
intLow = 0
intMid = (intHigh - intLow + 1) / 2
While intMid
   intTop = intHigh - intMid
   For intI = intLow To intTop
      intK = intI + intMid
      If %strSortRelation%
         arrP = arrPointer [intI]
         arrPointer [intI] = arrPointer [intK]
         arrPointer [intK] = arrP
   For intI = intTop To intLow By -1
      intK = intI + intMid
      If %strSortRelation%
         arrP = arrPointer [intI]
         arrPointer [intI] = arrPointer [intK]
         arrPointer [intK] = arrP
   intMid = intMid / 2
Drop (arrP, intHigh, intI, intK, intLow, intMid, intTop)
; Read arrData sorted by arrPointer.
intIHigh = ArrInfo (arrData, 1) - 1
intKHigh = ArrInfo (arrData, 2) - 1
strTable = ""
For intI = 0 To intIHigh
   strRow = ""
   For intK = 0 To intKHigh
      If !!VarType (arrData [arrPointer [intI], intK])
         strRow = StrCat (strRow, @TAB, arrData [arrPointer [intI], intK])
         strRow = StrCat (strRow, @TAB)
   strTable = ItemInsert (StrSub (strRow, 2, -1), -1, strTable, @LF)
AskItemlist (strMsgText, strTable, @LF, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)
Drop (intI, intHigh, intK, intKHigh, strRow, strTable)

; How to sort a 2-dim array
; Detlev Dalitz.20040326.
;   It is also possible to encapsulate the sort code into a WinBatch UDF User Defined Function,
;   and pass the data array and the sort directives by parameters into the function.
;   If the array has to be sorted only by one column, the UDF parameter interface can be rather simple:
;   '#DefineFunction udfArraySortShellMetzner (arrData, intSortCol)'
;   All other coding can be done hidden in the inner UDF.
;   The UDF returns the sorted pointer array, for further access to the data array.
;   In case the data array has no elements the UDF returns an empty pointer array.

#DefineFunction udfArraySortShellMetzner (arrData, intSortCol)
If !ArrInfo (arrData, -1) Then Return ArrDimension (0)
If !ArrInfo (arrData, 6) Then Return arrData
intDim1 = ArrInfo (arrData, 1)
If !intDim1 Then Return arrData

; Populate array arrPointer.
arrPointer = ArrDimension (intDim1)
intHigh = ArrInfo (arrPointer, 1) - 1
For intI = 0 To intHigh
   arrPointer [intI] = intI
Drop (intHigh, intI)

; Do the sort.
intHigh = intDim1 - 1
intLow = 0
intMid = (intHigh - intLow + 1) / 2
While intMid
   intTop = intHigh - intMid
   For intI = intLow To intTop
      intK = intI + intMid
      If arrData [arrPointer [intI], intSortCol] > arrData [arrPointer [intK], intSortCol]
         intP = arrPointer [intI]
         arrPointer [intI] = arrPointer [intK]
         arrPointer [intK] = intP
   For intI = intTop To intLow By -1
      intK = intI + intMid
      If arrData [arrPointer [intI], intSortCol] > arrData [arrPointer [intK], intSortCol]
         intP = arrPointer [intI]
         arrPointer [intI] = arrPointer [intK]
         arrPointer [intK] = intP
   intMid = intMid / 2
Drop (intP, intHigh, intI, intK, intLow, intMid, intTop)

Return arrPointer

#DefineFunction udfArrDisplay (intULx, intULy, intLRx, intLRy, strMsgText, arrData, arrPointer)
; Read arrData sorted by arrPointer.
strTable = "[no displayable data]"
intDims = ArrInfo (arrData, 0)
intDim1 = ArrInfo (arrData, 1)
If (intDims == 2) && (intDim1 > 0)
   intIHigh = intDim1 - 1
   intKHigh = ArrInfo (arrData, 2) - 1
   strTable = ""
   For intI = 0 To intIHigh
      strRow = ""
      For intK = 0 To intKHigh
         If !!VarType (arrData [arrPointer [intI], intK])
            strRow = StrCat (strRow, @TAB, arrData [arrPointer [intI], intK])
            strRow = StrCat (strRow, @TAB)
      strTable = ItemInsert (StrSub (strRow, 2, -1), -1, strTable, @LF)
IntControl (63, intULx, intULy, intLRx, intLRy) ; Sets coordinates for AskFileText, AskItemList and AskTextBox windows.
intLastIC28 = IntControl (28, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; Selects system font used in list boxes. p1=1=fixed pitch font. p1=0=proportional font (default)
AskItemlist (strMsgText, strTable, @LF, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)
IntControl (28, intLastIC28, 0, 0, 0)

; Define array.
intMaxRows = 5
intMaxCols = 3
arrData = ArrDimension (intMaxRows, intMaxCols)
; Populate array arrData.
arrData [0, 0] = "Micky"
arrData [0, 1] = "Mouse"
arrData [0, 2] = 33
arrData [1, 0] = "Dagobert"
arrData [1, 1] = "Duck"
arrData [1, 2] = 66
arrData [2, 0] = "Carlo"
arrData [2, 1] = "Cat"
arrData [2, 2] = 22
arrData [3, 0] = "Lupo"
arrData [3, 1] = "Dog"
arrData [3, 2] = 11
arrData [4, 0] = "Daisy"
arrData [4, 1] = "Duck"
arrData [4, 2] = 17
; Call the sort UDF.

intSortCol = 0
arrPointer0 = udfArraySortShellMetzner (arrData, intSortCol)

intSortCol = 2
arrPointer2 = udfArraySortShellMetzner (arrData, intSortCol)

; Display data array using the sorted pointer array.

udfArrDisplay (300, 300, 700, 700, "Script2: Array sorted on Column2 (Age)", arrData, arrPointer2)

udfArrDisplay (300, 300, 700, 700, "Script2: Array sorted on Column0 (Firstname)", arrData, arrPointer0)
Return ; from GoSub Script2.