How to use Box functions to display running status report?
; How to use WinBatch Box functions to display running status report?
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20120719.

DirChange (DirScript ())

hdlWinID = WinIdGet ("")
WinPlace (300, 300, 700, 600, hdlWinID)

strBoxTitle = "WinBatch Box"
strBoxColorNormal = "248,248,248"
strBoxColorWarning = "255,235,235"
strBoxTextColor = "0,0,0"

BoxOpen (strBoxTitle, "")
BoxColor (1, strBoxColorNormal, 0)
BoxTextColor (1, strBoxTextColor)
BoxDataTag (1, "1") ; Create a tag entry in a WinBatch box command stack.

intLoopMax = 2222
intCounter = 0
strDTStart = TimeYmdHms ()

For intLoop = 1 To intLoopMax

   ; For example ... do your work here.
   TimeDelay (0.02)

   If 0 == intLoop mod 10 ; For this example, display message only once per each 10th item.

      intCounter = intCounter + 1 ; For this example, set some other counter.

      strBoxText = "Box Test"
      strBoxText = strBoxText : @LF : @LF : "Loop = " : intLoop
      strBoxText = strBoxText : @LF : "Counter = " : intCounter

      BoxTitle (strBoxTitle : " - Status = " : Int (100.0 * intLoop / intLoopMax) : "%%") ; BoxTitle can be set dynamically too.

      If WinState (hdlWinID) != @ICON ; Do not display box when window minimized.

         If 0 == intCounter mod (1 + Random (111)) ; For this example, display warning message randomly.

            BoxTitle (strBoxTitle : " - Counter = " : intCounter : "  *** Warning ***")
            BoxColor (1, strBoxColorWarning, 0)
            BoxText (strBoxText)
            TimeDelay (2)
            BoxColor (1, strBoxColorNormal, 0)
            BoxText (strBoxText) ; This BoxText after setting BoxColor is needed because otherwise possible bug shows wash color.

         Else ; Display normal status.

            BoxText (strBoxText)


         BoxDataClear (1, "1") ; Removes commands from a WinBatch box command stack.

; Status at end of loop.
strBoxText = "Box Test"
strBoxText = strBoxText : @LF : @LF : "Loop = " : intLoopMax
strBoxText = strBoxText : @LF : "Counter = " : intCounter

; Prepare ready message.
strDTStop = TimeYmdHms ()
strBoxText = strBoxText : @LF : @LF : "Start = " : strDTStart
strBoxText = strBoxText : @LF : "Stop = " : strDTStop
strBoxText = strBoxText : @LF : @LF : "Ready."

; Get window on top.
WinShow (hdlWinID) ; Shows a window in its "normal" state.
WindowOnTop (hdlWinID, 1) ; Keep window on top.

; Display ready message.
BoxTitle (strBoxTitle : " - Completed")
BoxColor (1, strBoxColorNormal, 0) ; For sure because of possible washcolor bug.
BoxText (strBoxText)
BoxButtonDraw (1, 1, "&OK", "50,780,950,950")
While !BoxButtonStat (1, 1)
   TimeDelay (0.2)
BoxButtonKill (1, 1)
BoxShut ()
