; TidyCom.wbt   Version 1.01  2012-07-02
;   Changes in version 1.01:
;   - Replaced all functions StrCat() by the colon string connector ":".
;   - Changed variable names to get more systematical use of names.
;   - Changed the register/unregister method from the usage of the external system tool "regsvr32.exe"
;     to the usage of the "DllRegisterServer/DllUnRegisterServer" calls, provided by the COM module itself.
;   - Some cosmetical changes.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20020601.20120702.
; History
;   TIDYCOM.WBT   Version 1.00  2002-06-01
;   This WinBatch script is a wrapper for André Blavier's "TidyCOM.dll".
;   It is just my first throw on it to check out what the wonderful little tidy dll can do for me.
;   TIDYCOM.WBT would be nicer to handle if there could be a dialog on screen to check the various options on the fly,
;   so next update is on the line ... maybe later in this cinema ...
;   TidyCOM is a Windows COM component wrapping Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy,
;   a free utility application from the World Wide Web Consortium, that helps you clean up your web pages.
;   Get the "TidyCOM.dll" for Windows from André Blavier's Homepage (download TidyCOM.zip)
;   Go to the "HTML Tidy Library Project" at sourceforge.net
;   For more information go to:
;   - http://perso.wanadoo.fr/ablavier/TidyCOM/
;   - http://tidy.sourceforge.net/
;   - and study this document.
;   Use on your own risk.

DirChange (DirScript ())
strFolderStart = DirGet ()
intReturnCode = 1

If IsDefined (param1) Then strFileSource = param1
; If there is no filename available from param1, then ...
If !IsDefined (strFileSource)
   AFN_title = "TidyCom  - choose a filename -"
   AFN_directory = "." ; Choose your own startfolder here.
   AFN_filetypes = "HTML Files|*.htm;*.html|XML Files|*.xml;*.xls|Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*"
   AFN_filename = "*.htm*"
   AFN_flag = 1
   strFileSource = AskFilename (AFN_title, AFN_directory, AFN_filetypes, AFN_filename, AFN_flag)
DropWild ("AFN*")

strFileSourceRoot = FileRoot (strFileSource)
strFolderSource = FilePath (strFileSource)
strFileTarget = strFolderSource : strFileSourceRoot : ".Tidy.htm"
strFileError = strFolderSource : strFileSourceRoot : ".Tidy.Error.txt"
DirChange (strFolderSource)

strFileTidyConfig = "Tidy.Config.txt"
strFileBrowserExe = "iexplore.exe"
strFileTxtEditExe = "notepad.exe"
strFileHtmEditExe = "WinBatch Studio.exe" ; "HTMLKit.exe" or anything else.

strFileTidyComDll = Environment ("ProgramFiles") : "\TIDY\TidyCOM.dll" ; Location of TidyCOM.dll.
; Current version (1.2.6, 27 June 2001) is based on the 4th August 2000 version of HTML Tidy.

intResult = DllCall (strFileTidyComDll, long : "DllRegisterServer")
; strFileRegSvrExe = FileLocate ("regsvr32.exe")
; Run (strFileRegSvrExe, "/s " : strFileTidyComDll) ; Silent install and register TidyCOM.dll.


objTidy = ObjectOpen ("TidyCOM.TidyObject.1")
objTidyOpt = objTidy.Options

;---- Operation Options ----------------------;

objTidyOpt.Reset                              ; Reset options to default settings.

objTidyOpt.ErrorFile = strFileError

; intOptClean = objTidyOpt.Clean
; intOptWord2000 = objTidyOpt.Word2000
; intOptTidyMark = objTidyOpt.TidyMark
; intOptDocType = objTidyOpt.DocType

; objTidyOpt.Load(strFileTidyConfig)          ; Load option settings from config file.

; intOptClean = objTidyOpt.Clean
; intOptWord2000 = objTidyOpt.Word2000
; intOptTidyMark = objTidyOpt.TidyMark
; strOptDocType = objTidyOpt.DocType

objTidyOpt.Markup = @TRUE                     ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.Markup = @FALSE                   ; boolean

;objTidyOpt.Quiet = @TRUE                     ; boolean
objTidyOpt.Quiet = @FALSE                     ; boolean default=@FALSE

objTidyOpt.ShowWarnings = @TRUE               ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.ShowWarnings = @FALSE             ; boolean

objTidyOpt.KeepTime = @TRUE                   ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.KeepTime = @FALSE                 ; boolean

;objTidyOpt.Split = @TRUE                     ; boolean
objTidyOpt.Split = @FALSE                     ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.GnuEmacs = @TRUE                  ; boolean
objTidyOpt.GnuEmacs = @FALSE                  ; boolean default=@FALSE

;---- Markup Options -------------------------;

objTidyOpt.Doctype = "auto"                   ; string default=auto
;objTidyOpt.Doctype = "omit"                  ; string
;objTidyOpt.Doctype = "strict"                ; string
;objTidyOpt.Doctype = "loose"                 ; string
;objTidyOpt.Doctype = "transitional"          ; string
;objTidyOpt.Doctype = "formal public identifier (FPI)" ; user specified string ; For example: "-//ACME//DTD HTML 3.14159//EN" ; does this work ???

;objTidyOpt.TidyMark = @TRUE                  ; boolean default=@TRUE
objTidyOpt.TidyMark = @FALSE                  ; boolean

;objTidyOpt.HideEndtags = @TRUE               ; boolean
objTidyOpt.HideEndtags = @FALSE               ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.EncloseText = @TRUE               ; boolean
objTidyOpt.EncloseText = @FALSE               ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.EncloseBlockText = @TRUE          ; boolean
objTidyOpt.EncloseBlockText = @FALSE          ; boolean default=@FALSE

objTidyOpt.NewEmptyTags = ""                  ; string of tagnames ; default=""
objTidyOpt.NewInlineTags = ""                 ; string of tagnames ; default=""
objTidyOpt.NewBlocklevelTags = ""             ; string of tagnames ; default=""
objTidyOpt.NewPreTags = ""                    ; string of tagnames ; default=""

;---- Cleanup Options ------------------------;

;objTidyOpt.Clean = @TRUE                     ; boolean
objTidyOpt.Clean = @FALSE                     ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.DropFontTags = @TRUE              ; boolean
objTidyOpt.DropFontTags = @FALSE              ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.LogicalEmphasis = @TRUE           ; boolean
objTidyOpt.LogicalEmphasis = @FALSE           ; boolean default=@FALSE

objTidyOpt.DropEmptyParas = @TRUE             ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.DropEmptyParas = @FALSE           ; boolean

;objTidyOpt.Word2000 = @TRUE                  ; boolean
objTidyOpt.Word2000 = @FALSE                  ; boolean default=@FALSE

objTidyOpt.FixBackslash = @TRUE               ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.FixBackslash = @FALSE             ; boolean

objTidyOpt.FixBadComments = @TRUE             ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.FixBadComments = @FALSE           ; boolean

objTidyOpt.AltText = ""                       ; string -none-=default

;---- XML Options ----------------------------;

; objTidyOpt.InputXml = @TRUE                 ; boolean
objTidyOpt.InputXml = @FALSE                  ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.OutputXml = @TRUE                 ; boolean
objTidyOpt.OutputXml = @FALSE                 ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.OutputXhtml = @TRUE               ; boolean
objTidyOpt.OutputXhtml = @FALSE               ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.AddXmlDecl = @TRUE                ; boolean
objTidyOpt.AddXmlDecl = @FALSE                ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.AssumeXmlProcins = @TRUE          ; boolean
objTidyOpt.AssumeXmlProcins = @FALSE          ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.AddXmlSpace = @TRUE               ; boolean
objTidyOpt.AddXmlSpace = @FALSE               ; boolean default=@FALSE

;---- Encoding Options -----------------------;

;objTidyOpt.CharEncoding = 0                  ; CharEncoding raw=0
;objTidyOpt.CharEncoding = 1                  ; CharEncoding ascii=1
;objTidyOpt.CharEncoding = 2                  ; CharEncoding latin1=2
objTidyOpt.CharEncoding = 3                   ; CharEncoding utf8=3
;objTidyOpt.CharEncoding = 4                  ; CharEncoding so2022=4
;objTidyOpt.CharEncoding = 5                  ; CharEncoding mac=5
;objTidyOpt.CharEncoding = 6                  ; CharEncoding win1252=6

;objTidyOpt.NumericEntities = @TRUE           ; boolean
objTidyOpt.NumericEntities = @FALSE           ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.QuoteMarks = @TRUE                ; boolean
objTidyOpt.QuoteMarks = @FALSE                ; boolean default=@FALSE

objTidyOpt.QuoteNbsp = @TRUE                  ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.QuoteNbsp = @FALSE                ; boolean

objTidyOpt.QuoteAmpersand = @TRUE             ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.QuoteAmpersand = @FALSE           ; boolean

;---- Layout Options -------------------------;

objTidyOpt.Indent = 0                         ; IndentScheme NoIndent=0
;objTidyOpt.Indent = 1                        ; IndentScheme IndentBlocks=1
;objTidyOpt.Indent = 2                        ; IndentScheme AutoIndent=2

objTidyOpt.IndentSpaces = 2                   ; integer

objTidyOpt.Wrap = 0                           ; integer default=68 NoWrap=0

objTidyOpt.TabSize = 3                        ; integer

;objTidyOpt.IndentAttributes = @TRUE          ; boolean
objTidyOpt.IndentAttributes = @FALSE          ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.WrapAttributes = @TRUE            ; boolean
objTidyOpt.WrapAttributes = @FALSE            ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.WrapScriptLiterals = @TRUE        ; boolean
objTidyOpt.WrapScriptLiterals = @FALSE        ; boolean default=@FALSE

objTidyOpt.WrapAsp = @TRUE                    ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.WrapAsp = @FALSE                  ; boolean

objTidyOpt.WrapJste = @TRUE                   ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.WrapJste = @FALSE                 ; boolean

objTidyOpt.WrapPhp = @TRUE                    ; boolean default=@TRUE
;objTidyOpt.WrapPhp = @FALSE                  ; boolean

;objTidyOpt.BreakBeforeBr = @TRUE             ; boolean
objTidyOpt.BreakBeforeBr = @FALSE             ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.UppercaseTags = @TRUE             ; boolean
objTidyOpt.UppercaseTags = @FALSE             ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.UppercaseAttributes = @TRUE       ; boolean
objTidyOpt.UppercaseAttributes = @FALSE       ; boolean default=@FALSE

;objTidyOpt.LiteralAttributes = @TRUE         ; boolean
objTidyOpt.LiteralAttributes = @FALSE         ; boolean default=@FALSE


; Testcase 1.
; File to File converting.
objTidy.TidyToFile(strFileSource, strFileTarget) ; File to File converting.

; Testcase 2.
; File to Mem converting.
;   strTemp = objTidy.TidyToMem(strFileSource); File to Mem converting.
;   hdlFW = FileOpen (strFileTarget, "WRITE")
;   FileWrite (hdlFW, strTemp)
;   FileClose (hdlFW)
;   Drop (hdlFW, strTemp)

; Testcase 3.
; Mem to Mem converting.
;   intBBSize = FileSize (strFileSource)
;   hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBSize)
;   BinaryRead (hdlBB, strFileSource)
;   strTemp = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, 0, intBBSize)
;   BinaryFree (hdlBB)
;   strTemp = objTidy.TidyMemToMem(strTemp) ; Mem to Mem converting.
;   intBBSize = StrLen (strTemp)
;   hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBSize)
;   BinaryPokeStr (hdlBB, 0, strTemp)
;   BinaryWrite (hdlBB, strFileTarget)
;   BinaryFree (hdlBB)
;   Drop (hdlBB, strTemp, intBBSize)


intTotalWarnings = objTidy.TotalWarnings
intTotalErrors = objTidy.TotalErrors

strListStatus = ""
strListStatus = ItemInsert ("TotalErrors" : @TAB : intTotalErrors, -1, strListStatus, @CR)
strListStatus = ItemInsert ("TotalWarnings" : @TAB : intTotalWarnings, -1, strListStatus, @CR)
AskItemlist ("TIDY Status", strListStatus, @CR, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)

If intTotalErrors
   intTotalErrors = intTotalErrors - 1 ; Zero based.
   strListTotalErrors = ""
   For intI = 0 To intTotalErrors
      strListTotalErrors = ItemInsert (TidyObj.Error(intI), -1, strListTotalErrors, @TAB)
   IntControl (63, 100, 100, 900, 900)
   AskItemlist ("TIDY Errors", StrReplace (strListTotalErrors, @CRLF, @TAB), @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)

If intTotalWarnings
   intTotalWarnings = intTotalWarnings - 1 ; Zero based.
   strListTotalWarnings = ""
   For intI = 0 To intTotalWarnings
      strListTotalWarnings = ItemInsert (objTidy.Warning(intI), -1, strListTotalWarnings, @TAB)
   IntControl (63, 100, 100, 900, 900)
   AskItemlist ("TIDY Warnings", StrReplace (strListTotalWarnings, @CRLF, @TAB), @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)

IntControl (63, 100, 100, 900, 900)
AskItemlist ("TIDY Comments", StrReplace (objTidy.Comments, @CRLF, @TAB), @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)

If FileExist (strFileTarget)
   Run (strFileBrowserExe, strFileTarget)
   TimeDelay (2)
   Run (strFileHtmEditExe, strFileTarget)

If FileExist (strFileError)
   RunWait (strFileTxtEditExe, strFileError)
   FileDelete (strFileError)

intReturnCode = 0

If IsDefined (objTidy)
   DropWild ("objTidy*")
   intResult = DllCall (strFileTidyComDll, long : "DllUnregisterServer")
   ; Run (strFileRegSvrExe, "/u /s " : strFileTidyComDll) ; Silent uninstall TidyCOM.dll.
DirChange (strFolderStart)

If IntControl (77, 80, 0, 0, 0) > 0 Then Return intReturnCode


; Example tidy configuration file for use with the objTidyOpt.Load function.
; Note: Only few options from the Tidy.exe file are implemented into TidyCom.dll.
; clean: yes
; bare: yes
; input-encoding: utf8
; output-encoding: utf8
; word-2000: yes
; tidy-mark: no
; DocType: strict
; output-html: yes
; show-body-only: yes

; Usage: regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] dllname
; /u - Unregister server
; /s - Silent; display no message boxes
; /c - Console output
; /i - Call DllInstall passing it an optional [cmdline]; when used with /u calls dll uninstall
; /n - do not call DllRegisterServer; this option must be used with /i~`)

; TidyCOM
; A COM Wrapper for HTML Tidy
; Author: André Blavier
; Current version (1.2.6, 27 June 2001) is based on the 4th August 2000 version of HTML Tidy.
;; Operation Options
;Markup ; boolean
;Quiet ; boolean
;ShowWarnings ; boolean
;Split ; boolean
;KeepTime ; boolean
;ErrorFile ; string
;GnuEmacs ; boolean
;; Markup Options
;Doctype ; string
;TidyMark ; boolean
;HideEndtags ; boolean
;EncloseText ; boolean
;EncloseBlockText ; boolean
;NewEmptyTags ; string
;NewInlineTags ; string
;NewBlocklevelTags ; string
;NewPreTags ; string
;; Cleanup Options
;Clean ; boolean
;DropFontTags ; boolean
;LogicalEmphasis ; boolean
;DropEmptyParas ; boolean
;Word2000 ; boolean
;FixBadComments ; boolean
;FixBackslash ; boolean
;AltText ; string
;; XML Options
;InputXml ; boolean
;OutputXml ; boolean
;OutputXhtml ; boolean
;AddXmlDecl ; boolean
;AssumeXmlProcins ; boolean
;AddXmlSpace ; boolean
;; Encoding Options
;CharEncoding ; CharEncoding
;; CharEncoding: an enumerated type with the following possible values:
;; raw (0)
;; ascii (1)
;; latin1 (2)
;; utf8 (3)
;; iso2022 (4)
;; macroman (5)
;NumericEntities ; boolean
;QuoteMarks ; boolean
;QuoteNbsp ; boolean
;QuoteAmpersand ; boolean
;; Layout Options
;Indent ; IndentScheme
;; IndentScheme: an enumerated type with the following possible values:
;; NoIndent (0)
;; IndentBlocks (1)
;; AutoIndent (2)
;IndentSpaces ; integer
;Wrap ; integer
;TabSize ; integer
;IndentAttributes ; boolean
;WrapAttributes ; boolean
;WrapScriptLiterals ; boolean
;WrapAsp ; boolean
;WrapJste ; boolean
;WrapPhp ; boolean
;BreakBeforeBr ; boolean
;UppercaseTags ; boolean
;UppercaseAttributes ; boolean
;LiteralAttributes ; boolean

; Warning
; TidyCOM's code is not re-entrant--no more than 1 instance of TidyObject should be alive at the same time in the same process.
; The ITidyObject Interface
; TidyToMem(sourceFile) - invokes Tidy on sourceFile. Returns tidied file content as a string.
; TidyToFile(sourceFile, destFile) - invokes Tidy on sourceFile and writes tidied content in destFile
; (sourceFile can be the same file name as destFile).
; TidyMemToMem(sourceString) - invokes Tidy with sourceString. Returns tidied string content as a string. (Actually uses a temporary file.)
; Options (read-only property) - yields access to the TidyOptions class.
; TotalWarnings (read-only integer property) - number of warning messages from Tidy.
; Warning(i) (read-only string property) - ith warning message from Tidy (0-based).
; TotalErrors (read-only integer property) - number of error messages from Tidy.
; Error(i) (read-only string property) - ith error message from Tidy (0-based).
; Comments (read-only string property) - comments generated by Tidy.
; The ITidyOptions Interface
; Load(configFile) - load option settings from configFile
; Reset() - reset options to default settings
; Furthermore, there is a read-write property for each option that can be used in configuration files
; (only write-back is missing - you can achieve its effect with TidyToFile(sourceFile, sourceFile)).
; See the complete list of option properties.

; Option properties
; add-xml-decl
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should add the XML declaration when outputting XML or XHTML.
; Note that if the input already includes an <?xml ... ?> declaration then this option will be ignored.
; add-xml-pi
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option is the same as the add-xml-decl option.
; add-xml-space
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should add xml:space="preserve" to elements such as PRE, STYLE and SCRIPT when generating XML.
; This is needed if the whitespace in such elements is to be parsed appropriately without having access to the DTD.
; alt-text
; Type: String
; Default: -none-
; This option specifies the default "alt=" text Tidy uses for IMG attributes.
; This feature is dangerous as it suppresses further accessibility warnings.
; You are responsible for making your documents accessible to people who can not see the images!
; break-before-br
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output a line break before each <BR> element.
; char-encoding
; Type: Encoding
; Default: ascii
; Example: ascii, latin1, raw, utf8, iso2022, mac, win1252 input-encoding
; output-encoding
; This option specifies the character encoding Tidy uses for both the input and output.
; For ascii, Tidy will accept Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) character values, but will use entities for all characters
; whose value > 127. For raw, Tidy will output values above 127 without translating them into entities.
; For latin1, characters above 255 will be written as entities.
; For utf8, Tidy assumes that both input and output is encoded as UTF-8.
; You can use iso2022 for files encoded using the ISO-2022 family of encodings e.g. ISO-2022-JP.
; For mac and win1252, Tidy will accept vendor specific character values, but will use entities for all characters whose value > 127.
; clean
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should strip out surplus presentational tags and attributes replacing them
; by style rules and structural markup as appropriate. It works well on the HTML saved by Microsoft Office products.
; doctype
; Type: DocType
; Default: auto
; Example: auto, omit, strict, loose, transitional, user specified fpi (string)
; This option specifies the DOCTYPE declaration generated by Tidy.
; If set to "omit" the output won't contain a DOCTYPE declaration.
; If set to "auto" (the default) Tidy will use an educated guess based upon the contents of the document.
; If set to "strict", Tidy will set the DOCTYPE to the strict DTD.
; If set to "loose", the DOCTYPE is set to the loose (transitional) DTD.
; Alternatively, you can supply a string for the formal public identifier (FPI).
; For example: doctype: "-//ACME//DTD HTML 3.14159//EN"
; If you specify the FPI for an XHTML document, Tidy will set the system identifier to the empty string.
; Tidy leaves the DOCTYPE for generic XML documents unchanged.
; drop-empty-paras
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should discard empty paragraphs.
; If set to no, empty paragraphs are replaced by a pair of BR elements as HTML4 precludes empty paragraphs.
; drop-font-tags
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should discard FONT and CENTER tags rather than creating the corresponding style rules,
; but only if the clean option is also set to yes.
; enclose-block-text
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should insert a <P> element to enclose any text it finds in any element
; that allows mixed content for HTML transitional but not HTML strict.
; enclose-text
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should enclose any text it finds in the body element within a <P> element.
; This is useful when you want to take existing HTML and use it with a style sheet.
; fix-backslash
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should replace backslash characters "\" in URLs by forward slashes "/".
; fix-bad-comments
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should replace unexpected hyphens with "=" characters when it comes across adjacent hyphens.
; The default is yes. This option is provided for users of Cold Fusion which uses the comment syntax: <!--- --->
; gnu-emacs
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should change the format for reporting errors and warnings
; to a format that is more easily parsed by GNU Emacs.
; hide-endtags
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should omit optional end-tags when generating the pretty printed markup.
; This option is ignored if you are outputting to XML.
; indent
; Type: AutoBool
; Default: no
; Example: auto, y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0 indent-spaces
; This option specifies if Tidy should indent block-level tags.
; If set to "auto", this option causes Tidy to decide whether or not to indent the content of tags
; such as TITLE, H1-H6, LI, TD, TD, or P depending on whether or not the content includes a block-level element.
; You are advised to avoid setting indent to yes as this can expose layout bugs in some browsers.
; indent-attributes
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should begin each attribute on a new line.
; indent-spaces
; Type: Integer
; Default: 2
; Example: 0, 1, 2, ... indent
; This option specifies the number of spaces Tidy uses to indent content, when indentation is enabled.
; input-xml
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should use the XML parser rather than the error correcting HTML parser.
; keep-time
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should alter the last modified time for files it writes back to.
; The default is no, which allows you to tidy files without affecting which ones will be uploaded
; to a Web server when using a tool such as 'SiteCopy'. Note that this feature may not work on some platforms.
; literal-attributes
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should ensure that whitespace characters within attribute values are passed through unchanged.
; logical-emphasis
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should replace any occurrence of I by EM and any occurrence of B by STRONG.
; In both cases, the attributes are preserved unchanged. This option can be set independently of the clean and drop-font-tags options.
; markup
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should generate a pretty printed version of the markup.
; Note that Tidy won't generate a pretty printed version if it finds significant errors (see force-output).
; new-blocklevel-tags
; Type: Tag names
; Default: -none-
; Example: tagX, tagY, ...
; This option specifies new block-level tags. This option takes a space or comma separated list of tag names.
; Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.
; Note you can't change the content model for elements such as TABLE, UL, OL and DL.
; new-empty-tags
; Type: Tag names
; Default: -none-
; Example: tagX, tagY, ... new-blocklevel-tags
; new-inline-tags
; This option specifies new empty inline tags. This option takes a space or comma separated list of tag names.
; Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.
; Remember to also declare empty tags as either inline or blocklevel.
; new-inline-tags
; Type: Tag names
; Default: -none-
; Example: tagX, tagY, ...
; This option specifies new non-empty inline tags. This option takes a space or comma separated list of tag names.
; Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.
; new-pre-tags
; Type: Tag names
; Default: -none-
; Example: tagX, tagY, ...
; This option specifies new tags that are to be processed in exactly the same way as HTML's PRE element.
; This option takes a space or comma separated list of tag names.
; Unless you declare new tags, Tidy will refuse to generate a tidied file if the input includes previously unknown tags.
; Note you can not as yet add new CDATA elements (similar to SCRIPT).
; numeric-entities
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output entities other than the built-in HTML entities
; (&amp;, &lt;, &gt; and &quot;) in the numeric rather than the named entity form
; output-xhtml
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should generate pretty printed output, writing it as extensible HTML.
; This option causes Tidy to set the DOCTYPE and default namespace as appropriate to XHTML.
; If a DOCTYPE or namespace is given they will checked for consistency with the content of the document.
; In the case of an inconsistency, the corrected values will appear in the output.
; For XHTML, entities can be written as named or numeric entities according to the setting of the "numeric-entities" option.
; The original case of tags and attributes will be preserved, regardless of other options.
; output-xml
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should pretty print output, writing it as well-formed XML.
; Any entities not defined in XML 1.0 will be written as numeric entities to allow them to be parsed by a XML parser.
; The original case of tags and attributes will be preserved, regardless of other options.
; quiet
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output the summary of the numbers of errors and warnings,
; or the welcome or informational messages.
; quote-ampersand
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output unadorned & characters as &amp;.
; quote-marks
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output " characters as &quot; as is preferred by some editing environments.
; The apostrophe character ' is written out as &#39; since many web browsers don't yet support &apos;
; quote-nbsp
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output non-breaking space characters as entities,
; rather than as the Unicode character value 160 (decimal).
; show-warnings
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should suppress warnings. This can be useful when a few errors are hidden in a flurry of warnings.
; split
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should create a sequence of slides from the input,
; splitting the markup prior to each successive H2. The slides are written to "slide001.html", "slide002.html" etc.
; tidy-mark
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should add a meta element to the document head to indicate that the document has been tidied.
; Tidy won't add a meta element if one is already present.
; tab-size
; Type: Integer
; Default: 4
; Example: 0, 1, 2, ...
; This option specifies the number of columns that Tidy uses between successive tab stops.
; It is used to map tabs to spaces when reading the input. Tidy never outputs tabs.
; uppercase-tags
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output tag names in upper case.
; The default is no, which results in lower case tag names, except for XML input, where the original case is preserved.
; uppercase-attributes
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should output attribute names in upper case.
; The default is no, which results in lower case attribute names, except for XML input, where the original case is preserved.
; word-2000
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should go to great pains to strip out all the surplus stuff
; Microsoft Word 2000 inserts when you save Word documents as "Web pages". Doesn't handle embedded images or VML.
; wrap
; Type: Integer
; Default: 68
; Example: 0 (no wrapping), 1, 2, ...
; This option specifies the right margin Tidy uses for line wrapping.
; Tidy tries to wrap lines so that they do not exceed this length. Set wrap to zero if you want to disable line wrapping.
; wrap-attributes
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0 wrap-script-literals
; This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap attribute values, for easier editing.
; This option can be set independently of wrap-script-literals.
; wrap-asp
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap text contained within ASP pseudo elements, which look like: <% ... %>.
; wrap-jst
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap text contained within JSTE pseudo elements, which look like: <# ... #>.
; wrap-php
; Type: Boolean
; Default: yes
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
; This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap text contained within PHP pseudo elements, which look like: <?php ... ?>.
; wrap-script-literals
; Type: Boolean
; Default: no
; Example: y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0 wrap-attributes
; This option specifies if Tidy should line wrap string literals that appear in script attributes.
; Tidy wraps long script string literals by inserting a backslash character before the line break