#DefineFunction udfWinCenter (strWindowTitle)
arrCoord = Arrayize (WinPlaceGet (@NORMAL, strWindowTitle), " ")
Return WinPlace ((1000 - arrCoord[2] + arrCoord[0]) / 2, (1000 - arrCoord[3] + arrCoord[1]) / 2, @NORESIZE, @NORESIZE, strWindowTitle)
; This UDF "udfWinCenter" will center a window on the screen without resizing it.
; Window coordinates: "ulx uly lrx lry".
; arrCoord[0] ... ulx ... upper left x.
; arrCoord[1] ... uly ... upper left y.
; arrCoord[2] ... lrx ... lower right x.
; arrCoord[3] ... lry ... lower right y.
; Return value:
; @TRUE .... If a window was found to move.
; @FALSE ... If no window were found.
; Detlev Dalitz.20120423.

; Test.

; We use a notepad window to demonstrate how it works.
hdlPID = RunShell ("notepad.exe", "", "", @NORMAL, @GETPROCID)
While WinItemProcId (hdlPID, 0, 0) == ""
   TimeDelay (1)
hdlWinId = ItemExtract (1, WinItemProcId (hdlPID, 2, 0), @TAB)

SendKeysTo (hdlWinId, "Test for automatically centering a window without changing the size.")
TimeDelay (2)

WinPlace (800, 50, @NORESIZE, @NORESIZE, hdlWinId) ; Set the window right out of the screen.
SendKeysTo (hdlWinId, @CRLF : "Window is moved out of screen.")
TimeDelay (2)

blnResult = udfWinCenter (hdlWinId) ; Get the window back into the middle of the screen.
SendKeysTo (hdlWinId, @CRLF : "Window is centered.")
TimeDelay (2)

SendKeysTo (hdlWinId, @CRLF : "Window will be closed automatically.")
TimeDelay (1)

SendKeysTo (hdlWinId, "^a{DEL}")
WinClose (hdlWinId)