arr udfArrayRandom (int, int, int, int)
#DefineFunction udfArrayRandom (intLower, intUpper, intRequests, intDebugMode)
; At first try to use the already registered component by ObjectCreate ...
strProgId = "RvdW.Random.wsc"
intEMLast = ErrorMode (@OFF)
LastError ()
objRnd = ObjectCreate (strProgId)
intLastError = LastError ()
ErrorMode (intEMLast)
Drop (intEMLast)
If intLastError > 0 ; ... then try alternative method, use the unregistered wsc script by ObjectGet.
   strFileWsc = FileLocate (strProgId) ; In this case Filename must be same as ProgId.
   If "" == strFileWsc Then ErrorEvent (-1, 7001, "udfArrayRandom: COM/OLE component wsc file not located: " : strProgId)
   If 1 != FileExist (strFileWsc) Then ErrorEvent (-1, 7002, "udfArrayRandom: COM/OLE component wsc file not accessible: " : strFileWsc)
   objRnd = ObjectGet ("script:" : strFileWsc)
   If !1024 & VarType (objRnd) Then ErrorEvent (-1, 7003, "udfArrayRandom: COM/OLE component not registered: " : strProgId)

; Use the COM object.
; Note: When setting intRequest less than 1, the COM object's Query method at section "Check for ANY error" will be aborted.
objRnd.LowerLimit = intLower ; Can be negative.
objRnd.UpperLimit = intUpper
objRnd.NumRequests = Max (1, intRequests)
blnQueryResult = objRnd.Query

Switch intDebugMode
Case 0
Case 1
   strMsgTitle = "udfArrayRandom: Debug Info"
   strMsgText = objRnd.ProgId : ", version " : objRnd.Version
   strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : "Lower limit = " : objRnd.LowerLimit : @LF : "Upper limit = " : objRnd.UpperLimit : @LF : "NumRequests = " : objRnd.NumRequests
   strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : objRnd.Debug
   Pause (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
Case 2
   If !blnQueryResult
      strTimeYmdHms = TimeYmdHms ()
      strFile_WWWBATCH_INI = ShortCutDir ("AppData") : "\WinBatch\Settings\WWWBATCH.INI"
      IniWritePvt (strTimeYmdHms, "CurrentScript", IntControl (1004, 0, 0, 0, 0), strFile_WWWBATCH_INI)
      IniWritePvt (strTimeYmdHms, "DebugInfo", objRnd.Debug, strFile_WWWBATCH_INI)
      ErrorEvent (-1, 7004, "udfArrayRandom: An error occurred, check Debug Info: " : strFile_WWWBATCH_INI)
Case 0

arrResult = objRnd.Result ; Create WB array (VT_ARRAY|VARIANT) from the COM's VB array.
objRnd = 0 ; Close COM object.
If arrResult[0] == "N/A" Then arrResult = ArrDimension (0) ; On error return dim-0 array.
Return arrResult
; This UDF "udfArrayRandom" returns a dim-1 array filled with true random integer numbers.
; This UDF needs a proper installed COM object resp. a WSC script component accessible on the path.
; The main work is done within the COM object, written in the script language VBScript.
; The script component "RvdW.Random.wsc" calls the internet server "http://www.random.org/" to retrieve true random integers.
; Parameter:
; intLower ....... Lower limit of the integer to be returned.
; intUpper ....... Upper limit of the integer to be returned.
; intRequests .... Number of integers to be returned.
; intDebugMode ... 0 = Do not display debug report.
;                  1 = Always display debug report.
;                  2 = In case of query error write debug report to WIL's global log file WWWBATCH.INI.
; Return vakue:
; A dim-1 array. In case of error a dim-0 array with zero elements will be returned.
; This UDF is a functional test for Rob van der Woude's RANDOM.WSC component. Current Version 1.01 by DD.20120108.
; http://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_internet_random_comp.php
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20120108.

; Test.

DirChange (DirScript ())

arrResult = udfArrayRandom (1, 6, 3, 0)        ; No debug info displayed, just return the array.
;arrResult = udfArrayRandom (1, 6, 3, 1)       ; Always display debug info .
;arrResult = udfArrayRandom (1, 3, 3, 2)       ; In case of error write Debug info to file WWWBATCH.INI file and throw minor error.

;arrResult = udfArrayRandom (1, 6, -1, 1)      ; Bad parameter intRequest, should return an array with one element.
;arrResult = udfArrayRandom (-10, +10, 100, 0) ; Return an array with 100 elements.

intRequests = ArrInfo (arrResult, 1)
strMsgTitle = "udfArrayRandom|Values=" : intRequests
intSum = 0
For intI = 1 To intRequests
   intSum = intSum + arrResult[intI - 1]
   fltAvg = 1.0 * intSum / intI
   strMsgText = "Result[" : intI - 1 : "] = " : arrResult[intI - 1] : @LF : "Sum = " : intSum : @LF : "Average = " : fltAvg
   Pause (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

strFileOut = "udfArrayRandom.txt"
intBytesWritten = ArrayFilePut (strFileOut, arrResult)
If 1 == FileExist (strFileOut) Then Run (strFileOut, "")
If 1 == FileExist (strFileOut) Then FileDelete (strFileOut)

; Example: udfArrayRandom (-10, +10, 100, 0)
; -6,7,6,7,-9,-9,7,3,4,-7,0,-10,0,-2,1,4,-1,-6,2,-8,; 0,4,9,-4,-4,3,-8,3,9,8,-6,-2,-1,-3,-4,0,0,8,4,-9,7,-2,-5,1,-5,3,-3,-4,2,5, ...
; ... 3,10,-3,-6,-5,5,5,-9,-5,1,; 2,9,-10,8,-5,-1,7,5,-9,-2,-4,-1,10,-5,-9,2,-8,9,-2,6,-8,5,9,1,-9,-2,0,7,-4,-2,-5,3,7,8,6,-2,-7,-9,-4,-4
;      -9        -4  -2
;      -9      -5-4  -2                 +7
;      -9      -5-4  -2   0     +3      +7
;      -9      -5-4  -2   0     +3  +5  +7  +9
;      -9-8  -6-5-4  -2-1 0 +1+2+3+4+5  +7+8+9
;      -9-8  -6-5-4-3-2-1 0 +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
;   -10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10
;   -10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10

; File: RvdW.Random.wsc
;   <?xml version="1.0"?>
;   <component>
;   <?component error="true" debug="true"?>
;   <registration
;       description="Random"
;       progid="RvdW.Random.wsc"
;       version="1.01"
;       classid="{bc6e9e65-6390-47fd-9b60-a81e8c18e754}"
;   >
;   </registration>
;   <!-- version="1.01" classid="{bc6e9e65-6390-47fd-9b60-a81e8c18e754}" --> <!-- DD.20120108 -->
;   <!-- version="1.00" classid="{ce1407dd-d883-4182-8c1f-bfe67f4b1278}" --> <!-- RvdW.20070815 -->
;   <public>
;       <property name="Busy">
;           <get/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="Debug">
;           <get/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="Error">
;           <get/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="LowerLimit">
;           <get/>
;           <put/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="NumRequests">
;           <get/>
;           <put/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="Result">
;           <get/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="UpperLimit">
;           <get/>
;           <put/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="Version">
;           <get/>
;       </property>
;       <property name="ProgId">
;           <get/>
;       </property>
;       <method name="Query">
;       </method>
;       <method name="Init">
;       </method>
;   </public>
;   <script language="VBScript">
;   <![CDATA[
;   ' This component uses random.org to retrieve true random integers
;   '
;   ' Properties:
;   ' Busy        R   [boolean]   If TRUE results aren't available yet
;   ' Debug       R   [string]    Debugging information
;   ' Error       R   [boolean]   If TRUE check Debug property for description
;   ' LowerLimit  R/W [integer]   Lower limit of the integer to be returned
;   ' NumRequests R/W [integer]   Number of integers to be returned (default=1)
;   ' Result      R   [array int] Resulting random integers
;   ' UpperLimit  R/W [integer]   Upper limit of the integer to be returned
;   ' Version     R   [string]    This class' version number
;   '
;   ' Methods:
;   ' Query( )        Start the request for (a) new random integer(s)
;   ' Init( )         Reset all properties
;   '
;   ' Change Log:
;   ' August 15, 2007               First public release
;   '
;   ' Written by Rob van der Woude
;   ' http://www.robvanderwoude.com
;   Option Explicit
;   Dim Busy, Debug, Error, Result, Version, ProgId
;   Dim LowerLimit, UpperLimit, NumRequests
;   Init
;   Function get_Busy( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] Busy value read (" & Busy & ")"
;       get_Busy = Busy
;   End Function
;   Function get_Debug( )
;       get_Debug = Debug & vbCrLf
;   End Function
;   Function get_Error( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] Error value read (" & Error & ")"
;       get_Error = Error
;   End Function
;   Function get_LowerLimit( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] LowerLimit value read (" & LowerLimit & ")"
;       get_LowerLimit = LowerLimit
;   End Function
;   Function put_LowerLimit( newValue )
;       Debug  = Debug & vbCrLf _
;              & "[" & Now & "] Trying to set LowerLimit value to " _
;              & newValue & vbCrLf _
;              & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
;       Result = Array( "N/A" )
;       If IsNumeric( newValue ) Then
;           If CStr( CInt( newValue ) ) = CStr( newValue ) Then
;               LowerLimit = newValue
;               Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                     & "[" & Now & "] LowerLimit value set to " & newValue
;           Else
;               Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                     & "[" & Now & "] Specified LowerLimit (" _
;                     & newValue & ") is not an integer"
;               Error = True
;           End If
;       Else
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] Specified LowerLimit (" _
;                 & newValue & ") is not a number"
;           Error = True
;       End If
;   End Function
;   Function get_NumRequests( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] NumRequests value read (" & NumRequests & ")"
;       get_NumRequests = NumRequests
;   End Function
;   Function put_NumRequests( newValue )
;       Debug  = Debug & vbCrLf _
;              & "[" & Now & "] Trying to set NumRequests value to " _
;              & newValue & vbCrLf _
;              & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
;       Result = Array( "N/A" )
;       If IsNumeric( newValue ) Then
;           If CStr( CInt( newValue ) ) = CStr( newValue ) And newValue > 0 Then
;               NumRequests = newValue
;               Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                     & "[" & Now & "] NumRequests value set to " & newValue
;           Else
;               Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                     & "[" & Now & "] Specified NumRequests (" _
;                     & newValue & ") is not an integer greater than zero"
;               Error = True
;           End If
;       Else
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] Specified NumRequests (" _
;                 & newValue & ") is not a number"
;           Error = True
;       End If
;   End Function
;   Function get_Result( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] Result value read (" & Join( Result, " " ) & ")"
;       get_Result = Result
;   End Function
;   Function get_UpperLimit( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] UpperLimit value read (" & UpperLimit & ")"
;       get_UpperLimit = UpperLimit
;   End Function
;   Function put_UpperLimit( newValue )
;       Debug  = Debug & vbCrLf _
;              & "[" & Now & "] Trying to set UpperLimit value to " _
;              & newValue & vbCrLf _
;              & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
;       Result = Array( "N/A" )
;       If IsNumeric( newValue ) Then
;           If CStr( CInt( newValue ) ) = CStr( newValue ) Then
;               UpperLimit = newValue
;               Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                     & "[" & Now & "] UpperLimit value set to " & newValue
;           Else
;               Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                     & "[" & Now & "] Specified UpperLimit (" _
;                     & newValue & ") is not an integer"
;               Error = True
;           End If
;       Else
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                     & "[" & Now & "] Specified UpperLimit (" _
;                     & newValue & ") is not a number"
;           Error = True
;       End If
;   End Function
;   Function get_Version( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] Version value read (" & Version & ")"
;       get_Version = Version
;   End Function
;   Function get_ProgId( )
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] ProgId value read (" & ProgId & ")"
;       get_ProgId = ProgId
;   End Function
;   Function Query( )
;       Dim arrResult, i, intStatus, objHTTP, strAgent, strResult, strURL
;       Query  = True
;       Debug  = Debug & vbCrLf _
;              & "[" & Now & "] Query method started" & vbCrLf _
;              & Space(22) & "Resetting Result value"
;       Result = Array( "N/A" )
;       ' Check if a valid LowerLimit was specified
;       If Not IsNumeric( LowerLimit ) Then
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] LowerLimit value not set (" & LowerLimit & ")"
;           Error = True
;       End If
;       ' Check if a valid UpperLimit was specified
;       If Not IsNumeric( UpperLimit ) Then
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] UpperLimit value not set (" & UpperLimit & ")"
;           Error = True
;       End If
;       ' Check for ANY error
;       If Error Then
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] An error has occurred (Error=" _
;                 & Error & ")" & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Aborting Query method"
;           Result      = Array( "N/A" )
;           NumRequests = 1
;           Query = False
;           Exit Function
;       End If
;       ' Format the URL for a HTTP request to random.org
;       strURL = "http://www.random.org/integers/" _
;              & "?num=" & NumRequests _
;              & "&min=" & LowerLimit  _
;              & "&max=" & UpperLimit  _
;              & "&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new"
;       Debug  = Debug & vbCrLf _
;              & "[" & Now & "] URL string set to:" & vbCrLf _
;              & Space(22) & """" & strURL & """"
;       ' User agent string (not critical)
;       strAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MyApp 1.01; Windows NT 5.1)"
;       Debug    = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                & "[" & Now & "] Agent string set to:" & vbCrLf _
;                & Space(22) & """" & strAgent & """"
;       ' Prepare the HTTP request to random.org
;       On Error Resume Next
;       Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" )
;       If Err Then
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] Could not instantiate WinHTTPRequest object " _
;                 & "(error: " & Err.Number & ")" & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Aborting Query method"
;           Query = False
;           Exit Function
;       Else
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] WinHTTPRequest object instantiated successfully"
;       End If
;       objHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False
;       objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent", strAgent
;       ' Set Busy status
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] Set Busy status"
;       Busy  = True
;       ' Send the HTTP request and store the results
;       objHTTP.Send
;       If Err Then
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] Error sending WinHTTPRequest"              & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Error Number      : " & Err.Number           & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Error Description : " & Err.Description      & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Error Source      : " & Err.Source           & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Returned Status   : " & objHTTP.Status       & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Returned Response : " & objHTTP.ResponseText & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Aborting Query method"
;           Query = False
;           Exit Function
;       Else
;           intStatus = objHTTP.Status
;           strResult = Trim( Replace( objHTTP.ResponseText, vbLf, " " ) )
;           arrResult = Split( strResult )
;           ReDim Preserve arrResult( NumRequests - 1 )
;           Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;                 & "[" & Now & "] WinHTTPRequest sent" & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Returned Status   : " & intStatus & vbCrLf _
;                 & Space(22) & "Returned Response : " & strResult
;       End If
;       On Error Goto 0
;       If intStatus = 200 Then
;           Result = arrResult
;       Else
;           ' Debug info
;           Result      = Array( "N/A" )
;           NumRequests = 1
;           Error       = True
;       End If
;       ' Clear Busy status and release WinHTTPRequest object
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] Clear Busy status"
;       Busy  = False
;       Set objHTTP = Nothing
;       Debug = Debug & vbCrLf _
;             & "[" & Now & "] Query method ended normally"
;       Query = True
;   End Function
;   Function Init( )
;       ProgId      = "RvdW.Random.wsc"
;       Version     = "1.01"
;       NumRequests = 1
;       LowerLimit  = "N/A"
;       UpperLimit  = "N/A"
;       Result      = "N/A"
;       Busy        = "False"
;       Error       = "False"
;       Debug       = vbCrLf & "[" & Now & "] Component initialized"
;       Init        = True
;   End Function
;   ]]>
;   </script>
;   </component>