arr udfArrayLocateRow (arr, any, int, int)
#DefineFunction udfArrayLocateRow (arrDim2, anySearchValue, intRowStart, intColumn)
; Prepare a dimension less output array to collect possible hits, will be redim'ed later in the find loop.
arrOut = ArrDimension (0) ; Will become a dim-1 array.
arrResult = ArrDimension (2)
arrResult [0] = intRowStart ; Restrict search area to the given start values.
arrResult [1] = intColumn
While @TRUE
   arrResult = ArrayLocate (arrDim2, anySearchValue, arrResult[0], arrResult[1])
   If arrResult[0] == -1 Then Break
   If arrResult[1] == intColumn ; We only need a hit within the search column.
      intOutLast = ArrInfo (arrOut, 1)
      ArrayRedim (arrOut, intOutLast + 1) ; Redim the output array. Add one new row.
      arrOut[intOutLast] = arrResult[0] ; We only need the current row index of the search array.
   arrResult[1] = arrResult[1] + 1 ; Skip this hit.
Return arrOut
; This UDF "udfArrayLocateRow" searches for a given value within a given dim-2 array.
; The search runs from the given start row to the last row and is restricted to the given column.
; If the search value could not be located, then the return value is a valid dim-0 array with no elements.
; If the search was successful, then the return value is a dim-1 array.
; Each element contains a row number, which points to the corresponding row of the given data array.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20110225.

; Test.

; Set data array values for this example.

arrData = ArrDimension (25, 3)

arrData[01, 0] = "Amsterdam" ; city
arrData[01, 1] = "Europe"    ; continent
arrData[01, 2] = "Eberhard"  ; name

arrData[02, 0] = "Berlin"    ; city
arrData[02, 1] = "Europe"    ; continent
arrData[02, 2] = "Klaus"     ; name

arrData[07, 0] = "New York"  ; city
arrData[07, 1] = "America"   ; continent
arrData[07, 2] = "Michael"   ; name

arrData[11, 0] = "London"    ; city
arrData[11, 1] = "Europe"    ; continent
arrData[11, 2] = "Boris"     ; name

arrData[14, 0] = "Seattle"   ; city
arrData[14, 1] = "America"   ; continent
arrData[14, 2] = "Michael"   ; name

arrData[24, 0] = "Paris"     ; city
arrData[24, 1] = "Europe"    ; continent
arrData[24, 2] = "Bertrand"  ; name

; Find items with the text "America" in column = 1, starting from row = 5, will give two hits.
intTest = 1
intSearchRowStart = 5
intSearchColumn = 1
strSearchValue = "America"
arrRows = udfArrayLocateRow (arrData, strSearchValue, intSearchRowStart, intSearchColumn)
GoSub DisplayMessage

; Find items with the text "America" in column = 1, starting from row = 10, will give one hit.
intTest = 2
intSearchRowStart = 10
intSearchColumn = 1
strSearchValue = "America"
arrRows = udfArrayLocateRow (arrData, strSearchValue, intSearchRowStart, intSearchColumn)
GoSub DisplayMessage

; Find items with the text "Michael" in column = 2, starting from row = 7, will give two hits.
intTest = 3
intSearchRowStart = 7
intSearchColumn = 2
strSearchValue = "Michael"
arrRows = udfArrayLocateRow (arrData, strSearchValue, intSearchRowStart, intSearchColumn)
GoSub DisplayMessage

; Find items with the text "Michael" in column = 0, starting from row = 0, will give no hit.
intTest = 4
intSearchRowStart = 0
intSearchColumn = 0
strSearchValue = "Michael"
arrRows = udfArrayLocateRow (arrData, strSearchValue, intSearchRowStart, intSearchColumn)
GoSub DisplayMessage

; Find items with the text "Europe" in column = 1, starting from row = 10, will give two hits.
intTest = 5
intSearchRowStart = 10
intSearchColumn = 1
strSearchValue = "Europe"
arrRows = udfArrayLocateRow (arrData, strSearchValue, intSearchRowStart, intSearchColumn)
GoSub DisplayMessage

; Find items with the text "" in column = 0, starting from row = 0, will give no hit.
intTest = 6
intSearchRowStart = 0
intSearchColumn = 0
strSearchValue = ""
arrRows = udfArrayLocateRow (arrData, strSearchValue, intSearchRowStart, intSearchColumn)
GoSub DisplayMessage

strMsgTitle = "Demo udfArrayLocateRow|Test " : intTest
intElems = ArrInfo (arrRows, 1)
If !intElems
   Pause (strMsgTitle, "Nothing found.")
   intLast = intElems - 1
   For intR = 0 To intLast
      strMsgText = "Hit = " : 1 + intR : " of " : 1 + intLast
      strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : @LF : "Search Value = " : strSearchValue
      strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : "Seach Row Start = " : intSearchRowStart
      strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : "Search Column = " : intSearchColumn
      strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : @LF : "Row Found = " : arrRows[intR]
      Pause (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
Return ; from GoSub.