; Copy this code into the file "WSP-USER.MNU". _Block C&omment If !wGetSelState () Then Return strCmt = "; " wCopy () strClip = ClipGet () If StrIndex (strClip, @CRLF, 0, @BACKSCAN) == StrLen (strClip) - 1 Then wSelLeft () wCopy () strClip = ClipGet () strClip = strCmt : StrReplace (strClip, @LF, @LF : strCmt) ClipPut (strClip) wPaste () wClearSel () Drop (intClipLen, strClip, strCmt) Return Block Unc&omment If !wGetSelState () Then Return strCmt = "; " wCopy () strClip = ClipGet () If StrIndex (strClip, @CRLF, 0, @BACKSCAN) == StrLen (strClip) - 1 Then wSelLeft () wCopy () strClip = ClipGet () strClip = StrReplace (@LF : strClip, @LF : strCmt, @LF) If StrIndex (strClip, @LF, 0, @FWDSCAN) == 1 Then strClip = StrSub (strClip, 2, -1) ClipPut (strClip) wPaste () wClearSel () Drop (intClipLen, strClip, strCmt) Return Block E&xecute Code ; Executes a block of code If !wGetSelState () Message ("Ooops!", "No block selected.") Return EndIf wCopy() strLines = ClipGet () strFilename = ShortCutDir ("Local Settings", 0, 1) : "Temp\WB.Execute.wbt" intBytesWritten = FilePut (strFilename, strLines) ShellExecute (strFilename, "", "", @ZOOMED, "") Drop (intBytesWritten, strFilename, strLines) Return