str udfStrCapV1 (str)
str udfStrCapV2 (str)
str udfStrCapV3 (str)
str udfStrCapV4 (str)
str udfStrCapV5 (str)
str udfStrCapV6 (str)
str udfStrCapV7 (str)
int udfFileCap (str, str)
; Collection of different udfStrCap () algorithms.
; Coded by Guido sedar@yahoo.com, George Vagenas gvag@shaw.ca, Detlev Dalitz dd@hpdd.de.
; I don't know what algorithm from what programmer.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20100306.

intPrevIC50 = IntControl (50, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; Remove "Go to web page" button from error boxes.
DirChange (DirScript ())

#DefineFunction udfStrCapV1 (strString) ; This algorithm seems to be the fastest, when capitalizing is needed only following space character.
If strString == "" Then Return ""
strOut = ""
intCount = ItemCount (strString, " ")
For intI = 1 To intCount
   strItem = ItemExtract (intI, strString, " ")
   strOut = strOut : " " : StrUpper (StrSub (strItem, 1, 1)) : StrLower (StrSub (strItem, 2, -1))
strOut = StrSub (strOut, 2, -1)
Return strOut
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20030210.20100306.

; Test.
strIn = "To be OR NOT  to   be."
strOut = udfStrCapV1 (strIn)   ; "To be Or Not  to   be."

#DefineFunction udfStrCapV2 (strString)
If strString == "" Then Return ""
strOut = ""
While strString != ""
   strOut = ItemInsert (StrUpper (StrSub (ItemExtract (1, strString, " "), 1, 1)) : StrSub (StrLower (ItemExtract (1, strString, " ")), 2, -1), -1, strOut, " ")
   strString = ItemRemove (1, strString, " ")
Return strOut

; Test.
strIn = "To be OR NOT  to   be."
strOut = udfStrCapV2 (strIn)  ; "To be Or Not  to   be."

#DefineFunction udfStrCapV3 (strString) ; Same algorithm as udfStrCapV4 but each calculation coded on separate line.
If strString == "" Then Return ""
strOut = ""
While strString != ""
   strItem = ItemExtract (1, strString, " ")
   strFirst = StrSub (strItem, 1, 1)
   strFirst = StrUpper (strFirst)
   strOther = StrSub (strItem, 2, -1)
   strOther = StrLower (strOther)
   strItem = strFirst : strOther
   strOut = ItemInsert (strItem, -1, strOut, " ")
   strString = ItemRemove (1, strString, " ")
Return strOut

; Test.
strIn = "To be OR NOT  to   be."
strOut = udfStrCapV3 (strIn) ; "To be Or Not  to   be."

#DefineFunction udfStrCapV4 (strString) ; This function keeps already upper cased characters.
If strString == "" Then Return ""
intLen = StrLen (strString)
blnFlag = @TRUE
strCap = ""
For intI = 1 To intLen
   strChar = StrSub (strString, intI, 1)
   If blnFlag
      strCap = strCap : StrUpper (strChar)
      strCap = strCap : strChar
   blnFlag = (strChar == " ")
Return strCap

; Test.
strIn = "To be OR NOT  to   be."  ; "To be OR NOT  to   be."
strOut = udfStrCapV4 (strIn)

#DefineFunction udfStrCapV5 (strString) ; This function keeps already upper cased characters.
If strString == "" Then Return ""
intLen = StrLen (strString)
intX = 1
While @TRUE
   While @TRUE
      strChar = StrSub (strString, intX, 1)
      If strChar != " " || intX == intLen Then Break
      intX = intX + 1
   strString = StrFixChars (strString, "", intX - 1) : StrUpper (strChar) : StrFixCharsL (strString, "", intLen - intX)
   While @TRUE
      strChar = StrSub (strString, intX, 1)
      If strChar == " " || intX == intLen Then Break
      intX = intX + 1
   If intX == intLen Then Break
Return strString

; Test.
strIn = "To be OR NOT  to   be."
strOut = udfStrCapV5 (strIn)   ; "To be OR NOT  to   be."

#DefineFunction udfStrCapV6 (strString) ; This function keeps already upper cased characters.
If strString == "" Then Return ""
intX = 0
intLen = StrLen (strString)
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intLen + 1)
BinaryPokeStr (hdlBB, 0, strString)
intY = 0
While @TRUE
   While @TRUE
      strTmp1 = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, intX, 1)
      strTmp2 = BinaryIndexEx (hdlBB, intY, @CRLF, @FWDSCAN, 0)
      If strTmp2 != -1
         BinaryPokeStr (hdlBB, strTmp2 + 2, StrUpper (BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, strTmp2 + 2, 1)))
         intY = strTmp2 + 2
      If strTmp1 != " " || intX == intLen Then Break
      intX = intX + 1
   BinaryPokeStr (hdlBB, intX, StrUpper (strTmp1))
   While @TRUE
      strTmp3 = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, intX, 1)
      If strTmp3 == " " || intX == intLen Then Break
      intX = intX + 1
   If intX == intLen Then Break
strString = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, 0, intLen)
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return strString

; Test.
strIn = "To be OR NOT  to   be."
strOut = udfStrCapV6 (strIn)   ; "To be OR NOT  to   be."

#DefineFunction udfStrCapV7 (strString) ; This function keeps already upper cased characters.
If strString == "" Then Return ""
strTC = " ,.:;-+/*=<>?!()[]{}#%%@""'`" : @TAB : @CR : @LF ; Trigger characters.
intLen = StrLen (strString)
strOut = StrUpper (StrSub (strString, 1, 1))
For intI = 2 To intLen
   If StrIndex (strTC, StrSub (strString, intI - 1, 1), 1, @FWDSCAN) Then strOut = strOut : StrUpper (StrSub (strString, intI, 1))
      Else strOut = strOut : StrSub (strString, intI, 1)
Return strOut

; Test.
strIn = "To:be,OR NOT--to+++be?"
strOut = udfStrCapV7 (strIn)   ; "To:Be,OR NOT--To+++Be?"

#DefineFunction udfFileCap (strFileIn, strFileOut) ; This function does not keep already upper cased characters.
intFS = FileSize (strFileIn)
If intFS == 0 Then Return ""
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intFS + 2)
BinaryPokeStr (hdlBB, 0, " ") ; Prepend one blank character.
BinaryPokeStr (hdlBB, intFS + 1, " ") ; Append one blank character.
BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 1, strFileIn, 0, intFS)
BinaryConvert (hdlBB, 0, 0, 0, 2) ; Convert to lowercase.
arrTC = ArrayFromStr (" ,.:;-+/*=<>?!()[]{}#%%@""'`" : @TAB : @CR : @LF) ; Trigger characters.
intTCLast = ArrInfo (arrTC, 1) - 1
For intC = 65 To 90 ; "A" to "Z".
   strChar = Num2Char (intC)
   For intTC = 0 To intTCLast
      strSR = arrTC[intTC] : strChar
      BinaryReplace (hdlBB, strSR, strSR, @FALSE)
BinaryWriteEx (0, 0, strFileOut, 0, -1) ; Create new file.
intBytesWritten = BinaryWriteEx (hdlBB, 1, strFileOut, 0, intFS) ; Discard surrounding blanks.
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return intBytesWritten
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20030210.20100306.

; Test.
strFileIn = IntControl (1004, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; Use this script as test input.
strFileOut = FileCreateTemp ("TMP")

intBytesWritten = udfFileCap (strFileIn, strFileOut)
intResult = RunZoomWait ("Notepad.exe", strFileOut)
blnResult = FileDelete (strFileOut)

; Profiling Performance Test.

strTest = "To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?"

intTestMin = 1
intTestMax = 7
intLoopMax = 100

For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   Display (1, "Performance Test  udfStrCap ()", "Please wait ... running test: " : intTest)
   strName%intTest% = "udfStrCapV" : intTest

   Exclusive (@ON)
   intStart = GetTickCount ()

   For intL = 1 To intLoopMax
      strResult = udfStrCapV%intTest% (strTest)

   intTicks%intTest% = GetTickCount () - intStart
   Exclusive (@OFF)

; Result.

Decimals (1)
intTicksSum = 0
For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intTicksSum = intTicksSum + intTicks%intTest%
If intTicksSum < 1 Then intTicksSum = 1 ; To prevent dividing by zero.
For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intPct%intTest% = 100.0 * intTicks%intTest% / intTicksSum

; Format output.
strTest = "Test"
strTicks = "Ticks"
strPct = "Pct"
strName = "Name"
strSep = "  "
strPre = "; "
intLenTest = Max (StrLen (strTest), StrLen (intTestMax))
intLenTicks = StrLen (strTicks)
intLenPct = StrLen (strPct)
intLenName = StrLen (strName)
For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intLenTicks = Max (intLenTicks, StrLen (intTicks%intTest%))
   intLenPct = Max (intLenPct, StrLen (intPct%intTest%))
   intLenName = Max (intLenName, StrLen (strName%intTest%))
strTest = StrFixLeft (strTest, " ", intLenTest)
strTicks = StrFixLeft (strTicks, " ", intLenTicks)
strPct = StrFixLeft (strPct, " ", intLenPct)
strResult = ""
strResult = ItemInsert (strPre : "Iterations: " : intLoopMax, -1, strResult, @LF)
strResult = ItemInsert (strPre : strTest : strSep : strTicks : strSep : strPct : strSep : strName, -1, strResult, @LF)
For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   strTest = StrFixLeft (intTest, " ", intLenTest)
   strTicks = StrFixLeft (intTicks%intTest%, " ", intLenTicks)
   strPct = StrFixLeft (intPct%intTest%, " ", intLenPct)
   strName = StrFix (strName%intTest%, " ", intLenName)
   strResult = ItemInsert (strPre : strTest : strSep : strTicks : strSep : strPct : strSep : strName, -1, strResult, @LF)
strResult = strResult : @LF
Message ("Performance Test Result", strResult)
ClipPut (strResult)

; Iterations: 100
; Test  Ticks   Pct  Name
;    1   2000   3.5  udfStrCapV1   <== The winner, when capitalizing is needed only following space character.
;    2   2422   4.3  udfStrCapV2
;    3   4297   7.6  udfStrCapV3
;    4  10437  18.5  udfStrCapV4
;    5  12828  22.7  udfStrCapV5
;    6  14672  26.0  udfStrCapV6
;    7   9797  17.4  udfStrCapV7   <== The winner, when capitalizing is needed following dedicated characters.