Profiling search number in string
; Extracting the leftmost number string of given length from a line of text and numbers.
; Profiling Performance Test.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20080823.20100228.

strTestLine = "54321 of 123456789 people on date20080831 run 12 times faster."

intStrLen = 5  ; Search for number string "54321".
;intStrLen = 9  ; Search for number string "123456789".
;intStrLen = 8  ; Search for number string "20080831".
;intStrLen = 2  ; Search for number string "12".

intLoops = 2000
intTicks1 = 0
intTicks2 = 0

Exclusive (@ON)
For intLoop = 1 To intLoops

   ; 1 ;
   ; Test.
   intStart = GetTickCount ()

   strLine = strTestLine
   strLine = StrClean (strLine, "0123456789", " ", @TRUE, 2) ; Replace alpha characters with space character.
   While StrIndex (strLine, "  ", 1, @FWDSCAN)               ; Shrink space character sequences to one space.
      strLine = StrReplace (strLine, "  ", " ")
   intC = ItemCount (strLine, " ")
   For intI = 1 To intC
      strItem = ItemExtract (intI, strLine, " ")
      If StrLen (strItem) == intStrLen Then Break            ; If length matches, then number found.

   intTicks1 = GetTickCount () - intStart + intTicks1

   ; 2 ;
   ; Test.
   intStart = GetTickCount ()

   strLine = strTestLine
   strLine = StrClean (strLine, "0123456789", " ", @TRUE, 2) ; Replace all alpha characters with space character.
   intC = ItemCount (strLine, " ")
   For intI = 1 To intC
      strItem = ItemExtract (intI, strLine, " ")
      If StrLen (strItem) == intStrLen Then Break            ; If length matches, then number found.

   intTicks2 = GetTickCount () - intStart + intTicks2

Exclusive (@OFF)

; Result.

intTicks = intTicks1 + intTicks2
If intTicks < 1 Then intTicks = 1
intPct1 = 100.0 * intTicks1 / intTicks
intPct2 = 100.0 * intTicks2 / intTicks

Decimals (1)
strMsgTitle = "Performance Test Result"
strMsgText = "Method" : @TAB : "Ticks" : @TAB : "Percent" : @LF
strMsgText = strMsgText : "1:" : @TAB : intTicks1 : @TAB : intPct1 : @LF
strMsgText = strMsgText : "2:" : @TAB : intTicks2 : @TAB : intPct2 : @LF
ClipPut (strMsgTitle : @CRLF : StrReplace (strMsgText, @LF, @CRLF))
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
;   strTestLine = "54321 of 123456789 people on date20080831 run 12 times faster."
;   intStrLen = 2  ; Search for number string "12".
;   Performance Test Result
;   Method  Ticks  Percent
;       1:   5043     24.7
;       2:  15346     75.3
;   intStrLen = 8  ; Search for number string "20080831".
;   Performance Test Result
;   Method  Ticks  Percent
;       1:   4946     30.9
;       2:  11085     69.1
;   intStrLen = 9  ; Search for number string "123456789".
;   Performance Test Result
;   Method  Ticks  Percent
;       1:   4205     52.8
;       2:   3766     47.2
;   intStrLen = 5  ; Search for number string "54321".
;   Performance Test Result
;   Method  Ticks  Percent
;       1:   3403     68.9
;       2:   1534     31.1