How to do a wildcard search in a binary buffer?
; How to do a wildcard search in a binary buffer?
; Yes, it is possible when understanding the buffer content as a stream of hex characters.
; After unloading the binary buffer into a hex string it is possible to search the hex string for
; byte stream sequences by wildcard pattern using the WinBatch functions StrIndexWild () and StrSubWild ().
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20030729.20100209.

; Example.

strMsgTitle = "Example: How to do a wildcard search in a binary buffer?"

; Define filenames for this example.
strFolderTemp = ShortCutDir ("Local Settings") : "\Temp\"
strFileBinIn = strFolderTemp : "Wildcard.Test.In.bin"
strFileBinOut = strFolderTemp : "Wildcard.Test.Out.bin"

; Use a copy of this script file as the input file, neglecting that
; it is not a pure binary file, but it demonstrates the principle.
blnResult = FileCopy (IntControl (1004, 0, 0, 0, 0), strFileBinIn, @FALSE)

; Delete possibly existing output file.
If FileExist (strFileBinOut) == 1 Then FileDelete (strFileBinOut)

; This is a comment line (1) which can be found by the wild search.

; Define something that we can find in the input file.
; Following parts of text will be found in this test too.
; In this example we use the 'zero or more star "*" pattern' to find
; any byte stream content which begins with "line" and ends with "found".
strWildStart = "line"
strWildEnd = "found"
strWildHex = ChrStringToHex (strWildStart) : "*" : ChrStringToHex (strWildEnd)

; Get the binary content from the input file.
intBBSize = FileSize (strFileBinIn, 1)
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBSize)
intBytesRead = BinaryRead (hdlBB, strFileBinIn)

; Get content as hex string.
strHex = BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, intBBSize)

; Do the search on the hex string.
intFound = 0
intWildPos = 0
While @TRUE
   intWildPos = StrIndexWild (strHex, strWildHex, intWildPos)
   If !intWildPos Then Break

   intFound = intFound + 1

   strWild = StrSubWild (strHex, strWildHex, intWildPos)
   intOffset = intWildPos / 2
   intByteCount = StrByteCount (strWild, 0) / 2

   ; Write the found part of byte stream to output file.
   intBytesWritten = BinaryWriteEx (hdlBB, intOffset, strFileBinOut, FileSize (strFileBinOut), intByteCount)

   ; Additionally write a delimiter sequence of zero bytes until to the end of the next paragraph.
   intBytesWritten = BinaryWriteEx (hdlBB, intOffset, strFileBinOut, FileSize (strFileBinOut) + 32 - (intByteCount mod 16), 0)

   ; Prepare for the next search.
   intWildPos = intWildPos + intByteCount + intByteCount

; Release the binary buffer.
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)

strMsgText = "Found: " : intFound
Pause (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

; Display result in hex viewer.
strAppBrowser = DirHome () : "Browser.exe"
intProcId = RunShell (strAppBrowser, '"' : strFileBinOut : '"', "", @NORMAL, @GETPROCID)
SendKeysTo (WinItemProcId (intProcId, 0, 0), "^h")
blnResult = AppWaitClose (strAppBrowser)

; This is a comment line (2) which can be found by the wild search.