str udfIPToHexV1 (str)
str udfHexToIPV1 (str)
str udfIPToHexV2 (str)
str udfHexToIPV2 (str)
#DefineFunction udfIPToHexV1 (strIP)
strHex = ""
intCount = ItemCount (strIP, ".")
For intI = 1 To intCount
   intByte = 0 + ItemExtract (intI, strIP, ".")
   strHex = strHex : Num2Char ((intByte >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intByte >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intByte & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intByte & 15) > 9)) ; Uppercase.
Return strHex
; strHex = StrCat(strHex,Num2Char((intByte>>4)+48+39*((intByte>>4)>9)),Num2Char((intByte&15)+48+39*((intByte&15)>9))) ; Lowercase.
; This UDF "udfIPToHex" returns a string, that contains the uppercase hexadecimal representation of an ip number string.
; Example:
;    strIP = "" ; Must be a valid IP number string.
; Result:
;    strHex = "C0A80F1F"
; Detlev Dalitz.20030630.20100207.

#DefineFunction udfHexToIPV1 (strHex)
strIP = ""
strHex = StrUpper (StrTrim (strHex))
intLen = StrLen (strHex)
For intI = 1 To intLen By 2
   intN1 = Char2Num (StrSub (strHex, intI, 1)) - 48
   intN2 = Char2Num (StrSub (strHex, intI + 1, 1)) - 48
   intByte = ((intN1 - 7 * (intN1 > 9)) << 4) + (intN2 - 7 * (intN2 > 9))
   strIP = ItemInsert (intByte, -1, strIP, ".")
Return strIP
; This UDF "udfHexToIP" returns a string, that contains the IP number representation of a hexadecimal string.
; Example:
;    strHex = "c0a80f1f" ; Must be a valid hexstring that can be translated into ip numberstring.
; Result:
;    strIP = ""
; Detlev Dalitz.20030630.20100207.

#DefineFunction udfIPToHexV2 (strIP)
intHigh = ItemCount (strIP, ".")
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intHigh)
intHigh = intHigh - 1
For intI = 0 To intHigh
   BinaryPoke (hdlBB, intI, ItemExtract (intI + 1, strIP, "."))
strHex = BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 4)
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return strHex
; This UDF "udfIPToHex" returns a string, that contains the uppercase hexadecimal representation of an ip number string.
; Example:
;    strIP = "" ; Must be a valid IP number string.
; Result:
;    strHex = "C0A80F1F"
; Detlev Dalitz.20030630.20100207.

#DefineFunction udfHexToIPV2 (strHex)
strIP = ""
intHigh = (1 + StrLen (strHex)) / 2
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intHigh)
BinaryPokeHex (hdlBB, 0, strHex)
intHigh = intHigh - 1
For intI = 0 To intHigh
   strIP = ItemInsert (BinaryPeek (hdlBB, intI), -1, strIP, ".")
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return strIP
; This UDF "udfHexToIP" returns a string, that contains the IP number representation of a hexadecimal string.
; Example:
;    strHex = "c0a80f1f" ; Must be a valid hexstring that can be translated into ip numberstring.
; Result:
;    strIP = ""
; Detlev Dalitz.20030630.20100207.

; Test.

strIP = ""

strHex1 = udfIPToHexV1 (strIP)  ; "C0A80F1F".
strHex2 = udfIPToHexV2 (strIP)  ; "C0A80F1F".

strIP1 = udfHexToIPV1 (strHex1) ; "".
strIP2 = udfHexToIPV2 (strHex2) ; "".
