str udfByteToHexV1 (int)
str udfByteToHexV2 (int)
str udfByteToHexV3 (int)
int udfHexToNum (str)
int udfHexToByte (str)
int udfHexToDec (str)
flt udfHexToFloat (str)
str udfDecToHexV1 (int)
str udfDecToHexV2 (int)
str udfDecToHexV3 (int, int, bln)
str udfDecToHexV4 (int)
#DefineFunction udfByteToHexV1 (intByte) ; intByte = 0..255.
strHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF" ; strHexDigits = "0123456789abcdef".
Return StrSub (strHexDigits, 1 + (intByte >> 4), 1) : StrSub (strHexDigits, 1 + (intByte & 15), 1)

#DefineFunction udfByteToHexV2 (intByte) ; intByte = 0..255.
Return Num2Char ((intByte >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intByte >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intByte & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intByte & 15) > 9)) ; Uppercase strHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF".

#DefineFunction udfByteToHexV3 (intByte) ; intByte = 0..255.
Return Num2Char ((intByte >> 4) + 48 + 39 * ((intByte >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intByte & 15) + 48 + 39 * ((intByte & 15) > 9)) ; Lowercase strHexDigits = "0123456789abcdef".

#DefineFunction udfHexToNum (strHex1)
intNum = Char2Num (StrUpper (strHex1)) - 48
Return intNum - 7 * (intNum > 9)

#DefineFunction udfHexToByte (strHex2) ; strHex2 must be StrByteCount(strHex2) == 2.
strHex2 = StrUpper (StrTrim (strHex2))
intNum1 = Char2Num (StrSub (strHex2, 1, 1)) - 48
intNum2 = Char2Num (StrSub (strHex2, 2, 1)) - 48
Return ((intNum1 - 7 * (intNum1 > 9)) << 4) + (intNum2 - 7 * (intNum2 > 9))

#DefineFunction udfHexToDec (strHex)
strHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
strHex = StrUpper (StrTrim (strHex))
intLen = StrLen (strHex)
intDec = 0
For intI = 1 To intLen
   intDec = (intDec << 4) + StrIndex (strHexDigits, StrSub (strHex, intI, 1), 0, @FWDSCAN) - 1
Return intDec ; Note: Returned negative numbers are ok for usage in WinBatch.

#DefineFunction udfHexToFloat (strHex)
strHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
strHex = StrUpper (StrTrim (strHex))
intLen = StrLen (strHex)
fltDec = 0.0
For intI = 1 To intLen
   fltDec = (fltDec * 16) + StrIndex (strHexDigits, StrSub (strHex, intI, 1), 0, @FWDSCAN) - 1
Return fltDec

#DefineFunction udfDecToHexV1 (intDecimal)
strHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
strHex = ""
intZ = 1
For i = 7 To 0 By -1
   intN = (intDecimal >> (i * 4)) & 15
   If intN == 0 && intZ == 1 Then Continue
   intZ = 0
   strHex = strHex : StrSub (strHexDigits, intN + 1, 1)
Return strHex

#DefineFunction udfDecToHexV2 (intDecimal)
strHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
strHex = ""
intZ = 1
For i = 7 To 0 By -1
   intN = (intDecimal >> (i * 4)) & 15
   If !intN Then If intZ Then Continue
   intZ = 0
   strHex = strHex : StrSub (strHexDigits, intN + 1, 1)
Return strHex

#DefineFunction udfDecToHexV3 (intDecimal, intPadLength, blnCaseMode)
intPadLength = Min (8, Max (1, intPadLength))
strHexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
If !blnCaseMode Then strHexDigits = "0123456789abcdef"
strHex = ""
intZ = 1
For i = 7 To 0 By -1
   intN = (intDecimal >> (i * 4)) & 15
   If !intN Then If intZ Then Continue
   intZ = 0
   strHex = strHex : StrSub (strHexDigits, intN + 1, 1)
strHex = StrFixLeft (strHex, "0", intPadLength)
Return strHex

#DefineFunction udfDecToHexV4 (intDecimal) ; Negative numbers are allowed too.
strHex = ""
While @TRUE
   strHex = StrSub ("0123456789ABCDEF", (intDecimal & 15) + 1, 1) : strHex
   intDecimal = (intDecimal >> 4) & 268435455
   If !intDecimal Then Return strHex

; Test.

Message ("Demo udfHexToNum (hexchar)", 'What decimal number is "D" ?' : @LF : udfHexToNum ("D"))

Message ("Demo udfByteToHex (intByte)", 'Who knows the magic of number 221?' : @LF : udfByteToHexV2 (221) : ' who else?')
Message ("Demo udfHexToByte (strHex)", 'What is the number of "DD"?' : @LF : udfHexToByte ('DD'))

Message ("Demo udfHexToDec (strHex)", "FF" : " = " : udfHexToDec ("FF"))
Message ("Demo udfHexToDec (strHex)", "F8000000" : " = " : udfHexToDec ("F8000000"))

Message ("Demo udfHexToFloat (strHex)", "F8000000" : " = " : udfHexToFloat ("F8000000"))

Message ("Demo udfDecToHex (decimal)", "Who did first programming?" : @LF : udfDecToHexV1 (2778))

Message ("Demo udfDecToHex (decimal_neg)", "Negative number to hex string." : @LF : udfDecToHexV4 (-2778)) ; "FFFFF526"


strHex = ""
Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intByte = 0 To 255
   strHex = strHex : udfByteToHexV1 (intByte) : ","
intTicks1 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo udfByteToHexV1 (intByte)", strHex)

strHex = ""
Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intByte = 0 To 255
   strHex = strHex : udfByteToHexV2 (intByte) : ","
intTicks2 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo udfByteToHexV2 (intByte)", strHex)

intMaxTicks = Max (intTicks1, intTicks2)
strMsgTitle = "Demo udfByteToHex"
strMsgText = "udfByteToHexV1" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks1 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks1 / intMaxTicks : "%%" : @LF
strMsgText = strMsgText : "udfByteToHexV2" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks2 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks2 / intMaxTicks : "%%" : @LF
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)


; Uses strHex from Test_a2.
strBytes = ""
Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intI = 1 To 256
   strBytes = strBytes : udfHexToByte (ItemExtract (intI, strHex, ",")) : ","
intTicks1 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo udfHexToByte (strHex)", strBytes)

; Uses strHex from Test_a2.
strBytes = ""
Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intI = 1 To 256
   strBytes = strBytes : udfHexToDec (ItemExtract (intI, strHex, ",")) : ","
intTicks2 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo udfHexToDec (strHex)", strBytes)

intMaxTicks = Max (intTicks1, intTicks2)
strMsgTitle = "Demo udfHexToByte"
strMsgText = "udfHexToByte" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks1 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks1 / intMaxTicks : "%%" : @LF
strMsgText = strMsgText : "udfHexToDec" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks2 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks2 / intMaxTicks : "%%" : @LF
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)


Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intI = 1 To 20
   strHex = udfDecToHexV1 (19541201)
intTicks1 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo  udfDecToHexV1 (intDecimal)", strHex)

Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intI = 1 To 20
   strHex = udfDecToHexV2 (19541201)
intTicks2 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo  udfDecToHexV2 (intDecimal)", strHex)

Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intI = 1 To 20
   strHex = udfDecToHexV3 (19541201, 8, 1)
intTicks3 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo  udfDecToHexV3 (intDecimal, intPadLength, blnCaseMode)", strHex)

Exclusive (@ON)
intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
For intI = 1 To 20
   strHex = udfDecToHexV4 (19541201)
intTicks4 = GetTickCount () - intTicksStart
Exclusive (@OFF)
Message ("Demo  udfDecToHexV4 (intDecimal)", strHex)

intMaxTicks = Max (intTicks1, intTicks2, intTicks3, intTicks4)
strMsgTitle = "Demo udfDecToHex"
strMsgText = "udfDecToHexV1" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks1 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks1 / intMaxTicks : "%%"
strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : "udfDecToHexV2" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks2 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks2 / intMaxTicks : "%%"
strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : "udfDecToHexV3" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks3 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks3 / intMaxTicks : "%%"
strMsgText = strMsgText : @LF : "udfDecToHexV4" : @TAB : "intTicks=" : intTicks4 : @TAB : 100 * intTicks4 / intMaxTicks : "%%"
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)

; udfByteToHexV1 (intByte)
; udfByteToHexV2 (intByte)
; udfByteToHexV3 (intByte)
; udfHexToNum (strHex1)
; udfHexToByte (strHex2)
; udfHexToDec (strHex)
; udfHexToFloat (strHex)
; udfDecToHexV1 (intDecimal)
; udfDecToHexV2 (intDecimal)
; udfDecToHexV3 (intDecimal, intPadLength, blnCaseMode)
; udfDecToHexV4 (intDecimal)
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20020831.20100207.20100518.