file udfArrayUnloadToFile (arr, str)
arr udfArrayLoadFromFile (file)
#DefineFunction udfArrayUnloadToFile (arrArray, strFilename)
If !ArrInfo (arrArray, -1) Then Return 0 ; No array.
If !ArrInfo (arrArray, 6) Then Return 0 ; No elements.

arrArrInfo = ArrDimension (8)
arrArrInfo[0] = "ArrInfo;-1;{0};Validity of the array. 1=@TRUE valid, 0=@FALSE invalid."
arrArrInfo[1] = "ArrInfo;0;{1};Number of dimensions in the array."
arrArrInfo[2] = "ArrInfo;1;{2};Number of elements in dimension 1."
arrArrInfo[3] = "ArrInfo;2;{3};Number of elements in dimension 2."
arrArrInfo[4] = "ArrInfo;3;{4};Number of elements in dimension 3."
arrArrInfo[5] = "ArrInfo;4;{5};Number of elements in dimension 4."
arrArrInfo[6] = "ArrInfo;5;{6};Number of elements in dimension 5."
arrArrInfo[7] = "ArrInfo;6;{7};Number of elements in the entire array."

intDims = ArrInfo (arrArray, 0)
strIndexFill = StrFill (",0", 2 * (5 - intDims))
arrD = ArrDimension (6)
arrE = ArrDimension (6)
For intD = 1 To 5
   arrE[intD] = Max (ArrInfo (arrArray, intD) - 1, 0)

hdlFW = FileOpen (strFilename, "WRITE")

strBOM = "" ; BOM (EF BB BF) for Unicode UTF-8.
FileWrite (hdlFW, strBOM : '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>') ; XML declaration line with leading BOM (EF BB BF).
FileWrite (hdlFW, "<ARRAY>")            ; Open node "ARRAY".
FileWrite (hdlFW, "<ARRINFO><![CDATA[") ; Open node "ARRINFO".
; Write data.
For intI = 0 To 7
   FileWrite (hdlFW, StrReplace (arrArrInfo[intI], "{" : intI : "}", ArrInfo (arrArray, intI - 1)))
FileWrite (hdlFW, "]]></ARRINFO>")      ; Close node "ARRINFO".
FileWrite (hdlFW, "<ARRDATA><![CDATA[") ; Open node "ARRDATA".
; Write data.
For intD1 = 0 To arrE[1]
   arrD[1] = intD1
   For intD2 = 0 To arrE[2]
      arrD[2] = intD2
      For intD3 = 0 To arrE[3]
         arrD[3] = intD3
         For intD4 = 0 To arrE[4]
            arrD[4] = intD4
            For intD5 = 0 To arrE[5]
               arrD[5] = intD5
               strIdx = ""
               For intD = 1 To intDims
                  strIdx = ItemInsert (arrD[intD], -1, strIdx, ",")
               strArrIndex = strIdx : strIndexFill
               intVarType = VarType (arrArray [%strIdx%])
               If intVarType
                  strOut = ChrStringToUnicode ("" : arrArray [%strIdx%])
                  intPrevCodePage = ChrSetCodepage (65001)
                  FileWrite (hdlFW, strArrIndex : ";" : intVarType : ";" : strOut)
                  ChrSetCodepage (intPrevCodePage)
                  FileWrite (hdlFW, strArrIndex : ";" : intVarType : ";")
FileWrite (hdlFW, "]]></ARRDATA>") ; Close node "ARRDATA".
FileWrite (hdlFW, "</ARRAY>")      ; Close node "ARRAY".
hdlFW = FileClose (hdlFW)
Return FileSizeEx (strFilename)
; This function "udfArrayUnloadToFile" creates a specific array definition textfile (xml) from array,
; which can be used to load data back into an array by function "udfArrayLoadFromFile".
; Detlev Dalitz.20010731.20020828.20030222.20090528.20100122.20100125.20110123.

#DefineFunction udfArrayLoadFromFile (strFilename)
intResult = 0
If !FileSizeEx (strFilename) Then Goto CANCEL

IntControl (65, 4096 * 256, 0, 0, 0) ; Enlarge fileread buffer for speedy access.

arrArrInfo = ArrDimension (8)
arrArrInfo[0] = "ArrInfo;-1;"
arrArrInfo[1] = "ArrInfo;0;"
arrArrInfo[2] = "ArrInfo;1;"
arrArrInfo[3] = "ArrInfo;2;"
arrArrInfo[4] = "ArrInfo;3;"
arrArrInfo[5] = "ArrInfo;4;"
arrArrInfo[6] = "ArrInfo;5;"
arrArrInfo[7] = "ArrInfo;6;"

hdlFR = FileOpen (strFilename, "READ")
If !hdlFR Then Goto CANCEL

While @TRUE
   strLine = FileRead (hdlFR)
   strLine = StrTrim (strLine)
   If strLine == "*EOF*" Then Goto CANCEL
   If strLine == "<ARRINFO><![CDATA[" Then Break

; Read header.
While @TRUE
   strLine = FileRead (hdlFR)
   strLine = StrTrim (strLine)
   If strLine == "*EOF*" Then Goto CANCEL
   If strLine == "]]></ARRINFO>" Then Break
   If strLine == "" Then Continue
   If 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[0], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[0] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")
      ElseIf 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[1], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[1] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")
      ElseIf 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[2], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[2] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")
      ElseIf 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[3], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[3] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")
      ElseIf 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[4], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[4] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")
      ElseIf 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[5], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[5] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")
      ElseIf 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[6], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[6] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")
      ElseIf 1 == StrIndex (strLine, arrArrInfo[7], 1, @FWDSCAN)
      arrArrInfo[7] = ItemExtract (3, strLine, ";")

While @TRUE
   strLine = FileRead (hdlFR)
   strLine = StrTrim (strLine)
   If strLine == "*EOF*" Then Goto CANCEL
   If strLine == "<ARRDATA><![CDATA[" Then Break

; Declare Array.
arrArray = ArrDimension (arrArrInfo[2], arrArrInfo[3], arrArrInfo[4], arrArrInfo[5], arrArrInfo[6])
intDimNext = ArrInfo (arrArray, 0) + 1

; Read data.
While @TRUE
   strLine = FileRead (hdlFR)
   strLine = StrTrim (strLine)
   If strLine == "*EOF*" Then Goto CANCEL
   If strLine == "]]></ARRDATA>" Then Break
   If strLine == "" Then Continue
   strArrIndex = ItemExtract (1, strLine, ";")
   intLen1 = StrLen (strArrIndex)
   intArrVarType = Int (ItemExtract (2, strLine, ";"))
   intLen2 = StrLen (intArrVarType)
   strArrData = StrSub (strLine, intLen1 + intLen2 + 3, -1)
   For intD = 5 To intDimNext By -1
      strArrIndex = ItemRemove (intD, strArrIndex, ",")
   Switch intArrVarType
      intPrevCodePage = ChrSetCodepage (65001)
      strUnicode = ChrStringToUnicode (strArrData)
      ChrSetCodepage (intPrevCodePage)
      arrArray [%strArrIndex%] = ChrUnicodeToString (strUnicode)
      arrArray [%strArrIndex%] = 1.0 * strArrData
      ;   Case 64   ; VARTYPE_BINARY
      ;   Case 128  ; VARTYPE_LPWSTR or "Unicode"
      ;   Case 256  ; VARTYPE_ARRAY
      ;   Case 512  ; VARTYPE_VARIANT
      ;   Case 1024 ; VARTYPE_COMOBJECT
      ;   Case 0    ; VARTYPE_UNDEFINED
      ;   Case -1   ; VARTYPE_RESWORD
      ;      Break
   Case intArrVarType
      If intArrVarType & 1 Then arrArray [%strArrIndex%] = 1 * strArrData
intResult = 1

If IsDefined (hdlFR) Then hdlFR = FileClose (hdlFR)
If !intResult Then Return ArrDimension (0)
Return arrArray
; This function ""udfArrayLoadFromFile" creates an array from a specific array definition textfile (xml),
; which has been created previously by function "udfArrayUnloadToFile" resp. by other method.
; Detlev Dalitz.20010731.20020828.20030222.20090528.20100122.20100125.20110123.

#DefineFunction udfArrayFromList (strList, strDelimiter)
If strList == "" Then Return ArrDimension (0) ; Return dim-0 array with no element.
If strDelimiter == "" Then Return ArrayFromStr (strList) ; Return dim-1 array with one character per array element.

arrD = ArrDimension (6)
ArrInitialize (arrD, "")

arrE = ArrDimension (6)
ArrInitialize (arrE, 0)

arrE [0] = Min (5, StrLen (strDelimiter))
arrD [1] = StrSub (strDelimiter, 1, 1)
arrE [1] = ItemCount (strList, arrD [1])
strItem = ItemExtract (1, strList, arrD [1])
For intI = 2 To arrE [0]
   arrD [intI] = StrSub (strDelimiter, intI, 1)
   arrE [IntI] = ItemCount (strItem, arrD [intI])
   strItem = ItemExtract (1, strItem, arrD [intI])

arrArray = ArrDimension (arrE[1], arrE[2], arrE[3], arrE[4], arrE[5])

Switch arrE [0]
Case 1
   For intD1 = 1 To arrE [1]
      arrArray [intD1 - 1] = ItemExtract (intD1, strList, arrD [1])
Case 2
   For intD1 = 1 To arrE [1]
      strItem1 = ItemExtract (intD1, strList, arrD [1])
      For intD2 = 1 To arrE [2]
         arrArray [intD1 - 1, intD2 - 1] = ItemExtract (intD2, strItem1, arrD [2])
Case 3
   For intD1 = 1 To arrE [1]
      strItem1 = ItemExtract (intD1, strList, arrD [1])
      For intD2 = 1 To arrE [2]
         strItem2 = ItemExtract (intD2, strItem1, arrD [2])
         For intD3 = 1 To arrE [3]
            arrArray [intD1 - 1, intD2 - 1, intD3 - 1] = ItemExtract (intD3, strItem2, arrD [3])
Case 4
   For intD1 = 1 To arrE [1]
      strItem1 = ItemExtract (intD1, strList, arrD [1])
      For intD2 = 1 To arrE [2]
         strItem2 = ItemExtract (intD2, strItem1, arrD [2])
         For intD3 = 1 To arrE [3]
            strItem3 = ItemExtract (intD3, strItem2, arrD [3])
            For intD4 = 1 To arrE [4]
               arrArray [intD1 - 1, intD2 - 1, intD3 - 1, intD4 - 1] = ItemExtract (intD4, strItem3, arrD [4])
Case 5
   For intD1 = 1 To arrE [1]
      strItem1 = ItemExtract (intD1, strList, arrD [1])
      For intD2 = 1 To arrE [2]
         strItem2 = ItemExtract (intD2, strItem1, arrD [2])
         For intD3 = 1 To arrE [3]
            strItem3 = ItemExtract (intD3, strItem2, arrD [3])
            For intD4 = 1 To arrE [4]
               strItem4 = ItemExtract (intD4, strItem3, arrD [4])
               For intD5 = 1 To arrE [5]
                  arrArray [intD1 - 1, intD2 - 1, intD3 - 1, intD4 - 1, intD5 - 1] = ItemExtract (intD5, strItem4, arrD [5])

Return arrArray
; This UDF "udfArrayFromList" returns a dim-1 .. dim-5 array, whose array elements are filled
; by iterative separating the given input string into chunks of substrings.
; The input string is a serialized string list representation of a dim-1 .. dim-5 array.
; The elements are delimited by 1 .. 5 delimiter string characters accordingly to their array dimension.
; If the given strList is empty, then the function returns a dim-0 array with no element.
; If the given strDelimiter is empty, then the function returns a dim-1 array with each element filled
; with one character of the given strList, which has been splitted into separate chars.
; Syntax:
; arr:Array = udfArrayFromList (str:String, str:Delimiter)
; Detlev Dalitz.20030225.20090520.20110123.
; Example 1:
;   ; Create dim-2 array.
;   ; One Element        = "o".
;   ; Dim2 = 2 x Element = "o+o" ; Delim "+".
;   ; Dim1 = 3 x Dim1    = "o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "=".
;   ;
;   ;     | 0  1
;   ;   --+------
;   ;   0 | a  b
;   ;   1 | c  d
;   ;   2 | e  f
;   intElementsShouldBe = 3 * 2 ; 6.
;   strList = "o+o=o+o=o+o"
;   strDelimiter = "=+" ; Dimensions 1-2.
;   intElementsAre = StrLen (StrClean (strList, strDelimiter, "", @TRUE, 1)) ; 6.
;   arrA = udfArrayFromList (strList, strDelimiter)
;   arrB = ArrDimension (8)
;   arrB[0] = ArrInfo (arrA, -1) ; Validity of the array. 1=@TRUE valid, 0=@FALSE invalid.
;   arrB[1] = ArrInfo (arrA, 0)  ; Number of dimensions in the array.
;   arrB[2] = ArrInfo (arrA, 1)  ; Number of elements in dimension 1.
;   arrB[3] = ArrInfo (arrA, 2)  ; Number of elements in dimension 2.
;   arrB[4] = ArrInfo (arrA, 3)  ; Number of elements in dimension 3.
;   arrB[5] = ArrInfo (arrA, 4)  ; Number of elements in dimension 4.
;   arrB[6] = ArrInfo (arrA, 5)  ; Number of elements in dimension 5.
;   arrB[7] = ArrInfo (arrA, 6)  ; Number of elements in the entire array.
;   strListInfo = udfArrayToList (arrB, "|") ; 1|2|3|2|0|0|0|6.
; Example 2:
;   ; Create dim-5 array.
;   ; One Element        = "o".
;   ; Dim5 = 2 x Element = "o+o" ; Delim "+".
;   ; Dim4 = 4 x Dim5    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "=".
;   ; Dim3 = 3 x Dim4    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "/".
;   ; Dim2 = 2 x Dim3    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "|".
;   ; Dim1 = 2 x Dim2    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o@o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "@".
;   intElementsShouldBe = 2 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 2 ; 96.
;   strList = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o@o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o"
;   strDelimiter = "@|/=+" ; Dimensions 1-2-3-4-5.
;   intElementsAre = StrLen (StrClean (strList, strDelimiter, "", @TRUE, 1)) ; 96.
;   arrA = udfArrayFromList (strList, strDelimiter)
;   arrB = ArrDimension (8)
;   arrB[0] = ArrInfo (arrA, -1) ; Validity of the array. 1=@TRUE valid, 0=@FALSE invalid.
;   arrB[1] = ArrInfo (arrA, 0)  ; Number of dimensions in the array.
;   arrB[2] = ArrInfo (arrA, 1)  ; Number of elements in dimension 1.
;   arrB[3] = ArrInfo (arrA, 2)  ; Number of elements in dimension 2.
;   arrB[4] = ArrInfo (arrA, 3)  ; Number of elements in dimension 3.
;   arrB[5] = ArrInfo (arrA, 4)  ; Number of elements in dimension 4.
;   arrB[6] = ArrInfo (arrA, 5)  ; Number of elements in dimension 5.
;   arrB[7] = ArrInfo (arrA, 6)  ; Number of elements in the entire array.
;   strListInfo = udfArrayToList (arrB, "|") ; 1|5|2|2|3|4|2|96.
;   Previous code for ArrayFromString functionality (from version 20090520):
;   If strDelimiter == ""
;      strDelim = Num2Char (7) ; Surrogate char.
;      intSizeBB = StrLen (strList) << 1
;      hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intSizeBB)
;      BinaryPokeStrW (hdlBB, 0, strList)
;      BinaryReplace (hdlBB, "", strDelim, @TRUE)
;      arrArray = Arrayize (BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, 0, intSizeBB - 1), strDelim)
;      hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
;      Return arrArray ; Return dim1 array with each element containing one char.
;   EndIf

; Test.

strMsgTitle = "Demo: udfArrayUnloadToFile / udfArrayLoadFromFile / udfArrayFromList"

strDirScript = DirScript ()
strFilenameA = strDirScript : "ARRAY.A.xml"
strFilenameB = strDirScript : "ARRAY.B.xml"

; Create dim-5 array.
; One Element        = "o".
; Dim5 = 2 x Element = "o+o" ; Delim "+".
; Dim4 = 4 x Dim5    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "=".
; Dim3 = 3 x Dim4    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "/".
; Dim2 = 2 x Dim3    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "|".
; Dim1 = 2 x Dim2    = "o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o@o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o" ; Delim "@".
; Elements = 2*2*3*4*2 = 96.

strList = "ä+ö=ü+ß=é+è=Ò+Ó/Ä+Ö=Ü+©=É+È=Ý+ÿ/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o@o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o|o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o/o+o=o+o=o+o=o+o"
strDelimiter = "@|/=+" ; Dimensions 1-2-3-4-5.
arrA = udfArrayFromList (strList, strDelimiter)

; Unload array A to xml file.
intResult = udfArrayUnloadToFile (arrA, strFilenameA)

; Load array B from xml file.
arrB = udfArrayLoadFromFile (strFilenameA)
intResult = udfArrayUnloadToFile (arrB, strFilenameB)

; Display Result.
strFilename = ShortCutDir ("Local Settings", 0, 1) : "Temp\Demo.udfArrayFromList.txt"
hdlWinId = ""
If udfArrayUnloadToFile (arrB, strFilename)
   hdlWinId = WinItemProcId (RunShell (strFilename, "", "", @ZOOMED, @GETPROCID), 0, 0)
   blnResult = FileDelete (strFilename)

intDims = ArrInfo (arrB, 0) ; Number of dimensions in the array.
intElements = ArrInfo (arrB, 6) ; Number of elements in the entire array.
strMsgText = "strList      = " : strList : @LF
strMsgText = strMsgText : "strDelimiter = " : strDelimiter : @LF
strMsgText = strMsgText : "intDims      = " : intDims : @LF
strMsgText = strMsgText : "intElements  = " : intElements : @LF

IntControl (63, 300, 300, 700, 700) ; Sets coordinates for AskFileText, AskItemList and AskTextBox windows.
IntControl (28, 1, 0, 0, 0)         ; Selects system font used in list boxes. p1=1=fixed pitch font.
AskItemlist (strMsgTitle, strMsgText, @LF, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE)

If IsDefined (hdlWinId) Then If hdlWinId != "" Then If WinExist (hdlWinId) Then WinClose (hdlWinId)