; Profiling how to read/write RGB value from/to AskColor inifile.
; This profiling loop includes five slightly different coding algorithms
; how to read/write a RGB value from/to inifile using the AskColor function.
; Note: The test loop requires that the AskColor dialog and the write operations to the inifile are disabled.
; For normal use of a code variant do activate the three disabled lines (delete the comment char).
; Detlev Dalitz.20090417.

;Goto RunDialogsOnce ; Run each dialog once and exit.

; Which tests to check.
strListTests = "1,2,3,4,5"

; How many loops to run.
intLoopMax = 1000

; Loop.
BoxOpen ("Test", "Be patient ...")
intTestMin = 1
intTestMax = ItemCount (strListTests, ",")
For intItem = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intTest = ItemExtract (intItem, strListTests, ",")
   intTicks%intTest% = 0
   For intLoop = 1 To intLoopMax
      strMsgText = "Test: " : intTestMax : "/" : intTest : @LF : "Loop: " : intLoopMax : "/" : intLoop : @LF : "Ticks%intTest%: " : intTicks%intTest%
      BoxText (strMsgText)
      Exclusive (@ON)
      intTicksStart = GetTickCount ()
      GoSub Test%intTest%
      intTicksStop = GetTickCount ()
      Exclusive (@OFF)
      intTicks%intTest% = intTicks%intTest% + intTicksStop - intTicksStart
   BoxText (strMsgText)
BoxShut ()

; Result.
Decimals (0)
intTicksSum = 1 ; To prevent dividing by zero.
For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intTicksSum = intTicksSum + intTicks%intTest%
For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intPct%intTest% = 100.0 * intTicks%intTest% / intTicksSum

; Format output;
strTest = "Test"
strTicks = "Ticks"
strPct = "Pct"
strSep = "  "
strPre = "; "
intLenTest = Max (StrLen (strTest), StrLen (intTestMax))
intLenTicks = StrLen (strTicks)
intLenPct = StrLen (strPct)
For intItem = intTestMin To intTestMax
   intTest = ItemExtract (intItem, strListTests, ",")
   intLenTicks = Max (intLenTicks, StrLen (intTicks%intTest%))
   intLenPct = Max (intLenPct, StrLen (intPct%intTest%))
strTest = StrFixLeft (strTest, " ", intLenTest)
strTicks = StrFixLeft (strTicks, " ", intLenTicks)
strPct = StrFixLeft (strPct, " ", intLenPct)
strResult = ""
strResult = ItemInsert (StrCat (strPre, "Iterations: ", intLoopMax), -1, strResult, @LF)
strResult = ItemInsert (StrCat (strPre, strTest, strSep, strTicks, strSep, strPct), -1, strResult, @LF)
For intTest = intTestMin To intTestMax
   strTest = StrFixLeft (intTest, " ", intLenTest)
   strTicks = StrFixLeft (intTicks%intTest%, " ", intLenTicks)
   strPct = StrFixLeft (intPct%intTest%, " ", intLenPct)
   strResult = ItemInsert (StrCat (strPre, strTest, strSep, strTicks, strSep, strPct), -1, strResult, @LF)
strResult = StrCat (strResult, @LF)
Message ("Test Result", strResult)
ClipPut (strResult)

; GoSub's.
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (3)
BinaryPoke (hdlBB, 0, ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ","))
BinaryPoke (hdlBB, 1, ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ","))
BinaryPoke (hdlBB, 2, ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ","))
strHex = "#" : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 3)
;strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
;strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
;IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Drop (strHex, hdlBB, strRGB)
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intDec = ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",") | ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",") << 8 | ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",") << 16
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (4)
BinaryPoke4 (hdlBB, 0, intDec)
strHex = "#" : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 3)
;strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
;strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
;IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Drop (strHex, hdlBB, intDec, strRGB)
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intR = ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",")
intG = ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",")
intB = ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",")
strHex = "#" : Num2Char ((intR >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intR >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intR & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intR & 15) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intG >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intG >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intG & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intG & 15) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intB >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intB >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intB & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intB & 15) > 9))
;strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
;strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
;IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
Drop (strHex, intB, intG, intR, strRGB)
AddExtender ("wilx44i.dll")
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intDec = ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",") | ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",") << 8 | ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",") << 16
strHex = "#" : StrFixLeft (xBaseConvert (intDec, 10, 16), "0", 6)
;strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
;strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
;IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
Drop (strHex, intDec, strRGB)
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intDec = ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",") | ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",") << 8 | ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",") << 16
strHex = ""
intZ = 1
For intI = 7 To 0 By -1
   intN = (intDec >> (intI * 4)) & 15
   If !intN Then If intZ Then Continue
   intZ = 0
   strHex = StrCat (strHex, StrSub ("0123456789ABCDEF", intN + 1, 1))
strHex = "#" : StrFixLeft (strHex, "0", 6)
;strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
;strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
;IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
Drop (intN, intI, intZ, strHex, intDec, strRGB)
; The test results are different.
; Iterations: 1000
; Test  Ticks  Pct
;    1    936   11 ; This may be the winner.
;    2   1066   13
;    3   1207   14
;    4   1304   15
;    5   4012   47
; Iterations: 1000
; Test  Ticks  Pct
;    1    970   33
;    2    983   33
;    3   1028   34

; How to read/write a RGB value from/to inifile using the AskColor function.

; Method-1
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (3)
BinaryPoke (hdlBB, 0, ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ","))
BinaryPoke (hdlBB, 1, ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ","))
BinaryPoke (hdlBB, 2, ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ","))
strHex = "#" : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 3)
strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Drop (strHex, hdlBB, strRGB)

; Method-2
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intDec = ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",") | ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",") << 8 | ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",") << 16
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (4)
BinaryPoke4 (hdlBB, 0, intDec)
strHex = "#" : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 3)
strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Drop (strHex, hdlBB, intDec, strRGB)

; Method-3
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intR = ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",")
intG = ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",")
intB = ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",")
strHex = "#" : Num2Char ((intR >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intR >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intR & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intR & 15) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intG >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intG >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intG & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intG & 15) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intB >> 4) + 48 + 7 * ((intB >> 4) > 9)) : Num2Char ((intB & 15) + 48 + 7 * ((intB & 15) > 9))
strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
Drop (strHex, intB, intG, intR, strRGB)

; Method-4
AddExtender ("wilx44i.dll")
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intDec = ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",") | ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",") << 8 | ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",") << 16
strHex = "#" : StrFixLeft (xBaseConvert (intDec, 10, 16), "0", 6)
strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
Drop (strHex, intDec, strRGB)

; Method-5
strRGB = IniReadPvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", "", "www-prod.ini")
intDec = ItemExtract (3, strRGB, ",") | ItemExtract (2, strRGB, ",") << 8 | ItemExtract (1, strRGB, ",") << 16
strHex = ""
intZ = 1
For intI = 7 To 0 By -1
   intN = (intDec >> (intI * 4)) & 15
   If !intN Then If intZ Then Continue
   intZ = 0
   strHex = StrCat (strHex, StrSub ("0123456789ABCDEF", intN + 1, 1))
strHex = "#" : StrFixLeft (strHex, "0", 6)
strRGB = AskColor (strHex, "", 1)
strRGB = StrReplace (strRGB, "|", ",")
IniWritePvt ("StudioHints", "ColorVarLabel", strRGB, "www-prod.ini")
Drop (intN, intI, intZ, strHex, intDec, strRGB)